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Posts posted by DaphneCat

  1. This is just a random question but has been kind of bugging me.  Many people on this forum have stated that Aladin can't get American citizenship because Laura is Canadian.  Are we SURE she didn't get citizenship when she came here with her husband?  Mr. Cat never pursued citizenship but I think it is far more common for the spouse to become a citizen than to simply stay a permanent resident.  If Laura is a citizen she can sponsor a foreign person for residency/citizenship - either on the K1 or a spousal visa (chain migration).  And I agree with people who think that they are hoping to use the spousal visa as a way to circumvent the restrictions on Muslims.

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  2. 2 hours ago, TurtlePower said:

    Sigh. She has healthy-looking hair for all she’s put it through. She’ll be sorry when she pushes it too far and it breaks off (been there, done that—major regret!). 

    How about natural shade with highlights and lowlights, Miss M? If you want vivid color, they make extensions from real hair in bold shades. No dye necessary. Don’t break your hair. 

    I don't understand why these girls insist on doing unflattering, unnatural shades of hair when from what I remember, they all used to have pretty colored hair.  Do something crazy with the length while you grow out your natural hair.

    • Love 8
  3. 5 hours ago, Kitty Redstone said:

    I don't understand why this show won't let Steve/Kayla and Jack/Jennifer be together.  A couple can be interesting without having one cheat on the other, or having another long lost child show up to cause conflict, or having one go though a brain transplant in order to revive a long dead nemesis.

    4 hours ago, CanaryFan98 said:

    On today's soap happy couples= boring. 

    But they could actually be DOING things.  They could have challenges that don't involve cheating or being kidnapped.  I want ANY of the couples to actually do something other than either sit around having sex and being all schmoopy or cheating on each other (apparently the only two things people can do in Salem.)  It would be great if DiMeara and Titan were both vying for the same account and there was a (respectful) rivalry that involved BOTH males and females working and coming up with campaigns rather than scheming all the time.  People working in the hospital could be working on cutting edge research.  Other people could be investigators solving crimes or mysteries.  There are many things people could do that would be interesting that doesn't involve unhappy relationships.  A great story line that was totally ignored was Jack's PTSD.

    The J/J thing was starting to get interesting because it was almost like the slow burn of old.  They don't particularly like each other at this point but there is something that makes them keep trying.  If the writers were anything but hacks they would have had them far enough along on reconciliation that the serum or Jack regaining his memory was a nice surprise - NOT the driving force to them reconciling.

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  4. 5 hours ago, foxfreakinmulder said:

    It's so much better without grumpy Adam and all the back stories. I wish they didn't show any back stories just let them walk on stage and sing.

    I would like this a lot also.  I would REALLY like it if we didn't see them either until someone turned.  That way we also wouldn't be influenced by performance.  If they can't avoid a back story all I really want to hear is what kind of music they want to sing and who their MUSICAL influences are.

    4 hours ago, Kaiju Ballet said:

    What initially hooked me onto the Voice was that it's a feel-good show. I'm not familiar with a lot of the music that's played, and I enjoy it when the coaches give constructive feedback, even/especially when they're explaining why they didn't turn. Or when they recognize how much the music means to the singer.

    5 hours ago, shantown said:

    would like to see the coaches make pitches more based on a critique of the performance and how they could help them, or how they could help them grow in general. You have superstars who know business, know music, know artists, know promotions. The whole pitch shouldn't be "You're the greatest singer on this show and you're going to win this season" because for 99.99% of them - that's not true.

    YES, if they need to fill time instead of back stories it would be great to hear more constructive criticism.  If as an artist you feel your biggest weakness is X (breath control, pitch, whatever) and one of the coaches zeros in on that quality you're more likely to pick that coach who can really help you rather than pick someone because you've always admired them.

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  5. 4 minutes ago, laurakaye said:

    **immediately writes check for six grand, sends it to @Sofa Sloth**

    psst......if we all get in here on the ground floor, you guys, we will be RAKING in the cash in mere months!

    We can become MENTORS! TRAINERS! or one of many different levels that I'm sure @Sofa Sloth has thought of.

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  6. Night two and the pacing still seems better.  Less background, more singing.  The two little girls were good but I REALLY don't want a season of "They're ONLY 13 and 14!!!!!!  That's CRAZY!!!!!!"  (No, many people are 13 or 14 and some of them even have some sort of talent.)  I want to hear a singer who's good, NOT someone who's good for their age.

