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Posts posted by blackwing

  1. So after hearing so many great things about this show, and all the media hype, in particular the many stories this past year painting Jennifer Coolidge out to be the greatest thing since sliced bread, I finally set out to watch this show.  Just binged Season 1.

    I agree with much that was said upthread .  I found myself very dissatisfied with the show as a whole.  I had thought that this show was billed as a dark comedy, and instead of finding things about the characters' lives funny, I was left with a feeling of sadness and disillusion.

    Most of the characters are simply awful people.  Am I supposed to sympathise with any of them?  I think the most sympathetic people were Belinda and Rachel.  Yet I can't overlook Belinda's naivete.  She works in a spa in a high end resort in Hawaii.  Surely Tanya can't be the first rich guest that Belinda has ever encountered.  I spent the first half of the show wondering if Tanya was a lesbian and was trying to promise Belinda a good life and would take her away from the hotel.  Belinda must have heard all of this before.

    Rachel is married to a psychologically abusive and controlling creep, but she put herself into that position.  She took the steps of getting her own room, but at the end, just crawls back to him?  I also don't fully understand her motivation or reasoning.  She is married to a very rich guy but then says it's important to her to be able to earn her own money.  She kind of acted like she wanted to completely support herself, but that no job that she was qualified for would allow her to do that.  Why did it have to be so absolute?  She could have insisted to Shane that she wanted to work as a journalist because she enjoyed it and it was important to her to do something of her own.  But she went to the extreme and somehow thought that if she didn't agree to accept that assignment to work while on their honeymoon, it would mean her career was over.  Why couldn't she just want to work for enjoyment, and not to prove that she can pay her own way?

    I would have felt more sympathy for Armond, but it was clear he enjoyed his position of power.  Stealing the drugs from the girls, doing cocaine while on duty, forcing some young male employee to have sex with him, taking a dump in a guest's suitcase.  He wasn't as awful as some of the others but he certainly wasn't clean.

    I would have liked Quinn more, but he's 16 and his desire to stay in Hawaii and row a boat was just ridiculous.  How did he think he was going to live there?  

    Don't even get me started on Paula.  Were Olivia and Paula supposed to be a couple?  Or just very close friends?  It seemed evident that Paula completely resented Olivia and her family's white privilege.  Even before she arranged the theft of the jewelry, she had been sullen and unappreciative the entire trip.  I just don't understand why Olivia was OK with her attitude, and I was annoyed by the parents' complete cluelessness and condoning of her terrible attitude.

    The ending was completely unsatisfying.  I kept looking at the clock ticking down and thinking that there was no way all of the plots would be resolved with any satisfaction.  And they weren't.  Shane leaves the resort, without even being charged?  I'm assuming that the killing was determined to be an accident or self-defence, but it would still take some time to figure that out.  There were no witnesses.  Plenty of hotel staff could have testified as to the many angry conversations that Shane had with Armond.  How did the police determine that Shane didn't enter his room, find Armond taking a poo in his suitcase, and kill him with a knife in his rage?  That would have been manslaughter.

    Quinn doesn't get on the plane.  There's no way that the parents allow that plane to just leave.  They would have gotten off to look for him.

    No charges against Paula?  Maybe Olivia convinced her parents not to press charges.  I truly don't understand the hold that Paula had over Olivia that made Olivia say she won't tell anyone about the theft.  Why not?  Paula very clearly said to Kai that Olivia wasn't her friend.  I hope Olivia dropped her as soon as they got home.

    I will watch the next season but I really hope it doesn't have the same theme of rich people trudging through life with malaise and their rich people problems.

    • Like 2
  2. 11 hours ago, violet and green said:

    She connected with Bruce, before his untimely exit. She connected and remains connected with YamYam, and with Carson - who chose to side with her and YY instead of his other alliance with Helen and Sarah, as he connected more with her.

    She was wisely dialled down for the premerge/all tribes on the beach, and mostly watching. I don't see her as the sort to do the fake social schmoozing, in any case.

    She "didn't connect" with Danny and Brandon as they were deliberately excluding her in their bro-down. And she was discounted and dismissed when she offered inside info on Josh's idol situation, during the merge feast of six - during which she was again dialled down. 

    I see no inability to socially connect in any of the above. Being dismissed, underestimated, discounted is another thing, and it's on the others. A bit like some of Gabler's tribe... She has also successfully downplayed her status as an intelligent observer and player of the game, at other times. If she was sitting off in a little selfmade hut to the side of the new merged tribe in a few episodes' time, then that would perhaps be different.

