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Posts posted by blackwing

  1. I'm wondering which cast members will get cut.  #1 choice would obviously be Sophie, she's barely on the show anyways (and might not even count as a "regular cast member" to begin with).

    I would cut Chrissy.  She's completely extraneous.  I would probably also cut Kyle.  He always seems shoehorned into the episodes.

    With Jordan getting his full powers, I could see John Henry and Natalie being cut.

    I would also cut Sam, the DoD isn't really needed on this show.  Just make it be  more about Superman protecting Smallville and Metropolis from Lex Luthor and not about some national security issue.

  2. Just finished the fourth episode of Season 2.  I am still finding so many of the characters unlikeable.  Season 1 seemed to be an ensemble show, but so far in Season 2, it seems firmly established that the two lead characters are Harper and Yasmine.  I still like Harper, but not sure what to make of her.  Is her tough attitude and confidence supposed to be refreshing?  

    I absolutely cannot stand Yasmine.  I had a little bit of sympathy for her in Season 1 because of the way Kenny treated her.  But this season she seems to have gone all-in on her stuck-up rich princess persona.  The way she treats the new girl, just because that's how she was treated when she was new.  Her relationships with Harper and Robert. Finding out that her family money might be all gone.

    Above all, I don't understand how she can float between her actual job (not really sure if she is in foreign exchange or cross products this season) and the private wealth department with Celeste.  Why is the firm allowing this?  If I were her manager I would sure be telling her that either she is working on the floor, or she transfers departments.  She seems to just do whatever she wants, whenever she wants.  Is it allowed because her family is wealthy and the firm is hoping to get that business?

    Still not liking Eric.  I hate the way he talks to people.  I did feel a bit sorry for him the way that Bill Adler ambushed him in New York by already having Danny on the speaker on silent, and then Eric unknowingly proceeded to demand that Danny be fired.  But Eric is such a jerk, I thought it was karma.  Seems to me that he got a promotion.  Big private corner office, less work, more time with family.  Not sure about comp, but I'm sure he's still being paid well.

    Not sure what is going on with Robert this season, but there seems to be much less focus on him than in Season 1.  Not even sure why Gus is still on the show if he doesn't even work at Pierpoint anymore.  There are a number of characters that just disappeared (Greg the drunk, Theo, new French guy) and the show didn't even bother to explain where they went.

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  3. 4 hours ago, RedbirdNelly said:

    I liked Lauren but I'd like to see no more tribals where everyone decides who is going home and we just spend a bunch of time watching that person give a tearful speech. 

    They showed her searching for the idol and made it ambiguous whether she actually found it or not by cutting to commercial.  Then when she came into tribal all confident and inviting votes, I really did think that she had the idol.  There was a question of whether 1) she has it, if so, we shouldn't put 4 votes on her, or 2) is she bluffing, but do we want to take the chance that she's not?  

    However, she then completely ruined it by talking too much.  Her inordinately long sobbing "I'm so proud of myself and my kids will be proud of me" speech really confirmed that she in fact did not have the idol and that it was her goodbye speech.  I get that tribal council is really long, but she could have had her sobbing moment in a confessional before the vote and then the show could have used it whenever.  She really needed to hold it together, the fact that she couldn't was a complete giveaway that she didn't have an idol.

    • Like 5
  4. On 2/14/2023 at 9:45 AM, Trey said:

    16/17 Ballad of Gentleman Jones February 13, 2023

    I've been waiting for PI Watts to join up with the constabulary to solve a case and here it is.  I'd say it worked very well, even though Watts thought he was a failure.

    It was a good story with interesting characters.  I did figure the Kid (and murderer) was Gert Dotson although not really too early in the episode.

    I liked hearing Watts, at the end, expressing overall satisfaction with his life, now that he is back home in Toronto with his friends.

    On 2/14/2023 at 2:49 PM, Grundoon59 said:

    16/17 Ballad of Gentleman Jones February 13, 2023

    I also enjoyed the episode - after the Watts/Henry episode, it was nice to see George & Watts working together.  Glad to see Watts finally realizing that he has a place in Toronto. 

