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Posts posted by blackwing

  1. 3 minutes ago, Good Queen Jane said:

    Blame it on Wayne Newton. He did a popular song called "Dankeschon." I always thought that's how you say "thank you" in German. Thanks for letting me know otherwise.

    I always thought "danke" was "thank you" and "danke schon" or "danke schoen" was "thank you very much".  It was always explained to me that "danke schoen" was a more formal version of "thank you".  It's not?

    • Like 1
  2. 4 hours ago, iMonrey said:

    (I also got a kick out of Todd admitting choosing the wrong Detour was a "husband fail.")

    1 hour ago, dgpolo said:

    I did not, only because it seemed he was putting all of the blame on 'my wife couldn't do it' and didn't seem to acknowledge that he barely hit the target either.

    I agree that Todd was just as bad as his wife at it.  It seems that he thinks of himself as a "former professional athlete" and that defines his persona to the point where he thinks he is so athletic that they will automatically choose any sports task.  I was happy to see that he was pretty much as bad as she was.  But at least he did more or less acknowledge that he picked the task without considering her.  He wanted to show off on TV, and instead, he looked like a fool.

    10 minutes ago, PurpleTentacle said:

    That's nice in theory, but how would that work in practice? Especially in countries where there is a communication barrier.

    Teams typically don't have issues finding people who can speak English who can talk with them.  I think the Race could be designed so that teams would have to find different ways of getting the information they need.  They could be supplied with a map, or told where to go to buy a map.  Or they resort to finding an internet cafe, if those still exist.  

    In the olden days of the Race I seem to recall many teams purchasing guidebooks or maps at the airport.  I'd like to see some more "old school" racing instead of just having teams automatically looking for the easy answers.  I guess I just miss the old days of the Race when I felt like teams had to be more self-sufficient, or at least had to ask questions of locals who wouldn't just automatically whip out a cell phone to look up answers.

    I guess times have changed and technology has advanced since the Race first debuted 20+ years ago.  I also don't like how I don't think we heard any of the Racers say please or thank you, unless I missed it.  It was just "can I use your phone" or "do you have a phone".  What happened to general politeness?

    I'm rooting for Greg and John or Rob and Corey.  The beard guys, I'm indifferent.  I slightly dislike Todd and Ashley and I outright dislike the bickering sisters, Robbin, and Anna Leigh.

    • Like 1
  3. Hibiscus was so far below the other three, if anyone had gone home but her it would have been a joke.  Also, I don't understand, this woman is supposed to look like Sharon Stone?  Even if she died her hair blonde, she doesn't look anything remotely like Sharon Stone.

    On 11/10/2023 at 6:44 AM, jah1986 said:

    As long as Hibiscus went home I was okay. 
    When I heard the sitting up in my room clue for Candelabra I thought of Brandy, but I don’t think that’s her voice. My thoughts then went to either Monica or Ashanti.

    Did the panelists even comment on the "sitting up in my room" clue?  I didn't think it was Brandy's voice and that did make me think Monica.  I thought Monica was the Night Angel for the longest time and she seems like someone that the show would want to be on the show.  The show has done these "connection" clues before, like the Kardashian clues and it was someone who had babysat for the Kardashians.  So I could see how a reference to Brandy could lead to her "The Boy is Mine" partner Monica.

  4. I liked Andrea and Malaina, and their navigation issues took all the suspense out of this episode.  I did like their continued positive attitudes and I felt bad for them when Malaina was saying "maybe we're in first".  They didn't argue with each other or blame each other at all.  The strength of their friendship really shone through despite their troubles.

    On 11/9/2023 at 1:27 AM, Lantern7 said:

    Anna Leigh . . . I bet she's a real sweetheart in real life. With the pressure of the show, however, she's a bit too much. It didn't help that even her father is getting fed up. I did enjoy them trying to pronounce that one German mustard for what seemed like an eternity.

    On 11/9/2023 at 8:23 AM, chaifan said:

    I know we only get short snippets of what's going on, but Steve didn't look like he was even trying to navigate.  I get why AL was snippy with him.  And for him to tell her to shut her "smart ass mouth"???  Wow.  Dude, she's been carrying you for most of this race.  Also, never an appropriate thing to say to your daughter. 

    Anna Leigh is a real peach.  I don't think she's a sweetheart in real life.  Someone else upthread said that it's Steve's fault because he basically raised her like a man, which I don't agree with.  The Type A aggressiveness that she exhibits isn't limited only to men.

    People on these threads have been commenting about the nasty way she talks to her father and bosses him around, so I was glad to see him stand up for himself and tell her not to talk to him that way.

    I don't agree that she's been carrying him for the race, only in the sense that I get the feeling that if she could have run the race solo, she would have.  She clearly thinks her father is an incompetent, slow, lazy boob.  So why did she pick him for a race partner?  Did she want to race with her husband or a friend and they couldn't get the time off?  It seems obvious to me that her father likely wasn't her first choice but either he was the only one available, or the producers really wanted a father/daughter team.  The way she treats him is abysmal.

    Even with the mustard, she has to be difficult.  The name was meritalling or something like that.  It had an R in it.  She said a number of times that there is no R, it's a D, or something like that.  Even to the German guy himself.  Finally he said there is an R and she didn't even acknowledge that she had insisted there was no R.  Anna Leigh seems to be a person who is unable to acknowledge that she is ever wrong.

