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Everything posted by CinAZ

  1. Just got around to seeing this episode. First off, so glad Jacinda and Lucy were banished to the snow globe, that way we didn’t have to endure the poor /over acting of the actresses. Not much better with a lot of the focus on Henry, but we had more screen time with the original recipe crew. Really nice seeing Ariel- as someone stated before, her and Whook would be awesome together. They have chemistry. Although I have noticed that Hook has chemistry with almost anyone onscreen with him. He is my favorite of the entire series. Love Robin and Alice. I really wish we would have gotten more of them together. Confused on why Robin didn’t call her mom to let her know the curse had been broken, you would think a 15 second clip showing the end of a phone conversation would have been easy to include, just cut out one of the shots in the snow globe. I suppose Friday will be a bit bittersweet. I did enjoy most of this series. It is sad to see it end. But it really did end last year.
  2. Well, first off in the shallow end of the pool... WHook / Rodgers was looking very very nice this episode. When he was talking about how pirates collected rings.... ok. I enjoyed Tilly and Margot. They have chemistry. I actually believe they could have a relationship. I also really like the Rodgers/Tilly relationship, they also have chemistry. Where to begin with Henry.... first off, he is an idiot. He has ZERO chemistry with Jacinda. Actually Jacinda has no chemistry with anyone. As someone said earlier, No Henry.. the most brave and strong woman you know is your MOTHER and/or Grandmother! Jacinda/Ella doesn’t even compare with their bravery. I don’t know why they had that actress play Cinderella. Maybe I would connect with a different actress but I really don’t care what happens to either Jacinda or Henry. Or Lucy.
  3. I was looking to see when the next episode airs (11.16) (it doesn’t air until 3/1/18). and found a episode description that says Bernadette picked a name for her new son without Howard’s input. And the gang is trying to help Bernadette start labor. So I guess she will have her baby on the next episode or soon after. And it’s a boy. http://www.tvguide.com/tvshows/the-big-bang-theory/episode-16-season-11/the-neonatal-nomenclature/288041/
  4. I just watched the NBC Online version... no extended cuts version?? Are there no extra scenes this episode?
  5. I agree that some of situations were convenient to the plot advance of getting team cockroach to the judge portal. BUT how awesome is this show.??!? Love Jason’s demon special power... Molotov’s cocktails.. HA! On a shallow note.. All of them looked amazing. I am kind of sad about how close the season end is. As far as who the judge is... a lot of great choices have already been mentioned. I would like to see Betty White as the judge. I agree with the idea of next season probably being held in a type of middle place or a purgatory until they can prove that they are all Good Place worthy... I am going to watch the extended version online for my rewatch.
  6. As the ‘mom’ of golden retrievers, I am completely convinced all Golden’s go immediately to the Good Place. They are what makes the Good Place good. (For me anyway) But I agree with you on Eleanor’s mom, she better be getting an eternal beat down for the dog and hot car,, in Arizona.
  7. Thank you! I just watched the extended version. Too bad they couldn’t have aired it! I enjoyed the extra scenes.
  8. Janet was carrying a basket! I didn’t get a chance to see what was in it yet. This show. So original, always keeps me interested and entertained. I am wondering how many seasons it will and should continue. Some shows are perfect in a limited run. This seems like one of those. They won’t be able to nail Kristen Bell down for a weekly sitcom situation.
  9. So happy I saw this on my DVR this morning, I didn’t realize it was back on this week!! i enjoyed this episode. I do wish I had re-watched the first half of the season so I could remember everything that happened. Hate these long breaks. I am sure that they have to work around Kristen Bell’s schedule. She seems to be the only one doing movies right now. Like everyone else, I sighed and smiled when Mindy got her bag full of cocaine. And a bonus sex robot! With wind chimes. I wonder how long they will be able to stay in the neighborhood, Sean seemed to want it gone soon. Also, I wonder if Janet can build another neighborhood without Sean’s knowledge? I seriously thought that they would all end up with Mindy in the medium place. looking forward to finding out how they manage to survive.
