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Everything posted by ArcticWolfRS

  1. Christiane, maybe? I remember her voice very clearly but I tried to find her name on Google, and that's the only one I could come up with who looks vaguely similar.
  2. She looked old for her age even way back then, honestly. One of her photos from ANTM, cycle 5. I never saw 'model' in any of her photos. I think she's just aged horribly.
  3. For anyone wondering whether or not to kill some brain cells watching this season, here is the list of 'celebrities': Tara Reid and her... 'boyfriend' Lisa D'Amato (of ANTM cycle 5, and ANTM:All-Stars) and her husband, an 'entrepreneur.' She was a shit-stirrer even way back then, when I saw her on ANTM the first time. Michelle Money and Cody Sattler - apparently a Bachelor/Bachelorette couple. I have never seen a season of that show, so I had no idea who they were. Brittish Williams and Lorenzo Gordon - who I've also never heard of, who are both apparently on Basketball Wives:LA. I love how the website calls him an 'international basketball superstar" and yet when I google searched his name, most of what came up was about their breakup last year and how they are on Marriage Boot Camp now. And lastly, Toya and Memphitz Wright. He's a record producer and she's Lil Wayne's ex. She also had a reality show or two, and wrote a book. ~~~~~ I have a weird soft spot for Tara Reid, messy as she is, so while I probably won't be watching I'll be keeping up with it. Lisa was cringeworthy on ANTM5, and I never watched AllStars, so I don't know if she's grown up or not. My guess is she hasn't. I'm bored of this show though, and the 'therapists' are nearly as awful as the celebs.
  4. The first two seasons were exclusively Bridezillas and their husbands and, as far as I know, all of them are still together (except maybe one? I don't care to look it up right now). Now, that doesn't mean they are all functional relationships; in fact, most of them reeked of complete dysfunction and the 'therapists' even turned a blind eye to one couple's physical abuse. I still think all but 2 of those couples will get divorced, and probably soon. So, I suppose it depends on your definition of saved. Turning bad relationships into functional, healthy ones? Nope. Staving off a divorce for a little while longer? Maybe. I think most of these relationships were so dysfunctional they would have stayed together long enough to do that anyway - if people understand what I mean. It's like most of them were so dysfunctional, they couldn't even functional long enough to split up, even though that would be healthier for all involved. The 'therapists' convincing people to stay in horrible relationships long enough that they add kids to the mix? Yep.
  5. It's fine. As someone who is used to cinching, she could probably take it even further than that. The corsetiere that made hers is phenomenal and would never compromise someone's health. If you can stomach looking at a good photo, you can see the shape cups the rib cage, so there is little to no compression on her ribs at all - it's all in the waist, which is fleshy and malleable and poses absolutely no threat. I'd be willing to bet she could still take close to a full breath in it too. There is someone (Cathie Jung) who cinches down to 15 or 16 inches everyday, and she is perfectly healthy. Ethel Granger had a 13 inch waist and lived until nearly 80 (from 1905 until 1982), and was healthy. I can't find your model who died. (If I sound preachy, I apologize, but I tightlace and waist-train, and the misinformation that's out there irritates me to no end).
  6. I think I am the only person in the world who doesn't find boy Pearl hot or striking or even attractive. I think he's decent looking in a plain way, but I truly don't get how many people flood their basements over him. I suppose I just have strange tastes...
  7. The wedding footage was for one of the OTHER girls - the one who was marrying the NASCAR guy. I know they looked alike and the dresses looked near identical, so I had to rewind to make sure, but it was a different person than butt bow girl. The names were different, and the fathers were different. Sorry to bust y'all's bubble about the butt bow (which is going to be hideous, but then again it IS Pnina...) As for next week, according to my DVR, it's supposed to be even more of a Pnina-fest. I'm not sure I can handle that, but then again, I'm not sure it will be different than any other week on this show lately.
  8. She's had her nose worked on a couple of times (some before and after pictures make it VERY obvious) and she's had a boob job. It wouldn't surprise me to learn she's had some botox done as well. If there is anything else (other than her face naturally changing with age, dieting, and pregnancy/kids), then I can't figure it out. And I was just surprised Ru didn't give a website to go to when mentioning her products! (That's boobsforqueens.com!)