    On 11/8/2023 at 10:04 PM, tracyscott76 said:

    Morgan & Lena are such a mess, I love it. "Slow downnnn!" as she's running after Morgan on the big horse bike 😆

    You can sooo picture what they were like as kids, it's hilarious.

    On 11/9/2023 at 7:52 AM, PhD-Purgatory15 said:

    Everybody keeps hating on Ana Leigh, while I'm over here watching the older of the two sisters in horror. She hates, no loathes her little sister with a passion. It literally drips off her every time she belittles her.

    I'm not sure which one is which.  Is the little sister the one that was driving and doesn't know her left from her right?  She is also the one that was screaming at the other one at the dolls and almost got poked in the eye with a needle?  That is the one I can't stand.  She's bossy and controlling and always telling her sister what to do.


    On 11/9/2023 at 7:03 AM, Ancaster said:

    I cannot for the life of me understand why teams don't take the divide and conquer approach for task such as the mustard tasting - you have 9 flavours: one of you learns four and one of you learns five, instead of both of you trying to learn 9 each.  Doh!

    I don't think that would be the best approach since the tasting was blind.  When they go to taste a pot, one says "this one wasn't mine", the other says "no it wasn't mine either".  I think the best approach would be for both to taste them all, but perhaps one person make sure they learn the name and pronunciation correctly.

    On 11/8/2023 at 11:08 PM, Jodithgrace said:

    Who was the racer who didn’t bother doing the written math, but instead brought different numbers of coins to the counter until she got it right? Pretty smart. 

    I thought it was lazy and terrible.  I wish there had been a ten minute penalty in between wrong guesses.  As it was, because she was the only one there, she didn't even have to wait in line for others to take their turn.  She just walked back and forth.

    On 11/9/2023 at 1:04 PM, Tango64 said:

    Loved this episode, but I don't like how much they relied on asking people to use their cellphones. I know it's nothing new, but it still seems to take away from the spirit of the task. If they had asked passersby, "Hey, do you know of a cologne from here whose name is a four-digit number?" that would have been better. It would have taken more time probably, but just using someone's cell phone is an easy out and not much fun to watch.

    But then again, I guess if you ask people, they're just going to whip out their phones anyway. So maybe it's better not to have a clue that relies on internet research.

    I agree, I hate the lazy use of cellphones.  If I were in charge of the race, I would specifically state that you are not allowed to get help from anyone who uses a cellphone otherwise there is a penalty.

    At least one local knew the cologne answer without looking it up, so I would say they should just keep asking around until they find someone who knows.  And I would ban asking for directions through maps on the phone.  Go back to using an actual map.

    I think back to TAR Classic when the teams got a Tunisian flag and had to keep asking around until they found someone who knew what it was.  I miss the days where Racers didn't automatically just get help from someone's phone.

    On 11/9/2023 at 10:34 PM, bunnyface said:

    I'm not going to go back and watch, but I seem to remember Robbin and Chelsea being fairly okay in the beginning.  I think Robbin is sucking all the fun out of Chelsea.  She's very snappish and churlish with Chelsea at times.  I think Chelsea is tired of it and if it were me, I might have kicked Robbin in the neck by now.

    I can't stand Robbin.  It seems she's been dealt a rough lot in life, with her brain tumor and dead husband, so I want to cut her some slack.  But she seems like a thoroughly miserable person.  She and Chelsea got four of the 9 U-Turn votes.  Some may say that they were targeted by the trailing teams as someone to try and get out of the race, but why them?  Why wouldn't others have targeted the sisters, or the hapless brothers, or someone else?  I can only think that they got four votes because they are unlikeable.

    I agree that Chelsea looks miserable, but I chalk that up to having to be with Robbin every single minute of the day.

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  5. On 11/9/2023 at 10:51 PM, mertensia said:

    That was a really nice purse; I'm not surprised Christopher and Robert won. I did think the background color was all wrong though; it blended into the background in the photo.

    Wasn't surprised Team Liza Lapira left, though. 

    So happy to see that at least one other person here thinks she looks like Queen Latifah’s friend!

    I don’t like Christopher and Robert but their bag looked the most like a bag.  However, I feel like the instructions should definitely have said to design a handbag if that’s what the judges were really looking for.  

    The box looked terrible, the BMs warned them about it looking like a cooler, and it ended up looking like a cooler on wheels.  

    • Like 6
  6. I'm bummed that Aubrey and Ryan went home.  The screen on their TV wasn't great but even the Brickmasters admitted that it was almost impossible.  Aubrey and Ryan should have at least gotten more credit for it.  Their TV looked great, notwithstanding the screen.  There were lots of other details in it.

    The chair should have gone home.  It was a terrible choice.  The colour was completely off (granted, there probably weren't any burgundy bricks), but apart from that, it was a completely blocky and monochromatic and boring build.

    On 11/2/2023 at 11:54 PM, mertensia said:

    Okay, that was so nice seeing everyone helping build the rug. That said, what were they thinking choosing that!?

    20 hours ago, JH Lipton said:

    I hated that.  They should have received a massive penalty for not following the "one-for-one" rule -- it's unfair to teams who do follow the rules (I see this All The Time on Chopped: "You didn't use all the basket ingrediants but we like your sob story better...").  I don't think they deserved either Golden Brick and it makes it difficult to watch the show.

    Count me among those that hated the help on the rug.  They chose poorly, and if they hadn't used the Golden Brick and gotten bailed out, I would have been upset.

