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Posts posted by blackwing

  1. 32 minutes ago, AnimeMania said:

    Aunt Vi made sandwiches, they didn't appeal to me because they appeared to be mostly bread and were too large to fit into your mouth.

    Ah right.  But unless she described them as something like a fried catfish or fried crawfish po boy... doesn't count! 😋

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  2. I don't particularly care for Michelle as a recurring baddie.  If they were going to have a corrupt ex-CIA agent be the recurring baddie, I wish they hadn't killed off Brett Dalton's character.

    Despite the implausibilities of some of the plot, I'm glad the show's back.  I liked seeing Dante working with the team.  I get why he went back to the police department, but it would have been better if he was just with the team full time.

    How old is Delilah now?  And when are these episodes supposed to be taking place?  It's obviously not winter in NYC.  They didn't talk about her missing school so it was either summer or the weekend.  Is she a junior or senior now?

    When Mel talked about Aunt Vi's cooking in Robyn's hospital room, and then we didn't get to see any of her cooking, I felt cheated.  I'm still hoping that CBS could put up a bunch of Aunt Vi's recipes on the show's website, especially the ones for her gumbo and her cassoulet.

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  3. It's very obvious that Julian Fellowes doesn't have much to do with this show besides slapping his name on it as producer (translation, paid for some of it and will get his share of profits in return).  The writing is truly awful.  The woman who is writing this show can't even do a pale imitation of a Fellowes show.  I dare say that I could write better scripts.

    The only thing remotely Fellowes-ish about this episode was the wordless scenes  and music when the staff and guests were getting ready for the ball.  It was very Downton Abbey-like.

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  4. Matt was the right choice to go home.  The raspberries were a really really poor choice.  Raspberries with harissa?  Ugh.  I think the raspberries were meant to go with someone who picked a meat.

    On 2/16/2024 at 12:22 PM, Tango64 said:

    Way too much time on the contrived selecting of team members and the competition between the judges.

    Yes, it wasn't interesting.  Complete with the "stealing" of Jordan by Gordon.  OMG THE DRAMAZ!!!  Ugh.


    On 2/15/2024 at 11:45 PM, mlp said:

    I saw a Reddit thread where a lot of people who absolutely hate him were talking about him doing this show.  Apparently his wife is an "influencer" or something and is well known in some circles.  I'd never heard of either of them and don't really care but I am curious what that was all about.

    I don't care for Jordan either.  It does seem like he's gotten a lot of attention so far.  Just like last season, I pegged Tucker as one of the annointed ones from the start.

    The past two seasons it's been pretty obvious that it's contrived so that each mentor has one team member in the finals.  If the pattern holds true and they go with rigging, that means the winner is going to come from Richard's team. Will be interesting to see what happens.

    Last season (I think) we had Trisha the weepy/semi-incompetent Asian female.  This season we have Wendy.  Every single time they are lined up and getting comments or about to hear decisions, she looks like she is going to cry.  Seems like she was last pick for a reason.

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  5. On 2/17/2024 at 2:36 PM, chitowngirl said:

    Episode 5:  As Clara's fascination with Stephen's world develops, she makes a bold decision that alarms Davison; James' private life finds him under threat; Frederick grows determined to become part of the Marquise's new venture.

    This episode was truly boring.  The plot didn't get advanced much at all.  Frederick is still an ass, he and Clara are still in the same place, James is being blackmailed, the sister is still interfering and annoying, the doctor is still creepy. 

    Looks like Clara is headed towards an affair with the doctor, especially after the painter's painting creates a scandal.  He claimed he would change the face so people wouldn't know it was her, he certainly did not.  Frederick is going to be irate, saying that she is going to cost him business, and practically gift wrap her with a bow for Creepy Doctor.

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  6. 13 hours ago, wanderingstar said:

    17x02 - Do the Right Thing, Part 2 - Hilda Fanshaw was evil, and threatening a child is beyond the pale. Still, I feel some type of way about Julia and Murdoch kidnapping her and bringing her to jail. I know they're Our Heroes, but I lost track of all the laws they broke when Fanshaw WASN'T threatening them.