    I think the main reason why people aren't connecting with her, or she is perceiving that people aren't connecting with her, is that she is strange.  She seems all over the place, making random outbursts and weird observations.  She reminds me a lot of Noura Salmon.

    16 hours ago, eel21788 said:

    I can't stand it that now he says he should have played the Illness Card. That would have immediately made me root for his demise.

    So Josh says he didn't play his Shot because he really thought that he was in a good place and Kane was going home.  Even though he says he knew he was in trouble.  He wanted to "save it for later", which obviously didn't seem like a well thought out plan.

    I find it interesting that he says he would have played on people's sympathies by disclosing his illness and talking about his dead kidney donor and how much she loved the outdoors and how it's fitting that he is here playing this game for her.    If he was so sick that he couldn't function to play the game, the show wouldn't have cast him.  And trying to play on people's emotions... that's like Adam Klein and "my mom is dying from cancer and she wanted to see me on this show" all over again.  I find that disgusting.

    On 4/6/2023 at 4:14 AM, mojoween said:

    I hope Survivor got that footage of Carson putting together the 3D tree puzzle *after* the season was over, and they weren’t sitting on that footage but made that challenge anyways.

    I found that suspect as well.  It really looked like the kind of video that he would have sent in with his audition application.  If they knew in advance that he had practiced this challenge and then included it in the game anyways, then that's really poor.  I agree that I hope that in footage that didn't air, they asked him how he did it so quickly, he mentioned he 3D printed it, and then they asked him to send them the video when he got home.  Otherwise it seems a bit fishy.  I hope this is a wake-up call to Jeffy and the producers that they need to design new puzzles and challenges.  They at least could have used the tree puzzle but made the pieces different.

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  3. 42 minutes ago, mojoween said:

    Josh went to med school and got a medical degree to operate on feet.  That makes him a medical doctor, podiatrist and/or surgeon to me.  He’s a one stop shop to diagnose your plantar fasciitis, and then operate on it.

    I googled, he went to Kent State University's College of Podiatric Medicine and thus got a DPM and is a Doctor of Podiatric Medicine.  There's a big difference between a traditional medical school and a podiatry school.  People who go to medical school get MDs (Doctor of Medicine).  He's very specifically NOT a medical doctor.  He's a doctor of podiatry.  The fact that he goes around calling himself a surgeon makes me think he is purposely trying to make himself look like a medical doctor.

    I have to wonder why he would tell his tribe he is a surgeon and then fret about them thinking he is a big threat.  If he was trying to downplay his job and make himself be viewed as non-threatening, he should have called himself a podiatrist or a physical trainer from the start.  He seems to have a real need for people to acknowledge him, and he has a definite petty streak.

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  4. I guess I never noticed Josh's chryon before, but I saw it in this episode.  He's a "surgical podiatrist".  Which to me is a podiatrist who does foot surgery.  And he's going around calling himself a "surgeon"?  Sorry, when I hear someone describe themselves as a surgeon, I'm thinking heart or brain or internal medicine.  It's odd to me that he would call himself a surgeon instead of a podiatrist.  OB/GYN, opthalmologist, ENT (ear nose throat), and many other medical specialties all will perform surgery at times.  But I don't think my opthalmologist would introduce herself to others as a "surgeon".  She's an opthalmologist that happens to occasionally do eye surgery.

    I get that podiatrists and chiropractors are technically doctors, as they are Doctors of Podiatry and Doctors of Chiropracty, but they have their own educational and training system and aren't MD medical doctors.  I recall one of my parent's friends who would proudly go around telling everyone her son is a doctor, and when someone asked her what specialty, she would just say "foot" and try and change the topic.

    Seems to me that if Josh is going around calling himself a surgeon instead of a podiatrist or a surgical podiatrist, that maybe he has a chip about not being a medical doctor.

    14 hours ago, LadyChatts said:

    Jamie's another one that I think is being set up for a comical yet disasterous downfall with her "I'm the MVP!" and saying she's in the know about everything.  People are blind to how good Carolyn is, yet Jamie thinks they are all blind to how well she's playing the game. 

    6 hours ago, JudyObscure said:

    Jamie's bio says she thinks she's most like some player who was "brilliant" and her occupation is yogi, so I guess she's in the seventh level of enlightenment from years of meditating on a mountaintop in India or some such, so she would know if Josh has an idol or not!

    I can't stand Jamie with her "aren't I adorable" smile  and I love Carolyn who is just the opposite, that rare Survivor with a tiny bit of humility.

    I can't stand Jamie, she is by far my least favorite contestant.  Her voice is irritating, her arrogance is irritating, everything about her is irritating.  I really hope she tries to play that fake idol and goes out spectacularly.