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  7. I have to confess I'm a bit confused as to how many Nathans there are and which one is with whom.  It shouldn't be so hard, but...

    Can someone please correct my understanding?

    1)  Original Nathan died in the car crash.  They uploaded him to Lakeview, where Ingrid was paying the bill.

    2)  Ingrid pretends to die and upload to Lakeview so she can be with Nathan.  But it turns out she's just in a hug suit in a bathtub.

    3) Last season, Nathan and friends discovered some kind of body printing farm where someone (who? was it Ingrid?) was creating a body of Nathan (which apparently still has a huge penis but is about 10 pounds fatter than the original upload).

    4) Uploaded Nathan was downloaded into new body Nathan in the real world.  So Uploaded Nathan left Lakeview.

    5) In Season 3, Downloaded Nathan is having nosebleed problems and possible impending head explosion.  He meets Nora in real life and they start dating.

    6) Angel who replaced Nora is obsessed with Nathan, and creates a backup upload of him.  So there is now an Upload Copy of Nathan in Lakeview.

    7) Hug Suit Ingrid is aware that real life Download Nathan is now with Nora, and is determined to still be with Upload Copy Nathan.

    8) At some point, Obsessed Angel thought that Upload Copy left Lakeview (he was in the Grey Zone with Downloaded Nathan) and created a second copy.  But I think she cancelled that copy.

    9) Ingrid shows up at Downloaded Nathan's apartment in real life, all drunk and trying to get back together.

    Someone please correct any errors.


    Things I am confused about:

    1)  Choak is/was the head of ____________.  Is he dead and uploaded to Lakeview?  Downloaded Nathan in the real world had his file which he threatened to destroy.  

    2) Choak worked with Ingrid's dad (who is or is not alive?) to kill Nathan.  Ingrid's dad said he wished Ingrid had died too.  How can Choak have killed Nathan if he was dead and in Lakeview?

    3)  If Choak is dead, how was he in that holographic meeting somewhere?  What were those people doing?

    4) What is Downloaded Nathan and Nora doing with his mom and her boyfriend?  Why are they staying in some dumpy place and sharing a bed?

    5) What is the storyline going on with AI guy and Alicia?


    I feel like this show was a lot better in the first season when it was simply about a guy who died and went to some kind of digital afterlife.  As you can see, I am so confused now.

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  8. 8 hours ago, Fostersmom said:

    These two and their out of towners crap is driving me nuts. 

    Awww, I absolutely love them.  I think the "out of towners, out of towners" is hilarious.  They're two Black females travelling to places like Thailand, Vietnam, and India.  Plus, the locals can probably see that they're being trailed by a camera guy and a sound guy.  It should be really obvious that they're almost certainly "out of towners" and she says it anyways.  There's something about the unnecessariness of it all that makes it funny to me.

    I don't think they are the strongest team, and will probably be eliminated soon.  But I love their friendship and I think calm and competent Andrea is a great balance to the somewhat frenetic Malaina.

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  9. On 11/2/2023 at 7:19 PM, chaifan said:

    I don't think there's ever been a U-turned team that hasn't bitched and moaned about it for the rest of the episode, as well as made the "who U-turned us, we're going to get them" type of comments, even just in jest.  And I'm sure they all have been prompted a million times in their talking heads segments to discuss it ad nauseam.  It's the same reason why I don't get annoyed (too much) with teams that keep bringing up the same piece of their bio (I'm an ex-professional football player, or my husband is a professional football player, or whatever).  So much of the talking head stuff is producer driven.  So I personally don't see anything in AL or Steve's behavior/comments that isn't pretty standard stuff for a U-turned team.  And I'd bet money on it that they'll be asked about it (again) in their talking heads next week.

    On 11/3/2023 at 10:58 AM, iMonrey said:

    I'm sure they are asked specific things. But unless someone is writing a script for Anna Leigh and she's putting on an act, she's telling us how she really feels. Not in the heat of the moment, but when she's had time to think about it after the leg. Nobody else is pointing fingers at other teams and judging them, other than to say "so and so are a really strong team." This is twice now that Anna Leigh has criticized another team in a negative way, and the first time was before the U-Turn. She's coming off as victimized and entitled. I don't think anyone watching is going to say "Oh poor, poor Anna Leigh, why aren't other people as good and as honorable as she is?" But SHE seems to think that.

    I agree that almost all of the U-Turned teams in the past have taken it quite poorly.  Usually there's some angry exclamation of "OMG we've been U-Turned" and then the commercial break.  But this time around, the U Turn is a lot different.  By making the vote happen at the Pit Stop, and being a blind vote, and any team can be eligible to be U-Turned, this has now brought a social aspect to the game.

    I like TAR because it was one of the only competitive reality shows where contestants' fate depended  solely on their own performance.  Sure, teams can be friendly to each other and agree to work together or share info.  But there was an easy way to combat that.  Don't want others to agree to U Turn you?  Just make sure you get ahead of them.

    The one time I can remember an alliance was successful was when three teams gave each other the answer at the rock music task which ended up eliminating the NFL players (Gary and his partner who was bitter and said he wasted his time being on the race).  That sucked.  I really hope there is a new rule in place that prevents such open collusion to eliminate another team.

    But by and large, alliances are meaningless here.  However, I have to wonder how this new U Turn is going to affect things.  Will teams try to get into an alliance from the start?  Are there rules in place against discussiing who you want to U Turn?

