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Posts posted by blackwing

  1. On 4/14/2023 at 10:28 AM, jqdeco said:

    I wasn’t watching the show when Diane was on before so I don’t know the history. Aside from faking her death, what did she do? You would think someone would have recapped it by now. Or maybe I zoned out when that happened. I’m still trying to understand what Phyllis gets out of faking her own death, other than setting up Diane and abandoning her kids, which seems to be her biggest complaint against Diane. If she was truly worried about Diane taking over her life, then stay and fight. I just don’t understand this storyline.


    On 4/14/2023 at 8:23 AM, Chatty Cake said:

    Eww. I can’t take much more of this Saint Phyllis bullshit. Why can’t she die for real? 
    Can’t one moron on the GCPD figure out that perhaps this is a setup? 
    Victoria and Nate getting drunk and getting their sex on at work is the least sexy thing I’ve seen.

    I loathe Phyllis, so I am 100% Team Diane.  I didn't watch when original Diane was on but I love the Susan Walters Mulva Diane.  If there was a way they could bring back Linden Ashby, either as Cameron Kirsten or a twin, that'd be great.  I didn't care for Maura West as Diane at all, but mainly because I resented the fact that Mulva was gone.

    I just don't understand the stupidity of Phyllis faking her own death.  Is this to prove a point, because Diane also faked her own death?

    I also don't understand the stupidity of everyone at the memorial.  Everyone in the room was known to everyone else with the exception of the three people standing in the corner.  Wouldn't at least one person have talked to those people and asked them how they knew Phyllis?  How is it that nobody couldn't see through that disguise?

    On 4/14/2023 at 1:13 PM, gingerella said:

    There is no excuse for Danny Romolatti, period.

    I have long loathed this character and Michael Damian.  The actor and the character have always seemed extremely effeminate to me, I have no idea why women on the show seem completely besotted with him.  The hair and the way he speaks are odd.

    • Like 6
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  2. I feel like this plot could have been done without getting too political.  A woman who runs a community center takes in two people with no place else to go.  She gets killed and the husband is accused of murder.  Turns out, some guy who didn't like the community center was blackmailing the woman's aide and the aide killed the woman.

    Because it was political, it was obvious that none of the husband, the wife or Carmen Santos was going to be the culprit.  Of course the powerful white guy and his white aide were behind it all.  The young black woman who was the aide to the congresswoman was the actual shooter, but all was instigated by the powerful white guy.

    Not sure if the congresswoman was supposed to be a stand-in for Alexandra Ocasio Cortez, another young progressive congresswoman from the New York area.  And I noticed the show went out of its way to identify the couple and Carmen Santos as being Venezuelan instead of the actual country involved in the migrant busings.

    If they were from Venezuela and highly educated and successful, I find it hard to believe they would simply just get on a bus.  They would have used their money and connections in Venezuela to find a way to get out.  Also, how did this woman who has barely been in the country know to dial 911?  Are American TV shows that prevalent in Venezuela?  I've watched a fair number of British cop/procedural TV shows and movies, and I wouldn't know what number to dial for emergency in England.

    I liked the plot with Aunt Vi and her student.  Robby's smile was everything when he lit up when he saw his brother.  I also liked Dante continuing to work on the shooting of his friend.

    • Like 2
  3. I am digging the KFC commercial where the woman is singing/thinking "I got a big ole bowl for five bucks".  Something about her enthusiasm is very infectious, and I smile just watching her being so excited about her big ole bowl that she got for only five bucks.

    • Like 1
  4. On 4/12/2023 at 10:23 AM, LisaM said:

    I noticed the same thing. The removal seemed to coincide with Acorn starting to show the first few episodes from Season 16. I wonder whether Acorn has an exclusive once they begin to air the episodes precluding Ovation from then showing them?

    I wrote to Ovation support and actually got a response:



    Thank you for your inquiry.

    Our website and Ovation NOW apps have undergone an update and are now focusing on our library of content available to stream with no cable provider login.

    To catch up on NEW Season 16 Murdoch Mysteries episodes, you can do so directly with your cable provider’s OnDemand option.

    Please let us know if you have any questions.

    Best Regards,

    Ovation NOW Support

    So it looks like they want people who don't have cable access to be able to watch shows on their website.  And thus they have removed all current season episodes.