    Brackenreid and Margaret's plot was a bit hard to follow, but I enjoyed them working together. Margaret winding up to punch that woman was hilarious.

    Great to see everyone back at Station House Four. I continue to adore and root for George and Effie.

    I thought the laws they broke were done in connection with getting her exonerated... the suggestion that the maid did it, saying what evidence they discovered, etc.

    I get why they brought her back to Toronto... her kidnapping of them and her kidnapping of Susannah happened in Toronto so they wanted her charged with kidnapping in Toronto.  She could also have been charged with murder of the maid in Rochester, but that would have required more evidence.  I'm not too concerned about Murdoch and Ogden kidnapping her and bringing her to Toronto, I hope they don't face any charges for their role in any of this.

    I don't understand why they didn't take more precautions once they brought her to Toronto.  Obviously her gang were going to come for her, and it seemed like the station house was caught completely unaware.  Henry and George could have been killed.

    I hope we are done with the Hilda Fanshaw character, I don't want to see her become a recurring villain like the others.  Too imperious, too irritating.

    I liked Margaret getting more to do in this episode.  So the wife of the dead guy was having an affair with the captain, they killed the dead guy and tried to pin it on the guy who left in the lifeboat.

    I hope George isn't going to be gone for long.

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  7. 2 hours ago, RobertDeSneero said:


    They talked about Julie wanting a dog....

    They did?  I must have completely tuned out as soon as he started complaining about something.

  8. On 2/8/2024 at 8:44 PM, shapeshifter said:

    Also, in the old days of L&O, the NYPD would've realized that after the witness was busted for porn, there was a chance he really did record the murder and just didn't want to admit it earlier because it would lead to his having recorded the 14-year-old in The. Same. House!
    So they'd go through his videos. There'd be complaining about the depravity of some, of course. Maybe they'd find something that had been deleted. Maybe they'd find nothing. But there wasn't even a throwaway line about how it turned out everything had been permanently overwritten or deleted.

    I was surprised that they just took him at his word that he didn't record the video.  Surely the cops would have subpoenaed his computer and the tech experts would have gone through everything.  If he's been guilty of child porn in the past, it stands to reason that he would have recorded everything on his computer automatically. 

    It just defies belief that his addiction is child porn and he didn't record it.  "Oh here's a hot lady and a famous actor in flagrante, let me hit the record button so I can sell the video."  "Oh here's what I really wanted to see, the naked 14 year old teen, I've been waiting days for this, but I'm not going to record it because there's zero chance I'm going to want to watch it again later in the privacy of my own toilet."

    On 2/8/2024 at 8:21 PM, Madding crowd said:

    I don’t like Maroun. She always acts like she is better than Price and he never lives up to her expectations. I think they could find another way to go after the video guy but it wouldn’t be right to set a murderer free and let people think the victim was a drug addict stealing from her clients.

    St. Maroun, she's always sanctimonious and critical of Price's choices and often automatically disagrees with him.  I don't like the character or the actress, but given that she is a woman of Middle Eastern descent, I don't think either are going to go away any time soon.

    On 2/11/2024 at 11:39 AM, Sake614 said:

    Price’s closing was okay but I miss Jack’s closing arguments. They were always a thing of beauty!

    I really hope that Tony Goldwyn gets involved more.  Legal side definitely needs to be beefed up.

    Maybe that's one of the reasons for Sam's departure.  The writers realised that the legal side of the show is weak (they can thank Samantha) and needs more meat.  But Sam is too old to do it so they need some new blood.

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  9. On 2/13/2024 at 1:23 PM, StarBrand said:

    I don't mind having LL Cool J around, but please give him something to do other than be Tennant's Jimminy Crickett.

    Agreed.  I like him and I hope he sticks around, but I want him to be in the field along with Jane, Jesse, Kai and Lucy.  This team needs more than 4 field agents.