    On the one hand, I do feel for Anna Leigh, because under the previous rules, she and her dad would never have been at risk to be U Turned.  But she was just such a sore loser about it.  She should have taken it like the people do on Survivor, she was chosen because she is strong.

    I do wonder how future U Turns will fall out.  As was said in another comment, the teams near the top are going to want to U Turn the strongest team to try and delay them so others can get first place.  The teams near the bottom are going to want to U Turn a weak team to try and get them out of the race so they themselves can avoid elimination.

    I do wonder how four teams all chose Robbin and Chelsea to U Turn.  I think only Todd and Ashley said that they were a strong team.  The others seemed to think they were weak and wanted them out.  But how did those three teams all decide to U Turn that particular team?  To me, the sisters or the boys would have been a better choice to guarantee staying in the race for at least one more leg.

    On 11/2/2023 at 8:49 PM, anniebird said:

    I didn't see U-turning Steve and AL as a means of beating them in the final leg but because they already had a one-hour lead and, if they weren't slowed down, they could have turned that into a two or three hour lead. I just saw it as a way of bringing them back in with the pack.

    True.  But ever since the edition where a team almost acquired a 24 hour lead due to good airport skills, there have been measures in place to ensure that no team is ever going to get an enormous lead again.  There is either airport bunching or hours of operation bunching which will eliminate a lead of hours to a lead of 0 or 15 or 30 minutes.

    On 11/3/2023 at 8:52 AM, Netfoot said:

    I wondered about this. Initially, I thought he was one of the judges or assistants to the judge at the bricks place. I wondered how he would know that they had not properly completed the flowers task. Did he overhear local producers talking? Was he one of the local producers?

    Unlike Survivor, where the cameramen don't seem to relay any information to Jeffy or help the contestants in any way, I think the cameramen on TAR are also tasked with acting as spies for Phil.  Otherwise, Phil would never know if a team committed a penalty, or forgot their passports, or left their gnome behind. 

    I'm quite certain that Phil and production knows exactly where each team is and what they are doing, because of regular updates from the camera and sound guys.  I would assume that AL's camera guy texted Phil and said "they just finished the flowers and now we are headed straight to the bricks".  "Did they go back to the flowers and turn in their two receipts?"  "No."  "Ok thanks."  Then Phil or producer texts whichever production/camera guy is stationed at the brick task to tell that greeter to tell AL that she didn't finish the other task.


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  10. 1 hour ago, millennium said:

    Did they cast Kendra hoping for Carolyn 2.0?   Carolyn was out there, sure, but she was also likeable.   I would vote off Kendra in an instant.

    Bruce really believes he's the whole package, doesn't he?   I wonder what he was like before the bump on the head.



    On 11/3/2023 at 3:50 AM, KeithJ said:

    Kendra and all her antics and faces are very, very annoying.  She is not the type of person I could see myself being near for more than five minutes.

    I could do without "celebrity" Bruce as well.  He's called himself a celebrity a few times now hasn't he?  He's also acting like he's the one in charge and that really never ends up well for people.  Here's hoping for a blindside next week.

    I didn’t like Carolyn, I thought she was just as annoying as Kendra.

    Bruce has a massive ego, I am unclear as to why he thinks he is such a celebrity.  He was literally on the show for about 15 minutes last time.  If he hadn’t been brought back, then he would have been one in a long line of forgotten first exits.  I don’t know why he thinks he is such an expert that everyone should defer to and ask for advice, because he barely played last time.  Hope he goes soon.

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  11. 6 minutes ago, Giuseppe said:

    I can't quote every poster who is criticizing Anna Leigh, but I'm still not jumping on this bandwagon just yet. She is high-strung and was visibly frustrated about the u-turn for sure, but I didn't see any pissy or petulant behavior, threatening revenge against other teams, demanding to know who u-turned her, or haranguing of other teams. She asked one team that I can remember if they u-turned her, and she didn't seem very confrontational about it. Maybe she asked others, but I don't think the editors showed it. I saw one of the sisters volunteer the fact that they did NOT u-turn her, and Joel or Garrett volunteered that they did. Yeah, she said she was gunning for them now, but just seemed like trash talk to me. The 'true colors' statement from both of them IS kinda ridiculous, but I'm not seeing this entitled mean-girl behavior that others are. She took the u-turn in good stride, if you ask me. YMMV. Fully reserve the right to reverse my opinion on this in the future, however.

    The sister immediately said they didn't U Turn her since it wouldn't do them any good, she had such a huge lead.  One of the Beard Guys said they did, she is a strong team.  Corey said they did, she had a huge lead.

    She was pissy about it, it was all she and her dad could talk about in the rickshaw over to the tasks.  And I think in the confessional interview she did say something about how the teams that U Turned them were going to get what's coming to them, or something like that.  Or that she would get her revenge.  The only revenge she can get is by continuing to race and avoid elimination.  If there's a future U Turn, she can cast her ONE vote against another team.  This isn't Survivor where she can collude with others to vote out another team.  I would be surprised if teams are allowed to have these kinds of discussions with other teams at the Pit Stop.

    I wouldn't have owned up to it.  She wasn't told how many people voted for her, for all she knew, it was 3.  And it's supposed to be an anonymous vote.  I loved Andrea saying "no way were we going to tell her, she can find out when she sees it on TV".