    • Like 7
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  5. On 11/1/2022 at 6:39 PM, Trey said:

    I Still Know What You Did Last Autumn Season 16 Episode 8 October 31 2022

    It was a good mystery but it was too grim for my taste.  I like my Halloween episodes to have a good amount of humour in them. The last scene was adorable but it just didn't make up for the grimness.


    On 11/2/2022 at 11:10 AM, Grundoon59 said:

    I Still Know What You Did Last Autumn Season 16 Episode 8 - October 31 2022

    I am glad I saw the episode but am not sure I can say I enjoyed it.  I agree with @Trey, it was a little grim for me and also a little too frenetic.  I couldn't quite keep track of who was who and when the next clown was going to pop up from who knows where.  It may have been that I was just tired from a long day of driving (returning home after a wonderful vacation) and that I may have been jittery at being alone in the house watching a spooky episode. 

    I have grown quite fond of Louise Cherry as a character and while she now has financial success, I hope she does find personal happiness as well.  Can't wait to see Watts and Crabtree next week. 

    I agree with these comments, I didn't like the Clown Murders episode the first time, and I didn't care for the return of the clown costume.  I also had trouble keeping track of who was who.  But I attribute that to my longseated confusion on this show about many of the women on this show.  I've mentioned this before, but I get confused because many of the women have the same shade of blondish hair and they all have that garlic bulb hairstyle.  If you put Louise Cherry, George's evil stalker, Freddie Pink, William's baby mama, the actress killer from this episode all in a lineup, I honestly think I would be hard pressed to attach the correct names to each.

    How is it that the costume woman was able to get into the station house without being seen at all?  There should have been lots of people in the office and yet she's able to creep up to right behind William?  Not believable.

    I used to find Louise Cherry extremely irritating.  She was way better in this episode and I did get a kick out of Julia wanting acknowledgement of her role in the first murders and then saving Louise, and Louise is all "nope, that will be me, it's less confusing".

    Also thought it was great that William dressed up.  I remember the Halloween episode of last year (? or maybe the year before) where he was supposed to get into a costume and we never got to see it.

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  6. I thought Dandelion was amazing, and she is the strongest of all the singers left IMO.  I thought Mantis was mediocre in his performance but then he was better in the battle.

    2 hours ago, Taeolas said:

    I did have to laugh at the intro to the showdown with Nicole doing the intro like that. I've seen that type of "thank you for going to the movie" skit in front of a lto of movies recently, and this version was very tongue in cheek while still matching the attitude that those ads bring out in general. 

    It seemed to be a direct parody of the Nicole Kidman bit that plays before every show at AMC Theatres.  That bit was even referenced at this year's Oscars.

    31 minutes ago, Taeolas said:

    The feeling I have is that the Bell singers are going to get their own episode to find a winner from among them, and then that winner will go on to the finale. 

    The finale will be a 4 singer finale of some sort (Maybe face off elimination style?). 3 from each of the rounds plus the bell round winner. I do hope for the finale they let each round be unique songs for each challenge. While I don't mind the "both sing the same song in slightly different formats" style for the regular episodes, for the end I think I'd rather let them have their own songs that (hopefully) will play to their strengths. 

    Agree, I believed that Nick had already mentioned that the three (?) singers who got saved by the bell would compete against each other to get back into the competition.  So it does seem like the finale will have four singers.  Group A champion California Roll, Group B champion Macaw, Group C champion Dandelion or someone who beats her next week, and then Bell champion?

    How many weeks are left in the show?  Next week should be the finale of Group C.  Then a Bell finale.  Then the actual finale?  It will probably be two hours as in the past, an hour of obligatory filler and then an hour of "competition"?  So three weeks left?

  7. On 4/1/2023 at 9:16 PM, roseha said:

    This Miami open has had some great matches.  First Sinner comes from behind to beat Alcaraz last night.

    And today Petra Kvitova played an amazing match to defeat Elena Rybakina, 10 years her junior, and take the title.  30th career title for Petra, and after all she has been through after the attack on her hand, it is so great to see her triumph.  The match in the first set was very dramatic with an absolutely wild 16-14 tiebreak with both players saving multiple set points, then Petra ran away with the second.   She is such a smart veteran as well as the winner of the sportsmanship award every year.   I would love to see another Wimbledon title for her.

    I've always liked Petra, and I was happy to see she has won.

    Disappointed that Garbine is "taking a break"... she seems to be burned out, keeps losing, and basically says that she's been spending time with family and enjoying it more than she enjoys playing tennis.  Too bad, I am always hoping she will regain her form that has made her a two time Slam champion.

