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Posts posted by blackwing

  1. I don't think Margot's message was broadcast to the general public.  It just went to the intelligence community and Open Cell hacked in so they could watch.  If it had gone to the public, there would be mass hysteria as everyone and his sister's dog attempted to leave London.


    Kudos to those of you who suggested Navarro as the mole.  I don't fully get it though, he's the station chief.  Apparently Kate's husband got too close so he planted evidence to disgrace him.  But why?  If they even try to insist that he's Al-Harazi's brother, that is way too unbelievable.  There's no way they could get me to believe a Hispanic guy is actually Middle Eastern.  Then again, I thought the Russian whoever he was looked Indian.


    Felt really bad for Farrah and her daughter.  Why couldn't Simone have just told them to leave town right away?  She clearly didn't want to kill her.  I hope the daughter survived.


    So happy that the sensationally hot Miranda Raison finally got to speak.  Her voice and accent are just as amazing as I remember them being on MI-5.  I'd love for her to have a bigger role.


    I'm curious as to why Michelle Fairley is listed as a guest star.  Some seasons I thought the baddie is listed as a regular.  I hope this doesn't mean she has a short lifespan, although at this point there are only 6 episodes left.  I also just recognised the guy who plays Simone's brother is the actor who played the resentful brother on "The Pillars of the Earth".


    I loved the ridiculous of the technobabble exchange between Navarro and Jordan.  Something about a Phoenix Rebirth?


    Missed my favorite 24 trope last night, that being "Set up a perimeter."
    I thought Kate and the CIA had a perimeter in the episode when Jack went to the apartment complex looking for the guy that got killed by Simone.  Or maybe I am making it up.  
  2. I truly don't get the Ridge storyline.  He dumped Brooke but has decided that he can still control her life?  What part of that makes sense?  Hopping on a plane to go halfway around the world to "bring Brooke home"?  Isn't that a little extreme?  How about CALLING her first?  "She's a Forrester."  Uhhh.... not since he dumped her again for the 50th time.


    If Brooke had any resolve, she's going to tell him he wasted his time and send him packing.  Of course, she's going to do that teary squint and be all touched that he flew all this way and probably run off into the desert with him.


    I also don't understand this... at the end of yesterday's show, she was just about to walk down the "aisle" on the beach.  He's in his jet making its landing approach.  Is he going to spy the wedding from the plane and demand the plane land on the beach?  Parachute out the door?  To rescue his Logan?  Pffffftttt. 

    • Love 2
  3. I think Jordan is an obvious mole candidate, he's so obvious that it's too obvious.  I'd be surprised if Steve were the mole.  In Season 1, I firmly believe that Nina ended up being the mole because they were making things up on the fly as they went along.  She had been way too helpful in the investigation and actually did things which advanced it towards her reveal, so that made zero sense.  After 8 seasons, and especially since this is a shortened day, I would hope that they would have thought things out more and not make Steve the mole.  I think Steve went on the raid simply because it's Benjamin Bratt, and he's a semi-known "name", and they wanted to give him more to do.


    I would be happy if there was no mole.  There doesn't always have to be a mole.  Besides, isn't the mole-like figure already indicated as the creepy British guy, Chloe's boyfriend?  He purposely set Jack up to be caught.

  4. They could even use someone from Spooks, the MI5 drama.
    Ironically, I have been noticing Miranda Raison's name in the guest star credits.    She of course is best known as the beautiful agent Jo Portman from the British series Spooks (known as MI-5 in the U.S.).  The past few episodes I tried in vain to identify her, and last episode, I think I finally noticed her.  She seems to be something of an aide to the British Prime Minister, but I don't recall her speaking at all.


    There is a weird vibe between Kate and Jordan, he seems to be infatuated with her, so I agree it is likely that he could be a mole.


    I said this over on another board, but I was surprised at the quick and light 10 second patdown of Jack that determined the flight doohickey wasn't on him.  What if it was in his shoe or his underwear?  The bad guy from Season 2 stripped him naked and forced him to eat something that made him vomit up the contents of his stomach, in an effort to find a missing microchip.  And then to not even ask further questions about where the thing was, or to search the room?  Poor.

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