    2 minutes ago, Netfoot said:

    But as alluded to above, how does Bald Snarking play into this? In a Detour you can start one task and before completing it, switch to the other. There have been double and I believe even triple bald snarks in the in the past. So if S&AL bald-snarked the challenge right before returning the receipts, completed the other challenge and then bald-snarked back to the first challenge to complete it by returning the receipts... 

    Obviously the rules prevent this but I can see how they might have misunderstood this if they failed to read their clue properly.

    If teams switch Detour tasks, I thought teams have have to actually announce on camera that they are switching Detours.  They used to have to do so in the past.  But I don't think Morgan and Lena actually stood in front of the camera and said it last week, did they?

    I just wish someone didn't tell AL exactly what she did wrong.  Maybe the guy could have let her complete the bricks task but then tell her he cannot give her the clue because she did not complete both Detours.  Then they would have had to figure out they never turned in the receipts and gone back to the flower shop and gotten the clue there.  

    There's probably little time wasted but it would have been nice to have seen AL freaking out while trying to figure out what they did wrong.

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  12. The flower task required deliveries to two stations while the bricks was just one.  It was hard to tell which task took longer, but I was surprised the boys wouldn't have tried to make up more time by taking the more physical bricks task.  They didn't seem to have any drive, and for that I think they earned their elimination.  They seem like they came on the race to work on their relationship, and were just la-di-dahing their way through the race.  Whether they were on the race or not didn't seem to matter in that respect, because now they get to hang out with each other at some resort for the duration of the race.

    I am not sure how I feel about this new mandatory blind U Turn rule.  In the past, knowing there was a U Turn ahead made things a lot more urgent, because only a team behind the user could be U Turned.  But now, it seems kind of counterintuitive that the team in front will attract more votes and there's nothing they could have done about it other than sucking a bit more in the legs leading up to it.  I don't like that TAR has become Survivor with this element, the strong players get the votes.

    Corey said the point wasn't to eliminate Steve and Anna Leigh, it was to erase the lead.  But that lead would have almost certainly been erased with airport bunching on the next leg.  I think it was a poor choice, I definitely would have voted for Robbin and Chelsea.  I was kind of surprised they got four votes, I don't think they are a strong team, they just got lucky the one time.  If they had gotten U Turned they certainly would have gone home.

    16 hours ago, anniebird said:

    Anna Leigh is turning out to be just as unpleasant as I was afraid she was going to be. Of course you got U-Turned - that's what happens when your team is consistently in first place. Get over it and quit haranguing the other teams.

    Yep.  I was really liking this team, I have a soft spot for parent/child teams but especially the father/daughter ones.  I even was still liking Anna Leigh after her "I'm not telling Todd that was his" incident that others commented on last time.  But this episode, she was awful.  She was acting like Rupert Boneham bellowing "WHO VOTED FOR ME" in his first appearance.  It's part of the game, every team had to vote for someone, she has consistently been at the top of the pack, seems like a no brainer that many teams would vote for her.  Get over it, AL.

    I also hate the way she talks to her father.  Her father is definitely the dead weight.  From the way she talks to him, she thinks he is old and slow and incompetent in everything he does.  When they picked up the flower bundles, he was actually in front of her loading his bundles on the rickshaw and she still screamed at him to "hurry up".  I thought maybe she was telling him to hurry up and move out of the way but she wasn't close enough to be at the point of unloading.

    Is there going to be another blind mandatory U Turn?  If so, how is Anna Leigh going to exact her revenge?  She only gets one vote.  She has no idea how many people voted for her.  I'm with Andrea, no way would I have told her.  The only teams AL knows for sure voted for her are the beard guys and Rob and Corey.  So I would assume one of those two are on her "list".

    3 hours ago, chaifan said:

    Malenia is grating on my last nerve.  The "out of towners" bit is horrible.  First, what's the chance anyone around them understands what they're saying?  Second, what's the chance anyone cares?  Being an "out of towner" is not a free pass for running into traffic or wanting to push past people.  I wish them gone for this alone.

    They have become one of my favourite teams.  I absolutely love Malaina, she seems a bit wild and crazy and uncouth.  I love her unique voice and I love the "out of towners, out of towners".  I find it hilarious.  Andrea is great, she's a good balance to Malaina.

    2 hours ago, Tango64 said:

    I found this very odd. One of the most delicious moments in TAR is when a team shows up at the mat and Phil says, "...but you didn't complete the flower task." And they scramble back to do it or wait out a penalty. I don't recall ever seeing a producer (via the local person) telling a team mid-race they skipped something and to "read the clue." Read the clue?? When has TAR ever coddled a team like that over a mistake?

    I could see possibly, just possibly, the local task supervisor saying, "No, you can't do this task," and then letting the team figure out why. But the way they handled it seemed odd and actually helpful to the team.

    I thought that was crappy if somebody clued them in on the fact that they didn't complete the flowers task.  The guy should have just said "I'm sorry, I cannot give you the clue" and they should have been left wondering why.  

    1 hour ago, Netfoot said:

    I think I can understand why they made that error with the receipts. They figured they had to do both halves of the challenge before getting their next clue. That was a mistake, of course, and one which could have been avoided by simply reading the clue and following the instructions therein. So, yes I understand it, but can't "forgive" it because it was a simple failure-to-read-the-clue type of error - an unforced error on their part which might have cost them the race, but which they were able to overcome. 