    Got a very big laugh out of George walking into the station insisting that he would use his own pillow or he wouldn't be able to sleep followed by him taking first watch because he couldn't sleep leading to him so sound asleep that someone was able to steal the coin. 

    I must admit I lost mental track of Gert Dotson as a character but the reveal fit well into the story.  Did anyone else think the scene by the tracks when she was arrested really looked like not great CGI?  It hit a nerve with me.  

    On 2/16/2023 at 7:42 AM, cardigirl said:

    16/17 Ballad of Gentleman Jones February 13, 2023

    I enjoyed this episode for all the reasons that I enjoy Murdoch. Lots of humor mixed in with a serious mystery, and a lot of the cast back together. Hooray! Let's hope Watts sticks around, and becomes a main player again. Daniel Maslany is fun to watch. 

    Poor Ogden, chafing under her life. Was the ship Murdoch showed her a model of a yacht he was buying for them? 

    I really enjoyed this episode as well.  I loved seeing Watts working with Crabtree, I feel like it's been ages since that has happened.  Hope he sticks around as a regular or maybe even rejoins the force so we can see him more regularly.

    On 2/23/2023 at 1:27 PM, cardigirl said:

    16/18 Virtue and Vice February 20, 2023

    I'm very surprised to see no comments yet about this latest episode. I enjoyed it very much, although I knew from the start where Ogden's story was headed. 

    It had all the signature elements of Murdoch that I enjoy, with much of the cast participating. Some humor too. It's difficult to wait for next week. I hope Ogden's stay in jail won't be too horrific. 

    I thought it was odd how easily and quickly the pornography storyline was resolved.  But I pegged the grandson as the killer right away.  I think I hated him on sight because of his uncanny resemblance to Governor JB Pritzker of Illinois.  He also had a really high pitched voice which didn't seem to match.

    Sorry to see that Mrs. Prescott is dead, but at least now I will no longer confuse her with Margaret Brackenreid.  Did anyone else have that issue, or just me?  Julia getting arrested was predictable.

    Loved hearing the mention of Rebecca James, I wish Julia and Mrs. Prescott had made it there to see her.

    • Like 3
  5. 20 hours ago, Aethera said:

    I feel like the best thing about this season is how ably the cast themselves demonstrated the staleness. Carson winning at puzzles because he was able to 3D print them all, and then all the ones he tried showed up. The cast bringing everything to that tribal because they knew a beach switch was coming.  I understand new challenges are expensive to build but they have a HUGE library of them, and with the consistent location, they couldn't store more of them on-site? It's not like they're all huge - the final challenges in particular are often quite compact. I miss the variety.

    Agreed.  Everything is repeated.  I hope Carson breezing through puzzles he printed and practiced at home was a wakeup call to the producers that they really need to change up the puzzles.  Good for him though.  I bet when he was printing the puzzles he was thinking he'd be lucky if even one of them showed up, and it seems from the way he did them so quickly that there was quite a number that he had practiced. 

    My teenage daughter has watched every season and as soon as a challenge comes up, she can recite what season it showed up in.  And sometimes they combine some elements or change something and she can identify the minor changes.  The show truly needs some new challenges.  Everything seems to be obstacle course ending in puzzle. 

    Another thing I really loved this season was how multiple people were unafraid of Jeffy and openly told him to shut up or that he is extremely annoying.  I've hated Jeffy for years now and I get why he talks, but it is just irritating.  When he was talking about how great Carolyn was, I was like really?  He did nothing but talk about how she was "completely out of it" or "way behind" or "struggling". 

    The show has gotten a bit stale.  I think it's time for a new host.

    • Like 5
  6. I think Yam Yam is a fine winner.  I really loathed him in the beginning but then I came to love him.  He was very strategic, doing what he had to in order to survive.  There were quite a number of times this season where he heard his name being thrown out and then he pivoted and addressed it.  He was also very social.  He was funny, self-deprecating and well liked by the cast.  