    My issue is that I don't have cable, I have Direct TV.  Direct TV doesn't have an "on demand" option like Comcast cable.

    I'm going to write back to them and ask where that leaves people who are in my situation.  I pay for the channel, but have no ability to watch this episode that I missed until either 1) Ovation re-runs them all again, or 2) DVD gets released.

    • Like 1
  5. 4 hours ago, moonshine71 said:

    Why in the everlasting fuck is Chrissy at a high school dance?

    And enough with the "chaperone" trope. My son graduated from high school a couple of years ago. I never chaperoned a dance. I don't know a single parent who ever did. They had school staff to take care of that, no need to horrify your poor child by hanging around their dance watching them, taking pictures, not giving them any freedom. 

    Why was the dance held in a place that looked like the same barn that they had Sarah's quincenera in?  This was supposed to be a formal event, are there no nicer places in town?  I think the school gym would have looked nicer than that big barn.

    I agree about the parent chaperones.  There would have been teachers and administrators from the school there.  Don't know why Lana and Kyle appeared to be the only parent chaperones.  Why was Chrissy there, except as Kyle's plus one?  Why would a parent chaperone need a plus one?

    1 hour ago, moonshine71 said:

    Anyone else find Kyle's pullback on Jon's offer weird?

    He seems so encouraging to Jon, then later when Jon asks about revisiting their completely informal and hastily suggested schedule that they discussed on the side of the road for 10 seconds, he quickly becomes pretty dismissive. 

    I agree, I thought this was odd.  He seemed like such a nice guy when he offered a position to Jon.  Then because Jon wants to see his girlfriend on the weekends and wants to work at the station during the week instead, all of a sudden Kyle's all "you gotta do what you gotta do and decide what is more important".  Why did he suddenly transform into being all pissy about it?  Not sure if Jon was going to get paid or not, but either way, Kyle said he needed the help, so why not try and work with the kid's schedule and commitments?

    • Like 2
  6. On 4/6/2023 at 10:27 AM, DesertCyclist said:

    Why is his childhood house still around -- and vacant, even?  And after he tries to blow up the safe as a child, it's still there when he goes back later with his friend?  What am I missing?

    I think it was still only a few months later?  He was still about 13 when they opened the safe.  The mom had shipped him off to boarding school.  There he met Valence.  He decides me must know what is in the safe so he takes his friend who is great at codes with him to try and crack the safe.

    But even then, I agree.  There had been an explosion in the house, it seemed like the mom moved out so the house was abandoned.  There's no way that he would have been able to just walk into the destroyed house like that.  The house would either have been condemned and demolished, or at the very least, all of the contents would have been removed and taken with the mom to wherever she went.  She wouldn't have just left a safe there.

    Is the mom dead?  I thought John had mentioned something about his mom dying to his dad.  Or is she still alive and he just has no relationship with her anymore?

  7. I think "May I Offer You This Papaya" should have been the title of the episode.

    I'm absolutely thrilled that Matt is gone.  I was so sick of the showmance and the constant attention the show paid to it.  Didn't Matt say he had just broken up with his girlfriend?  He acted like someone who had never had a relationship before and now he came on the show and met this girl and OMG this is what it finally feels like to have a girlfriend.

    When they showed the montage of Matt and Frannie's greatest hits, it was obvious he was going home.  I am utterly flabbergasted that two people who may have spent years hoping to get cast on Survivor finally make it onto the show, and then proceed to wreck their game by openly and brazenly announcing to the rest of the contestants that they are a solid and unbreakable pair.  Yeah, that's not going to make people want to target you. 

    Threw away his game for a person he's only known for 14 days.  The way he talked and cried about her, you'd think he's known her for 14 years.  I get that things get accelerated in a controlled environment like this where they don't have interaction with anyone but other contestants, but still.

    Frannie knew that Matt would be vulnerable on his half of the tribe and yet she proceeded to win the challenge anyways.  Then her trying to convince Heidi to save Matt was obvious, desperate, and annoying.