  10. I agree that Raj becomes a jerk at times..he was a complete ass when he was one of People’s people to watch or whatever he was. And he kept reminding everyone that he was seeing 2 woman at the same time by obnoxiously ‘complaining’ about who’s bra he found... and he does bring a lot of the teasing on himself... remember the belt buckles he made for Howard and him to sword fight with?? He makes it easy to tease him. But that doesn’t make it right. It is nice to see Raj stand up for himself. I hope he gets a normal steady GF. So does this mean Raj isn’t working at the university any longer? Or is the planetarium job going to be forgotten... Shelton was being a jerk about the wedding, wanting to make it miserable for Amy out of spite is unreal. I am glad he came to his senses. Amy looked adorable. I am glad they are letting Amy have her wedding day.
  11. This was kind of a dark episode. Lots of meanness. It was enormously STUPID for the guys to trust Kripke. He has a history of screwing them over. Remember when he wouldn’t give them the helium for a project unless they added his name to the paper? Why did Leonard and Howard think for one second that Kripke wouldn’t present it himself? They almost deserved it. They are old enough not to act like naive, trusting, sheltered little innocent nerds. i am also starting to see how much the actors have aged since the series began. Not to say they look bad, just a lot more grown up. Adults. Especially Penny. I was watching an episode on demand from season one, and was surprised how so very young Penny looked, and acted. Now she is a grown, beautiful woman. Raj and Howard look almost the same, Sheldon has aged, but I think Leonard has aged the most.
  12. Well, the one thing that popped into my mind was the fact that Jacinda gave up per parental rights, willingly. Now she is all, whiny and bitchy about Victoria ‘taking’ her daughter??? Seriously?? YOU gave her up. Another woman raised YOUR kid, and you let everyone believe she was taken from you?? You still suck Jacinda. I did enjoy the stuff with Hook and Alice. Not sure what Weaver/Gold’s deal is. Why didn’t he tell Regina he was awake? At least Regina is aware of his sketchy-ness... if all the Cinderella/Jacinda stuff just went away, this show would be so much better. That whole story line just drags down every thing...
  13. Just watched this episode, and I have to say, even with the sketchy (non) consent on the conception of Alice, it was one of the best episodes this season. Maybe because it had a lot of wish realm in it, making it feel like original OUAT. Loved singing Hook. I also enjoyed the few scenes of him with his infant daughter. I want to know more about her childhood, about Hook raising her, how did she get out, get cursed.... this is WAY more interesting than Jacinda/Henry. I wish they would have kept Ivy a gray villain instead of full on *evil*, is more interesting when she appears conflicted.
  14. Well, it is taking me longer and longer to watch the episodes, that can’t be a good thing. the good: I did enjoy most of the Ivy/Regina stuff. Ivy is an interesting character. Not sure what game the mop head witch is playing. I am sure we will find out. I wish Hook had more to do. When he is on, it at least reminds me of OUAT. Alice is ok when she isn’t being all crazy cryptic. the bad: as usual, Jacinda. Is she a mechanic? Why isn’t she working at, I dunno, Jiffy Lube instead of Mr Clucks? Regina had tools, cool. But. Engine tools and maintenance tools usually aren’t the same. Maybe I am being picky. At least there wasn’t a lot of Jacinda. That’s good. Still not liking the kid. The less she is around, the better. the ugly: so, now that Regina has her memory back, will she dress like herself? She looks like a leftover groupie from a 90’s cover band.
  15. Ha. That was good. Abbott was getting crazier each time we saw her. I loved what Russell said when he was laying on the floor. “I know what we did was wrong, but I liked it, it was fun” This whole show was wrong. It made me like 2 horrible human beings. But I liked it. It was fun. so much went on. I will watch it again tomorrow and I have more to say.
  16. Just now getting around to posting about this episode... meh. I agree with everything that has been said about Jacinda. I am truly surprised that this actress was cast in this role. If I connected with the characters even a little bit, I could over look the craptastic storylines. I really have not felt such dislike for a character as I do for Jacinda/Cinderella. The acting takes me right out of the scene. Instead of listening to what she is saying, I was watching the weird way her eyes were super wide, maybe it was an ‘acting technique ‘? If the actress is somehow replaced, it might get another season, if they are going with this one, I hope they wrap everything up in a nice little happy ever after bow, cuz they are not getting another season. I did enjoy the Ivy reveal. She is the best thing going right now.
