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  1. Real clothes are a costume????
  2. Again, if I were so flipping heavy I sank a foot into the sand while my boyfriend was comfortably on top not sinking, I would be mortified! And then her precious dinner leggings were ruined? You fish in a “crick” in your dinner leggings? And the break up begins to be foreshadowed with this silly buddy/fishing fight. (I’m assuming I’m behind)
  3. I have a diabetic dog who also has two separate eye drops and allergy pills, all of which require specific timing. As a result I will never trust anyone to give him meds. In the rare event I travel, to board at the vet he goes. I would never trust a “bro” to care about him like I do.
  4. I can’t even imagine being in her position in the whitewater scene. There isn’t even enough money on the world for me to embarrass myself like that. I think Ryan is being pretty patient with her childlike behavior. I would have left her ass. I thought he was your peer Whitney? Now he’s your trainer and therefore required to encourage you!?
  5. Ditto what Colleenna said!
  6. So I’m reading through the comments on whit’s ad for tonight on Instagram which asked for fan fave moments to date. So, so many comments on how “inspirational” her fitness challenge participation was. I’m confused. What was inspirational about her participation in that so called competition? Showing up and being able to do 1/100th while Jessica did the rest? The rest were mostly about her and Chase and how they are so clearly in love. When Whit reads and responds to these is she sad since I’m sure it’s all for the show only. Or is she thinking “damn I’m a good actor!”?
  7. Did I just see Heather and Ryan weirdly making out on the preview for Tuesday? Suppose that’s all she will talk about forever? How they frenched that one time (so clearly he loves her)?
  8. I am late to the epiosde. For some reason, I started thinking of smelly people. I realized the stinkiest people I’ve ever encountered were actually thin. Then again that may be due to the fact they are mobile. Every scooter cart person I’ve passed had no discernible odor. Maybe just me?
  9. Why would they not have practiced or known about the final saw event? At least Jessica was believably pissed
  10. Oh gee - Was Dish network a sponsor? So much a commercial. Omg what were they thinking?
  11. They all need more improv classes if this is to be a “reality” show
  12. Empty, that is a super cute house.
  13. Whit had to correct herself, we kissed last season....um I mean we slept together six years ago...
  14. Ugh more with the blow! And feigned jealousy over a dumb painting. This is for sure NOT A STAGED WALK DOWN MEMORY LANE!!!! It is not! And say wha? Big Whit doesn’t feel food after ten seconds of watching work? And the boys don’t get along? I’ve got the vapors, so shocked.
  15. Well that’s great but they should realize she has an “in” as an “oppressed” fat woman. So she’s a victim. They are straight white males, so again what would their show be about? Banging chicks? Pumping iron? Crushing brewskis? Beating up nerds?
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