    Can somebody please recap what happened to Sam's wife?  I assume she is dead.  I know the L.A. show was cancelled/ended, but in the context of the show's universe, I would assume the NCIS office there is still open.  Did Sam leave the office, is he on some kind of extended leave of absence, etc?

    21 hours ago, Grizzly said:

    Tennant's son is too injured to play baseball but qualifies for the Navy? 

    I'm glad the actor was demoted from main cast to guest star.  I hope this means we will see much less of him.  He's not a very good actor and it was irritating how the writers would have to constantly find a way to shoehorn him in to episodes.

    He at least could have asked about Julie.  The writers have started to pretend she doesn't even exist.  Not sure how old Julie is supposed to be at this point.  14?  15?  She can probably take care of herself now so I'd just as soon they continue to ignore her completely, it's less jarring.


    I don't recall the Crichton guy at all.  Was he always a Marshall?  Have we seen the head marshall lady before?  I kept trying to remember if I had forgotten a plot point.

  10. https://variety.com/2024/film/news/fantastic-four-cast-marvel-studios-1235875766/

    New Fantastic Four cast has been revealed:

    Pedro Pascal as Mr. Fantastic, Vanessa Kirby as Invisible Woman, Joseph Quinn as Human Torch, Ebon Moss Bachrach as Thing

    I like Vanessa Kirby but I'm disappointed at the selection of Pedro Pascal.  Seems like the guy is everywhere, he already is the Mandalorian and he's in The Last of Us.

    I would have liked to have seen John Krasinski again.  Or Jamie Dornan.  Their names were discussed in connection with the role and the criticism was that they are "too old" because it was thought they were going with a younger cast.  Both of them are younger than Pedro Pascal.


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  11. This show had better get a renewal for Season 5 because they left things unresolved.  I kept expecting William to come back midway through the episode, saying things didn't work out in New York, and then he and Eliza would run Nash's agency together.  Not sure what is going on with Stuart Martin.  The seasons are only SIX EPISODES LONG.  Does he actually have other work that is preventing him from filming three additional episodes, or was this just storyline driven?

    I like both William and Nash.  I hope Nash stays on the show.  The actor and character are likeable and he works well with Eliza.  Not sure why they had to send Nash to prison (at least for now) just to give Eliza the impetus to go back on her own.  What happens to all of the new staff that they had hired?  What happens to Clarence? 

    Why couldn't Nash have made Eliza a partner and she continues to run the agency as Nash & Scarlet (or Scarlet & Nash)?  Yes there would be bad publicity because of his kidnapping charge, but this guy killed his brother, killed a witness, and would have killed Eliza and the other woman given the chance.

    I get why Oliver didn't want the Inspector job but why would they have to give it to Phelps?  

    I did miss Moses.  And his sister (?) Clementine.  They were great.  I wonder why they were dropped this season.

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  12. I needed a better recap... the previously scenes happened too quickly I admit that I have kind of forgotten much of the storylines from the season 16 finale.  I recalled that Brackenreid had resigned, Murdoch had resigned, George became Detective.  William and Julia were chasing someone and got locked into a crate.  But that's it.

    What happened to the Matilda Crisp person that was mentioned in the previouslies?  Are they still looking for her?  Is that going to be resolved next time?

    The old lady that killed her husband that blackmailed William and Julia into exonerating her by threatening their child... awful.  She said to them at the end that she got them once and she can get them again... how?  If it's so easy to drug/kidnap a detective and his wife then why aren't more policemen being drugged and forced to aid criminals?  

    William and Julia definitely need to have protection for Susannah.

    I liked seeing George and Watts work together in this episode.

    The Brackenreid plot, I'm not really sure what's going on.  I think he had sailed for England, is he coming back in this episode?  Looked like he's on a riverboat and not and ocean liner.  I don't much care for this plotline but it was nice seeing Margaret with something to do besides being a nag, and how happy she was that Thomas was relying on her.

  13. 3 hours ago, Sapphire said:

    I can't be alone in not being able to stand the whole concept of social media chefs...