    Again, I guess I really am mean and heartless, but the 16 year old (with the sobbiest story) was not ready.  I'm glad we don't have to listen to that for several more episodes.

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  7. 4 hours ago, LilWharveyGal said:

    No. Just no.

    In the first picture she looks like some kind of equestrian Christmas elf. In the second, like a blind flamenco dancer picked out her outfit.

    And does she leave the tags on so she can re-sell? 🤔 🤮

    She's saying you have to look close to see the tag.  Oh honey, that's the very first thing I noticed - the giant white tag under your arm.  And the second picture?  What the hell is the bunchy bulge thing near her right hip?  Is that extra fabric from the skirt not hanging straight or did her ugly t-shirt bunch up?

    2 hours ago, DakotaJustice said:

    I had a bathrobe that same color. It looks like she's going out to get the newspaper off the lawn in the morning and just threw a robe on over her Pajamas. 😂

    I sincerely thought this WAS a bathrobe.

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  8. I was just glad the sob stories seemed FAR less "sobby."  I don't want someone to succeed on a singing show because they had something bad happen to them.  Call me heartless, but I don't really want to hear your sad story before you even audition - I just want to hear good singing.  I hope the editing monkeys keep up the good work and give us a brief recap of who sang what when they start getting to the battle rounds.  Oh, and let's hope for no more montages.

    • Love 13
  9. 9 hours ago, BuckeyeLou said:

    Who is this 'new" Nicole?!  She is so sappy, all hearts & flowers...the 'old" Nicole was a complicated bad girl full of snark & sass.  She & Eric together are just making me go "Ugh".

    And they're both just so miserable.  They should  be happy and giddy but today when they went for the hug Nicole AGAIN had that grimace (I think it was supposed to be conscience or sympathy for Sarah or some such crap but just looked like breakfast wasn't sitting too well.)  Eric has mopey down to a science but does Nicole REALLY have to join him?

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  10. 7 hours ago, Lastwaltz said:

    @tribeca - Also thought that Jennifer was taking no shit because she's been down this road a few times, lol. It seems like they won't drag this one out, thank god.

    Yes.  And Jennifer is one of the few people with enough sense to act like she's still tied up/incapacitated when she hears the kidnapper coming back.  I would have preferred she spend her time trying to untie the second knot rather than useless shrieking, but at least she isn't crying, whimpering, and waiting to be saved!

    12 hours ago, Petunia13 said:

    If I derived anything of substance is Brady is still a complete and total idiot. What may I ask is so compelling or sexy about Kristen? She’s deranged, not funny, not that intelligent, not charismatic, and too skinny. Nothing to hand wave or justify here. Her plan to help Andre and Jack to get Brady’s forgiveness is thinly veiled too. Why would anyone be influenced by that?

    THIS X 1000.  This story line hasn't even HAPPENED and I'm over it.  When Brady gets that stupid, eyes-glazed-over stare in Kristen's presence I keep hoping they're going to go with him having petit mal seizures instead of trying to show undying passion.

    • LOL 6
  11. 13 hours ago, OrchidThief said:

    Our friend MamaDrama (whom I know in real life) has been taken to the hospital in an ambulance...possible young-person stroke. Let’s all send her good thoughts.

    Please let her know we're all hoping for her fast recovery.

    8 hours ago, beesknees said:

    My gosh. Darcy's insecurity/competition with her sister really hit a new, aggravating low for me when she had to change into heels so she wouldn't be shorter than her sister.  It must be so exhausting to feel you have to compete like that all the time.  It's like Darcy is compelled and cannot turn it off.

    I think the reason why Darcy cried at the honeymoon bridge in Albania (or whatever it was called) had ZERO to with Darcy being concerned and wanting the British guy (whatever his name is/Tom?) to have a good time on the trip- and 100 million percent with dude saying he didn't think about marriage often.  Darcy is jealous that her sister has a fiance and she doesn't.  Darcy just exhausts me.  Hate her perpetual desperate energy.  And apparently Tom does too. He looked like he wanted to jump off the bridge.

    While these are great comments, you're all in the wrong thread.  Darcy is on Before the 90 Days.  This is The Other Way.

    • Love 6
  12. 2 hours ago, Frozendiva said:

    Kristen, no one wants you. Especially since you have been wearing the same dress and underwear for what seems like a month.