    It was great of Heidi to win the final immunity and then to put herself into the final by taking out Carson.  She probably should have gotten more credit for that, if Carson had made it to the final he would have been the likely winner.  However, I feel like it didn't make up for her lack of visible gameplay as the season progressed.  I don't know if Sandra's "anybody but me" strategy would be viable anymore. 

    She was a nameless face in the early part of the game.  Then post-merge, she made some really bad moves.  She was the sole vote against her #1 ally Danny when Frannie went out... why again?  The next vote, when Danny went out, why didn't she and Danny team up with Jamie and Lauren against the Tika Three?  Instead, she and Danny voted out Carson while the other two voted for her.  Then the Jamie vote, she could have teamed up with Jamie and Lauren to vote for Carolyn.  It would have been a tie vote, I think it would go to rocks.  Heidi and Lauren have nothing to lose and could have held firm.  I think Yam Yam and Carson wouldn't risk rocks and were thinking of getting rid of Carolyn anyways so might have flipped.

    Heidi definitely could have done a lot more to make herself a way better candidate other than "I have all my friends on the jury and I made fire".

    As for Carolyn, I knew she wouldn't win because she just isn't able to articulate well.  She did fly completely under the radar and get discounted, because as she admitted, she's a mess. Frannie tried to help her by validating "being emotional" as a strategy, but I feel like it wasn't a strategy, it's just who she is.  If she had done things emotionally on purpose, like using an outburst to manipulate people into voting with her, then yes.  But she didn't.  Instead she looked just as foolish as do-nothing finalist Julie Rosenberg who I believe also tried to say "being emotional" or "being nice" was her strategy.

    Kudos to the Tika Three.  They were an openly brazen alliance and nobody really seemed to do anything to try and stop them in the post-merge votes.  Even when Danny and Heidi tried to vote out Carson (and Carolyn played an Idol for him), they couldn't get Lauren and Jamie onboard.

    I enjoyed this season way more than I did Season 43.  Lots of likeable people.  Apart from the "they were on this season???" forgettable early boots, I ended up liking most everyone except for the ridiculous legend in her own mind Jamie and the pompous Matthew of the Broken Shoulder.

    • Like 4
  7. As a standalone episode, I thought this episode was fantastic.  It had everything that I thought this show was going to be.  Fantastic action sequences.  Spy intrigue.  And a little bit of humour.

    I can definitely see from this episode why the series was so expensive.  This episode being the season finale also probably had the most reshoots, and they went all out on the effects/budget.  The parachuting, the submarine, the fight, Davik cutting Mason's tether and he gets stuck on the sticking up part of the sub... all awesome.

    I laughed at "You're supposed to actually pull the trigger." / "You just parachute in?" / "Yeah I'm amazing."

    It wasn't too hard to guess that Mason was Dahlia's son, especially when we had the flashback of Young Mason (who I honestly thought was a girl, I was trying to figure out which woman on the show was about 38 years old and assumed it was Abby/Celeste).  Not too hard to deduce that Mason was the mole all along.  I really liked how Mason's English accent slowly re-surfaced when he talked to his mom.

    There's still a lot of plot holes.  For example, I am positive that Dahlia said that Carter Spence was one of the Citadel agents they had turned to Manticore.  I kept waiting for him to reveal his duplicity, but he seems firmly on Citadel's side.  Abby/Celeste was pretty much turned to Manticore by the good twin, they wiped her memories, but then Stanley Tucci put her with Mason knowing that she had been turned. 

    Also, Stanley Tucci, spy extraordinaire, and didn't even know of the relationship between Dahlia and Mason?  I don't buy that he didn't know.  And he must have suspected that Mason was the mole all along.

    I hope they have better writing in Season 2.

    Citadel: Diana looks to be the European version of Citadel.  Maybe Italy?  I don't much care for Diana's hair (looks like a bad wig that Jennifer Garner would have worn on "Alias") but the scenery looks fantastic.

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    • LOL 1
  8. He was a good contestant.  I enjoy watching this show on the website or app the next day.  It goes by so much faster when I can just fast forward through all of the hemming and hawing, the "what are you going to do", the repeat scene when it comes back from commercial, showing the contestant's lyrics and talking about whether they are right or not, the pregnant pause waiting to find out if the contestant was correct.