    I generally don't like them either.  The ones I don't really care for are the ones who think of themselves as "influencers" (I truly hate that whole concept, the people that want to be the next Kardashian and such).  "Look at my food, maybe someone will give me some money." 

    But for some it seems to actually be their career.  One of the few that I really like is Max Miller.  He started out on a YouTube channel with explaining foods from history and then recreating them.  It was very popular and spawned a cookbook and apparently now he has an actual website.  I'm sure he gets paid for this, good for him.  http://www.tastinghistory.com

    On the other hand, my daughter loves these social media chefs.  I guess she's in that demographic, she loves finding these people on YouTube or whatnot and watching all their videos.  She told me she actually recognised one of them.


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  14. 16 hours ago, Johannah said:

    I know many of you think William doesn't think Eliza should be a PI because she's a woman, but I don't really see it that way.  I just thought he, like all cops in these shows, don't think PI's should be interfering in police business.  He actually seems to think she very smart and a good PI.  If anything, he's worried she'll get hurt somehow, because he loves her.

    I think it's more than just him thinking that PIs shouldn't interfere.  Henry Scarlet was a PI who presumably worked with William many times, and I don't think William would have felt the same way towards Henry as a PI as he does towards Eliza as a PI.  He also doesn't seem to have any issues with Nash being a PI.  I think it's a combination of her being a woman, her being a PI, her being in danger, and his feelings towards her. 

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  15. So of the 8 home cooks, there were 4 women and 4 men.  All 4 women made it through and only 1 man.  I liked Daniel, the guy that pretty much only talked about his beautiful wife.  Not sorry to see Alligator Joe go, he would have compared the basement to like being a garbage man all the time.  The third guy, apparently so forgettable I can’t even remember him.  

    For whatever reason, women seem to fare better on this show than men.  Season 1, 15 contestants, 8 women, 7 men.  6 of the final 8 contestants were women.  Season 2, 18 contestants, half and half.  Again, 6 of the final 8 were women.

    The first two seasons were won by someone on Nyesha’s team and someone on Gordon’s team.  Is someone on Richard’s team destined to win this year?

  16. 1 hour ago, storyskip said:

    The actress who plays Maroun for me has always been the weak link on the DA side. Even when she's been given center spotlight, she keeps delivering a very one note performance. She's just not good and I wish they could have used whatever vehicle they have spooled up to see Jack ride off into the sunset, to take Maroun with him.

    I agree, she's pretty mediocre in everything she does.  Even when her character has more to do, the actress comes across as very wooden.

    Although I am liking the new detective, I just don't understand why it seems like they feel like they have to stick to the formula.  Detectives are one white male, one minority male.  Lawyers are one white male and one female.

    I would have replaced Cosgrove with an Asian female detective.  Since the Jill Hennessy days in Season 4, the second attorney is always a woman.  Why?  Why can't a woman be one of the two detectives?  I know there was that short lived one that was not good, but still.  Mix it up.  I would have brought in a female detective at the start of this season and also fired the Maroun actress.

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  17. I truly can't stand all the angst about the dad not liking him.  For all that the dad hated him, Frederick still inherited the title.  From this episode 4 we learned that Oliver died before Susan.  If Oliver hated Frederick that much, couldn't he have sent a deathbed letter to the newspapers informing them that Frederick is not his son and therefore ineligible to inherit the title?    Why hasn't this been an issue?  We should at least get a flashback scene of Oliver and Susan arguing over this.

    If I were writing this show, Oliver would have kept some kind of secret papers or diary.  The papers get revealed by Stupid Butler.  Now there is a crisis.  James is revealed as the real Lord Trenchard.  But he's gay and he knows he will never have an heir.  So he will disclaim the title and give it back to Frederick.  Ice is thawing.  During the course of the thawing, James confesses to Frederick that he is gay, and that he is being blackmailed by Bathhouse Guy.  Frederick pays the guy off and forces the guy to leave the country and never speak of this again.  Fences are mended.  Show ends with everyone happy.  Frederick and Clara work things out and she becomes pregnant with the future Lord Trenchard.  James ends up with Fletcher and they keep things secret.  Useless Sister is going to end up with Painter.

