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Posts posted by blackwing

  1. I agree that this episode required some handwaving to be believable.  But I thought this was the most exciting episode yet.  It was suspenseful and exciting.  I really liked how Blue stepped up with her technical knowledge and really contributed to the team survival.

    • Like 3
  2. 19 hours ago, norcalgal said:

    Charles Pope would now be an earl. Why would his son be a mere servant? And if Fletcher was Charles' son, why wouldn't Frederick recognize him on sight? Oliver and Charles and uncle and nephew, so Frederick and mystery valet would be related, and presumably have seen each other at family functions.

    I think the problem is that, as is par for the course for Fellowes, we have been dropped right into the middle of the story and are left trying to figure things out, make assumptions, or wait for them to unfold.  Maybe Fletcher is Charles' secret bastard?  Charles died soon after the events in the first series, so Frederick and the rest never got to know him and didn't know that he had a child?  Maybe Charles didn't even know about the child?

    It would have been nice for some line to be included about where Charles is.  Or whether the Belassis family did indeed ask for the Trenchards to get a title.

    So much of Frederick's angst could have been spared if Susan had told him that Oliver wasn't his biological father.  But he was still Susan's son, why wouldn't Susan have demanded that Oliver stop being such a dick towards him?  Frederick is the elder son and inherited Oliver's title, even though he wasn't Oliver's son.  I guess the shame of admitting Frederick wasn't his child prevented Oliver from telling the world that he wasn't a Trenchard and that Reverend James was the rightful heir?

  3. 6 hours ago, MicheleinPhilly said:

    I wouldn't be at all surprised if they get someone other than Ryan to perform it similar to what they did years ago with a song from Chicago. I just can't see Ryan performing in front of that crowd. 

    But speaking of Best Song, WTF is Flamin' Hot??? And why is there ALWAYS a WTF? nomination in this category?

    For “Chicago”, the song was a duet between Squinty McSquint Renee Zellweger and Catherine Zeta Jones.  Squinty was too chicken to perform, but an extremely pregnant The Zeta did.  Squinty’s part was performed by her very capable co-star Queen Latifah.

    I can see Ryan Gosling performing.  He has the personality to want to do it.  Bradley Cooper sang and he was also nominated the same night.  

    Re the song from Flamin Hot.  It’s Diane Warren.  She’s getting an honorary this year so I don’t understand why they couldn’t have passed her up this year.  

    • Like 1
  4. I read The Passengers by John Marrs.  England has passed a law requiring that all cars be fully autonomous within the next ten years.  However, accidents are frequent.  Libby is a young woman who witnessed a driverless car kill a woman, her mother, and her daughter.  She also gets picked to serve on a jury whose only purpose is to review traffic accident cases involving autonomous cars and determine which party is at fault.

    When she is in the jury room, it is discovered that someone has hacked into the autonomous car system.  The screen fills with images of eight passengers, all trapped in their cars.  The hacker's voice comes online and states that all eight people are travelling to a remote location where the eight cars will collide and all of the passengers will die.  The hacker tells the jury that they have the power to save one person.  Who will they choose, and why?  And why is all of this happening?


    I thought this was a great book.  It was interesting and suspenseful and made me really think about who I would choose, as well as speculate about the motives of the hacker and try to understand why he was doing all of it.  

    • Like 1
  5. It was nice that Frederick brought Clara to his family home and was finally able to do the deed, from her reaction, this was the first time, after months of marriage.

    On 1/18/2024 at 8:58 PM, Brn2bwild said:

    I wonder if we'll see the Earl of Brockenhurst (once Charles Pope) and his family in this series.

    It's sad that after the generally positive note Oliver's storyline ended on in the original series, they turned him into an abuser in this one.  There was no reason to make him outright abusive when his own parents were kind people.  He could have just struggled to show feelings of love toward Frederick.

    And the storyline with the mysterious male servant and the woman who knows his past: does anyone else think he was actually born aristocratic and became a servant to hide from his abusers?

    Agree about Oliver.  He wasn't that sympathetic in the first series, but at the end, they showed him to be somewhat accepting of the situation.  Oliver and Susan are presumably dead.  I agree that we need some kind of explanation in a letter or something as to how Oliver was able to father James, since we were told that he was sterile.