    • Like 2
  8. Not surprised Matt left.  I do find it kind of suspect when the two blind judges don't agree, leaving the one judge who knows exactly who cooked which dish with the sole elimination power.  It did seem like both Matt and Preston cooked good dishes, so maybe she was just going by track records.  Matt had won the exemption but had also ended up in the bottom before, so this was his second time.  On the whole, I think of the dishes that got them sent to the elimination battle, I think Preston's completely raw salmon was worse than Matt's cod with the elderflower.  At least Matt's was edible.

    I liked both of them but I like Preston more, so I'm glad he stayed.  However, Nyesha said she gave him the edge because he made tortellini in 30 minutes.  Was it that much of a difference?  I know his pasta was fresh while Matt's was not, but he made some pasta dough and cut a circle, is it that hard?  Seemed to me that Matt's flavours and combinations were more complex.  I know that I would much rather order Matt's dish in a restaurant, it seemed way more substantial than just the three or four tortellini that Preston made.

    BTW... both Nyesha and Gordon called it what I call it, "tortellini", while Richard made a point to call it "tortelloni" with an O.  What's the difference?

    On 3/25/2023 at 2:13 PM, Lurk said:

    She's the one that irritates me the most and typically that means she'll be a major focus all season and win it all. The head tilting, her mannerisms, her voice and on and on. I don't know if she has some medical condition that makes her so thin and sickly looking. Her head tilting and swaying when she's just standing and other things she says about not being strong enough to do this or that makes me think she needs to eat something before she passes out.

    I don't like her much.  I agree the head tilting is odd.  I can't decide if she reminds me of Gollum or an Elf girl.

    I reserve most of my hate, however, for Chris.  He can't leave soon enough.  He is by far the most arrogant of the contestants, nobody else (except maybe the ER doctor) has this cocky attitude.  Everyone else seems like fairly nice people.  I can't stand how he talks about himself in the third person, and I was so so so happy that he didn't win best dish, if only because he was so sure he was going to win.

    My absolute favourite is Pilar.  I also like Nuri, Preston, and Shay, even though Shay probably isn't going to last much longer.

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  9. Agree with everyone that the Order side was a mess.  I do feel like we got cheated out of a major portion of the trial.  We saw the clerk testify and Price testify, then it fades and all of a sudden it's two days later and the jury is back.  I would have liked to have seen Maroun walk through the evidence of the shoes and the cut on the hand with either Cosgrove or Shaw.

    I guess the actual trial portion made so little impact on me, did the ex-wife even testify?  Price said they were going to order her to testify but I can't even recall now if she did, and I just finished watching the show not that long ago.


    On 3/30/2023 at 8:17 PM, storyskip said:

    Because Nolan skated a very sketchy ethical line in not disclosing the bell-hop witness to the defense attorney.

    Rachel was a public defender. A witness like the bell-hop would have given the defense a huge avenue to prove reasonable doubt. As a public defender she would have wanted that leverage, so what Nolan did would have been extremely distasteful. 

    She wouldn't have liked HOW he won.

    I think I side with Price... I don't feel like they were withholding evidence.  The defense would have had access to the same cameras and could have found the doorman on their own.  Also, the judge would have surely told his lawyer about the last time he talked with Rachel, and he could have recalled if anyone else was in the area, which would have led to them looking at camera footage.

    I have a question about the photo of Price kissing Rachel.  I thought all evidence had to be provided in advance of trial or at least that day in advance of introduction, so that the opposing counsel isn't surprised by it.  Maroun was very clearly surprised by the photo, so it seemed to me that it wasn't shown to her in advance.  There would have had to be a series of questions or statements establishing authenticity olf the photo.  Which I guess is omitted to save time.  But she still should have gotten a chance to see it in advance.

    On 3/30/2023 at 9:29 PM, Door County Cherry said:

    I also think the clerk should have been disbarred.  I have a hard time believing there's no cameras near the courthouse that could have shown the clerk leaving without the judge.  

    I agree.  I wasn't clear if Price was saying they were going to bring perjury charges against him.  Or if they would just publicise the fact that the clerk lied, and let the news spread in the New York legal community and essentially make him unhireable.  If I were Price, I would have confronted the clerk with video footage showing very clearly that he lied.

    On 3/31/2023 at 4:57 PM, Andyourlittledog2 said:

    I also agree that the scene with McCoy was done without Waterston actually present. The lighting of McCoy was that weird pasted in kind to the background that seems to be used a lot these days. It's obvious and cheap looking and I wish shows would knock it off. I do hope it wasn't done that way because the actor is having problems. He's over ninety now. I want him to live forever. 

