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Everything posted by Pallida

  1. Jack London didn't really want to be a writer, but it was a way to pay the bills to do all the other stuff he'd rather do. Jack London State Historic Park is a lovely little park, and I'm so very glad it was spared from the wildfires that hit the area in October.
  2. Mmmmm animal style hamburgers from In-n-Out. I hope they travel further up Oregon some day. I have heard that the fries are better when ordered well-done, but I just opt for a second burger instead of fries whenever I go.
  3. I was a bit annoyed by Larry’s interview for a different reason than those stated earlier. I’ve taught Division I athletes as a graduate student, and they were consistently thoughtful students, but they weren’t always grammatically correct. Some of them come from under-resourced homes AND communities, and training at that high of a caliber takes a lot of time. Yes, grammar is part of communicating effectively, but I don’t find it cute to belittle an athlete, especially one who took the time to be interviewed and was thoughtful enough to respond more thoroughly by email.
  4. I was a typist while working through undergrad and had an occasional “asses” in reports rather than “assess.” Wasnt my responsibility to proofread so I don’t feel too awful, but I get a kick out of knowing that reports were submitted to local government with “asses” in them. Soooooooo (bristle folks, get annoyed at that word!), I’ve had a photo on my phone’s lock screen for years of flowers I saw while hiking. I’ve never known what it was, and because of y’all talking about plumbago as a flower, I now know it’s that. Thanks for being educational folks!
  5. Is it sacrilege to say Qdoba is better than Chipotle? Free guac and Chipotle gives me heartburn/stomach pains. Without the e. coli :)
  6. I’m curious what people think qualifies something as a national chain. Looks like Jack in the Box is in 21 states and spread across the country. I know they’ve done Super Bowl ads, but now I’m wondering if those are shown in all markets.
  7. I was surprised by the netiquette miss. I’ve taken and taught too many online classes, so it was an instaget for me. I’m not a parent, but I thought many traditional classes have online discussion options now too.
  8. While watching, I thought I had never heard "ditto" used this way, but your post brought back memories from elementary school and the dittos (handouts). Thanks for reminding me! I got behind on my Jeopardy recordings, so I got to watch three episodes tonight. Mr. Pallida was quite confused at me yelling "Stranger in a Strange Land" over and over again from the bedroom. It's been too long since I last read that book.
  9. I conducted some fieldwork in the Gettysburg area, so I got paid to sightsee! I enjoyed that area, but I'm glad I didn't have to fly into Philadelphia to go there. I'm gonna have to say PA isn't all that big though... This West Coast girl has to tease you some more! I legitimately got into an argument with someone who blamed Californians for being misleading by calling San Francisco "northern California." One of the arguments given was "you can't drive 6 hours and still be in the north." Geography be damned, I guess? Same person thought it was absurd I asked about whether the state should be broken up into three sections instead of just "northern" and "southern" since it's so big. Of course, this person hadn't driven from SF to southern California and was just being a poutyface because he got called out for not looking at a map properly. Long drives are miserable, regardless of how many state boundaries crossed though.
  10. I couldn’t bring Guinevere out. Legendary made me think Camelot and Arthur, but I couldn’t pull her name. Somehow Gaiwan popped in my head, and I knew that was a knight, but it wouldn’t leave. I think I would have preferred having no idea. My mom once told me that peacock feathers are bad luck when used as home decorations, and it’s always stuck with me. I’m not sure I ever connected it with evil eyes though.
  11. I had closed captioning on for part of the episode and was wondering if I had just always misunderstood "cutie girls" as "kitty girls." Thanks for bringing this up! I really enjoy Kameron's personality and drag, so I hope we see more! I'm guessing Snatch Game will be a struggle, but I'm crossing my fingers. I thought that this was a great challenge to really showcase different strengths. Entertaining the audience doesn't have to only mean being comedic - they can be engaged without always generating laughs. The winning team provided great tips that are pretty universally applicable, while showing both character and some vulnerability. I'm surprised that the wigs and makeup panels did so poorly at being informative.