    Not caring for the constant flashbacks to jerk Oliver hitting Frederick with the sword.  I get it.  He had a bad childhood.

    There's no Charles Pope or any ostensible Pope/Bellasis listed in the credits.  However, it is entirely possible that Fletcher, Frederick's mysterious valet, could be the son of Charles.  He'd be about the right age and the new lady's maid said to him that she knows who he is.  It would be very Julian Fellowes to have this be the case.

    21 hours ago, norcalgal said:

    Clara's sister is sooooo thirsty for Rev. James (lololol). Does she feel that's her last chance to marry or something?  Now that Clara is Lady Trenchard (and I still need an explanation how the Trenchards are now nobility) surely the sister should be exposed to eligible bachelors! 

    All the various storylines this series are a big downgrade on 1.0.  I just don't care too much what happens to the majority of the characters. (It also doesn't help that the actors in this series aren't on the same level as a few of the actors from the first series.)

    I agree.  I googled some reviews and one particular review said that Frederick is the third Lord Trenchard.  What?!  In the first series, wasn't James some kind of merchant?  So are we to believe that at some point, James was given a title that was inherited by Oliver and then Frederick?  It seems clear that Frederick grew up in that huge house which is the family seat and that it has been empty for years.  I wonder if he is a baron or an earl.

    I also agree that I'm not feeling some of the storylines, mostly because the show hasn't really given us any reason to care.  I'm still wondering about the Duke and Duchess of Rochester and why they seem to act like Frederick's surrogate parents even though the Duchess doesn't seem much older than him.  I don't particularly care about their child with epilepsy (?) or the weird doctor that is always hanging around.

    Don't care about Frederick's manager who seems to be possibly having an affair with Frederick's cook and thus cuckolding her much older husband the butler.

    Truly confused by the French lady and her servant (?) who she seems to be sleeping with.  I think she is Frederick's prospective business partner.

    Unless Fletcher turns out to be a Pope/Belissasis, I don't really care what his secret is or why the new maid knows him.

    Don't care about the mystery attempted suicide girl.

    The only character I like besides Clara is Reverend James.  I find the sister annoying and the mother is the most annoying of all the characters.

    • Like 1
  6. Margot Robbie IS the Barbie movie, so I'm utterly shocked that the movie got so many nominations but both Robbie and Greta Gerwig were omitted.  But I am happy for Annette Bening.  She is a veteran.  She has zero chance here but I'm hoping one day she will get her Oscar (as well as Michelle Pfeiffer, Glenn Close and Sigourney Weaver).

    Disappointed for Dua Lipa and the catchy "Dance the Night Away".  No doubt that Billie Eilish and "What Was I Made For" will win.  I find this to be one of the most boring and morose songs I've ever heard.  It's drab whispering, very repetitive, and almost tuneless.  I hated "No Time to Die" but this song is 10 times worse.  I don't understand the Oscars' fascination with her.

    • Like 9
  7. I was waiting for a courthouse steps shooting.  They are almost likely done with this storyline, but I think it would be interesting to see what happens in the future, if someone takes action against this professor.

    I am glad that they addressed what happened to Cosgrove, but Shaw basically said something like "he was too outspoken and his emotions got the better of him".  Sounds like they were referring to both Jeffrey Donovan and Frank Cosgrove.

    I found it interesting that Maroun, who is Middle Eastern (did we always know she was Lebanese or was that new information?) said she was just focused on the law and didn't want to bring anything else into it.  Was Chloe also Middle Eastern? 

    But Cam Lawson did not appear Middle Eastern at all, I think it would have been interesting to at least understand why this person who is not Palestinian was so willing to take a life for a cause that he didn't seem to have any ties to.  I kept waiting for the parents to ask him why that cause was so important to him.  There was talk that this professor had indoctrinated him but that was the extent of it.

    I find it preposterous that this jury could find the professor not guilty, after she said on the stand that she was happy about the death.  She may not have done the actual killing but she was an accessory and provided the means, motive and opportunity.