    I did chuckle when Niecy said that as an "old Black mother" she knew exactly what his expression meant.

    • Like 3
  9. I finished James Rollins' The Cradle of Ice.  Rollins typically writes action-adventure thrillers with science and archaeology thrown in, his long running series is the Sigma Force series.  This book is the second book in his Moonfall fantasy series.  The moon is about to crash into and destroy the world.  The group of characters from the first book are trying to prevent it.

    I didn't really enjoy the first book, and my complaints are repeated in the second book.  Too many characters, different groups doing different things, some of which may or may not affect the other group.  Too many storylines and book just drags.  Some of the characters I couldn't even remember from the first book who they were and why they were doing what they were doing.  After a while, I just didn't care, I just wanted to slog through and finish the book.

    I'm assuming there is at least one more book in the series.  I love James Rollins and eagerly look forward to each Sigma Force book, but I really did not enjoy this Moonfall series.


    I also finished Stone Cross, the second book in Marc Cameron's Arliss Cutter series.  Cutter is a deputy U.S. marshal who has moved to Alaska to take care of his dead brother's wife and children.  He's assigned to protect a federal judge who travels around hearing cases in rural Alaska.  In the native community of Stone Cross, a couple disappeared and a man has been found dead.

    I enjoyed this book and the character, but I keep expecting him to be a lot like CJ Box's Joe Pickett, who lives in Wyoming.  I don't think Cameron is as good of a writer as Box, but still decent.

  10. I finished:

    Intrigue in Istanbul, the fourth entry in the Jane Wunderley series by Erica Ruth Neubauer.  Jane is an American widow in the 1920s living in England.  She and her fiance travel back home to Boston to tell her father about their engagement, only to find that he is missing.  Jane, her interfering aunt, and their fiances travel to Istanbul to try and find him.

    Fateful Words, the latest in the Scottish Bookshop series by Paige Shelton.  Each year, Delaney Nichols' employer Edwin selects four people and gives them an all-expenses paid, local's knowledge literary tour of Edinburgh.  Edwin is called out of town suddenly and Delaney has to take over the tour.  A guest mysteriously disappears and a man is pushed off the roof of their hotel.  Delaney is determined to figure out what happened.

    Death in Damascus, the fourth Heathcliff Lennox book by Karen Baugh Menuhin.  Lennox receives a letter from his sort-of girlfriend asking him to come to Damascus and help get her ex-fiance out of jail.  He has been accused of attempted murder.  He goes and is embroiled in international spy activity amd odd things happening on the set of a movie. 

    I very much enjoy all three of these series.

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  11. I think they should have skipped the flashback scenes from 17 years ago.  Talking about their wedding, giving her the dress, going to the awards ceremony etc.  17 years ago and Clark looks EXACTLY the same which I guess maybe because he's Superman, while Lois's youth seems to be denoted by her pulling her hair back into a ponytail?  Still looked every bit in her 40s.

    So John and DOD demanded a bunch of items including Bizarro.  I found it interesting that they know that Bruno has Bizarro.  How?  I recall the scene where Peia stole the data with that doohickey which had the info on all the DOD black sites, then the scene of Bruno going and getting Bizarro.  I don't think we saw a scene of Sam discussing that Bizarro had been taken?

    Bruno was going to give DOD the requested items but then John came in with Sam and blew the deal.  So Bruno gets to keep Bizarro and all the items, and now what?  Clearly Bruno sent Henry Miller to kill John, and now Henry is dead.  Why isn't DOD putting Bruno into custody for attempted murder?

    Jon >>>>>>>>> Jordan.  He's way more empathic and way more likeable to me. 

    I know that the budget is expensive and all, but I've always wondered why we never see Clark and Lois going out on dates around the world.  When they were going on a date all dressed up, I thought he was going to take her to the Eiffel Tower or something.  Not just float up into the sky.  Maybe they did go somewhere, I'd like to have heard some kind of talk about where they were going.  Why be able to get anywhere in the world in seconds and not take advantage of it?