  12. @Mystery Author, as long as you don't mind us nosy types stalking down your work, I hope you keep sharing! I truly enjoy getting to know the personalities of the folks here, and especially our divergent knowledge bases and interests. (Nothing is more fascinating than "I can't believe people didn't know this!" to me.)
  13. Yukon is also a territory, not a province. I thought BC was too obvious and was trying to come up with the Atlantic side. Being a West Coast person probably helps me know BC though.
  14. This version of The Taming of the Shrew on Amazon has it as Katherine, and I found SparkNotes and CliffNotes that say Katherine. Interesting to learn that some versions have Katherina too! I'm on a mad hunt to see if I can find any photos of pages with the name from "before all of our time."
  15. I thought Kate was adorkable, and I would love to know which books her book club reads. I like children’s and young adult books, especially when they explore the challenges of society and emerging adulthood. Finding one’s place in the world and questioning the way the world works are good topics!
  16. All us females go to college only to get our MRS degrees!
  17. William got to thank his teachers and especially his cross country coach. After he was done, Alex made him thank the staff. So yeah, dudes got to say what they wanted, but Hannah got “are you having fun???” BS.
  18. For some reason, I got tomorrow’s Jeopardy instead of today’s. The winner is....kidding, I’m holding off on watching. I had to quadruple check that I didn’t lose a day somehow.
  19. I’m thinking Patricia went through state capitals and as Cheyenne is used as a woman’s name, she went with Wyoming. My brain went from Virginia to Virgin Mary to Maryland. I think it was being generous and skipped that the Virgin Queen wasn’t Mary.
  20. I’m not awake enough to verify their sources, but according to collegedata.com, indebtedness of 2016 graduates of Missouri S&T is higher than for those at Swathmore. I realize that engineers likely will make more than curators across the lifespan, but I just thought it was an interesting statistic anyways. Looks like Swathmore actually provides a fair amount of non-loan financial suppprt. And museum curator jobs aren’t as rare as people seem to be presuming here. Lots and lots of stuff happens behind the scenes, and it can be a decent salary.
  21. I have never heard of Rolla, Missouri and wouldn’t have known Columbia, Missouri. I am not a geography moron, but I’ll admit weaknesses regarding the flyover states. (I couldn’t resist the snark by calling them flyover...)
  22. "University" and "college" are often dropped in common discussion unless it's strongly part of the higher education institution's branding (e.g. University of Southern California) - note that people wanted "University of Iowa" or "Iowa State" - but if you want "University of Iowa" you should want "Iowa State University" not "Iowa State." And then you should want Baylor University for consistency sake, not Baylor. I think a BMS in this example would have been a giveaway that it was Iowa State University.
  23. While I fully appreciate and support that the college experience is an academic, cultural, and maturity-building (hopefully) experience, I was bothered by the lack of looking at which university would actually fit Junior's academic interests and goals more. I can't recall if he's ever said what he wants to do in life professionally, but that should factor into the decision if he wants to be successful in college.
  24. I spaced out during the Ryan Reynolds clue, so thanks for pointing out there was a picture for me to rewind and see @Toothbrush! I love Funko Pops so the TS made me sad. Too bad they didn’t use a Deadpool Pop as an image for it. I am going to wander off now and think of how to make a full board of Ryan Reynolds clues
  25. I got stuck on "Working in the Coal Mine" - realized I have no idea who sang it in the 60s - and gave up :D And I was born over a decade after the 60s so neener neener AT. Like many have pointed out, popular "oldies" (rock/pop/r&b) music from the 60s and 70s was all over my childhood due to my parents. In fact, my dad, brother, and I tend to have group chats about Jeopardy (go go nerds), and my brother saw the category and said "Dad's category" and then my dad said "Oh hell yes!" when he saw the category. (He overthought it and got it wrong, but that's not the point!)
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