    1 hour ago, TenaciousWarrior said:

    I’m pretty sure Brady still wants her. Everything she said to him was spot on. 

    Please, Show, let Brady be up to something.  Please do NOT go there again with the two of them.  Just when he was starting to redeem himself (not letting Victor kill Ben, acting like an actual human being with Nicole) I just keep hoping they won't let him be THAT stupid AGAIN.

    3 minutes ago, oceanblue said:

    Doug and Julie should be the Tom and Alice.  No over the top histrionics, these people can act given decent material.  Let them help with capers and stick up for the downtrodden and not shame people for killing abusive rapists.  And the song should have been Bill singing "The Most Beautiful Girl in the World".

    This, they could actually be tolerable if they were allowed to have some fun.  Julie's high horse histrionics and hypocrisy are never fun.  

    • Love 7
  13. 2 hours ago, Sounder said:

    But..... if you put Ndlovu at one end,. Detroit Youth on the other... and have V Unbeatable do their thing in the middle..... you'd have a mess of people. Hands clapping,. people flipping..... general kaos really....... would make for an act that could appear on a season 15 results show.

    I keep seeing the choirs with V Unbeatable jumping over them, around them, flinging random members of either choir (they can pick choir members who are only lip synching)....complete chaos.  If you could throw in the dog act it would be perfect.  Now THAT I'd watch.  

    • LOL 5
  14. 2 hours ago, LoneWolf said:

    I find a great many like-minded people here and most of all, y'all are so fucking funny--intelligent humour. I have a lot of blessings in my life but I also have a lot of suffering. Your posts often give me a respite and I can always count on you to lift up my spirits. I've been known to laugh at these comments in the middle of the night, waking my husband and startling our puppy. To all of you: a very big and sincere thank you. 

    I think the majority of us are glad you're here too.

    1 hour ago, Natalie68 said:

    That poncho doesn't fit.  I think the point of having an item that has the purpose of making you warmer needs to cover more than your top 1/2.  Just barely covering your boobs is not a thing with this sort of item.  Maybe it is just on all cattywompus.

    I think it's actually a shawl that she's wearing backwards (being fashionable and all).  I can't be Lulano because it doesn't make my eyes bleed.

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  15. 24 minutes ago, DakotaJustice said:

    I'm of the opinion that Mykelti and FT don't EVER want kids. Which is just fine. 

    They're too selfish and too busy with their fast food eating, selfie taking, video game playing lifestyle to even think about procreating. Ever.

    Mykelti has mentioned wanting a baby several times.  IMO it is not selfish to want to live a "young" person's lifestyle before you tie yourself down with kids.  It is actually a very responsible thing to recognize that you are not ready to have a baby and wait.  

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  16. 1 hour ago, Twopper said:

    well, it looks like she is wearing it in some clothing store unless she is standing in her own Lularoe closet at home.  Never thought the Browns had good taste in clothing, but this is ridiculous even for them.   Wonder what daddy Kody thinks of it.

    I do think she is of the philosophy that any publicity is good.   She wouldn't get much of any response if she posted nicely posed pictures of herself wearing clothes that fit properly and look nice together.  I guess she decided to go for shock value. 

    I am an original COL, and I will help you burn that shirt.

    1 hour ago, Kohola3 said:

    And this COL will join you at the bonfire although I have a suspicion that those clothes would emit toxic fumes.

    3 minutes ago, xwordfanatik said:

    We'll need to wear masks to the bonfire.

    Yes, she's wearing the shirt in front of her own racks of Lulano.  The shirt was a gift from a friend - probably not Lulano - so I think you can safely burn it (as you should) without breaking out the hazmat suits.

    The kids are all fairly young.  So far they've all seemed to overcome their upbringing and reject polygamy.  I'm hoping that as they mature they'll discover a life beyond MLMs and grifting.  (We can only hope that once Lulano implodes at least some of them will get burned with enough un-sellable crap that they wise up and figure out they need to have real careers.)  The social media over-exposure is (I'm afraid) a generational hazard - we can only hope something else comes along so every millennial and gen z can move on to the next thing and stop posting 8,324 daily pictures of important things like their breakfast or their shoe laces.

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  17. 16 minutes ago, OfficialJiNi said:

    Two frickin choirs?? Go to a local HS, church for choirs. 3 if you include VOS. The two choirs belong in already existing CHOIR competitions. Sorry, I wouldn't pay to see them for 1.5-2 hours. 