    It did look obvious, he's only in each episode for a few minutes.  It seems likely that he just changes clothes and tapes a lot of his scenes for multiple episodes on the same day and they just greenscreen him in.

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  10. The worst part of this episode is that I got teased into thinking that they were finally going to cut Jordan's hair.  I've been wanting this kid shaved bald like Connor Kent on "Titans" so badly, and we almost at least got to see him get a haircut.

    I don't care for Candice at all, it's too bad she has a crappy dad, but why does she have to live with the Kents?  Sounds like her dad skipped down and just abandoned her, but surely she has a female friend she could stay with.  It's weird that she's living at her boyfriend's house.  Never mind the fact that Clark can no longer just suddenly whoosh out of the house.

    Still not liking Sarah but I'm glad she apologised.  I noticed that the show doesn't even try to explain where Sophie is or who is taking care of her.  So both of her parents and her sister will just meet at the coffee shop, don't mind Sophie, she must be fine.

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  11. On 10/25/2022 at 4:34 PM, Trey said:

    Murdoch and the Sonic Boom 16:07 Oct. 24 2022

    Another episode I really enjoyed even if it did bring back a villain from the past.  Allan Clegg is finally, really dead.  I thought Julia looked like she could hardly wait to get a scalpel into his body to make darn good and sure that he was dead.

    And Meyers was not as annoying as usual.

    It's a good thing Bell was there to help them out or things would have ended really badly.

    I did not catch that Taft's man - I've forgotten his name - was a bad guy but my son did.  He was very pleased that he is a better detective than I am.

    And it's always good to see Margaret.  I'm glad she is still working at the clinic with Julia.

    I groaned when Terence Meyers showed up, ugh.  It was predictable that Clegg would return eventually, and I take it he is really dead now?  But I would not at all be surprised if he comes back again, and it is revealed that this Clegg that died was someone who had plastic surgery to look like him.  Or a twin.  It's too much to hope that he's gone for good.

    I was a little bit lost on the science and the sound waves, but otherwise it was a decent episode.  Nice to see Henry getting to do a lot because of the absences of George and Watts.

    Jonny Harris has always seemed to disappear from time to time to do his other stuff, and it's easy to send George on his honeymoon.  But why the continued absence of Watts?  Did they write this storyline for him to accomodate the actor's schedule?  Is he involved in something else at the moment?

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  12. On 3/7/2023 at 11:34 AM, OtterMommy said:

    I've been thinking about this, and here is what I think happened:

    First, I think that Amazon made a few miscalculations.  One of the benefits of adapting an established property is that you are guaranteed an audience.  Louise Penny has a strong following, and they were counting on her audience to become their audience.  Because of that, Amazon didn't put the energy into promoting this show as they probably needed to.  Thus, while it got good ratings, it didn't exceed the ratings they felt were the baseline.

    The other issue I read articles from a few sources was that Amazon received a fair amount of backlash from LP for the series departing from the books.  I don't know what that backlash entailed--did people actually contact Amazon to complain, or was it just online?  I don't know.  Personally, I think this complaint is rather silly.  It's one thing to say that you don't like the changes--that's fair.  However, to say that you don't like the show because it wasn't exactly like the book series is not.  All adaptations make changes.  I can't think of a single book-to-series or book-to-movie that didn't make changes.

    This is not to say that I don't think the production bears some responsibility.  The writers, or whoever made the decisions, made a gamble that they could move away from the town of Three Pines and focus primarily on Gamache, and that gamble did not pay off.  I know from posts Louise Penny made that she fought against this move away from the town.  Perhaps they should have listened to the one who created it all.

    All this being said, I am said they decided not to give it a 2nd season.  I think that the writers probably could have righted the show and made it into something really special. 


    On 3/7/2023 at 3:01 PM, sugarbaker design said:

    I can't either, but this series made major changes.  The Cruelest Month bore little resemblance to the novel on which it was based.  White Out and The Murder Stone were the stories that retained some of the elements of the original novels, except for, in the case of The Murder Stone major points like the identity of the murderer and the murdered.  I never read The Hangman so I can't comment on that.  Besides the differences in plot was the addition of the season-long arc of the Canadian residential schools, which were not mentioned in the books.  What bothered me the most was the way the citizens of Three Pines was portrayed.  Clara and Myrna were virtually unrecognizable.  Where were the two close friends who liked to hang out in the easy chairs of the cafe, wearing their jammies, drinking hot chocolate?  Where was the note on the counter of Myrna's bookstore?  Nicholl was very shifty in the books, and comic relief in the show.  Why the inexplicable swap of Gabri and Olivier's names?   However, the writers did nail Gamache, JG and Ruth.

