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Everything posted by SiouxB

  1. The entire Hope and Thomas storyline is awful but for me the worst part of it is Douglas himself who is not coming off as a regular 10-year-old or however old he’s supposed to be... “Did you design this one too...I love hanging out like this together.... we are all so happy....I just wish you guys would love each other as well ...” Oh my God what 10 year old talks like that ? I have a 10 year old nephew and he is interested in two things... baseball and Fortnite... Then how Douglas is proposing that Hope and Beth spend the weekend with no mention of Liam who is standing there with his mouth hanging open ....None of these lines coming out of Douglas’s mouth are organic and it’s like Thomas has coached him beforehand...I also cannot believe that Hope is being taken in by this wacko yet again... this is doing her character no favors whatsoever.... And let’s not even get started about Sheila calling Deacon “daddy” 🤯
  2. GAM2.... Between Paris being at that ridiculous gathering (and yeah why is she in the building) and her hair, I thought I was in some kind of an alternate universe where nothing at all made sense ! Thomas playing that stupid recording and Steffy being snotty (perfect word for her), Deacon sleeping with Sheila and actually being happy about it and then Bill showing up to mark his territory and disappointing me that he won’t be with Li All in all, a terrible and very mystifying day on this silly, silly show 😓
  3. Foghorn, is this really true ? It would be fantastic because he was the best child actor I have ever seen
  4. I am completely loving this new actor playing Johnny...I liked his interaction with Billy talking about the blueberry muffin and I love the mature and sarcastic way he spoke and I mean that in a good way...he has a nice little personality on him and the kid is already a better actor than some of the adults and don’t get me started on how I loved how he put Chelsea in her place ....and even though some people might think he was being “fresh” to her, I loved it....stalk much, Chelsea ? Connor the character and the actor are so creepy to me but this kid is wonderful IMO
  5. Snap, I too thought it was a long “o”.... And not that this surprises me but Miss Sophistication never heard the expression “plight your troth” ? She said she didn’t know what a troth was !!!! 😀😀😀😀😀😀😀😀😀😀😀😀
  6. Sweepea59, Totally agree with your entire post but I love this the best... “her little psychopath”.... I laughed out loud
  7. Why the heck are they bothering to go to Aspen ? It’s going to be the same characters just moved from Malibu to Aspen so Steffy can now browbeat Taylor in Aspen.... Taylor originally said she wanted to go away and think... next thing you know that heifer daughter is along for the ride and now her husband might be coming 🤯
  8. Echoing everything you wrote 👏🏼👏🏼 This beeyotch never gets called on the carpet but it’s damn time she does... I loathe her...
  9. Billy is the prickliest person who ever prickled ...at this point, Jack can’t even say hello to him without Billy looking for underlying meaning...he is silly, without any purpose and one of the most boring characters ever....of course it goes without saying that neither the actor nor the character have one iota of charm so that makes it even worse .. I have nothing to say about Chelsea other than when a man breathes on her, she gets that look in her eye ...you know she is thinking hmmmmm, dare I hope he likes me ? I don’t care that he’s married, he just smiled at me Ugh...she’s exhausting and annoying and another one devoid of charm...
  10. While watching that god awful woman from “the talk” for the last few days, she looks to be wearing a navy blazer with what looks like something with netting underneath it ....and I am very certain that that’s the same dress that Victoria has worn and is wearing in the pictures that pop up after the first few scenes.... Although it seems a little crazy that the two of them wear the same size but maybe.......so this is what I’ve been reduced to .....spotting clothes worn by someone in the past because God knows the story lines don’t keep me riveted anymore
  11. NuTay: “Now all we need is to get Douglas home.” Siouxbee: “He IS home, birdbrain.” NuTay is by far the worst character and actress on here...between her simpering and being so thrilled that her daughter has her husband back (and why are you still living with them?) to her grand entrance at the Forester mansion in that awful white dress that was so inappropriate...and then she’s hanging on to Ridge for dear life and if someone who didn’t know any better saw this group they would certainly think that ridge and NuTay were a couple....and she does nothing to dissuade that 😩 I am so over this actress and her mannerisms 😤 Li, where ARE you ???????
  12. Lol !! Noticed the same thing... and at first I thought my eyes were playing tricks on me but I think it was a reversible Mariners link necklace that started on the gold side and ended up on the turquoise side Leave it to those continuity monkeys not to notice and it was so obvious when it was on the blue side....how did they miss that !! 😀
  13. I was so irritated by Steffy that I couldn’t even articulate ....but you did it beautifully gam2 👏🏼👏🏼👏🏼👏🏼👏🏼👏🏼👏🏼👏🏼👏🏼👏🏼👏🏼👏🏼👏🏼👏🏼👏🏼👏🏼👏🏼👏🏼👏🏼👏🏼👏🏼👏🏼👏🏼👏🏼👏🏼
  14. Every day I think to myself who is the most repulsive and repugnant character on here and usually it changes daily ....but for the last couple of episodes that she’s been in, it’s Chelsea...and believe me that’s saying a lot with all the horrible characters on this show but after today, I think I will be fast forwarding all her scenes because she did the unthinkable and made me feel bad for Billy.... ....The character (and actress) has no charm or grace and is so un-selfaware ...never mind the fact that she and Billy should certainly not be any kind of friends but the way she was just casually chilling with him today and throwing popcorn at him and acting like a couquette....I’m over it....🤮
  15. Why wouldn’t Cody know how to pronounce his mother’s name ? He called her Dominick.....I rewound it three times to make sure I heard right...you would think the writers or producers would clue him in on how to pronounce the name
  16. Honestly it’s a great thought so I didn’t mind reading it three times... Maybe that will make it happen 🤣
  17. Steffy’s not giving me vibes of how much she missed Finn... she’s giving off an angry vibe about the whole thing ...not even bewildered about how everything happened but there’s an under current of angriness about her...I would expect her to be giddy but she doesn’t do giddy Also, poor Li was relegated to a quick phone call and even that whole call was underwhelming... Kind of hate to say this but Finn is back to blah....oh, well.... his manliness was nice while it lasted 😬
  18. The whole episode was cringe worthy in every way possible.... but for me the worst part was when Carly told Michael & Willow to text her when they get home...wtf ????? Also... Carly yukking it up as they “broke” the pregnancy news to Drew who was smiling like a mental patient.... Get a freaking life, Drew What scares me is that the only thing I enjoyed was Dex explaining his position to Joss.....It’s the only thing that sort of made sense today 😬
  19. So happy to see Mr. Irizarry..... looking handsome as always ♥️
  20. Glad to see Li She’ll be a breath of fresh air once again.. I don’t care that she smuggled her son out of the hospital and didn’t tell anyone..... I’m just so happy to have her back
  21. I really think it would be so much more interesting if Vicboria started to thaw towards Adam and the three siblings (Abby who?) would team up against Ashland or even just work together as a trio and I would find that more interesting than this constant sniping and distrust After Adam gave Vic his warning, she turned to him with an almost come hither smile rather than being rattled...it was frightening to see And also how stupid is she to be gallivanting through the park all alone.... I don’t believe for one second her security detail is close by
  22. What about how she was sitting with her legs sprawled out on the two bar chairs in front of her.... with her high heels dangling..... Run, Deacon
  23. Oh my god, I love this !! (chef’s kiss)
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