  12. I can't stand Maggie.  I loathe this character.  I hate everything about her.  I hate her voice and her manner of speaking.  I don't want to see her as a recurring character.

    I was really hoping Charlie 1 was still alive, especially after I saw the actor's name in the credits.  We lose the gregarious and fun Charlie 1 but we are stuck with Maggie?  Ugh.

    I think I must be dense because I don't fully follow what happened.  The official plan was for Maggie to go shopping and allow herself to be captured by Adrian.  But Jane gave her the titanium knife and phone so Maggie could elude NCIS and meet Adrian at a remote location.  Why?  If the whole goal was to get Adrian, why not do it with NCIS backup?

    Unless, was the plan always for Jane to allow Maggie to escape?  She sure didn't seem to try hard to prevent her from taking off.  And then Jesse asked Ernie to doctor the safe house footage so it looked like Jane was just giving Maggie money, not a phone and a knife.  Regardless of the video footage, Jane still broke protocol and Maggie went free.  I would think she should lose her job for that.  But I really hope this Swift person isn't a permanent addition, I don't care for him.  It sounds like he is adding a new person to the team, if it is Sam Hanna that'd be great, I have long said that this team needs more field agents.

    At the end, where were Alex and Julie?  School hasn't started yet so Alex should still be around.  Jane gets injured and nobody is home to help her?  You'd think that Alex would have been home, and that the ex-husband or the parents of whichever friend Julie is always sleeping over with would send Julie home to help her mom.  It was weird that only her co-workers showed up to help her.


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  13. On 1/24/2023 at 3:47 PM, Trey said:

    Breaking Ranks Season 16 Episode 15 January 23 2023

    Another very good episode of the old school variety.  No Watts and I missed him but it was still good.

    I see Violet is already back to being Miss Hart.  Her old friend seems like a good person; maybe Miss Hart's life will take a turn for the better.  Since he (I've forgotten his name and cannot find it online yet) is a private detective, maybe he'll team up with Watts.

    I see there's no new episode next week, not until Feb. 6.


    On 1/25/2023 at 8:24 AM, cardigirl said:

    Her husband was killed by her father several episodes ago. 

    I did like this latest episode, as @Trey mentioned, it felt old school, with a large part of the cast involved, some humor, and a good murder mystery to boot. I'm sad we have to wait two weeks for the next episode, but if it's as good as this last one was, it will be worth it. 


    On 1/25/2023 at 8:33 AM, Grundoon59 said:

    Breaking Ranks Season 16 Episode 15 January 23 2023

    I also liked this episode - the mystery was enjoyable, I guessed part of the who but not the why and liked the journey of getting to the result.  It was good to see Miss Hart and Murdoch working together successfully.

    The secondary plot with the IQ tests was delightful to me - the right balance of lightness and the crime plus a good way to involve several characters not working on the primary investigation.  

    I didn't even notice that they were back to calling her "Miss Hart".  I think I noticed that Violet was calling Cassiopeia "Mrs. Bright".  Is Cassiopeia married?

    Regardless, apart from Miss/Mrs. Hart mentioning recovering from the shooting, absolutely nothing else was said about her involvement in the crimes committed by her father, etc.  Are we to assume that the police are A-OK with it all, since she took a bullet?  She was still obstructing justice multiple times.

    I find it hard to believe that Murdoch is OK with her, after having suspicions about her for years and then having his suspicions confirmed.

    On 2/8/2023 at 9:40 AM, Grundoon59 said:

    Season 16, Episode 16 - An Avoidable Hinder

    I enjoyed the episode - maybe I was a little distracted, but I clearly got who done it (in fact had sort of pre-guessed) but not entirely clear on what the motive for the original killing was.  Was it an accident that led to a cover up?  Was it all to get the girl?  Or was there some other motive I missed?

    Favorite part was the Brackenreids & George.  I know nothing about handball but learned enough through the episode to follow the match.  George as coach was wonderful and it is always fun to see Margaret.  I was very glad Thomas reached the conclusion he did - also happy that the priest was not written in a too heavy-handed manner.  It was a good balance of people concerned about Bobby's future.  


