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  1. No, it shouldn't matter that he lost his home but it does. The LA fires were a horrific event. That of all the actors on this show, GH would choose to get rid of the guy who lost his home to those fires shows an appalling lack of heart and compassion. Sure, this is a business, but the show has chosen to take an incredibly popular actor and written his character in a vile way, and incredibly OOC from the inception of Drew. This was their choice. And the optics of potentially choosing to fire the one actor in their cast--when they have so much dead weight--who lost his home in the LA fires will likely get PR. And not of the good kind. And GH most assuredly does not need that right now. Especially with BTG doing as it is. Because, again, this is a business.
  2. I dont want them to kill Drew. I would prefer an attempted murder that leads to amnesia, I don't care, yes again, and a personality overhaul because: 1) CamMat lost his house in the LA FIRES. 2) He really is hot. 3) He worked so well when he first showed up, so we know he can work.
  3. Again, he's an adult. Dante has a right to know he has a son out there. And since Brooklyn knows what kind of person Dante is, she knows that Dante would think of that aspect because Dante is a wonderful, respectful person. Unlike Brooklyn.
  4. Lulu wasn't berating her. Lulu was calling her out on her bs, and the crappy-ass way she had and was treating Dante. And, yes, it DOES have something to do with her. Brooklyn has been keeping a MASSIVE secret from Dante, Lulu's ex, someone that Brooklyn claims is her friend, for 21 years. And during those 21 years, Lulu and Dante were married, very much in love, and there are still very strong feelings. Also, this is something that could potentially effect their son, Rocco, as well. What if he needs medical aid and a sibling is the best help, and Charlotte isn't around. Or, since she's underage, isn't the best choice. Besides, Brooklyn is not keeping this secret to protect her "baaaby!!!!" Her "baaaaby!" is a 21 year old grown-ass adult. Brooklyn is doing this because she doesn't want to risk blowing up her life once again!! with her lies and secret-keeping.
  5. I'm 100% on Lulu's side. Brooklyn is keeping the knowledge from Dante. Lulu know what's it like to not know about having a child. She didn't run to tell Dante, she went to Brooklyn, to get her side. And Brooklyn's side was 'wah, I don't want Dante to know I lied, kept this from him, kept this from him for 21 years, he'll be mad at me!! Wah!! You're a meanie!! You're a crappy mother! So there!!' Lulu knows Dante. She knows how devastated he will be should he learn. She also knows that when he learns--because the secret is not in the past, she's right--Dante will feel betrayed by Brooklyn, Cody, and now Lulu as well. But she's agreed to keep Brooklyn's secret because she's been there. And because, I dunno, Brooklyn's whining got to her because wah! She is protecting her baby! Oh wait.... her "baby" is a grown man now of 21. Uh huh.
  6. I did explain to her how and why Brooklyn and Chase suck. I'm sure she will feel the same in time. She doesn't like Anna and Jason, she wanted to know if she was in love with him or playing him to get info.
  7. Just an FYI... I just got my friend to start watching GH so I could have someone to talk to IRL starting 2 weeks ago. Consensus so far. She doesn't like Lulu. Sadly (damn you, writers!!!), she doesn't like Tracy. She thinks all the couples kiss weird. She asked (gag) if Anna was in love with Jason. She likes Chase and Brooklyn, and Carly and nuJack. She didn't like notLucky. She thinks Sasha is stupid. She thinks it's ridiculous that Joss could work for the WSB. She thinks everything involving how law enforcement works on this show is so stupid. That's where we're at so far. I'm also making her watch LL2 first go-round so she knows them well at least. She doesn't like JJ's hair or facial hair now, lol. Just thought I'd share a total newbie's thoughts.
  8. This was easily my least favorite ep of WT ever. Betty--who should have not been tied up outside--and the news that Faith and Ormewood are going to be roomies were the only pluses in my book.
  9. The only way to redeem Anna at this point, I think, is that Alex didn't die when she went in the water all those years ago. Anna was switched not too long after and Anna is in some cell sonewhere, dun dun dun. Alex had her brain remapped with Anna's memories, but the thing is that Alex is NOT Anna so in her DNA, she'll have a relationship with a man like Valentine, while Anna wouldn't. She doesn't truly know the inner workings of the PCPD and how a commissioner works, so we're getting, uhm, this. She would have the feels for a mob lackey like Jason. And Emma spent a lot more time with Anna when she was younger. She knew Anna. But, now, so much time has passed. Now, she's in her rebellious phase. Anna seeming different doesn't mean she's not grandma, but rather that OH MY GOD! SHE DOESN'T UNDERSTAND ME!! UGH!! As for her blood condition... well, there's a big bad working at the hospital who covers that up, but that's a whole other head canon story, lol. Anyway, that's my personal Anna head canon to make sense of what we're seeing on screen, cuz, otherwise... yeah, I dunno, I just can't.
  10. I miss Cutter and Rubirosa. They were the best Order pair, imo. I also agree that Stone, then McCoy are such hard acts to follow.
  11. Good episode, but am I the only one who thinks that overall Teddy is kinda a jerk to Elsbeth? I really don't like him.
  12. Chase's first pairing was with Willow. Hers too. And they were wonderful. A fun, realistic, working class couple, cop and teacher. Both good, smart, sexy people who had a great couple arc, and their own individual storylines too. However, they clearly were just a stop on the way for the writers' planned pairs, Willow/Michael, and Chase/BLQ. And the writers were determined to forge ahead, no matter that Chase and Willow had become organically popular. So, they were stupidly broken up. Elizabeth Korte, the new co-HW clearly adores Chase/BLQ as they are featured heavily. Their wedding took over the show for over a month, and during sweeps. And Chase is basically her lap dog now, totally neutered.
  13. So, I guess I can watch Mondays show since unlike everyone else I like Sasha and Jason and then skip the rest of the week. I'm over my tantrum. I can't quit JJ just like I couldn't quit ME. Hopefully, they do a retaping of the first kiss for a flashback!
  14. Me too. Actually. I haven't watched all week. This was like the final straw for me. The show is bad. Nothing is going to change. I was done after they DESTROYED FINN!!! And Elizabeth and Finn in two weeks! Two freaking weeks!!! But then I heard JJ was coming back, so I stuck around. I stuck around for him, and Elizabeth and Lucky. But the writing is so bad! And this? Their first kiss after over a decade?! The big rescue and climax of this story?! They can't make an adjustment?! I just can't. I'm done. They take away everything you care about and want to enjoy and just ahit all over it.
  15. Now, I'm in the minority here, I do like Jason and Sasha. :Shrugs: At least there was no sub step-in yesterday or today with those two. Grrrrrr......
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