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  1. No, Sonny said he was meeting Diane, but that meeting with her could wait. He'd send her to go help Jason instead, but Jason declined the offer. Then when talking to Nina, he re-iterated that he was meeting Diane, but she was held up in court.
  2. If there Chem testing Isaiah with ppl other than Jordan--which they shoukd as they have 0 chem--give me Molly and Isaiah!! Their batch of scenes in Bobbie's on her birthday were wonderful, and teeming with chemistry!
  3. I suggested Marion is the big bad, and Will is gonna arrest her in the finale mirroring arresting Angie--his love interest last season--and the mayor from the season premiere. I got the idea when he told her that arresting someone was the best way to end a relationship for good.
  4. Beaaahaaaaahaaaaa!!!! "Bombshell?" Bwaaahaaahaaaa!
  5. Got another one, and this is truly wildly unpopular. I still like Drew, and I'm not hating the soapiness of Drew and Willow. I know I'm enjoying them LOADS more than Willow and Michael, and Carly and Drew.
  6. Tracy and Sasha had a discussion, which Sasha told Felicia about. Tracy is rude, obnoxious and overbearing to Sasha. She gives her reasons to sue countless times a day. However, because of that discussion in the church, Tracy and Sasha came to an understanding. Tracy does her overbearing act, Sasha puts up with it until she's done and then, yeah, she's gonna fight back. And Tracy told her, works for me. It's a mutually agreed upon relationship between them. Sasha likes cooking for, living with the Qs, and was going to quit based on HOW Tracy treated her. The only reason she decided to stay is because Tracy agreed that it was right that Sasha fight back. Tracy enjoys it and respects that Sasha stands up for herself. So, before going after Sasha for how she acts with Tracy, search out their history--which was just brought up again by Sasha--that explains WHY Sasha and Tracy interact as they do.
  7. Sasha was off. It was her day off. She saw Tracy earlier at the Metrocourt and told her she had talked to Olivia and gotten the day off. She was NOT working. And she lives at the Qs so she was in her home too on her DAY OFF. She had every right to tell Tracy she didn't want to hear it on her day off.
  8. When CamMat first showed up in PC as Drew he had a few really nice scenes with Maxie. I thought they were chem testing then, and I was on board because they really worked. Then pivoted straight to Carly. Ugh!
  9. And I can't wait. After Elizabeth & Lucky, Jason & Sasha are my favorite potential pairing. NuBrennan is NoBueno. Sorry, not sorry.
  10. Cody may give her no choice, though. Which is why I thought it was clever writing. And I think they've laid the seeds for this with Jason. Jason has already told Sonny that he's not taking over, he's backing off for Danny's sake. Those steps are already starting. Of all the Qs, Jason is the least Q of them. And, sigh, again... the Qs, are not who Sasha is primarily trying to keep the child from, but rather Sonny. Yes, having Jason claim to be the father would seem at odds with that. However, Jason respected the wishes of both Elizabeth and Sam and both of his children have been kept out of harm's way. As for why Cody may have given them no choice. If Sasha/Jason deny it, then ppl will begin really pushing, well, hmm.. Who IS the father then? Who is Jason protecting because of course he's been spending time with Sasha. And accusations will start flying it's Michael, and every effort that Sasha has made to keep Sonny and Carly from knowing is gone.
