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Posts posted by Kaia40

  1. 9 hours ago, Dot said:

    I think you're right, given someone so vain that she photoshops her facial features. After losing 120 #s, I was Ieft with a lot of extra skin, mostly a huge panniculus & bat wings. But it's OK. Since I'm not a fashion model, I can live with the extra skin. I wasn't gonna live much longer with the extra fat.

    The other consideration is her show; she seems  not to realize that a 200 # wgt loss would leave her still fat & fabulous but far healthier & mobile.

    Amazing and congratulations @Dot on losing 120lbs!!! Major accomplishment!  

    • Love 7
  2. 6 minutes ago, Thumper said:

    Well then why did Lu ask them all to donate blood, if they had all been in Mexico?  I can believe that Carole is under 110 pounds.  ( I think the last time I was that weight was in high school!)  

    Laughed at Sonja being the "comforter" to those donating blood.  ?

    Apparently Lu didn’t realize until the morning of but still asked the ladies to come to support the Red Cross.  

    I know right, that’s scary skinny, not the kind of skinny that I’d be envious of!! I don’t even think I was that weight in High School.  I was about 125lbs.

    I totally laughed too...Sonja was on top of that poor woman giving blood! lol

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  3. 33 minutes ago, jaybird2 said:

    i think she said she's under weight

    It’s hilarious that she said that was the reason! That may be true but, she was rejected with the rest of the ladies because she was in Mexico with the rest of them last season .  Luann let them all know that. So there was no reason for her to say that she was underweight because it wouldn’t have gone that far since she was rejected for Mexico.  Perhaps because she’s so ugly that she thinks she has to brag that she was too thin! @QuinnM I laughed so hard at your post “because she’s anorexic.”

    • Love 21
  4. 22 hours ago, ZumbaTiger said:

    apart from possibly having had real eating disorders) I highly doubt she has experienced anyth

     Thank you so much @ZumbaTiger for putting the word “possibly” in there! I have always thought that she was lying about this! There was a girl that I went to college with that did that.  We had class together and no one really spoke to her. She happened to be obese.  She told me one day that she was bulimic and I felt so sorry for her but I was also surprised because she was large like that Tania Head lady and Twit. Usually, you’re not obese when you’re Bulimic.  Before I figured out she was nuts, I felt bad for her.  I invited her to hang out.  Well, it ended up that she lied about being bulimic to get attention, sympathy and to actually join support groups on campus. I figured out that she lying about being Bulimic because she would retell stories (for attention, like Twit) and say to random people in class that she was out to eat and she would run to the bathroom right after she ate to throw her food up.  Which was absolutely untrue and she would say “ask Kaia...I do that all the time after I eat, right Kaia.”  She would say she goes to the campus support group and she’s going to beat Bulimia!I Omg, it was crazy!  I became Inspector Gadget after that!  We hung out like 2 more times with one of my other friends. I would notice if she went to the bathroom that she would make vomiting noises and then come out with her make up and lipstick completely untouched. I was a pre-law and justice studies major so I’m a bit of a detective by nature! lol. Anyway, I distanced myself from her because I didn’t want to be associated with such a liar and honestly it creeped me out. But not before telling her that she needed help but not for “Bulimia.” I wasn’t mean when I said it because she obviously had severe mental issues. She knew exactly what I meant when I said that.   If you’re truly suffering from an eating disorder, you don’t have to try to convince people and it’s something that’s very private. To me, the minute Twit tells her “Bulimia” stories it reminds me so much of that girl. Especially a month or so ago, Twit,  put up a picture of her becoming “prom princess“ and then said something like 30 minutes after she took that photo she threw up her food at fancy restaurant.  I got chills when I read it because that was exactly something that girl would say! Like there was no reason to put up a picture like that and to go into detail about throwing up dinner and mentioning that it was fancy restaurant! That is part of histrionic personality disorder. Elaborating or lying about facts that have no bearing on the conversation.  We’ve all seen Twit lie so much on the show. It’s ridiculous! You hit the nail on the head @ZumbaTiger with what you said about Twit “Yet she talks as if she sees herself as a brave survivor. That's something that has always disgusted me about her.” 

    • Love 6
  5. On 5/29/2018 at 4:41 PM, Dot said:

    which leads her to thinking a man is more interested in her than he is. (Buddy, Lennie, Avi, Roy ...)