    I don't fully understand why Heidi made Lauren vote for Yam Yam.  She had talked about how she wanted to save both Matt and Yam Yam, but in the end, it seems like she went along with Frannie in trying to save Matt?  I thought it was a poor move.  She could have stolen Jamie's vote and made her vote for Lauren.  Then Matt and Yam Yam could have both voted for Lauren.  Lauren's two votes and Brandon's vote would go on Matt.  But at least then it's a tie.  I'm not sure what would have happened at that point.  At that point, there would be a revote between Lauren and Matt with those two not voting.  Yam Yam still votes for Lauren, Brandon still votes for Matt.  Lauren's regular vote goes on Matt.  But does Lauren get to re-vote her extra vote?  I can't remember what has happened with extra votes on re-votes in the past, or if it has ever happened.  Would Heidi still control Jamie's vote on re-vote?  If Lauren doesn't get to re-vote her extra vote and if Heidi still controls Jamie's vote on re-vote, then Jamie votes for Lauren, and it's still a 2-2 tie?  Then rocks if they can't decide?

    On 4/12/2023 at 8:03 PM, tracyscott76 said:

    But booooo at the show making Heidi announce to everyone who she wanted Lauren to vote for. I'm not sure if it worked out how she wanted, but it could really have affected how people voted. All the other votes were secret - why should Lauren's be known publicly?

    I agree with this, I think it is poor that she is made to announce who the "Control a Vote" vote is going to go on.  This is too much manipulation... it would allow a signal by Heidi to tell Matt and Yam Yam who to vote for.  

    On 4/12/2023 at 8:28 PM, North of Eden said:

    And God help us but we are stuck with Yam Yam Ham Haming it up indefinitely. He's a man-child in the unpromised land. I am so sick of that overgrown baby.

    I really disliked him in the beginning.  I don't know how it happened, but I have grown to love him.  I think he is hilarious, and I loved how he acknowledged Jeff's observation that he deflects with humour.  I find the weird symbiotic relationship he has with Carolyn to be interesting.

    On 4/12/2023 at 8:37 PM, tracyscott76 said:

    Had to laugh when Heidi opened the cage, turned to Frannie, and went in for a hug...and Frannie just kind of stared at her with her arms down. Frannie needed to practice Joey Tribbiani's "gracious loser" clap.

    Yep, that was hilarious.  Frannie obviously didn't want to hug her, and I was glad that Heidi found it instead of Frannie.  Mostly because I didn't want Frannie to win because Frannie's "I have to save Matt" determination and her disappointment and not getting the advantage to save Matt was irritating.

    On 4/12/2023 at 10:22 PM, TVFan1 said:

    See ya, Matt.

    Yep, I feel no sympathy for Matt at all, and glad he got booted. It was his own fault not bringing his bag with him to the challenge. Matt seemed more into Frannie and his "showmance" than he did playing the game. Now, Frannie can play her own game and not get dragged down by Matt. She already proved herself by winning the immunity challenge, outlasting everyone there. 

    I don't like the "control someone's vote" advantage. When someone votes, it should always remain that person's vote. Hoping that stupid advantage never arises again. 

    I don't think there's much difference between "Control a Vote" and "Steal a Vote".  We've seen "Steal a Vote" many times.  The only difference as I see it is that the user wasn't also voting, and that the vote had to be announced publicly.  But in the end, it's still one person taking another person's vote.


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  8. I was surprised that Dandelion went out first, I thought she was the best of the three.  Lamp and UFO are definitely better than some of the mediocre singers they have had on this show, but they didn't blow me away.  Melissa Joan Hart in particular, yes, her voice is not unpleasant, but I felt like a lot of times she was just speaking singing.  But that might have been because of the "Venus" song, it's a fun and good song, but doesn't seem like it requires a lot of vocal talent, it's a good drunk karaoke song.

    I really liked Alicia Witt's performance, she is the kind of celebrity that I think is perfect for Masked Singer.  Those who are famous but nobody really knew they could sing well, like Chloe Kim.

    • Like 5
  9. I don't understand why Clark didn't immediately heat vision the transfer disk as soon as he busted into the facility.  Or why the general didn't say anything ("he's initiated a transfer of top secret files").