    On 1/19/2024 at 7:10 AM, Spartan Girl said:

    She gave him the knife and told him she was proud of him after what he did. How is that “not responsible”? Yes, he was an adult and could think for himself but she egged him on and definitely used him and Chloe for martyrs for her stance. That makes her more than a “little” responsible. At the very least, it was accessory after the fact. But I agree they shouldn’t have cut a 10 year deal with him—I expect better from you, Jack.

    The one relatable moment in this whole trash fire was the killer’s dad asking “What the hell was wrong with you?!” 

    Agree with all of this.  Why again did they need to cut a deal with Cam?  So they could get him to testify against her?  Couldn't they have subpoenaed him anyways?

    On 1/19/2024 at 8:16 AM, Ohiopirate02 said:

    Same, and I was trying to figure out when exactly this episode was conceived and subsequently filmed.  Some of those headlines the writers ripped their story from were from December.  Did they go back and add the plagiarism by a university president after the episode was already written? Or did they shelve their original episode one for this mess?  

    I was wondering the exact same.  The Claudine Gay plagiarism issue was very very recent.  I'm wondering if they re-recorded the opening bit to include that line.  I think this episode was always intended to be the original episode one, since there was the line about Cosgrove, unless that too was added later.

    On 1/19/2024 at 11:11 AM, jcbrown said:

    Gee, too bad there were no female actors available anywhere so they had to go with another dumbass male cop. I did not like him and Wolf's hard-on for agro men gets really really old.

    Also, thanks, L&O, for bringing a story I can't even stand to follow in real life (because there is nothing whatsoever I can do about it) to my escapism.

    I really hated this episode, in case I wasn't clear.

    I too am disappointed that they chose bring in yet another white male cop.  I would have loved to have seen Violet Yee promoted to field detective, instead of computer detective, or whatever her actual title is.  Or we could have gotten an Asian male detective.

    I've never heard of Reid Scott but I find it interesting that he got lead billing over Mehcad Brooks.  He does seem older but I think Jalen Shaw is the senior detective, and Reilly is the junior.  Jeffrey Donovan is older than Anthony Anderson (I think) and he was the junior detective at the start.

    • Like 2
  8. Here are the 2024 BAFTA nominations:


    Notably, Lily Gladstone did not get a nomination.  She was on the longlist of 10 names, but didn't make the cut for the final 6.  Wondering if this is a signal regarding her Oscar chances.

    The critique regarding her is that she kind of disappears midway through the film.  Also, I thought she was serviceable but not amazing.  I'm not a particularly big Emma Stone fan, but Emma truly inhabits her character and really dominates her movie.  I think Emma deserves Best Actress at the Oscars over Lily Gladstone.  If Lily Gladstone had been nominated in Supporting, she would be more of a lock there.

  9. I can't stand Danielle Collins, but I'm also tired of Iga Swiatek constantly winning, so I was really rooting for Collins to take her out.  Up 4-1 in the 3rd and then lost five straight games.  Sad.

    Lots of big names are out on the women's side already.  Rybakina, Pegula,  Vondrousova, Jabeur, Sakkari, Wozniacki, Kerber, Raducanu, Osaka.  The last four I guess weren't unexpected since they all came back from long breaks, but still.  Looks like we are marching towards the inevitable Swiatek / Sabalenka.  I'm not a fan of Sabalenka either.  At this point I'm rooting for Gauff, Qinwen Zheng, or Azarenka.

    • Like 4
  10. 31 minutes ago, KerleyQ said:

    I realized today that they pretty much dropped Donna off the face of the earth once Eric came out of surgery. Can't interfere with spending his screen time as a prop for the RJ/Zende rivalry and incoming RJ/Luna/Zende triangle by having his longtime love or any other relative show up at his bedside. Did Bridget and Thorn just say "he survived surgery? OK, peace out!"? And none of his other kids thought to pop in and visit their nearly died father after their safari?  

    In Bradley’s mind, I’m sure they’re all in town and saw Eric.  It’s just that their interactions were offscreen.  Felicia has been “in town but offscreen” for years, and I think maybe Thorne might have had the same status for some years.  