    I'm disappointed that the series has been cancelled, but I agree that it had lots of issues.  People who read the books didn't like the changes from the books.  Whenever watching an adaptation of the book, I expect that there will be some changes (don't get me started on the way that the PBS Marple series butchered those books), but for me, I feel like a lot of the essence of the books was missing.  Three Pines is portrayed as a quaint and charming village hidden in the middle of nowhere outside Montreal.  I didn't get any sense of Three Pines in this show, the show might as well have been set anywhere.

    Characters were underdeveloped, it's like we were expected to know who they were without being told much about them, and then when I tried to apply what I knew of them from the books to the show, I found them lacking.

    I think the addition of the season long storyline of the missing indigenous girl was a misstep.  The show needed to spend more time introducing the characters and the village, instead of trying to run two plots at the same time.

    • Like 5
  13. I really can't stand Sarah, I don't care for Jordan, but when the two of them are together angsting, it's the worst.  So I was surprised at how much I still disliked her even after she and Jordan had no interaction together.  She's a brat, she was awful to her mom.

    Also, I know there was an episode last season or maybe during the first season where she rediscovered her Mexican-ness and changed her last name to the original "Cortez".  But it's odd to me because I think Kyle is still "Kyle Cushing" and I thought that Lana was recently still being called "Mrs. Cushing" by Jordan.

    Still dislike Chrissy but I guess she kind of gives Kyle a storyline.

    Candice's dad calls her "Candy Lane"... is Lane really her middle name?  He was a creep, and looked like a real life version of Cletus from the Simpsons.

    On 3/31/2023 at 1:00 PM, bettername2come said:

    Yay for Candace dumping Jon! Hope it sticks. She's a really bad influence. And boring. And I didn't even recognize her when she showed up as the waitress. And she had way too much attitude when Jon thought her father stole the truck.

    Did she dump him?  I know she did when she was mad that Jon suggested her dad stole his truck.  But then didn't she come crawling back to him at the end and tell him he was right?  Seems to me that they are still together.  

    I didn't see anyone here commenting about Jon saying to her "hey, there's something I have to tell you".  Was it that 1) he kissed his Metropolis ex-girlfriend last week, or worse 2) his dad is Superman.  Seemed really ominous to me, he wouldn't be so stupid to tell her the family secret, would he?

  14. On 3/31/2023 at 5:43 PM, NeenerNeener said:

    Yeah, Ken announced he thought it was Donnie Wahlberg, and Jenny told him it absolutely couldn't be Donnie. Then she pointed to  Donnie in the audience. It was pretty funny.

    Except it seemed absolutely scripted.  They even added the chryon "Clearly not the Moose" in post-production.  Then again, everything on this show, especially Ken's stupid schtick, is seeming more and more scripted these days.

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  15. This episode was terrible in terms of singing quality.  Unlike the recent episode where we had three pretty good singers, this episode was pretty bad.  Moose was awful.  Scorpio was ok, but she seemed like she was running out of breath.  Doll was decent but nowhere near as good as some of the other winners from each week.

    I must be pretty ancient, because I've never even heard of the show "Selling Sunset", let alone whoever that woman is.

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  16. I really didn't care for this episode.  So the CIA director was in on this plan to have a rogue unit (secretly operating under the CIA) kill Americans and give the CIA an excuse to invade Nicaragua?  Um ok.  So why the pointless deaths?  Why the need to kill every single person in that thinktank office?  They cleaned it up like it didn't happen.  So if nobody knew about it, how does this advance their goals?  They wanted the public outrage, but the public wasn't even going to know about the office massacre?  Wouldn't it have been enough to just kill the general?

    Don't understand why there was such a need to overcomplicate things.  Or the purpose of Fisk's role in all this and his relationship with Robyn.  Why does he call her "Mall Cop"?  I get that she's no longer in the CIA, but she's far more competent and experienced than Paul Blart Mall Cop.  I did like that she just ignores the insult.

    So Marcus and the boxing gym owner from New York Undercover are like brothers, their fathers were best friends and they both have troubled relationships with their fathers.  When Robyn called him and wanted to go get dinner, why couldn't he have just told her his friend had been shot and he was in the hospital?  Instead of brushing her off with "I'm too busy".  Stupid.

    I wish Dee and Vi had identified the dish that Vi made from one of Trish's recipes.  Especially since it appears to have been one of the best things that Vi has ever cooked.

