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Everything posted by ams1001

  1. I never did particularly like tater tots; that scene didn't help.
  2. I'll give her a point for recognizing and admitting what she was doing, and actually asking the doctor for help. Most of them just deny it and hope he won't pick up on it.
  3. "I'm so excited." As she sits staring blankly out the window. Tater tot casserole? Ew.
  4. I was wondering if they sleep in the chairs, too. At the hotel with her sister she said she couldn't sleep in the bed.
  5. I wonder if the people in charge of the show make her sign a release of some sort in case she steps on something and gets hurt.
  6. I literally LOLed. That's Genevieve. She's usually barefoot. Which is stupid, given the work they're doing. I'd be surprised if she's never stepped on a nail or something.
  7. Maybe mom should take some lessons from grandma.
  8. You can even get those things at fast food restaurants!!
  9. "the furniture isn't here yet" You just got there. You haven't even taken off your jacket. At least the stairs will force her to get a little exercise...
  10. "How am I making you nervous?" Um, because you're criticizing her driving nonstop?
  11. Yeah. "We're working on that" = I'm gonna try not to be the one to move down here. Not that I really blame her.
  12. Didn't take her sister long to bail, sounds like...
  13. I'd imagine yes, just from the sheer quantities of food they eat.
  14. That struck me as a little odd, though. It's a drive-thru, and there are two people in the car. Why would the worker assume all the food is for the one person who happens to be placing the order? The could be splitting it and/or bringing some home for someone else.
  15. "She needs to change her life completely" So do you, Mom.
  16. She seems to think she has to eat because it's "time" to eat, regardless of what/when else she's eaten.
  17. So let her badger you! My mom always told me "ignore him and he'll stop" when I whined about my brother bugging me. If she wants food bad enough, let her get up and get it herself.
  18. Hi everyone! Tonight I had the delicious super-thin crust pizza from my favorite overpriced local pizza institution. I'm on vacation this week. :)
  19. Yes; Johnny Galecki's character's wife is a struggling actress/waitress in the first several seasons of BBT.
  20. Maybe he cheated on her with a Cheesecake Factory waitress. ;)
  21. Roseanne and John Goodman were on Jimmy Kimmel recently (last week? I just saw the clip on Youtube yesterday) and when they were introduced, two guys pushed them out onto the stage sitting on the couch. Jimmy asked if it was the original and they said it's a replica, because the real one is in the Smithsonian and the museum wouldn't let them have it back. I assume that in-show, it is the same couch.
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