    At the very least they could have had a scene of Brooke on the phone.  “Yeah Rick, he’s ok.  Your jeep broke down and it’ll take three weeks to get spare parts?  So all of you are living in a tree?  How convenient that your jeep had a month’s worth of food and water in the back.  Maybe it broke down because it was overloaded!  Anyways, glad you still have cell signal.  Maybe in a month, the viewers will have forgotten to wonder if you ever made it home!”

    • LOL 12
  11. I did not rewatch Belgravia before watching the first episode, so I couldn't remember the connection of Frederick to the Trenchards.  I looked up on Wikipedia to remind myself that Susan Trenchard had an affair with John Bellasis.

    Who are the Duke and Duchess of Rochester in relation to Frederick?  Are they just family friends?  He treats them like his surrogate parents.  

    Is Frederick impotent?  He was on top of her and then suddenly just rolled off her in disgust/disappointment and then abruptly left her bedroom.  It seemed to me that he has some issues that seem connected to his father treating him like crap.  Then later on, when she was talking to the Duchess, it sounded like she was alluding to impotency, he got mad, she flees the room and falls down the stairs.  

    Or maybe I have just greatly misinterpreted that scene and he simply thinks she was saying he's a bad businessman and he got mad.

  12. I'm kind of surprised they even bothered to give Wyatt an exit.  I don't think they ever mentioned what happened to Flo.  She got the typical Bradley Bell exit... one day you're on the show, the next day you disappear and no one ever talks about you again.  Then years later if Bradley ever decides to bring you back, you just walk through the door and everyone acts like you've been in town all along.  That's the way it happened with Felicia and Jake McClaine.  When Jake showed up several years ago it was like he's always been around.

    Whatever happened to Jake's brother Mark?  He was Stephanie's doctor.  Stephanie paid him to fake a heart attack to guilt Ridge into leaving Brooke for Taylor.  The plan blew up and he was never mentioned again.  He got Bradleyed.

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  13. On 1/9/2024 at 10:22 PM, Snazzy Daisy said:

    Well, here's a "hot people" that TWL fans have been asking for S03.


    I'm not a fan.  Everyone raves about her but I've seen her in Ghostbusters and Gilded Age and I don't understand the hype.  I find her very mediocre with little range.

    However, I'm excited to see Walt Goggins, Patrick Schwarzenegger and Sam Nivola (son of Alessandro Nivola and Emily Mortimer).

    And hopefully, NO JENNIFER COOLIDGE.  

    • Wink 1
  14. I read all three books of Bernard Cornwell's Warlord Chronicles.  Just binged the entire first season.  I thought this season was going to cover the entirety of the first book, but apparently not.

    The pacing is very slow and there's really not much that happened.  I had issues with the books because there are way too many characters and I couldn't keep track of who was who, who was on what side, etc.  It was the exact same here.  I couldn't distinguish amongst the various kings.

    I think I'm most disappointed because I was waiting all season long for

    Gundleus and Gorfydd to be killed, and was greatly dismayed when it was episode 10 and I realised it wasn't going to happen this season.  I can't stand Gundleus, baying like a wolf after they killed Bedwin.  And Gorfydd just oozes sleaze, why couldn't Arthur just slay him on sight?

    I know the show hasn't yet been renewed for Season 2.  I feel like most of the plots just got cut off midstream and there was absolutely no resolution on any of them.

    • Like 1
  15. 49 minutes ago, Tachi Rocinante said:

    Jennifer Coolidge can't act.  Stop rewarding mediocrity. That goes for White Lotus as a show, too.

    I don't understand the media/voters/critics fascination with her.  She's completely one note.  She was introduced to us years ago as Stifler's mom and her skills and range haven't improved at all.

    I do like the show overall, I just wish it was more of an ensemble instead of a vehicle clearly for her.  So much of the story was about her, she should have been submitted in Lead Actress and not Supporting.

    Of the actors, I would think only Aubrey Plaza and Meaghann Fahy deserved their nominations.  It's a complete joke to me that the woman who played the bitchy manager and the woman who played one of the prostitutes got nominated.  Their performances were not award worthy at all.