    Every time there is a U Turn, the team that gets U Turned always has to complete the first Detour in its entirety and then move on to the second one.  By not returning the flower receipts to the vendor, they didn't finish the task, and they shouldn't have been allowed to start the next task.

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  13. I like Kaleb, so I was happy he survived.  I was surprised it was a unanimous vote though, I guess nobody cared if he had an idol?  Strategically, he was the right vote, he is strong in the challenges and good at the social game.

    I'm still not liking Emily.  She's not as abrasive as she was initially.  She's very analytical.  Normally I like the analytical players but I find it annoying how she excuses all of her behaviour by relating it to her experience as a stock analyst or whatever it is she does.  "Oh sorry, the math told me to vote for you, that's in my nature and I can't help it."  It's like she's trying to get others to excuse her plays against them by saying it's not her, it's them for being a threat.

    I didn't mind J and I guess I don't understand why the entire cast was against her?  She made Sifu think she voted for him... why not tell him it wasn't her?  What else did she do to the rest of the people?  Austin and Kelly wouldn't mind her gone so their amulets grow in power, but not everyone knows they have these, do they?

    Bruce is extremely irritating, why was the first 30 or so minutes of the show all Bruce, all the time?  

    21 minutes ago, SnapHappy said:

    I'm waiting for the ego clash between Bruce & Sifu.  It's got to happen, as "Celebrity" Bruce and Sensei Sifu are both so Alpha Male, it's painful.  And I hope it's going to be really ugly. 

    I can't help but notice that the two people that Bruce has the most issues with, Kaleb and Katurah, are two of the remaining Black players.  Not sure if there is some kind of unconscious thing going on there (I am reminded of the season that had three Asian women and one of them was determined to be the last Asian standing).  I agree it won't be long before Bruce sets his sights on Sifu, after getting rid of Kaleb and Katurah.

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  14. On 10/28/2023 at 6:11 AM, JudyObscure said:

    The jerky movements are so quick, it's possible that they've passed before nurse Kellie looks over and all she sees is the falling part, so she's missing the seizure symptoms.

    However, production must see it so why hasn't medical been called?  

    On the positive side, if it was going to turn out to be something serious we wouldn't be seeing the spells because it would make the show look bad for not doing something sooner.


    On 10/28/2023 at 8:53 AM, seacliffsal said:

    It seems to me that Jake's medical issue will have an impact in a furture episode (no spoilers) just based on it being featured in two different episodes at this point.  Hopefully he doesn't have an undiagnosed heart (or other) issue.

    Whether it is seizures or dehydration or something else, it has happened twice now, the same exact display of symptoms.  Slow crumple to the knees, then brief spasms.  The first time, it looked like he was pretty close to the fire.  The camera people see it and won't interfere, but surely at this point, medical should have been alerted?

    Or is it up to the contestants to ask for medical?  Unless Jeff actually sees it happening, like during challenges with Caleb Reynolds and Bruce and other medical evacs, he doesn't get alerted?  I guess the camera people really are impartial observers.  Unlike the ones on Amazing Race who seem to snitch on contestants to Phil all the time about violations.

    I would think that he should be concerned about his long term health and get checked out just for peace of mind.  If these seizure are related to heat, exhaustion or dehydration, at least rule that out.  Unfortunately, without proper equipment, the medical team would almost certainly pull him and send him to a hospital for further tests.  And that's what he is trying to avoid.

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  15. Drew annoys me, he thinks he is this master strategist.  He thinks he is way smarter than he actually is.  He went to UPenn, so has to be fairly intelligent, but there was something he said which surprised me.  I forget exactly what it was and I'm too lazy to rewatch, but it was either he completely misused a word or he was unfamiliar with some word or something.

    I like Brando, he seems like a super nice kid, so I was disappointed that Brando went out instead of Drew.  Why not Krazy Kendra?  She must be super irritating to be around.  So much time spent on her and the worm.

    On 10/26/2023 at 3:23 PM, eel2178 said:

    I keep thinking they're calling him "Seafood."

    We've had dumber nicknames than that in the past.

    I learned from Kung Fu Panda that "sifu" means "master" or "teacher" in Mandarin.  I know that he's been doing martial arts since he was a boy and must think of himself as a martial arts teacher, but do people in everyday life call him Sifu instead of his actual name?  Seems like an odd nickname for him to insist that his friends call him Sifu.  It'd be one thing if his last name was Jack Thompson and his friends call him Tommy  or Tomps, that's a nickname actually connected with his first or last name.  To insist on being called Sifu is just strange to me.


    On 10/27/2023 at 8:16 AM, SnapHappy said:

    Sifu is gross.  What is with all these disgusting guys that think they are all that?  Why didn't the women just say Sean lied on his way out?  How would Sifu know?  Dee could have said Sean told her he was going to write down Sifu, so he lied going out.  No disadvantage to it.    

    I could have sworn there was some rule against the recent boot saying any kind of strategy or game talk on their way out.  "Asked to leave the tribal council area immediately."  They can say goodbye, but people don't usually spill secrets, like "you said you were going to use your idol on me Jenny, why didn't you", either because it's prohibited or out of some unwritten rule?  Maybe there is no rule and people just know not to do that. 

    On 10/26/2023 at 10:20 AM, iMonrey said:

    I'm confused about all the different advantages Austin has, I can't remember how the hell they worked and WTF he did in the voting booth. I take it he had two different advantages that more or less cancelled each other out.