    On 2/8/2023 at 10:19 AM, peacheslatour said:

    I thought the priest was okay but Bobby was acting like a zombiefied cultist.


    On 2/8/2023 at 11:02 AM, Grundoon59 said:

    @peacheslatour- I agree - that has sort of been his demeanor since his religious conversion.  I can't tell if it's an acting choice or directing decision.  I understand new convert enthusiasm/zeal but it seems a bit much.  I haven't even been 100% sure it is the same actor who played Bobby before he went to prison.  

    I agree that the best part of the episode was the handball.  Although I thought for sure that Brackenreid would be the one to do the avoidable hinder move that George told him to do, win the game, and then feeling guilty and giving the win to the priest.

    I don't like the new/newish Bobby.  He has an odd manner of speaking.  And he does sound robotic.  But he sounded like that even before his newfound religious zeal.  So it doesn't seem to be because of finding religion and purpose.  Either the actor just talks like that or it's some kind of acting choice.

    It would be nice to see John again soon.

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  14. On 5/18/2023 at 1:59 PM, ljenkins782 said:

    Jaime's confessional about being so excited to talk to Heidi and Carolyn about "getting Tika out" was so on brand for her. Carolyn IS Tika, why would she be invested in breaking up the Tika 3? And I'm pretty sure Jaime didn't have a spellbinding tale to weave to convince Carolyn.

    Yep, Jamie is an absolute idiot.  She's a legend in her own mind.  I'm sure she thinks she was playing a great game, but this example here really highlights how clueless she was about everything.  

    I'm thrilled she is gone.  I pretty much hated everything about her - her calling herself the MVP, always talking about how in control of the game she was, and above all, that irritating voice.

    She reminded me of Elaine Benes trying to play Survivor, but without the funny appeal of Elaine Benes.

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    • LOL 1
  15. Ugh.  I really hated this episode.  I love this show and I love Queen Latifah, but this episode was the pits.

    I am beyond tired of Colton Fisk.  I truly don't care about this character and I groaned when he showed up.  For fans of "Murdoch Mysteries", it's the same groan I find myself making whenever Terence Meyers pops up yet again.  Fisk has become one of those characters.  I know they won't get rid of him, but I was hoping he would be offed.  

    The Michelle thing is also unbelievable.  So much hate from her towards Robyn.  She never once contacted Robyn in all these years?  Robyn saw the warehouse explode, what was she supposed to think? Of course Robyn thought Michelle was dead.  For Michelle to become fully indoctrinated into the Evil Venezuelan Group, yeah, ok.  

    Dante getting drugged up was pointless.  He never got the antidote, did he?  Just the shock paddles and that seemed to make him ok?

    Vi/Dee story seemed shoehorned in.  It was well done by the actors.  But I really wanted Delilah to use her training to take the guy down in a fight.  Maybe throw a soup can at him and then disable him.  She did use her training to recognise the threat and then she observed that the gun was empty, so I guess there's that.

    • Like 6
  16. It was speculated in that week's thread that the person Debbie Gibson replaced was only contracted/scripted to do one episode.  Which is why Debbie went home.  If that's true, then 1) what a crock since I thought she was eons better than Medusa, and 2) what a waste of Debbie Gibson, who clearly seems like she is a fan of the show, seems like she had a ton of fun, and should have been saved for Season 10 where she could be scripted to have a longer run.

    I think the big emotional story would have been if David had won.  Especially after they kept repeatedly talking about his LGBTQ journey and how things were dark for him and how he wanted to feel like a winner.  Instead, they build all that up only to tell him "sorry, once again, you are the runner up".  Why repeatedly tell us he was second if he is just going to be second again?

    However, I guess just wanting it is not enough?  One of the major reasons why I didn't want Peacock (Donny Osmond) and Flamingo (Adrienne Bailon) to win in their seasons was purely because of how they kept telling us that they were so unashamedly desperate to win.

    • Like 1
  17. 1 hour ago, dubbel zout said:

    She first mentioned he was applying to law schools when she and Jack had coffee.