    Of the men, I don't see anything remotely award worthy about the performances of Michael Imperioli or F Murray Abraham.  They got nominated because of their names.  I greatly disliked Will Sharpe's character, I don't think it requires a lot of acting talent to act sullen through the entire series.  Theo James gets a lot of crap for being a bad actor, but I thought he was the best of the WL male nominees.  His Cameron was funny and clueless and manipulative all at various times.

    Nobody was going to beat Sarah Snook, but I wish Helen Mirren had gotten a nomination for "1923".  She was far and away the heart and soul of that show and fantastic in every moment.

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  16. 1 hour ago, bluvelvet said:

    How many Thomas’s have we been through. MA is #5 I think. Previously plastic (love it) Thomas got fired and I think I read that PF left because he was unhappy with the writing for Thomas ??

    Hmm, I only know four.  Maybe there was one before Drew Tyler Bell, the Cruel Intentions creepy teen?

    I think Previously Plastic Thomas chose to leave.  The rumour is that they were going to make Thomas gay, and the actor refused to play a gay character.  But I don't think that was ever confirmed anywhere, it was just speculation. 

    Unlike the actor who played Adam Newman on Y&R (the one right before Allegedly Handsy Michael Muhney), who openly stated that his religious beliefs conflicted with the intended storyline for Adam.  I don't remember the story exactly, but I think Adam offered himself to the lawyer Rafe in order to try and get Rafe to defend him, or something like that.

    I don't think Previously Plastic Thomas or Won't Go Gay Adam Newman have had much of a career ever since leaving their roles.

    If I recall correctly, Pierson Fode left because he wanted to do a streaming series.

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  17. It was great seeing Joan Collins!  I think she’s 90.  She looked great!  I’m sure she’s had a lot of work done, but even setting that aside, she’s so vibrant.  

    I didn’t really get why they paired her and Taraji together, really random.  So they could both talk about clothes… in an award for Best Limited Series???

    • Like 4
  18. I'm finding the awards themselves to be a complete snoozefest.  I don't think there's been one surprise yet.  Everyone that was largely predicted to win has won.

    42 minutes ago, ProudMary said:

    Am I the only person who absolutely cannot stand Jennifer Coolidge? I was glad Mama Anderson piped up to get her ass off the stage. 

    Raises hand.  I can't stand her.  I think she has zero range and she plays every single character the same way.  I will scream if they find a way to bring her back to White Lotus (as Tanya's long lost twin, or Tanya didn't really die, or it was all a dream).  I really don't need to hear her doing her all confused "whaaaaaa?" again.

    40 minutes ago, scarynikki12 said:

    Ebon is worthy but I was rooting hard for Phil Dunster. 

    Me too.  Jamie Tartt was one of the only good things about the last season of Ted Lasso.

    • Like 4
  19. 2 hours ago, KerleyQ said:

    Pierson Fode's version, during the Sally story was, by far, my favorite. Of course, that was also the best writing the character has had. 

    Ahhhh I completely forgot about this version!  I now revise my assessment, this Thomas was by far the best version.  Because he was completely normal and likeable.  It was quite a change from the previously teen Cruel Intentions creepy and previously plastic, it was like he was a completely different character.

    I forget why he and Sally broke up.  Is it because the show fired Courtney Hope?  Or did she not get fired until after that?

    I don't care for Matthew Atkinson.  It can't just be Thomas because he had a brief stint on Young and the Restless (I think he might have been a boyfriend of teenage Summer who ended up dead) and I didn't like him there either.  It's probably unfair to him, but I think there's something about his beady eyes combined with the way he plays Thomas.

    • Like 6
  20. On 1/13/2024 at 5:28 AM, FancyRhubarb said:

    If I live to be 10000 I will never understand what the hell the writers were thinking when they wrote Vinny's exit story. He threw himself in front of Liam's car so Liam would go to jail and Thomas would finally get Hope? Really, Bell??

    It's Bradley Bell.  'Nuff said.

    On 1/13/2024 at 10:19 AM, NinjaPenguins said:

    Good ol’ Truthful Thomas. “Yes, I tore after Emma hell-bent for leather because she was going to tell you Beth was alive, which would have cockblocked me, btw, and I pursued her aggressively enough that her high rate of speed took her off the road. I then became an instant vehicular accident analyst and deduced survival was impossible. I tampered with evidence so no one would know I was there. But I’m not responsible. Forgive me?” Sure, bud.

