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Everything posted by mstaken

  1. 14 is history, but we have a tie between 8 and 11 for that second elimination spot! My vote: 11 (I have such a soft spot for 8, in part because it's one of the few times that I actually liked Zach!)
  2. Hee---I never have any concept of time, so I'm not sure if I have any idea which episodes took place in May...but it should be fun trying :) The awesome picture you posted is from Love, Daisies and Troubadours!
  3. Seen in the state of Connecticut?
  4. Young at Heart and Roland are history, but we have three episodes vying for that third elimination spot. The lucky candidates are Born Again, Miracle Man and Gender bender. Just vote for the ONE of those three that you most want eliminated :) The tiebreaker round ends after three votes have been placed!
  5. Feel free to suggest it right now and post a picture that fits the theme...I'm seconds away from bed but will be back early tomorrow morning! Oh, and the above picture of Brian was from one of my very favorite post-trilogy episodes, Come Home :)
  6. Seen before we meet Digger? Seen in Stars Hollow?
  7. Heh---I'm on a roll ;) Seen in more than one episode?
  8. Christopher Returns! I never liked Andrew much...but it may be that I'm just jealous he has my dream job: working in a Stars Hollow bookstore!
  9. Very interesting question! I think we needed more father-child relationships on the show, so I'll resurrect William :) Which of these characters do you wish had had siblings we'd gotten to know: Lane, Paris or Jess.
  10. Ha! Bracebridge :) By the way, eledgy, I hope you'll choose tomorrow's theme...I don't think you've picked yet! Until then...
  11. Are you proudly sporting a Dragonfly Inn T-shirt as you read this post? Do you sip your morning coffee from a giant 'Luke's Diner' cup? Have you read all of the nonfiction books about GG? Do you have thoughts on the DVDs: extras you wish they would have included, your pick for the best box color, etc.?! If so, you've come to the right place! I used to have a pink Dragonfly Inn T-shirt, but I wore it to the point where it kind of fell apart. It's now riddled with holes. #SadButTrue For those who either don't have all the DVDs yet or are looking for a backup copy to loan to friends (or, if you're like me, to use when your original DVDs inevitably wear out from excessive use), the complete series is available from Amazon today for under $70. I know that doesn't sound like all that great a bargain, but it's actually a lot cheaper than buying each set individually. The problem is that I'm really not crazy about that case it seems to come in...oh, and also that I'm broke :)
  12. Chiliquilas, please! I'm not quite sure what they are, but salad is just way too healthy for my taste ;) WYR a GG movie (yes, a girl can dream!) focus more on the ups and downs in Rory's career path or on her love life?
  13. Ha! Adrienne, that ship sailed long, long ago. Self-awareness is not exactly the forte of most Salem-ites, is it?! What DooL is lacking in compelling, fun, smoothly paced soapiness, it's at least partly making up for lately in unintentional comedy :)
  14. Me too! I feel like Taryn could generously provide us with the exact episode and scene...and I'd still have no idea whatsoever :)
  15. Ha---yes, you got it! He looks even more cheerful than usual there :)
  16. Nag Hammadi! How I love Gypsy...
  17. Lorelai in Let the Games Begin :) "Well, I hope you and the empty seat next to you have a lot of fun."
  18. 9 and 18 are gone, and the next round is open! We're still voting against two: 2. Mama Kim and Lorelai find common ground, just wanting their daughters to be safe and happy and to NOT turn out like Lorelai :) (Double Date) 3. Mama Kim vs Emily Gilmore in Kim's antiques (Emily in Wonderland) 4. Mama Kim is determined to pretend that Zach and Brian are girls 6. Mama Kim intimidates even Jess into calling her "m'am" (They Shoot Gilmores) 7. Mama Kim naively notes that Dave Rygalski looked hungry for her eggless egg salad sandwiches (They Shoot Gilmores) 8. Mama Kim bonds with Zach about how Lane looks better with her glasses 10. Mama Kim figures out the band tour. "Oh, please. Prince made fifty-seven million take home last year. He didn’t swear, and he mentioned God. Catch up. Okay, last problem. Transportation." (A House Is Not a Home) 11. Mama Kim tells Lorelai won't go to Lane's baby shower unless some terms are met. "... and there will be no sandboxes or parties with pony rides." (Will You Be My Lorelai Gilmore) 13. Mrs Kim hoses Rory down after learning her house is infested with termites (S&L) 14. After making Zach write a hit song to prove he can provide for Lane, Mrs. Kim gives them her blessing - and a better ring - for marriage (I'm OK, You're OK) 15. Mrs. Kim sadly but firmly tells Lane she must move out if she wants to live by her own rules 16. Mrs. Kim freaks out when she realizes Lane is at the movies with a boy (Double Date) 17. Dave Rygalski reads the entire bible in one night and Mrs. Kim lets him take Lane to prom
  19. I know we've already done a scene from this one, but I think we've run out of holidays, so hopefully it's okay to post another pic from the same episode :)
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