    Ah I must have missed that.  The day after she mentioned law school, he got his acceptance letter?  So she just found out herself as well.  Still, the way she told him was extremely nasty.  "Linc is going to law school.  Too bad I couldn't emotionally blackmail you into giving me a win in this case.  If you had, then maybe you'd get to see your grandson follow in your footsteps.  Instead, our family is broken.  I'll tell him you said hi."   Ugh.

    • LOL 6
  18. Some things still don't make sense and some things are predictable, but I am still liking the show.

    Just to be 100% certain I didn't misinterpret... the girl that Kyle/Mason has with Abby/Celeste that they call Hendrix is actually the daughter of Mason and Nadia?  During the final scene showing the aftermath of the kidnapping, the closed captioning indicated that "Asha" was screaming.  So her name is actually Asha?

    I don't fully get how this all happened.  Both Mason/Kyle and Celeste/Abby lost their memories and when they woke up, they were both told "I know you can't remember who you are, but this is your spouse, and you have a daughter"?  I don't remember what Hendrix looked like but if she is half-white, half-Indian, then Mason's genes definitely seemingly took over.

    I agree that Dahlia is turning out to be a cartoon.  And I agree that Richard Madden's American accent doesn't really work.  There's times when a little bit of Scottish accent slips through.  I think they should have just let him keep his accent.

    Is the Moira Kelly character (Jo?) supposed to be Bernard's wife?

    • Like 1
  19. I thoroughly hated this episode.  The only good thing about it was that Sam Waterston finally got significant screentime.  I think this might be the most he's appeared during the past two years.

    14 hours ago, SunnyBeBe said:

    I really enjoyed seeing McCoy. I found the daughter annoying.  Her position seemed bizarre and unrealistic.  Plus, you are required to take offers to your client. It wasn’t her decision to reject an offer. I was not impressed with her representation at all.  Where was the team a defendant in that situation would have had.  She was wrong to guilt trip her dad too.  Ugh….

    I hated this character.  It started at the arraignment when she said that her client shouldn't be remanded, he needs to be able to go home and get treatment.  Even though he still is going to be on trial for killing a Senator.  So self righteous.  Thinking that she was going to get special treatment because her father would just give her what she wanted.  Then the guilt trip.

    The worst was when she was all "Linc got into Columbia Law School.  I'll tell him you said hi."  Obviously she and Jack don't have much of a relationship, at all.  This would be something that would have been shared in a phone call as soon as he got in.  Not dropped as a passive aggressive "my son got into law school, if you were a better father to me then we would have more of a relationship and you would have already known that, but I'm telling you now as I get into this taxi to try and make you feel regret that we aren't closer".  Whatever.

    14 hours ago, MerBearHou said:

    Adding to all that’s been said, I couldn’t believe Price melting down like a first year prosecutor might.  This cannot be the first time he felt empathy for a “nice” defendant — you’ve sworn to uphold the law, bud.  He let the psychiatrist preach too long from the witness stand.  That would never have happened with a prosecutor trying to get a conviction.  

    14 hours ago, Madding crowd said:

    Price is still suffering from PTSD himself from the subway shooting he witnessed. Neither him nor the DA’s daughter should have been on this case. I was just glad Maroun wasn’t lecturing Price thus time.

    Price looked bad in this episode.  If he still has PTSD then he needs to get treatment and he should have recused himself from the case.  Once Rebecca made things personal and it became evident that she couldn't do her job without bringing in the family drama, she should have been off too.

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    • Applause 3
  20. I just binged and finished Season 1.  I like this show overall.  The characters are interesting and layered and complicated.  However, so many of them are very unlikeable.

    I liked Harper and Robert the most.  Harper appears to supposed be the viewer's main POV character.  She is young and bright and new to London and the environment.  Robert is a mess, but he's fun to watch.

    Characters I don't really like are Gus (spent the whole season acting like his shit don't stank and annoyed that his boyfriend is in the closet), Kenny (classic office asshole), Yasmine (so dramatic and weary about everything, just dump the boyfriend and stop playing games), Daria (says in the season finale that she supported Harper, but all throughout the season she seemed like she was undermining her).