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  17. I'm getting really tired of the pattern of a half episode of decent detective work, followed by some judge making some ridiculous decision just to cause problems and drama.  That knife shouldn't have been excluded. The judge agreed it was an illegal stop?  Whatever.

    The killer claiming he donated his coat to Goodwill some weeks ago?  Um ok.  The receipt was introduced into evidence at trial, and Price didn't object, meaning he had been aware of it in advance.  Why wasn't there any follow up?  Did the police go to the Goodwill location and show the photo of the guy?  Seemed like a fairly distinctive coat, they could have at least found out who was working and if they had remembered the guy or the coat.

    The reporter refusing to reveal her source was predictable, but in that case, her character was a complete waste of time.  Why not spend more time fleshing out other aspects of the trial.  In particular, I don't understand why Price and McCoy thought the Neo Nazi would make such a good witness?  He was caught spray painting the victim's house.  He claims to have seen a guy with a knife outside the house.  And.....?  The knife wasn't even admitted in the trial.  So the accused was supposedly outside the apartment.  The jury had already seemed to accept his explanation that he liked to go for long runs to explore different areas of the city.  It's not a crime to be somewhere where you don't live.  It might not even be a crime to carry a knife, as long as you don't use it.  

    In other episodes we are told that there isn't enough evidence to convict.  Here, it seemed like there was nothing entered into evidence except the testimony of a thug who testified in exchange for having charges against him dropped.  I guess I don't understand how the jury found the accused guilty, based on this thug's statement that he hated the fact that he had to testify against the accused because he admitted he agreed with the accused's actions in killing the victim.  That doesn't seem enough to me.


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  18. 1 hour ago, cambridgeguy said:

    We know where it was meant to be before they split the show off from the Arrowverse.  An east coast location makes the lack of visits to Martha more understandable.


    Hmm so that graphic shows that Metropolis is roughly where New York is and Gotham City is roughly where Chicago is.  Star City is where Green Arrow operates... I cannot tell if the dot is underneath the girl's arm on the right, which would place it roughly in Kansas, or underneath her hair on the left.  The way the words are shifted over makes me think the dot is on the right.  But I always thought Star City was somewhere on the west coast, like Portland, Seattle or San Francisco.

    I guess the short answer is, nobody knows for sure.  And even on "S&L" they seem to have moved Metropolis.

  19. I'm excited for the Euro qualifiers which start today.

    I'm a Griezemann fan, so I am a bit disappointed that Deschamps chose Mbappe to be the captain after Hugo Lloris retired.  I get that he thinks Mbappe is younger and will have a longer future as French captain than the 32 year old Griezemann.  But what a slap in the face to Antoine.  France wouldn't have made it to the finals in the WC without him.  I don't know how many years left he has in international football.  At most he would probably retire after the next World Cup.   

    I feel like he should have been named captain, he has been such an integral part of the French team for years.  He has the leadership and he deserved the recognition.  At worst, Mbappe would have had to wait four years before being named captain.  

  20. 1 hour ago, Affogato said:

    At one point in time I thought I knew that Metropolis was New York, Gotham was Chicago, Bludhaven was Detroit. Star City, I don't know, maybe St Louis?  It makes more sense, particularly since New York exists, for Metropolis to have been originally Washington DC (and the daily Planet the Washington Post). What I mean by this is that the correspondences haven't been clear for a while. 

    In any case, in this show, metropolis is  in Kansas. I thought it was more than a 2 hour drive, though, or they should have visited Martha more.

    I've always thought Metropolis was where Chicago is.  In the Batman vs. Superman movie, Gotham and Metropolis were right across the bay from each other.  But that obviously can't be the case in the TV universe.  And now we are being told that Metropolis is only a "couple hours drive" from Smallville.  Even if Smallville is where Kansas City is, on the eastern edge of Kansas, there's no way that Metropolis can be Chicago.  So it seems things have changed again.

    I agree that if it was only a 2 hour drive, that they would have visited as a family more often.

    When Clark grabs Lois and they zip away quickly... how does Lois breathe?  Or is the journey so quick that it's over before she even needs to take a breath?  Seems like when we see him flying that there are definitely times when he goes on longer and/or slower flights.

  21. I was disappointed for Fairy.  I think she was superior to Macaw.  I haven't looked at the spoiler to see who he is.  I thought Macaw was decent but I thought Fairy was better, her tone was more pleasing to me.  The Battle song wasn't really suited well for either of them.

    2 hours ago, Taeolas said:

    Another solid trio of performers, but Axolotl was the obvious one for the early elimination. She wasn't bad; she was quite good actually. But compared to the other two she was  the worst of the good. 