    I was confused too, and I have to assume there was some kind of language on the Goodwill Advantage that permitted it to be restored actually IN the voting booth?  Jeff says his thing about "if anyone has any idols or advantages they wish to play, now would be the time to do so".  I would have assumed that the person with the Goodwill, if they were playing it for someone else, would announce that it is being played.  I don't like that he had this advantage no one knew about, he was able to play it, it saved his friend, and still no one knows about it.  Seems a bit unfair, I think any advantages need to be disclosed when played.

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  16. On 10/27/2023 at 3:54 PM, KeithJ said:

    Did they say what happened to papi?  I was half awake while watching and he just disappeared after talking about the Vegas trip.

    I think that Will just said he wasn't feeling well.  We've seen this before in past seasons, there have been one or two times where someone doesn't attend the judging, I always have just assumed it was some kind of gastric distress.

    It really does expose the illusion however that this is one continuously filmed segment.  We obviously won't see the entirety of the building, but I've always wondered about the really long builds, the 12 hour or 15 hour ones.  I assume that's total time and there have to be breaks in between for meals and/or sleeping. 

    What happens when there is a meal break?  Are teams allowed to take the hour to discuss with each other about their plans for the build?  Can they sketch out more ideas?  Or is it strictly "no working or planning"?  

    I also wonder if during the building if teams are allowed to do any research on the internet regarding ideas or techniques.  I would assume no?

    • Useful 1

    9 hours ago, Maverick said:

     I didn't get what Super Freak had to do with magic either.   Definitely a weird night.

     The top two and bottom two were definitely flipped.   No way Hawk and Tiki belonged in the bottom in that group.   Definitely pre-planned hijinx, but then Tyler mentioned being hurt not going farther so I wonder how in on the planning all the celebrities are.

     Robin's Too Cool for School attitude really bugs.   I can see them approaching him about a Harry Potter costume and him shutting them down fast. 


    Robin's Sirius Black was weak, he was pretty much in normal clothes.  They should have forced him to be Hagrid.  Or why not have him be Dumbledore?  Jenny was a bad Dumbledore.  Jenny would have been naturally suited to Fleur de la Cour.  Or maybe McGonagall.

  18. I enjoyed this week and it was nice that no one went home, since there was no one that really stood out as having done poorly.

    I do wish we would have gotten more looks at each of the builds.  I feel like the presentations just went by so quickly.  It seems only half of the teams on each side got actual comments, or perhaps that is all that editing allowed.

    The team that did the sun/moon build should have gotten more credit for the way all four stages connected together.  The ocean build was great and had a better story, but each team built their own stage, and I thought the judges would have commented on that.

    I agree with Aubrey and Ryan as the winners.  They took the comments of Amy seriously and made sure to make their contortionist the star.  They also had some ancillary movement with the seaweed and animals also moving.  All that was missing was Sebastian crooning "Under the Sea".

    Christopher continues to annoy with his villain or faux-villain schtick.  It's so irritating and not funny at all.  I also continue to dislike his theatrical booming presentations.

    The time they wasted on the stupid push-up contest could have been spent showing us more of each build.

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  19. 49 minutes ago, Cool Breeze said:

    I guess now Charlie's going to find love with Esther?  The supposed "comic relief" for both shows need to unite and vacate.  Please.

    I guess I've been off and on with this show.  What happened to Pam and her lemon bars?  Pam was only on because she was Stephanie's sister and fought with Donna.  Charlie was only on because of Pam.  Without Pam, there's completely no need for Charlie.  The character is a joke, and that's a great comparison, if they really are uniting the two jokes on the show, let them find each other and retire to South America.

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  20. I don't really understand the Harry Potter theme... there are no songs in Harry Potter.  I guess it's just another loose theme where all the songs are supposed to have some mention of magic or something?  Like the Space theme.  I thought it was stupid and completely random.

    5 hours ago, Ananayel said:

    I have no idea who Tyler Posey is. I may have heard the name once or twice. 

    I have never watched Teen Wolf but I vaguely recognise the name as the guy who was on Teen Wolf.  But until "Superman and Lois" started airing, I think I was confusing this guy with Tyler Hoechlin constantly.  They were the same person to me.  Whoever he is, he can actually sing, which was a nice surprise.  This is the kind of person who should be on Masked Singer... someone known for something else and not singing, but who can actually sing.


    2 hours ago, Phishbulb said:

    I'm pretty sure the Sea Queen said she was a "triple threat" and mentioned doing comedy, which wouldn't really fit with Macy Gray. I thought Tiffany Haddish when she said she was going on tour (I think Haddish is about to go on a comedy tour with Lil Rel Howery), but she's not really known for singing. 

    Voice sounds husky and smoky like Macy Gray.  But my thought was that I badly want her to be the legendary Dame Shirley Bassey.  I have no idea why Shirley Bassey would do this show, she's in her mid 80s but I think she is still making singing appearances and there are rumours of a new album or a tour coming soon.

    I don't think this is Tiffany Haddish, tone seems different.  She's not known for singing but she did sing the amazing song "Not Me" in "Lego Movie 2".  I think Tiffany is amazing in everything she does, I would love to see her on this show one day!

  21. There was absolutely no real need for Lauren to show up and even less need for Esther to show up.  There's really no room for them over at Y&R, both are extraneous.  So maybe they decided to throw these long-time vets a bone and let them guest appear on the sister show?