    Surprisingly, Candice didn't annoy me.  We find out that Topeka is "like four hours away", thus muddling up our understanding of the geography of this show.  Topeka is about an hour west of Kansas City.  So where exactly is Smallville supposed to be?  I had been thinking it was somewhere on the eastern side of Kansas, now about two hours away from Metropolis, which can't be Chicago area anymore.  But Topeka cannot be west of Smallville because then Smallville would no longer be in Kansas.  So Smallville is supposed to be somewhere in Western Kansas now?  Where then does that allegedly place Metropolis?

    I am a bit surprised that Lois didn't offer to take Candice in until the end of high school (at this point, it's the end of sophomore year, so it's only two more years).  Or why couldn't she try harder to find another friend to live with?  I could easily have seen her moving in with Sarah and Lana.  It would be nice seeing Sarah have another friend.  Also, why so sudden?  It's only about a month or two until the end of the school year, let her finish out the year.  Why did it have to be her "last night in Smallville"?  

    And yet another also... I have a new 16 year old driver in my house.  There's absolutely ZERO chance I would let him drive 8 hours round trip on the highway by himself.

    So apparently, Kyle and Chrissy appear to have gone public with their relationship or whatever it is?  They danced like two people who are a couple, not just friends.  I was expecting Lana to say something to Chrissy about it, but her meeting with her was just about Dean and not Kyle.  Why not just mention it on the phone?  Why did she have to drag her out in person to say that?

    15 hours ago, cambridgeguy said:

    Say, wasn't Kyle supposed to go back to using Cortez as his last name?  Maybe he decided it would mean he'd lose his nickname and that was too high of a price to pay.

    I wonder if Clark actually knew about the DoD keeping Bizarro's body.  He seems like the type of guy who'd insist on burying him in a quiet place.  I bet he wishes there was a Batman on this earth to keep an eye on stuff like this for him.

    I wondered about this in the last episode thread... Sarah has clearly embraced her Mexican roots and is calling herself Cortez, and I thought Kyle was going to do the same.  But apparently he's still "Mr. Cushing" to Jon and still calls himself "the Cush".

    I've been wondering what happened to Bizarro's body too.  So Mannheim used the info from the file transfer to locate Bizarro's body.  And now Bizarro will come back as truly evil.  Why didn't Lane tell Clark about the kinds of info and stuff stored in those "secret locations".  He didn't bother to tell Clark about his blood, now we find he didn't tell Clark about Bizarro either, who will no doubt be revived by Clark's blood.

    7 hours ago, paulvdb said:

    I know that teenagers are usually played by older actors, but was Junior (the dead mayor's son) also supposed to be a teenager? I thought he looked so much older than the main teen characters that it was very distracting.

    That was ridiculous, I think he's supposed to be the same age as Sarah and Jordan/Jon.  Or at most, two years older, since he was presumably at the dance as a student.  He looked easily 28.

    • Like 3
  10. Odd, the Ovation site has removed all of the Season 16 episodes.  It usually has all episodes from the past few seasons and then 5 episodes of the current season.  Last week I watched "I Still Know What You Did Last Autumn".

    I missed the "Honeymoon in Hampshire" episode which aired Saturday because I was changing TV services... went on the website this morning and found that all Season 16 episodes are gone and only the "behind the scenes" snippets are available.  Wonder why.  Hope they come back!

    • Mind Blown 1
  11. 44 minutes ago, Raja said:

    Alex is on a gap year after his baseball career ending injury and is waiting on the Navy to send him to the academy or any pre course they might have.

    Are you sure?  I thought he was playing baseball for his high school team, he got injured which ended his dreams of a college scholarship and baseball career.  This season, Cassandra showed up, and she was talking about him taking a gap year and they would travel around Europe.  But usually the gap year would begin after he graduated from high school.

    I don't recall the show ever saying he graduated from high school... I feel like it would have been mentioned or we would have seen Alex in his cap and gown.  So my impression was that this was his last year of high school.

    If he is indeed graduated from high school and on his "gap year", what is he actually doing?  Seems like he's just sitting at home and doing absolutely nothing.  He babysat his baby sister, with Jane's help.  But he doesn't seem to be doing anything else productive.  At least go volunteer somewhere or get a job at the local shave ice place.