    Marchin, Chris, Luke should've made it. Can't have the best singers to compete against Kodi, whom I adore btw. 

    I'm beyond angry... and I'm reminded why I quit watching AGT for years due to people voting for *ss-clowns over actually talented people. (Unless the show is rigged and votes don't matter)

    I want to like this post about a thousand times.  If we have to have singers I would much rather hear Chris or Luke (even though Broadway show tunes are not my first choice) instead of either choir.  I think you're right - they don't want anyone to actually compete with Kodi.

    • Love 4
  18. 4 hours ago, Kohola3 said:

    "Just add sperm"?  Oh, lawdy, I cannot unsee that. 

    The thought of these two airheads reproducing - puke.

    I at least give Tony credit for being smart enough to wait to reproduce (since she's always posting about being baby crazy it has to be Tony that is putting it on hold).  If they were going to follow the Brown model they would be having as many babies as possible that they expect the rest of the world to support.  The fact that they haven't yet at least offers a glimmer of hope that they'll break the cycle.

    • Love 15
  19. 2 hours ago, not you again said:

    It just occurred to me - has Laura ever explained why she's living in the US instead of Canada?  If I had the opportunity I know I'd move there in a hot second.  TAKE ME CANADA TAKE ME

    2 hours ago, greekmom said:

    I thought it was because of the ex. But now that you ask really good question.  Any of our super sleuths want to find out?

    I was just making the assumption that by the time she got divorced she had already established a life here (kind of like how if you moved after getting married you wouldn't necessarily move back to your home town if you got divorced).  Is Liam her son from a previous relationship or is he the ex husband's?  If he's the ex's then it would make sense for them to stay in the US.

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  20. 1 hour ago, ams1001 said:

    Lukas and Falco: Falco off living the celebrity life was more entertaining than the routine. (Don't worry, Falco, I don't like pushups, either.) The song was getting to me at the end. I'm gonna have that stuck in my head all night [edit: it actually got supplanted by something else and now I don't even remember what it was so yay]. (Tonight I learned that the dog having a good time is more important than actually being able to get through the act without mistakes. On a talent competition.)

    38 minutes ago, Lonesome Rhodes said:

    The dog act was among the worst fails in a semi-or final.  Although I have to admit, the good boy was not stoopid to want to avoid doing push-ups.

    Everyone knew the dog act wasn't going to win several episodes ago.  But which would you rather see, the dog having a great time effing up his "act" or the Detroit Youth Choir?  Personally, I pick the dog.

    I know a lot of people were really impressed by Emanne, but I didn't really see why she needed to sing it in a foreign language.  I would have been more impressed if she had managed to do a really good version in English.

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  21. 17 minutes ago, HaaCHOO said:

    Hasn't this show provided a bit too much information on a possible scam?

    They all* comment at one time or another that Pedro married an American girl so he could get citizenship and bring his mother and sister to the USofA.  Shouldn't that immediately disqualify his application(s)?  Surely there are workers in various agencies who are anxious to blow a whistle.

    Including Family Pedro.

    Nope, you have to fulfill certain requirements to prove you have a legitimate marriage.  The government only cares if you lie on your application.  They do not care if you are really in love with your spouse.

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  22. 11 minutes ago, Sofa Sloth said:

    All women of a certain age get periods and most don’t have the luxury of checking out and sleeping in for a day, (nor would they think to post about it on social media)

    This is why I hate social media.  EVERY SINGLE THING in your life is just so important you HAVE to share it.  Just think in a few years we can have Meri, Janelle and Christine all doing "I can top that" hot-flash stories.

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  23. 4 hours ago, DisneyBoy said:

    Given how depressing all the stories are right now, I would have done a subplot with Doug and Julie struggling to keep up with the dirty dishes and the shift schedules at their club now that Chloe isn't around to handle things anymore. I feel like they're much better suited to that kind of slapstick than this maudlin stuff.

    This is a good idea.  I'd love it if Julie wasn't aware that the dishwasher quit and she doesn't realize it until after they've opened for the night.  Julie trying to pass off serving a steak in a frying pan or salad in a mixing bowl as "avant garde"  or trying to juggle several different groups would be pretty funny.  

    What is the whole point of this plot line?  We know they aren't going to kill off Julie and I, for one, do NOT want to see another heart transplant where the patient is running around pulling people out of the ocean literally months later (a la Brady.)  Are they going to have Julie get a transplant and take up MMA fighting?  

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