    The character I most dislike is Eric.  He's a classic narcissist.  Always yelling at everyone and using fear and intimidation to show everyone how important he is.  Reminds me a lot of my own boss.

    There's a whole handful of minor characters that don't make much impression on me.  Seb, seems like a loser.  Theo is a stereotype.  Greg, the guy that gets drunk too much.  Clement, older guy who had everything riding on one client.  Rishi, the foreign exchange guy, not sure what the point of him is.

    Then there's a number of people who I couldn't ever really identify .  Usman (?) - is he the assistant to Clement's client?  He's the one that did drugs with Robert and they went to some gay(?) bar together?  The friend (?) of Yasmin's that might be a potential client?  I didn't understand why she kept talking to him in Spanish and then possibly French.  Aren't they both Middle Eastern?   Then I think in the last two episodes or so all of a sudden there was this French guy that was also a first year grad?

    Interested to see how things play out in Season 2.  I hate that Eric got his way back into the company.  He's a bully, and I hate that the firm supports/enables his behaviour.

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  21. I just noticed that Joel McHale didn't show up at all this season.  I remember thinking that as it was airing and that possibly he was a contestant.  But it's almost certainly because he was too busy filming "Animal Control".

    I'm still advocating for Joel as a permanent replacement for Ken.  He's funnier than Ken and his guesses are sometimes observant.  And I wouldn't mind Niecy Nash as a permanent replacement for Nick.  I know she's on "The Rookie: Feds" which is in limbo right now, but even if it gets renewed, she could probably squeeze filming in somewhere.

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  22. I feel like the show is broken.  After nine seasons, it's getting stale.  The perception that the show is rigged has only increased over the years.  This is the first season where it seemed blatantly obvious.  The fact that Debbie Gibson was a replacement for someone who dropped out, and the script said that person had to be eliminated in her first appearance, says it all.  Because there's absolutely no way I can ever believe that the incredible Debbie Gibson, an original 80s pop princess, would lose to the awfulness that was the Medusa.

    Of course Medusa was going to win, by putting her in the first week, the show made sure that she was going to be shoved down our throats for three weeks.  Then they had her lose to Pentatonix so they could bring her back in the second chance round.  I also found it suspicious that there were only two finalists this season (most seasons have a 3 person finale, although Season 8 did not).  That gave the show yet another week with Medusa.  I could not stand her screaming and shouting and frenetic hopping and jumping around.

    I know we have a small sample here, but it seems nobody knows her.  And yet Nick Cannon calls her "multiplatinum", "award winning" and "iconic".  Who?

    I no longer watch the show live, mostly because I find myself increasingly unable to tolerate the filler, Nick Cannon, and Ken Jeong.  I mostly fast forward through them.  Ken Jeong's schtick is beyond stale, and this season, it seems to me he amped up the ridiculousness of his guesses.  Jenny McCarthy is useless too, but at least she is attuned to pop culture.

    Things the show did right this year:  Better mix of cast, most of whom could actually sing.  The worst were Howie Mandel and George Wendt, but we didn't get any truly terrible people like Mama June and Honey Boo Boo.  I liked that we got a number of people who aren't primarily known for singing, like Olivia Culpo, Keenan Allen, Alicia Witt.

    Things the show did wrong this year:  Medusa.  The stupid Save bell.  Ken Jeong.  Nick Cannon's lack of shirts.  

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  23. 1 hour ago, Gemma Violet said:

    I've never heard of Bishop Briggs.  I feel so old.  Is she a known singer?


    15 minutes ago, CountryGirl said:

    I’ve never heard of the winner who cannot sing unless shouting is considered singing. But I knew the fix was in weeks ago. Worst winner ever  

    David was robbed. 

    I agree, I’ve never heard of her either.  And supposedly she had a multi platinum hit song called “River”?   I’ve never heard this song on the radio at all.

    Worst winner ever.  She can’t sing at all. Is she connected with some Fox property, that’s why the show was rigged for her to win?

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