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  12. 3 hours ago, BluBarbi98 said:

    I don't expect a lot from this show, but Ernie going to unnecessarily tell Jane's children BEFORE they knew anything made me really dislike him this episode. I get having that conversation if there was something her son could have done to help with the investigation, or if it had been a few hours at least and she was still unfound, or if they were religious people who would like that info so they could pray about Jane's situation but it was none of that. Ernie told Alex who then proceeded to spend the rest of the episode sitting at a table and worrying and bringing him food. 

    I love Boom-Boom and am always happy to see him but I wish he had an actual purpose this episode. I didn't miss her but where was Lucy? 

    I didn't care for that either.  Why did he have to immediately leave to sit with Alex?  He would have been more useful working with the team in the office.  It was completely extraneous, we really didn't need to get Alex's reactions to his mom being missing.

    Also, the fact that Ernie went to sit with Alex just highlights the absence of Julie.  Why was Alex home anyways?  It seemed to be a weekday, since they pointedly told us that Julie was on a school field trip.  Shouldn't Alex have been in school also?  And Julie seems to be about 13 or 14 now, certainly she is "old enough" to also be told that her mom is missing.  Why wouldn't they have called the school and given Julie the option to leave the field trip?  I'm so tired of all the excuses they make for Julie not being around.  This show should just take a page from "Superman and Lois", which doesn't even bother to explain anymore why the younger Cushing daughter is never around.  Either that, or write her out.

    I did like seeing Kai and Whistler together in the field, but honestly, the head of the local NCIS goes missing, how come an entire squadron of agents wasn't sent?

    • Like 2
  13. 21 minutes ago, Camera One said:

    It is interesting because "Belgravia" was based on a book Julian Fellowes wrote himself.  The story this time is written by someone else, though he is serving as one of the executive producers.

    What made the original series interesting were the specific characters, not the "universe".  I'm not sure the worldbuilding was interesting enough to revisit with the next generation.

    I tend to agree.  I read the book some years ago and I really enjoyed it.  So it was great seeing the characters brought to life.

    The more I think about it, with this "Next Chapter", I don't see any reason why I would be attached to any particular character since these are all brand new characters, like I said, the same storylines could be written for "Gilded Age" as they could for "Belgravia Next Chapter" and it probably wouldn't make any difference.

    I do think it would have been much more interesting to continue the story of the characters from the book.  This new series will probably just be the same as any other period drama, in fact it will probably have the same typical tropes that seem common for shows set in this time period:

    Earnest but penniless young man trying to make his way into the world.  A titled gentleman who becomes his adversary.  A scandal from years ago that nobody but the aged Dowager Countess knows about but would ruin Main Guy if it got out.  An unscrupulous businessman who finds out the secret and is going to use it for his own gain.  A forbidden romance between Main Guy and Adversary's sister.  A maid or servant that doesn't know his/her place.  Someone involved in some illegal or illicit business dealings.  Old ladies throwing lavish parties.  A clergyman who isn't as honest as he should be.  Etc.

    Seems like it would have the same formula as Belgravia all over again.

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  14. On 4/8/2023 at 7:40 PM, chitowngirl said:

    Wow, this is welcome news.  But without any source material, isn't this just going to devolve into Julian Fellowes writing typical Julian Fellowes fare?  He already currently has "The Gilded Age" set in 1880s New York, now he will have this one set in 1870s London.

    I don't think I get MGM+, I watched the first season on DVD, so I guess I'll be waiting for the DVD for this season.

  15. My daughter was at McDonald's yesterday and said that the latest Happy Meal toys are Masked Singer toys.  So I googlefued this article:


    Curious as to how they selected the various costumes.  Maybe based on ease of translating them into fairly basic plush?  Or just the character itself and how appealing it might be to kids?  I wouldn't say the Rhino was any kind of fan favourite, for example.

    • Useful 2
  16. https://deadline.com/2023/03/those-about-to-die-peacock-iwan-theon-roman-empire-drama-shooting-begins-1235304363/

    Iwan Rheon (Ramsay Bolton from Game of Thrones) has replaced Lorenzo Richelmy (Marco Polo) who dropped out because of scheduling conflicts.

    The only other name I recognise in the cast besides Hopkins and Tom Hughes is Rupert Penry-Jones, who seems to be playing an ambitious patrician.