    As for Fairy and Macaw, I think Macaw was the better of the two in the end. It was close, but the right call was made. He also seemed more at ease in the costume and on the stage with how he moved around while singing, which (to me) is a factor in picking who I want to go forward. 

    As for who the unmasked ones are; I vaguely recognized Axolotl but not really; mainly because I'm not a fan. Ditto for who Fairy was. But that's normal for me. I'm horrible at recognizing people on good days and I'm just out of touch of most modern 'celebrities', especially ones outside of TV/movies. :) 

    I have no idea who Axolotl is, but I don't follow wrestling.  However, I have heard the name Nicki Bella.  This woman, I've never ever even heard her name before.  But I also didn't recognise the first clue giver, who was supposed to be some kind of "comedy legend" according to Nick Cannon.

    Holly Robinson Peete has had a long career on TV, she is most famous for "21 Jump Street" opposite Johnny Depp and Richard Grieco, and "Hangin' with Mr. Cooper".  She is married to former NFL quarterback Rodney Peete.

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  22. On 3/20/2023 at 2:54 PM, tres bien said:

    Hulu has decided not to make a series of Devil in the White City 🙁

    Disappointing news.  I've been fascinated by the 1893 World's Fair ever since this book came out.  I wish there were more photographs of the exhibits and the insides of the buildings out there.  In particular, I've always tried to find more photographs of the insides of the country buildings and the Fisheries building.  This series would have given us some set designer's imagination of what they looked like.  Maybe some other network will pick it up.

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  23. On 3/18/2023 at 7:43 AM, Haleth said:

    I read them many years ago and loved, loved the series.  It's gritty and realistic; no magical wizards.  This series and Mary Stewart's are my favorite takes on Arthurian legend.

    I finished The Winter King, and I am glad that it picked up a bit.  It was enjoyable, especially when viewed as a traditional historical fiction novel (battles over kingdoms, etc) and not expecting any fantasy or magic.

    I did still have an issue with all of the names and the places and keeping them straight and trying to remember who they were.  Knowing Cornwell, these were all real places, so I found myself constantly going to Wikipedia to find out the answers to questions of mine like "wait a second, where again are Dumnonia and Armorica".

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  24. https://ew.com/tv/titans-trailer-final-season-new-robin-fights-brother-blood/

    Ugh.  Admittedly, I don't like the Tim Drake character on this show, but my first thought at seeing him in his "full Robin regalia" was to burst out laughing.

    I'm wondering how much time (if any) will have elapsed in between the last episode and the April 13 episode.  Because Tim could hardly fight.  I'm sure he'll come back as an expert with skills on par with Nightwing.

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  25. Enjoyable episode, it was the perfect combination of drama, comedy, and action.

    Lois and cancer.  Since this is a TV show and she is one of the leads, we know she isn't going to leave the show, but I'm wondering how this is going to be portrayed.  Surely Clark can go to the Fortress and get some advice from HoloMom?  I would think Krypton should be more advanced in medicine.

    The party in Metropolis.  I get that Sarah and Natalie looked up Jerk's twitter and found out about his party.  But how again did Jon find out?  Was it a text from Eliza?  Did we see Eliza before in Season 1?  I get all of Jon's girlfriends confused, it seems like we turn around and there's a new one.  Presumably he is still with the Druggie one?

    The Beer Pong scenes were funny.  I expected Jordan to subtly blow on the balls but I guess people would have felt that.  How is that the two jerks were ok with Jordan and Sarah not drinking?  It's a major part of the game.  I also don't understand why he froze Jerk's truck.  That isn't something that would just happen, and he had been told by Clark about using his powers.  There were a lot of people at that party, only one of them needs to say "that looks like something Superman can do".

    Lana and John Henry look like they are getting together.  I guess in the limited universe of a TV show, there's only so many options to pair off.  Not sure why they had to abandon their dinner to go look for whatever was behind the seal in her office.  There was a lot of tortellini left on his plate.  What a waste.  At least put it in the fridge.

    I am of the opinion that Spiral Face is a woman.  She could be this Earth's Natalie.  But when they showed her in shadow watching Henry Miller getting killed, I had a horrible thought that she might somehow be Ally Alston or Lucy.

    16 hours ago, cambridgeguy said:

    Why does it feel like they've retconned the distance between Smallville and Metropolis?  They seem a lot closer together than they did back in the first season if it's possible to just drive there and back in a couple of hours. 

    I agree, I thought they were far away.  Haven't we always been told that Smallville is in Kansas and that Metropolis is somewhere where Chicago would be?  That's more than a couple hours of driving.  It was far enough away that Jon had to break up with his girlfriend because he wouldn't see her ever.

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