    Exactly @Dot! To add to that, Roy came out as gay on the radio show in January! Roy is such a sweetheart, as he came out on the air to help a caller that was conflicted about coming out to his Dad.  Roy didn’t want him to feel alone so he shared his own experience as Roy just recently came out to his Dad! Roy was just being nice to Twit and she is so delusional that she turned into this big thing and that he desperately wanted her.  I hope she feels like the fat pushy pathetic asshole that she is.  She tried to make Roy look terrible for “leading her on” and her weirdo fans were sending Roy hateful messages all because of her! Sorry to go off but you’re 100% right @Dot! I always thought she has histrionic personality disorder and I also think borderline personality disorder as well as she has many of those characteristics! 

    • Love 5
  6. You know how we always say that Twit reads our comments? Well, we were just commenting on a picture that she had on her IG with a filter that had doggie ears and nose. We all were saying that she looked like a pig and not a dog.  Low and behold the picture was taken down! So all I have to say is HI TWIT!!!

    • Love 13
  7. On 5/21/2018 at 7:34 PM, configdotsys said:

    She also complained about the hospital not feeding Freddy while she was in the hospital. 

    Haha! Maybe Freddy should go out and get a JOB while her fat ass is in the hospital. Then they won’t have to worry about feeding Freddy while he sits at the hospital day and night on his lazy ass with her lazy ass! 

    • Love 5
  8. 9 hours ago, tdanaher said:

    Fierce feminists don't stalk multiple boyfriends just so they can make money off of the broadcast rights. Just sayin'.

    You got that right! Although I don’t think she just did it for TV.  I think that she’s that much of a psycho stalker! I was saying on one of my previous posts, when she stalked Lennie and showed up at his house, she covered the peep hole when she was knocking and knocking. Weirdo stalker behavior that I’m sure isn’t the first time! I would never think to even do that.  Who would do that to their boyfriend especially??!! BUT she’s a “Fierce Feminist.” Yeah ok Twit! 

    • Love 4
  9. 1 hour ago, Haleybug said:

    I really want to re-watch her pitching fits over shoes but I can't seem to find this episode - they're all running together at this point.  I'm almost positive its in Season 3 but none of the episode descriptions on TLC's site seem to fit.  Does anyone by chance remember what episode Twit & Todd did this ballroom dance "competition"?  

    Hey @Haleybug. It’s from Season 3! The same season where she stalked Lennie.  I just found these pics for you on TLC.com! I came across this gem (second pic) where she stalked Lennie and I just had to throw it in! The creepiest part about that Is when she covered the peephole while she was knocking!!! This obviously is something she’s DEFINITELY done before! I would never think to cover someone’s peephole! lol. Sorry, I fell down the rabbit hole! I’ll see if I can find footage of Todd telling her to tie her own shoes! I don’t blame him in many ways for not tying her shoes but her feet are so nasty when they give those gross close ups! ?? I love Todd!! ?





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  10. 1 hour ago, Haleybug said:

    We really need to create a list of all the things that people have thought this was a picture of at first glance.  The first time I saw it I thought it was 2 walruses, another time I though it was a couple of seals wearing sunglasses.  I've also heard people say they're seeing polar bears and now the shrimp cocktail from Beetlejuice.  Are there any other wild ones out there?  Do share! 

    Oh no @Haleybug...not this picture again! ??? Honestly it just makes me want to vomit. ?  However, I think two walruses is pretty spot on! lol!!  

    • Love 1
  11. On 5/14/2018 at 9:42 AM, SevenCostanza said:

    That was so ridiculous.  "I can't reeeeeach!"   If not being able to put on your own shoes or wipe your own butt is not enough of a wake up call for her I don't know what is.  I would be mortified if I couldn't do basic things like that for myself.

    I must have missed this one, what season was she doing back rolls?  

    @SevenCostanza It’s from Season 1 when she was “asked” to perform at a dance school and she was trying to do this move! It was as if a hippo fell on it’s back and kept trying to get back up.  So embarrassing! 

    • Love 3
  12. 15 hours ago, ChessDiva19 said:

    something as simple as putting on shoes, they can't do because of their weight.

    Which we already know she can’t do! During their ballroom dance competition, she got angry because Todd finally refused to keep putting on and tying her shoes. Todd said “she’s got all these good excuses why she can’t tie her shoes.” He was totally over it and he said “well I guess you better do some leg lifts so you can tie your own shoes” I loved it!! So for Whitney’s response about Todd to the camera “If he really cared, he would just help me get my shoes on.”  She’s such a pig! She would be nothing without Todd as he is the one that made the videos, danced with her and helped her get the “fat girl dancing” out into the universe!  What an ugly, fat, ungrateful pig!

    • Love 10
  13. 3 hours ago, Dot said:

    it doesn't change the fact that she is so unhappy with her full, fat face that she feels compelled to use artifce to change it.