    We shall see what happens, but I don't have much faith in the terrible writer of this show.

  18. I enjoyed this episode.  I like Nash.  I like that he respects Eliza's abilities as a detective.  Even after she alienated the entire staff and lost a lot of work, he still relied on her for the cases they were working last week and this week.  

    I forget why Eliza joined him in the first place?  Was it so she wouldn't have the burden/stress of running her own agency, and having the established income from Nash?  But she is definitely pulling her weight.  Perhaps by end of next week's season finale, the agency will be called "Nash and Scarlet".

    Funny that Nash has an established "Inspector Bates of Scotland Yard" persona, although even though the closed captioning said he had "different accent", I didn't think it was all that different, just a little lower pitched and drawn out.  

    Last week William was saying he might not want to go back to the police force.  It seems that when William returns, he may join with Eliza at Nash's agency.

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  19. It's sad that he's leaving, but he hasn't seemed healthy in his brief appearances in each episode.  But it's weird that it's being done midseason... perhaps after filming a few episodes, Waterston realised he just can't do it anymore?

    Not sure how I feel about Tony Goldwyn, maybe he can be good.  They definitely need to improve the legal side.  I hope his character gets involved a lot more than Jack did.  It's really too bad that Alana de la Garza is on FBI, because she'd be great as the DA.

    23 hours ago, shapeshifter said:

    In keeping with the reboot manner of exposition, it would be a short throwaway line that we could miss if we sneezed.

    Hah.  Probably.  He's going to disappear during the commercial break.  When the show comes back from commercial, Price to Maroun: "oh yeah, Jack said goodbye, he's sorry he missed you."  Or maybe he will go to the bathroom and never come back.

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  20. On 1/29/2024 at 11:59 AM, mertensia said:

    I'm already irritated by Jordan. So he'll go far.

    I agree.  I find him annoying, especially his hair, he seems like the kind of guy that would make the cut for The Bachelorette solely because he has that carefully coiffed sky high hair that many of the guys on that show do.

    The best one in this group seems to be Gabi.  I also like Izayah.

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  21. 24 minutes ago, Xeliou66 said:

    I enjoy the revival but it’s not on the same level as the original 20 years. There was some good interaction between cops and DA’s last season and hopefully there will be more this season, I like that as well. I like the detective part of the show much better than the legal part, both because the characters are better and the writing is better. I’m worried the legal part will go down the drain completely without Jack. 
    The original 20 years are impossible to match, and the show never should’ve been taken off the air in 2010. But I like the revival decent enough, but there’s definitely room for improvement, particularly on the legal side. It’s SVU that I watch out of habit or hate watch instead of watching because I enjoy it now.

    I feel the same way.  It's not great, but it's still Law & Order.  I know a lot of people don't seem to like Hugh Dancy here.  I think he's fine.  I think he's serviceable. 

    I think the weak link is the actress who plays Maroun.  I find the Maroun character to be annoying but I also think the actress isn't a very good actress.  Perhaps the writing isn't very good.  But they had the perfect opportunity to give this character some more depth if they had shown her being conflicted in the episode with the Palestine group killing the Jewish professor.  They could have shown her confronting her own personal feelings given her background and trying to balance her feelings against the legalities and facts of the case.  But instead it was just "I don't want to talk about it".  Lazy writing.  Maybe they thought this actress couldn't handle it.

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  22. On 1/23/2024 at 3:58 PM, norcalgal said:

    ITA to all the above, and glad you at least found a couple of characters to care about. Me, nope - don't care for anybody, and that includes the Duchess of Rochester who I loved, loved, loved in the 3rd season of Sanditon.

    I feel like this show is going off the rails.  I was very much interested and invested in the characters after Episode 2, but the past two episodes have been pretty awful.  My indifference to many of the characters has turned into dislike and in some cases, great hatred.

    Frederick is a huge ass, pushing his wife away like that when she was only trying to help.

