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Everything posted by mybuddyspence

  1. Totally agree. It shouldn't be the public's problem if your disability is due solely to overeating to the point of morbid obesity. I can hardly believe something like this exists.
  2. Yeah watching this makes my back hurt too. Why is the trainer waving the stick above her? I thought she was going to whack her! I agree. But knowing Whitney, it's probably an "all or nothing" attitude towards exercise.
  3. Thanks! I'll have to check that one out. I could use a big dose of MST3K right about now.
  4. Yeah, Donna seemed pretty comfortable with a handful of Whitney boob.
  5. Is that the Jack Frost movie? There are some really funny ones and I have some on a DVD.
  6. A situation similar to this happened to one of my cousins during their search. Basically, she uncovered the fact that an older relative had gotten pregnant at a very young age under some very ugly circumstances. Of course, this isn't the kind of stuff you want to be discussing at your family reunion. The only living relative was NOT happy about having their dirty laundry made public. I thought she should have too. It would have been such a thoughtful gesture for Babs and a relief for poor Henchi.
  7. Maybe this is just a build up for the next season? Are her "work outs" being held at his gym? This must be something related to her show because I can't believe that none of the other panel members haven't gone off on her by now.
  8. Social media is a perfect outlet for someone like Whitney who thinks she's much more important than she really is. It's "me, me, me" on a national level. I've taken a big step back from social media too. Surprisingly, I don't miss it. The people I'm close to know how to reach me and I really don't care where my former (30 plus years) classmates are vacationing this year.
  9. This is so true. My dad is 82 (thankfully still very healthy), an still shows up at the family business everyday. He takes time off when he wants too, but he would have a very difficult life if he couldn't feel productive (and he is). Personally, I think it's very important to stay busy when you hit the retirement age. I hope to be as healthy and active as my father some day.
  10. I LOVE Mystery Science Theater!!! I'm a fan from the time when Joel was hosting.
  11. I'm glad you're feeling better and able to sleep. It's interesting about the anti-seizure use. Personally, drugs (pharmaceutical) are my last resort.
  12. Same here. It sounds ridiculous but especially coming from a 30 plus year old.
  13. The medical issues are already costing us. I am an OT and worked in acute care and was seeing increasingly more bariatric patients come in. Many became "frequent flyers", so to speak. It's so frustrating to see resources wasted on people who refuse to make lifestyle changes. I saw a young patient who just "couldn't understand" why they had to be admitted. They had a liter of Mountain Dew and a big bag of Cheetos on their bedside table. Bariatric equipment is more costly, more staff is needed to provide basic hygiene, and many times our patients had lousy attitude towards therapy. I had to interrupt one person who would not shut off his TV (he was watching a cooking show, BTW). They got pissy with me when I straight out asked them which was the bigger priority-tv or going home. Meanwhile, there are people who struggle to afford basic care/meds. and just wish they could drop some weight to become more healthy.
  14. I'm shocked that she has so much spare time to go through all of the posts, you know with all of the "responsibilities" she has. Stepping on a scale would certainly silence all of us "haters". For about 5 mins.
  15. cene 1, Sweatney's house: Ashley brings That Super-Cute Adorable Babby to the house, and Oliver the cat tries to eat her (a little). Ashley and Heather talk about how worried they are about leaving That Super-Cute Adorable Babby with Sweatney, alone, by herself, with no one else. Sweatney is also nervous, because she's only, like, babbysat once in her life and, I quote, "that did not go well." Ashley does a talking head where apparently at her very first Babby Doctor appointment, the paed asked her straight-up, "Hey, lady, just how many cats do you have?" So Ashley is worried about leaving her little adorable munchkin at Sweatney's Fur-Covered Litterbox™. While Ashley is giving Sweatney instructions, Oliver the Unwanted Curly-Haired Cat is sitting in that most precious baby's car seat, imploring Ashley with its eyes to "TAKE ME THE FUCK OUT OF HERE." Ashley leaves him (and her sweet little spawn) anyway, so Oliver climbs in her diaper bag and prays for his escape (shhhhh!). Sweatney FaceTimes Tal and does a talking head to say that The Most Freaking Adorable Child on the Planet has reinforced her desire to purchase a human being and raise it - all because of one 90-minute calm babysitting session. I wonder what went wrong? I'm thinking of Niles Crane and his flour bag pretend baby. I love Oliver, the curly haired cat.
  16. But she did snatch that enlarged photo of herself before leaving. I wonder what happened to it. You make some good points, sad, but good. Sorry you have to deal with so much shit about your healthy body weight/shape. I was told that the CDC is predicting that the current generation of kids will be the first to have a shorter life expectant largely due to obesity and related complication. How sad is that?
  17. We haven't seen a weigh in for quite a while either.
  18. Yeah, we know the storylines are complete BS. What a lot of us object to is her nonsensical attitude that her morbid obesity is not the cause of many of her problems. Also,the fact that she shamelessly promotes and profits from this message. While things are edited and exaggerated, I'm not sure that all of the drama is scripted. I certainly believe that she is an attention whore, that her father is genuinely concerned for her health and that she has some weird ass quirks, like the whole gotta-smell-the-cat-breath thing.
  19. The article stated her weight at that time was 350. She hasn't had a televised weigh in since the workouts with Will, so who knows how much she has put on? Oh, did you catch the PCOS line that states others that suffer from it include Emma Thompson and Victoria Beckham?
  20. I'd love to see her reactions to a panel like this.
  21. You do have to be diligent to keep a proper food journal. I did it while on a weight loss program and was shocked at the amount of calories I had been consuming. It really helped keep me on track. Plus, I started to pay much better attention to recommended serving sizes. Glenn's suggestions of using the small tupperware containers and individual serving size foods (I think he brought over some tuna), is what I do to this day. I have a set of measuring spoons and cups on my counter and use them almost every day because I know I'll start to justify consuming larger portions. I still go back and journal for a few weeks if I feel myself slipping back into my old bad habits. That BS of "numbers not being important" is going to bite her in the ass very soon.
  22. Add panty hose to that list. Do women even wear hose anymore? Yes, I'm old and out of it when it comes to fashion.
  23. Yes, Todd's family owned the station, I believe. Her work history isn't very clear-English teacher in Korea, some sort of radio job, YouTube dancer and then onto to this show? She's kind of all over the place.
  24. Yes I caught that too. Wasn't it after the class too?
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