    On 1/14/2024 at 8:23 AM, Anna Yolei said:

    And why tell now, almost five years after the fact, and not, oh I dunno, after he first got Hope? Or any of the times he was declared cured?

    This is a very obvious vehicle to set up Hinn but if this is what wakes Hope up, so be it.

    I am so happy that this Emma murder is finally getting resolved.  I have disliked every incarnation of Thomas.  The creepy teen version was the best, this actor was the best of the three.  But I hated his illegal immigrant storyline with the daughter of the maid that Stephanie got killed, and he was really wacko when he burned Rick's car and slept with Amber.

    The plastic mannequin version was a bad actor, he makes the actor playing Finn look like a thespian.  Best known for the RV hijinks in Cabo San Lucas and the boinkberries with Brooke.

    This latest version of Thomas is my least favourite because he just oozes creepy sleaze and I hate that nobody on the show sees that at all.  

    Why has it taken so long for him to admit that he saw Emma go off the road, and he didn't say anything about it?  Really?  A woman died and he didn't call anyone?

    Since this is Bradley Bell, and Bradley seems to view certain characters as his alter egos, I predict that absolutely nothing will happen to Thomas other than possibly losing Hope.  He's Ridge's son so of course he isn't going to prison.


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  21. Congrats to Elizabeth Debicki for her GG win!  I thought she had zero chance, every prediction I read said that Meryl Streep was a lock.

    Congrats also to her for her SAG nomination.  She was the only good thing about The Crown this year.  I doubt she can beat Sarah Snook, but the recognition is nice.


  22. I read The Weekend Retreat by Tara Laskowski.  This is another And Then There Were None derivative-type book, where a group of people are in an isolated location.  Most have secrets and some are not who they seem to be.  The group consists of six people, the three Van Ness siblings (brother/sister twins and their younger brother) and their significant others.  They are returning to the Van Ness estate and winery in the Finger Lakes region of New York.  The house has been empty since the death of their mother earlier in the year, but it is an annual tradition to celebrate the birthday of the twins at the estate, so they all go.  Soon, it is apparent that an intruder is leaving gifts with cryptic notes hinting at secrets to be revealed that weekend.  A storm descends upon the estate, knocking down a large tree and cutting the estate off from the world.

    The book uses a conceit often used in these types of books, the flashback.  We are told on page 1 that there have been multiple deaths at the estate.  Then the story unfolds as flashbacks recounting the events of each day.  

    Overall, the story was well done, although a bit predictable.  The chapters are narrated by the three women (sister, sister-in-law married to the twin brother, girlfriend of the younger brother) with the occasional chapter narrated by a mystery "party guest".

    My complaint is that the author must hate women, because each of these three was a walking stereotype.  One is the powerful and bitchy CEO of her own beauty and wellness company.  One is the woman devoted to the late matriarch and desperate to fill her shoes as the next matriarch and always eager to please.  One is an apparent naive and innocent girl just trying to fit in.  All are extremely devious in their own way and none come across well at all.

    It would have been nice if some of the chapters had been narrated by the men of the family.  As it was, without getting much insight into their thoughts, all of them were sort of blank slates.

    I did enjoy the book overall.  I think Laskowski is a good writer and this book was much better than many of the other dreck entries in this type of genre, such as everything by Lucy Foley and Sarah Pearse.  Will be interested to check out her other books and to read her next one.

  23. 6 minutes ago, ProudMary said:

    Andra Day and Jon Batiste are the best pairing of the night. Natural!

    Yes to this!  They were comfortable with each other and hilarious.   I loved Andra saying she got her start singing in a strip… and then cutting herself off and squinting at the teleprompter.  I loved them geeking out to each other about video game music. 

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  24. I usually love the Golden Globes because there aren’t really any “lesser” categories, they’re all acting or notable awards.  But I’m not feeling it tonight. 

    I’ve never heard of this host but he is AWFUL.  He hit rock bottom with the “they served sushi.  I’m Filipino.” non-joke.  What?!

    The other awful thing about tonight is the forced/scripted/awkward banter between two random people.  Just get on with it. 

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