    I truly despise Dr. Ellerby, he is clearly infatuated with Clara.  I hate the way he talks, he sounds so pretentious.  The way he sprawled himself out when she was looking at the painting and the way he makes eyes at her.

    I can't stand the stupid butler and his "I didn't know".  Whatever.

    I can't stand the sister, she is obviously interested in Reverend James and she's barely hiding it.  Too bad for her that he's gay!  

    Still not liking the mom.  The Marquise and the Rochesters are completely extraneous and useless.

    The only characters I like are Clara, her maid Davidson and James.  I feel sorry for Clara, she married a guy with lots of baggage, she is trying to help him, and he is just pushing her away.  I love the maid.  I love how utterly loyal she is to Clara even though the relationship is still new.

    I like James.  He is clearly struggling with being gay.  I'm assuming this is something that he would definitely have wanted to have kept secret.  So why then does he frequent a public bathhouse when he is a public figure in the community?  It seemed like that guy easily tracked him down and gave him a knowing "now you're screwed because I know who you are" look.

    Fletcher is apparently gay too, is that the big secret that Davidson was referring to?  I was still hoping that he was connected to the Pope/Belissis family.

    I'm not sure how many episodes there are in this show, but so far, it pales in comparison to the first Belgravia.  The characters there were much better crafted and the storylines were more interesting.  I don't think Fellowes wrote any of this current series, did he?

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  23. I liked that Dixon actually got more to do than her usual two lines in the station while walking in a hallway.  She had a conversation with Price in a bar and she was also on the stand.

    A judge who actually sided with the prosecution on one item... surprising!

    This show still has an issue with last minute evidence and not enough time to present a proper exposition.  These three women have been dead for a few years.  Have no photos of them ever been seen before?  As soon as Shaw and Riley found the jewelry in the guy's apartment, shouldn't they have immediately looked for photos or evidence?

    Why were the photos admissible as eleventh hour evidence?  Where is the scene of the defence attorney objecting to the photos?  What about authenticity?  Why not have the father testify, show him the actual necklace and say it was his daughter's?  Then corroborate with photos provided by him to the police?

    Just seems like really lazy writing.  I know that L&O has been around forever and that every episode follows the same format (crime, identify suspect, investigate, of course it's not him, oh here's some new info, oh now we have a new suspect, better find out whether it's him, because the 30 minute mark is approaching, yep, 30 minutes, arrest!) and that they aren't going to change.  However, if there isn't enough time to squeeze everything in, then I think each case should cover two episodes.  First episode is the police investigation.  Second is the courtroom.  Then it doesn't feel like everything is rushing to a conclusion with conveniently discovered evidence and cutting out scenes we have to make up in our heads.

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  24. On 1/27/2024 at 10:04 AM, KerleyQ said:

    Speaking of Wyatt, it sounds like he's not fully 100 percent gone. I saw an interview yesterday where he made it sound like it's basically an open ended recurring situation now, because they just haven't had any plans for him. So, he may get called in periodically, like he was for his scenes this past week, and he's happy to do it if he is free when they need him. Hopefully, that means we'll see him here and there, especially if Luna is Bill's. Wyatt should be there for that reveal. And then, maybe someone in writing gets their head out of their ass and realizes that Hope/Wyatt is the way to go at some point in the future. (I admittedly have a fever right now, so I may be a bit delusional in that optimism). 

    I think that's pretty typical for Bradley though... he doesn't seem to say "you're gone for good" to anyone ever.  Wyatt is probably open ended recurring in the sense that Oliver Jones (remember him?  Didn't he accidentally sleep with Brooke standing up against a wall during a masquerade ball?) and Maya Avant and others are told that they can always come back.  But most never do.  I was surprised to see Maya's parents pop up again some time ago after it seemed like the whole family was erased from existence.

    The only character on this show that seems to have true recurring "you'll show up when the storyline dictates" status of any frequency is Bridget.  Judging from Ashley Jones' instagram post where she thanked the viewers for constantly writing to Bradley asking to see more of Bridget, it sounds like she would want to be full time on contract, but that Bradley has other ideas.

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