  9. I thought Randy said *J* cup, which seemed realistic to me, I'm an H/I cup and and she seemed slightly larger than me. And I agree, she would *need* straps on her bra, not just "opened cups" on the bodice - barring a real steel boned overbust corset with an extremely high back, there just isn't any way a strapless bra could hold the weight of her breasts. It's not being mean, it's just a limitation of fabric, plastic boning, and science. I don't care how much magic Vera can work in the alterations department. And even a corset is going to make things look funky in the chest at that size. I sincerely hope that in addition to the cup size customization, she got thick straps added and we just weren't privy to it. As for the episode before that one (and the entire second episode made me a little uncomfortable frankly), I don't know if it was a rerun or a new one - but dear God the Pnina monstrosity that one girl (who wanted black and feathers) ended up with made me want to cry. It looked like tinfoil and cotton candy had an illegitimate stripper-fairy love child. I was waiting for her to pull out a two-year olds pretend magic wand. I fell in love with the all lace dress she tried on though (Danielle Caprese I think?). If someone could add sleeves to that in a matching lace, I'd be all over it if/when I ever get married. It was stunning on TV and stunning on her, even/especially with the black veil. And then she ended up with .... that.
  10. In a word - NO. The only one even remotely qualified as a real therapist is Elizabeth, who has a masters in Counseling Psychology. And even she has done some majorly sketchy therapy in my eyes on this show, particularly back when it was Bridezillas. Jim's qualifications are writing some novels, making a low budget movie or two, producing some soundtracks, and running a security firm. Seriously. Not a single solitary counseling class to be seen on his "about me" section of his own webpage. He says he was a "trainer" with Dr. Phil. That tells me all I need to know right there. As for the other people who have been on the show as "counselors" ... the bald guy - David - used to be a firefighter. The blonde - Dana - was software manager before becoming a "Life Coach" and does sales training and business consulting. Since I haven't seen this season's episodes yet, I have no idea if anyone else has replaced those two, or if it's just Jim and Elizabeth now. In the "real life" boot camps this is supposedly based off of, there is still only one other person (out of 4 more) who has any qualified background in therapy - Cliff Poe, who has a masters in Theology and Counseling.
  11. I completely disagree. It's not predatory. Predatory lending is payday loans with quadruple digit interest. Predatory lending is changing up the agreement without the borrower realizing. Student loans are so far from predatory it's ridiculous. It's reasonable interest (6.8% when I got my first one, and it's less now), every single disbursement they send you a statement that shows how much you've borrowed, the interest rate, your expected payments, and how much you'll have paid back if you make minimum payments. For staffords (the goverment loans) they'll even work out payment plans with you if you truly can't afford the minimums (as opposed to wasting your paycheck on Rent-a-Rims and Rent-A-Dick.) I had to sign 3! different forms that explained to me that YES I was obligated to repay the loans and how much all of it would cost me - before I ever even got approved to take them out in the first place. A financial "counseling" session is mandatory to accept Staffords - online, but it's still there. At every single point, someone can say "I don't want this much anymore." I know the big trend now is to call people "children" and "little boy/girl" until they are practically 30, but a 18 year old is an adult, in a real world, that has to make adult decisions. If they can't understand after ALL of that, that they have to repay the loan, then quite frankly the college should revoke their degree and/or admission because there is no way they got it/in honestly. They would be way too dumb. So, I can't cry a river over these idiots on JJ that blow the money (which is legally to be used ONLY on school and school related expenses - and no, buying a car for some random person is not school related), and don't want to pay it back because ..... of whatever reason. Entitlement mostly. I promise you they understood when they were taking them out the loans would have to be repaid. They just don't want to, so they fall back on manipulation and crying "they didn't know." (As an aside, I DO think that TUITION rates are predatory now, but that's a whole other discussion. I also don't think anyone should be able to get student loans for places like ITT Tech or Art Institute. Just my opinion.)
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