  11. Again, IF the Qs know...then SONNY knows. Sonny, the mob boss, whose son, Michael, just got blown up in his apartment. And almost all of Sonny's other kids have dealt with various forms of violence due to Sonny's mobbiness. Michael, the baby's father--ie, the other parent, ie, the ONLY ones who get to make the decisions about the baby--agreed. Michael agreed with Sasha that the Corinthi and thus the Qs should not know he was the father. Period. Their families don't get a say; it's up to the mother and father. And THEY, THE BOTH OF THEM, SAID. As for Willow. Sasha is NOT trying to keep the children from her. She is only trying to ensure that Michael doesn't lose the children. She thinks the kids should have both parents in their lives. Right now Sasha believes Michael will recover and soon, and she doesn't want to do anything to jeopardize his chances of getting joint custody. As for comparing Sasha to Carly... Carly made a unilateral decision to take the child from his other parent and put the child into a dangerous situation (the mob). OTOH, Sasha discussed with the father--who agreed--that it was safest for the baby that no one in his family know who the father was because of the mob. The comments about the Qs right now are solely because Tracy is treating Sasha horribly. Again, completely different situations where Carly was selfishly not thinking of her child, while Sasha is. The bottom line is that she wants to keep her child far, far away from the violence of the mob. In every discussion about why she's making this choice, it's her primary concern. References to the Qs are only because the writers are inexplicably writing her as an absolute harridan who treats Sasha like she is dog doo doo. Tracy can be imperious and a bit much, but she's not an awful person. Just as the writers did Sasha dirty over the sudden 'Willow is the evul' turn the last few weeks, they've done Tracy atrociously so. @GHScorpiosRule As I was replying to @Artsda, the Qs are secondary--and just coming out own because of how Tracy is treating her. The primary, understandable, sane concern is keeping Sonny--the mob boss-- and Carly from knowing. Because she wants to keep her child far away from the violence of the mob life. And Michael, the child's father agreed. The baby's parents are the ones who make the decision. And they did.
  12. What? A woman choosing what to do with her child, discussing it with the father, who agreed, because she believes it's in the best interest of the child is nothing like what Carly did! Carly got knocked up by AJ. Tried to pass the baby off as Tony's. When that didn't work, she convinced Jason to say he was the father. Then when AJ found out, she got her new sugar daddy, mob boss Sonny, to violently threaten to give up all rights to the child. Sasha is doing nothing like that. If she lets the Qs know about it being Michael's, Carly and Sonny know. Therefore, her child is exposed to the danger of the mob world. When she was with Brando, she desperately did not want him in Sonny's world. As for the Q's, the way Tracy treats her, why would she ever want her child exposed to such nasty disrespect? Just because you think that Sasha should take on every service in the Q home, but she chooses not to, she's terrible at her job. I disagree. After all, Sasha is ONLY the Q's cook, therefore cooking is the only task she should do. Sasha lives in their house and "off them" because that is part of the benefit package of being their cook. However, being their cook does not give Tracy the right to be rude and disrespectful to her. With all that said, I do agree that the last couple of weeks, prior to this one, the writing for Sasha about and to Willow about this whole situation has been abhorrent. I really like Sasha, but she's been working my last nerve.
  13. I thought the Jason scenes made sense and didn't reflect badly on him. He explained his POV clearly. It wasn't in character that Michael would just agree to walk away from his kid. In fact, on these boards, we were all shocked that Michael did that so easily because it was unlike him. So, Jason questioning it makes sense. Especially when, as Sasha admitted herself, she is a known lying liar who lies. Jason also told Sasha he just wanted to hear it from Michael. He didn't call her a liar. He didn't say there was no way what she was saying wasn't true. He allowed to Diane that he could be wrong as well. It was just that it was out of character for Michael. I also don't think Jason is treating Michael like a 5 year old. Right now, Michael is literally in a vulnerable, helpless state. Yet, Jason is still waiting to take any action until he speaks to him... in other words, he's treating him like an adult. Just one who is incapacitated by injury right now. Re: Cody saying that Jason was the father, I actually thought that was a clever bit of writing. (Shocking for this bunch.) By having it done this way--and not in an outburst from Cody making it seem more real rather than paranoia, it makes sense that Sasha and Jason will likely go along with it. Not doing so could open the door to questions about who exactly the father really is. So, good job there. Of course, since I like Sasha and Jason, I'm all for it!
  14. That is not what she said to Jason. Her concern is that if Willow finds out, she'll use that info to get sole custody as opposed to joint custody... when Michael returns.
  15. IDGAF, I like Sasha and Jason. Also, I don't think Sasha is being a hypocrite AT ALL about her and Willow. It's not different rules for me and thee. Their situations are completely different. Willow CHOSE to enter into a marriage with Michael and be mother to his child full well knowing that the Qs and Sonny's world were part of the deal. Willow also CHOSE to have a child with Michael already knowing what it was like to have a child with the Qs as family, and being in Sonny's orbit with a child. Now, Sasha is choosing to not bring her baby into the Q's world, or Sonny's orbit because she has seen firsthand the madness and danger that comes from such association. Furthermore, Sasha knew Michael first, he has always been her first priority among the quad of those two, and Willow and Chase. Of course, she is going to do everything she can to protect Michael's interests.
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