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Cleopatra C.

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Everything posted by Cleopatra C.

  1. I agree with you, Keith was a sweetheart to her and completely adored her. She was too picky about everything and she kept bitching about stupid stuff. She acted like he wasn't good enough for her. Like she thought she could do better. It bugged me how she was always complaining about him. He treated her like a queen and she shows 0 appreciation.
  2. I think Christine should stay with Keith. You can see how much he adores her and he is a sweetheart to her. I don't get why Luke doesn't want to get a divorce.. what is he getting out of it? I feel sorry for Jasmine, she's going out of her way trying to impress Will and getting nothing at all out of it. She's been cooking dinner for him getting dressed up trying to look sexy for him and he is so blah. He is like a bump on a log with no emotion at all. He doesn't act into her at all. I would totally stop doing all of that shit for him!! She gets nowhere with him and he is so not worth it and he's not cute or attractive in any way!! Plus he's cheap too!! She will continue to be disappointed if she ends up staying with him and she will have a loveless marriage. I think AJ and Stephanie are cute together when he is not throwing one of his tantrums and is treating her right. Thats the only problem they have but I don't think that's going to change because he has zero insight to how he is behaving. Kate deserves so much better. The longer she stays with Luke the more depressed and down she's going to be. It seems like he was just unhappy with how she looks because he was saying in the beginning he is attracted to dark haired girls and different ethnicities and Kate is the opposite of what he said he told the experts that he likes. I dont think Kate is ugly like he thinks she is. What was he expecting? He should feel lucky that she's still even talking to him. I thought tonight was the decision episode too. I didn't want to wait another week to find out.
  3. I did notice that Vanessa wasn't wearing a bra and she wasn't wearing any makeup at all. I've noticed since she's moved in with them that she hasn't worn any makeup and has the same plain Jane look as Ashley does. I hope this wasn't another "requirement " of Ashley's that Vanessa isn't allowed to do her makeup and hair or dress up anymore. Ashley looked like she was bugged when the two sisters were in the kitchen after just meeting them. You could see the look on her face that she didn't like them. I like Vanessa and I think she's jumping over hoops to please queen Ashley when she shouldn't have to. They should be flattered and honored that she would want to be in a relationship with them two. I do not think they are "stunning" like Vanessa's sister said. I don't think Ashley is in any way pretty or attractive and Dimitri isn't either. They both need to get off their arrogant high horses and be glad that anyone wants to be with them. I can already see Ashley bitching about every little thing Vanessa does because she is threatened by her because she looks way better and has a way better personality. Even her own kids want to be with Vanessa more then her. It bugs me how arrogant she is.
  4. I just got done watching this last episode and OMG Tracy seriously looks like Janice from The Muppet Show!! I didn't even recognize her at first. She looks soooooo scary!! Her nose grew like ten inches longer and her face looks like its slowly sliding off her skull. I can't believe how sick she looks so soon. And Clint acted like he didn't notice how messed up her face is!! He is so brain dead. Meghan bugs me so bad!! I can't stand her!! I knew she was still going to be with Mike because she's so desperate and can't get anybody!! I thought Giovanni was so adorable. How did he know what Brittney was having? Did they say it was a girl? I missed that part I guess. Marcelino bugs me too. He does seem super controlling and I don't understand why he keeps saying and thinking she's beautiful. I do not think she is at all. And his head is too small for his body. Matt is such a dick to not go back to his mom's house after getting bailed out. He's never going to grow up. Now Caitlin has absolutely nobody. That would be hard not having family around. Lizzie is so fake saying she really did love him. It's like okay but now that he's broke , where did all your "love" go?? He is broke because of HER and she has the nerve to get mad at him saying he lied to her?? She's not going to last long working every day and making minimal money. I still cannot get over how terrifying Tracy's face looks!!
  5. I don't like how Luke always has that weird smile on his face when he knows he's being an asshole to Kate. I seriously think he's in the closet and doesn't want to come out. What was he expecting his wife to look like? He's small, short and going bald and he is the one that's repulsed???? I don't get it.
  6. I agree 100%!! That is exactly what I told my daughters when we were watching it!!!
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