    Esther is truly a joke, when Jeanne Cooper and Katherine died, they should have retired the character. I am flabbergasted as to why she has been on the show for all these years, the character has always been useless.  I was surprised to learn that the actress is only the third person (Jeanne Cooper and Susan Lucci) to receive a star on the Hollywood Walk of Fame solely for being on a soap opera.  She has a star on the Walk of Fame.  Amazing.

    I think the only reason she is still around is because her daughter Chloe is back in town.  The show has fired/retired longtime vets before, a prime example is Doug Davidson / Paul Williams who you would think could be back now that his daughter Heather is back in town.  And he had a much more significant role on the show that Esther ever has.


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  22. On 10/21/2023 at 7:45 PM, Gam2 said:

    I wasn’t a huge fan of Liam’s in the past but that message he left for Steffy made me want to stab him in the heart. Royal Asshole.

    Yes, he's a complete douchebag.  What a dick for showing up to Finn's place of work (I think) to confront him about a personal matter, then just hangs out in the office after Finn walks out.  Then calls Steffy and leaves that message.  If there's an award for Supreme Dick of the Year, he's already won.

    When his assholishness makes me root for SHEILA to kill him, that's saying a lot.  I've never liked Liam, I've never liked beady eyed Scott Clifton.  But I've never hated this character as much as I did watching him leaving that entitled assholish message.

    Not sure what is going on with Eric, not sure if John McCook is trying to retire, if so, maybe they will kill off the character.  But it's taking too long to get there, just tell us what is going on.  He's not a central character on the show anymore so the "I've got a secret" game is tiring.

    I hate that the show is turning Li into a complete beeyotch.  For a show set in Southern California, an area with a sizeable Asian-American population, this show has hardly had any Asian characters.  They finally bring one on again, she was a very minor character, then they "killed" her.  Then they brought her back and now she's getting a bigger role.  But they have to go and turn her into a beeyotch.  Disappointing.

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  23. So since the first teams started the last leg at 5:45 AM, and the first teams started this leg at 8:56 AM, the tasks from the last leg including travelling time only took 3 hours?  Originally I thought that the show was faking us out and did one of those "secret" 24 hour pitstops.  But then one person said they only slept 2 hours.

    11 hours ago, Shermie said:

    I always wonder, and even more after seeing them do a double leg with little break in between - when do they go to the bathroom? I know they don’t need to let the viewer see a team stopping a challenge for a pee break (or more), but obvi it happens. It just seems like a racer wouldn’t want to waste time when every second counts sometimes.

    I vaguely recall one team hurrying to the finish line and one person absolutely had to have a bathroom break. Not sure if it affected their finish, but it must have or why would the producers have included it?

    The need to use the bathroom is almost never addressed or mentioned on camera.  The only instances that clearly come to mind are Kisha and Jen's infamous bathroom break, and way back in TAR Classic when Brennan said he had to go to the bathroom.  I vaguely think there might have been one other time where someone mentioned the need to go.  

    One of these days I'd love for Phil to write a tell-all behind-the-scenes book.  I've often wondered what people do as to the bathroom.  Do they just hold it while the leg is active?  I assume that if there is a task at a place of business that has a restroom, they would use it.  Do they wear Depends?

    I also wonder when, what, and how they eat.  Do they get fed by production at the Pit Stop?  They definitely used to with Eat Sleep Mingle.  Then ESM was eliminated.  Did it get brought back and we just don't see it?  Presumably they are all at some Pit Stop hotel, are teams allowed to leave the hotel to explore?  They used to be able to but I'm not sure anymore.  While the leg is active, do they just not eat?  I guess if the leg is only 3 hours, I would just wait to eat too.  

    7 hours ago, chicagofan said:

    You're remembering sisters Kisha and Jen from season 14. After being u-turned they were able to leave for the pit stop ahead of one other team. As they neared the mat Jen had to desperately make another kind of pit stop after drinking several bottles of water at the roadblock. This allowed the other team to pass them causing them to be eliminated in 4th place, just short of the finale.

    They redeemed themselves in season 18 - Unfinished Business which they won.

    I really liked this team and felt so bad for them when they got eliminated because of a pee.  Was very happy for them when they won it all on their next appearance.

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  24. On 10/22/2023 at 6:19 AM, Haleth said:

    I'm about 1/3 into Ken Lafollette's new book in the Kingsbridge series, The Armor of Light.  So far no one has been raped.


    1 hour ago, Anduin said:

    All things considered, I have enough to go go on for now. Reading, watching, writing. Maybe if I ever run out I'll consider circling back, but it's a pass for now thanks.

    "The Pillars of the Earth" is my favourite book ever.  The building of the cathedral is the central element of the book.  All of the characters' stories and the side-stories are connected in some way to the cathedral.

    I love the entire series, each book is set in the same town, 200 years apart.  Some of the characters in each successive book are descended from the characters that appear in the prior books.  One of these days I will start with the prequel and re-read them all again.

    Planning on starting "The Armour of Light" this week.  I'm wondering what his plans are after this one.  If he continues with the 200 years apart, the next book in the series will be set in the 20th century.  Then what?  Another prequel set in the 8th century?  Or he could try and insert books in between at the 100 year mark, but would have to make sure he has a good editor to make sure the addition of new people in between two existing books doesn't create any inconsistencies.

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