    I am a sucker for historical dramas, especially those set in Ancient Rome.  Really looking forward to this.  No word on release date yet.

    • Useful 1
  17. Just finished the first episode, and I feel thoroughly confused and lost.  Like the feeling I had about how stupid I was when I saw the first "Mission Impossible" in the theatre.  I'm going to have to go looking for a recap online which tells me exactly what happened.

    The overall plot, I get it.  John runs some kind of "consulting" firm that manufactures evidence and scenarios that paints a picture of the desired outcome for his clients.  Like how someone paid his firm to create the appearance of some kind of illicit exchange between the Treasury Department official and that flinty woman.

    Now he finds he is being framed for two murders, and he's on the run to try and figure out who is behind it.

    That I get.  The part I am confused about is that I feel like there's too many characters and not enough explanation as of yet.  The guy he was talking with that ended up falling off the building, who was that?  What was his role in all of this?  Was he the one that paid John to arrange for the photos of the exchange of documents between Treasury guy and Flinty woman?  Who is the FBI lady that seems to have some history with John?  She was the one he called, right?  Who is the woman from the bar and how is she involved?

  18. On 4/9/2023 at 12:43 AM, Lantern7 said:

    Nice bit with Jonathan and the hair. The hood might be a liability in a fight, but the googles remind me of Jack Knight in the comic series Starman. Next step: James Robinson joining the writers, leading to Jon get many tattoos.

    You mean Jordan.  I think the hood is unique to this series to accomodate his terrible Frodo Baggins hair.  But the googles seem to me to be a nod to the look that the Superboy (Connor Kent) who emerged after the Death of Superman has. 

  19. 13 hours ago, jcbrown said:

    I realized this week that Tini reminds me of Lady Elaine Fairchild, one of the marionettes from Mr. Rogers' Neighborhood. She would be less weird-looking of she would stop tilting her head and jutting out her very prominent jaw, but I think the exterior is reflecting the interior in her case. She came on the show to be a Reality Star and I think she is intending to play the villain. Mission accomplished, if so.


    I truly don't think she thinks of herself as the villain of the show.  I really do think she thinks of herself as the heroine.  The beautiful and adorable blonde princess who is beloved by viewers and her how ever many followers on instagram.  I think she looks more and more like Gollum every week... if she were to win an immunity pin or advantage I could easily see her grabbing it and saying my precious..."

    • Like 1
    • LOL 3
  20. I'm really happy for Shay to get into the top kitchen.  I thought he might have a chance at the time button, since the judges seem to love when the contestants make things personal, especially when it comes to aged relatives.

    Not sorry to see Vinny go, he seemed to be the worst of the remaining contestants by far.  His appetizer was awful, it was a deep fried egg.

    7 hours ago, mlp said:

    I took an instant dislike to Tini during the first episode and my opinion hasn't improved.  She's not attractive and her voice is unpleasant so I have a hard time believing that she has so many followers on social media that she rated the producers' attention.  I am, apparently, wrong.

    I thought I was mean for saying she resembles Gollum.  The severely pulled back hair.  The very gaunt face/neck.  The ears.  So I'm glad to see that others don't think she is attractive and I fully agree about the voice, it is harsh to listen to.  I have no idea how or why she has so many followers.

    Her tuna tataki was terrible.  I fail to understand why it needed to be on a homemade tortilla.  That's one of those things where chefs think "oh they will be impressed with a homemade tortilla".  So what justice that it was raw.  Har har!

    Also, another reason to dislike her... she wanted the time button solely so she could take away 10 seconds from someone.  Me, I would use it to gain more time for myself.

    • Like 4
  21. 54 minutes ago, mythoughtis said:

    When was the last episode in which the ‘order’ side looked remotely competent?   Both the prosecution and the judges?  Because some of the judges’ ruling the last several episodes don’t seem realistic either 

    why wasn’t Sienna fully questioned  before she was put on the stand?  Every one of those questions should have  been asked in witness prep.  

    This seems to be a pattern... detective work is very competent, they find the killer and arrest him/her.  Then the lawyers come in, and it seems to me that more often than not, we have to have a scene of a judge making a ruling that makes the job of Price and Maroun more difficult.  I get that the show is doing this to cause more drama, but I agree with you that it ends up making Price and Maroun look either like they are incompetent or that they are scrambling.

