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Everything posted by lembergwatcher

  1. Yeah... 😞 Xander *saves Willow & others for the umpteenth time* Fandom: "Big deal, any fool can do that!" Oz *gives Willow some mediocre Pez witch* Fandom: "Oz is a GOD! She should've had sex with him/married him right then and there!" Willow chosing "cool" Oz over "uncool" Xander post-"Fluke" was actually one of the most conformist and dumb things ever. For a show that told us it was ok to be uncool & unpopular throughout the first two seasons it was a drastic change for the worse. It was mostly about the hype. Oz looked and talked "cool" (in the most superficial way) and thus Willow should've been happy and grateful he laid his eyes on her. While their post-Fluke relationship continued mostly because Willow thought that she "owed" Oz something for whatever twisted reason.
  2. Xander, one of the most promising characters, goes from being a badass who stood up to ruthless master vampire (Killed by Death) to being a joke easily intimidated by almost everyone (Jack O'Toole, Cordelia, Oz, Faith). And yes, he has never contributed anything to the fight, he was totally "useless". And the worst thing is that he agrees with that. Really-really sad.
  3. Happy birthday, Quentin Travers & Principal Snyder.
  4. For someone who supposed to be an experienced demon hunter dealing with cunning, malicious and manipulative forces of darkness Buffy is dangerously gullible. Why take anything Brother Idiot Jeb has to say at face value? This is as stupid and reckless as believing Spike is 'harmless' just because he says so. The guy (Jeb) happens to be a part of some mysterious organization Buffy knows nothing about with an agenda Buffy knows nothing about. Yet she almost unequivocally accepts his words regarding Dawn being just an ordinary innocent little sister. Even if Dawn is all 'innocent' now doesn't mean she cannot become a problem in the future. What if she's some kind of 'Troian horse' set to serve her purpose at some exact time? What if she isn't as 'innocent' as she seems? The mere fact that Jeb uncovered the truth about younger Summers despite him and his brothers altering everyone memories to make Dawn's existence plausible should be suspicious enough. Anyway Buffy is free to believe whatever she wants and whomever she wants, but her poor judgement can put her friends and other people at danger sometimes.
  5. Buffyverse has its own laws and logic the we are not supposed to understand. And like I said many times before that's the thing about the series as a whole. Every new season rebuts the previous season one way or another. Wondering why Buffy was ready to give her life for Dawn only to is like wondering why Willow's wiccanism went from being synonimous with homosexualitty Why? I guess only Joss knows why.
  6. Buffy's deaths are different because they've happened in different seasons. And the later seasons turned out to be the deconstruction of the early ones in many ways. Besides, it's Dawnverse now so anything is possible and any explanation makes sense.
  7. But the canon says Oz was Willow's first love... I guess the trinity of 'sex, drugs & rock and roll' was a common thing on Buffy's set. And especially in the writing room...
  8. On the first photo the two seem a little bit tipsy...
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