    I can’t like this comment enough @Dot!! She’s all “I love myself so much they way I am, I want to be fat and I have a no BS campaign” BUT, she alters her pictures to look nothing like they way she truly looks like in real life and at the same time she’s just so happy being fat! Yeah ok Twit!  She’s a majorly disturbed individual!  

    • Love 4
  14. 11 hours ago, ZumbaTiger said:

    I know I'm very late commenting on this, but I was shocked to find out that Women's Health Magazine did a positive feature about Whitney (and also Tweeted about it): https://www.womenshealthmag.com/life/a19731339/whitney-way-thore-body-shaming/?utm_source=t.co&utm_medium=Social&utm_term=1463665791&utm_campaign=Women's Health

    I cannot BELIEVE they did this!! A HEALTH magazine featuring WHITNEY, who is both physically and mentally unhealthy and a terrible role model. I don't think whoever wrote the article did any proper research on Whitney or actually watched the show, otherwise they'd know how fake Whitney's claims of being 'healthy' were.

    I wouldn't have a problem with Women's Health writing a story about a bigger lady who truly was trying to get fit- and I think that if Whitney was a nice person with a truly positive -NOT fake 'fabulous'- attitude, who actually ran a REAL dance class aimed at bigger women, that would make a great feature for the magazine. After all, everyone starts their journey at different levels of fitness, and while images of already super-fit people in magazines can inspire people to want to be that fit as their end goal, I think that maybe for overweight people beginning their health journeys, it might be more inspiring to see other people who are in the same situation as them taking steps to be stronger and healthier, showing what is possible at their size. I've never been overweight myself but I do know several fitness instructors who used to be obese, and when they started first started getting fit, they couldn't imagine that one day they would be fitness instructors. Journeys like that are more successful when they are broken down into lots of smaller goals.

    EDITED TO ADD: I also don't have a problem with a health magazine running a feature on someone experiencing mental health issues, so I hope my post didn't come across as shaming anyone who is mentally ill. I'm living with PTSD myself, and I liked a feature that the British version of Women's Health ran recently where they interviewed Katie Piper (who is a FANTASTIC role model and truly inspiring!) as well as several other women who had struggled with mental health issues including anxiety and depression. My issue regarding Whitney's mental state is that she has a histrionic personality disorder and is a delusional liar who, instead of seeking treatment for her food addiction, lies to the world and misleads her followers, so is not someone who should be celebrated by a health magazine!!

    You are 110% correct @ZumbaTiger!  Seriously Women’s Health Magazine, how could they entertain this histrionic, self deluded, super morbidly obese moron!  She’s not physically or mentally healthy. I would love for Dr. Now to comment on this! If Dr. Now confronted her face to face, he would tell her where it’s at! Then we know that Twit can’t handle the truth and would storm away waddling!

    • Love 7
  15. 20 hours ago, Snafu said:

    She has to have a terrible smell about her due to her lack of hygiene.

    Totally @Snafu!  She admits to not showering daily ? and at the same time admits to sweating profusely (As if we didn’t notice this ourselves.) Great combination Twit! She has major rolls and creases.  Since she doesn’t clean herself daily, you’re spot on!! 

    2 hours ago, ozzy said:

    Omg she is wasting away to Nothing!

    ???? Thanks @ozzy! I needed that laugh!

    • Love 5
  16. 45 minutes ago, Elizzikra said:

    Do we know he doesn't have other work? If he's in sober living, they usually want residents to either get a job or go to school. 

    I can’t say for sure but as of the end of the season and at the Tell All he still didn’t have a job. You’re right though, in sober living they want you to be productive!  So maybe he’s in school for a trade since his main job was always bartending and now he can’t do that anymore. I’m really happy for him and his sobriety!! 

    • Love 4
  17. 2 hours ago, ChessDiva19 said:

    She does know that TV isn't forever, right? Even the best shows take their leave. Frankly, I see the future season as a waste. She doesn't have a stable job (other than making TV), she's admitted that she doesn't want to lose weight, and the last time I checked, stalking your ex-roommate whose trying to stay sober is a sad route to go for romance. 

    You must be clairvoyant @ChessDiva19! lol. I was thinking the same exact thing!  Her life is already unfabulous so just wait until she gets cancelled. Nothing lasts forever!   She’ll have to sell her house and move back in with Babs and Glenn.  She’ll never be able to hold down a real job!  She’s super lazy and a narcissist.  Bad combo! Plus you can’t wear a sports bra and leggings to work in the real world!  It was so pathetic when she stalked Buddy and I loved when he shot her down and didn’t let her bully him into a visit.  He probably has to maintain a little contact with her because as of right now, it’s his only income.  If he didn’t need the money from the show, he would be in hiding from her!! I totally get the feeling that he’s had just about enough of her, just like everyone else! 

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