  17. The only reason I can think of why the mother in law would do it is to frame Lee. She hates Lee more than anyone. But, most likely it is looking like crazy Abbott is the shooter. That last scene of her watching Snodgrass and Gamby dancing was intense. I almost feel bad for Russell. He is a D-bag, a completely rotten person, no morals, probably a lost cause. But I don’t think he shot Gamby
  18. While watching, it came to me... I think it is the mother in law!!! I think she shot Gamby. I think I am going to miss this unrealistic crazy show.
  19. Well, just watched this episode. I am not sure what it says about this show when a RumBelle episode was the best so far. I think what made it enjoyable was it did not focus on Jacinda/Cinderella. Ivy has FAR more chemistry with Henry. Can we just somehow make her his Happily Ever After? I thought the Belle farewell scene was done as well as could be expected. If the show goes on long enough, they left an opening for her to appear again by her telling Rumple that he could ‘find her again’. It was kind of sad when Tilly/Alice dropped the teacup. Poor Chip. From the previews it looks like Regina finds a picture of her and Henry. (How do these people carry ‘stuff’ in between realms??) It also looks like next week will be a Tiana episode. So hopefully little Jacinda.
  20. I was thinking that maybe Mindy has not made any effort to better herself? No desire to improve? So she will be stuck in the middle place until she wants to become a better person?
  21. Well, finally watched the episode... I used to watch in real time or soon as I could. Now, I watch it when I am bored or maybe out of loyalty... we will see how long the loyalty will last. Oh the acting.... Cinderella- you suck. I can not understand most of what you are saying. You do not make me care about anything you do or say. I know they are trying to make her the new Snow, but each episode I see, the difference between the acting, the storylines everything.... by episode 3 of the first season, I cared about Snow, about what she was going through, the people around her were interesting. She had chemistry with everyone around her. She made the fairytales believable. But Cinderella, nope. I hope they are seeing that this actress just isn’t cutting it. I can tolerate Lucy and even Victoria, but damn Cinderella/Jacinda, just go away. Tiana, on the other hand, I like. Hook is, well, Hook. Thank goodness. He is pretty much the only reason to watch at this point. Him and maybe Regina...It is sad when Regina is one of the best parts of the show. Unless major changes happen, I think this is the last season for Once.
  22. I just got a chance to watch this episode. Cinderella/Jacinda really ruins this version of OAT. I don’t know if it is her acting or just the characters she is playing, I could not wait to FF thru all her scenes. Absolutely no chemistry with Henry. Well, no chemistry with anyone. And not fond of the kid, Lucy, but she isn’t nearly as bad as her mom and step-grandmother. All three pretty much take me out of what ever scene they are currently chewing through. it was nice seeing Emma. It really showed me how much Emma et. al. added to this show. Hook /WishHook pretty much saved the episode for me. Even Regina was a welcome sight. Not sure how I feel about Rumple yet.
  23. Did not care for the dog dying in a hot car storyline. Not cool. I know they were trying to show what a complete asshat Eleanor’s mom was, but .... There was more back story on Eleanor, I like that. She did have a shitty childhood. Doesn’t that somehow explain her adult behavior? How could someone who was never taught how to act expect to behave in a decent manner? Doesn’t the good place/bad place decision makers take that into consideration? LOVED Janette. Ted Danson is doing an amazing job as Michael. Tahini and Jason. Well. At least they were both smiling...? And I thought it was cute that Jason jumped up to make her cereal. He wants to make her happy, in his own dumbass way.
  24. It seemed to me that this whole episode could have been 3-4 minutes tops and would have had the same message. what if this whole bad place is an experiment of the good place.... maybe Michael is a terrible demon, so he might qualify for the good place or maybe the medium place with a little coaching. And the Fab Four are just the humans to out his good side.... HA!
  25. Love ass-kicking Don. Who knew? I also hope he doesn’t stay possessed too long. Maybe Kelly will get through to him. Alex and her sister were cute. It looks like the Twinsies and Walsh will team up to search for the star crossed members. And now that Father Doug is an ‘experiencer’ he can be an official member of star crossed. Kurt was awesome. I wonder if they are going to have him be whacked by moving vehicles every few episodes. Poor Jeff!! I wonder if he will find Kurt. Might take more that a kiss to revive him, that was a pretty big truck. Fun season. Can’t wait for season 3.
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