    I get that this is the formula of L&O for 22 seasons... crime is committed, detectives investigate, witness points them towards an obvious suspect, they go and question suspect, oh it's not him, well then who could it be, dig some more, oh no it's almost half past gotta hurry up, minute 29 find and arrest the real killer.  Then Order takes over, brief discussion with suspect, legal posturing, judge makes discovery ruling, oh no how are we going to win now

    It has become a comfortable and familiar formula.  Kind of like "House", which was also formulaic.  Patient shows up with some weird symptoms, oh I know what that is it's chronic mitochondrial baccanalia rhombosis, no it's not i've seen that before and that's not it, tempers flare, feelings get hurt, episode ending, oh it was actually acute theurocycline dermatitis, good job doctor for saving the day, but feelings were still hurt.

    I do like the L&O formula but sometimes I wish they would mix it up more.  I'd love to see more two-part episodes.  One entire hour on the police side.  Then the next week, an entire hour of law side.  The lawyers can still show up on the police hour to give advice, and the detectives can still show up on the law hour to testify or do more investigation.  But I feel like a lot of the Order half currently suffers because of a need for the writers to create problems and make the case not so straightforward.  I understand why they do it, but for once I'd like to see a solid Order win with nothing bad happening at the end.

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    • Love 1
  22. On 3/19/2023 at 11:10 PM, ottoDbusdriver said:

    Some odd things seen in Jacques' apartment -- a statue of Marge as Marianne of France, Marge as Marilyn Monroe Warhol-style painting, a photo of Marge in place of the flag being raised over Iwo Jima, and Marge in Botticelli's Birth of Venus.

    I thought those were great, especially the Marge as Marianne.  I also liked the painting where there were two additional framed paintings on top which were paintings of her hair.  For some reason the style reminded me of something I would have seen in one of the "Where's Waldo" books that was the Great Picture Hunt where a painting was an extension of the main painting to accomodate something that didn't fit.

    On 3/19/2023 at 8:31 PM, DoctorAtomic said:

    I liked the Queen's Gambit gag. 

    I didn't watch it, what was the gag here?

  23. On 4/1/2023 at 8:02 AM, DanaK said:

    Was there some sort of note explaining the dish beside text saying what the dish was or did they rely on the professional chefs to explain the dish? It seems unfair to expect someone to be familiar with the national dish of a lot of countries

    I was wondering the same.  Tini Gollum has never ever before cooked "Spain food" and has never heard of paella, and yet she is able to produce one?  Either she (and some of the others who weren't familiar with their country/dish like Preston) had some kind of recipe card or they must have been given a lot of direction off-camera.

    I'm sorry to see Preston go, I think he's better than some of the ones left.

    • Like 2
  24. 10 hours ago, EtheltoTillie said:

    Another preposterous episode.  Maybe not as bad as last week, but still terrible writing—for the legal side.

    Two giant flaws. I thought they couldn’t top the ludicrous twist where they said they had Siena as a witness but then they had to suddenly bring her in to discuss cooperating. How could that have not been done before?  Then they sprang the cult leader on us in the last 10 mins, and even pulled an Epstein. Ugh. 

    The detective segments continue to be outstanding. 

    Agreed.  The fact that they didn't know that Lodestar was a person was ridiculous.  It seems they thought that Jocelyn was the cult leader.  Wouldn't they have thoroughly investigated the cult and her finances?  They would have seen that she was making large payments to someone and would have figured out on their own who that someone is.

    Also, during Jocelyn's trial, they discover this new person of interest.  So then what happened?  They asked the court for an indefinite recess while they went and followed up on all the stuff that they should have done before starting Jocelyn's trial.  Of course in L&O universe, it all got done in a day, but still.

    I did like that Maroun took charge.  She was the one that told the one girl that she would be charged with kidnapping the victim for holding her down while branding.  And then she refused to give any leniency to Jocelyn after Lodestar was killed.  I agreed with her.  Jocelyn had a chance to take a deal and refused.  The deal was then no longer on the table because they didn't need her.  Too bad.

    The way those cult girls looked at Jocelyn with adoration/despair as she was being led away... yeah, they're still brainwashed.  

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