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Everything posted by stillshimpy

  1. Oh, merciful Zeus, the most horrifying thing about that -- in among the millions of horrifying things -- is that woman is not like the woman in Chicago. That woman is Chicago was unpleasant as hell but also clearly mentally ill. The woman in the above video doesn't actually appear to be. She's hateful, she's dangerously ignorant, she ought to die of actual shame but that isn't the same, "I'm fucking irrational and in desperate need of medication, combined with a prolonged psychiatric evaluation!" kind of behavior. Just fucking awesome. The racist fucks of the world are now emboldened to act like people who should be the first heaved overboard in a "this lifeboat is overcrowded, save those that contribute to the world first!" scenario. I am so ashamed of my country and the people in it. Don't demonize the other side. Yup, right. Trying not to but holy fucking Jesus, the camel and that star, thanks oh-so-much for enabling this horrific behavior. Isn't that splendid? Hoo-fucking-ray! Be the epitome of an Ugly America without ever leaving your own shores. But yup, we're expected to rise above and have compassion for their economic anxiety. Bunch of racist bullies. ETA: Also, today's daily "soak up the irony poisoning" is that horrible thing is out Christmas shopping. Nothing can redeem your ass, lady. Nothing.
  2. We'd be best served if the pile of hair, animated solely by malice and self-aggrandization was never inaugurated. Barring that, I hope they start drugging him soon and they put someone sane in charge of his tangerine tinted marionette strings. Oh yeah, baby, feel the unpresidented power.
  3. I'll never understand this about people. It speaks to a flaw in our society and our culture when obvious intelligence is a mark against a political candidate. I'm a fairly bright person but I'm not afraid of, putt-off by, or in any other way disinclined to like or vote for someone because I sense that they are smarter than I am. In a presidential candidate, I'm enough of a space oddity that I greatly prefer it. Appear smart and capable, but not in a way that will make anyone feel like you're smarter. Explain your plans in bumper stickers even though these are delicate and complex issues, so if you do that, you're consigned to lying because it's never that simple. You all are likely right, to win that is probably what Hillary had to do but it is something that would have marked her as a phony. Remember that "I have hot sauce in my purse" thing? If she tried to relate to people, she was accused of pandering. If she tried to be herself, she was deemed a snobbish intellectual, making people feel as if they were inferior. If she spoke out against Trump and his message too strongly, then she was distancing herself from the Trump voters she needed to woo. She kept Huma around and now that's being held against her but I guarantee that if she'd gotten rid of a longtime friend and loyal aid, that would have been held against her as a mark of no loyalty, evidence of how grasping and uncaring she was. There's just nothing Hillary could have done any differently that would have had her winning because everything she tried was deemed the wrong thing. Maybe it is because she had such a long career in politics and in the public eye. Or it's just as likely that these people, who she couldn't woo to her side simply by not being a slavering madman (which ought to be enough) just weren't ever going to be able to bring themselves to vote a woman into office. I hate drawing that conclusion but a grossly unqualified man just won and he wasn't just unqualified, he's actively repulsive. There were Trump core-voters that she just wasn't ever going to be able to reach. Like the ones wandering around the country, at present, terrorizing people because they think they are suddenly above the law, or decency or whatever runs through their minds when they act like complete thugs. But it was white women who were largely responsible for Trump's win in the final analysis. Women were willing to vote for a man who said things that I, quite literally, would have kicked someone out of my house for saying. There's no amount of "speak in smaller words" that Hillary could have engaged in that would have changed the reason at the root of that. These are women who think they prize "traditional" values while voting for a woman-degrading-troll. Maybe a different woman could have won if she'd played every, "Oh sure, that's ludicrous but it is the game you will have to play to win" game. Hillary would have had a very difficult time playing that game without it being spotted as a game. Middle-American women don't like her because everything about her upsets the apple cart of how women are told we must act. I only lived in St. Louis for four years and I made some good friends but one of them made what I thought was a really interesting observation, she was a recruiter for a company that sells forklifts and she's genuinely one of the kindest people I've ever met. Anyway, she had reason to do a bunch of placements on the East Coast and was talking about how it took some adjustments. "Everyone has so much personality! It's been fun getting to know the different ones because everyone here has essentially the same personality." Clearly, not everyone in the Midwest has the same personality, but they are encouraged to act a very particular way, particularly as women. A super nice, mild way. A very traditional way. There are just parts of the country that still have very gendered notions about everything. Taking as given that there are completely reasonable, smart people, who made their peace with the wackadoodle stuff that is the Twitler, part of what seemingly doomed Hillary with those voters is that the way she acts, speaks, everything hits some "I read that as Other and it distances me". Or to put it another way, those women, largely produced from "traditional" mindsets, couldn't bring themselves to vote for a woman who acted in a way their own mothers had told them they must never act. That will never be Hillary's fault. It almost physically pains me to say this but part of what happened is that the DNC decided, "The time has come, it will be a woman. It is absolutely ridiculous that women are still barred from the presidency" and they tried to deal with that by discouraging any other candidates. That compounded the problem for people who were on the fence about Hillary, they felt like they weren't even being given the choice of deciding who their democratic candidate would be. I think one of the few ways that Hillary -- who I gladly voted for -- could have won was if she'd actually won the nomination from a a regular field of candidates. We'll likely be Monday-morning-quarterbacking this one for many years to come but a lot went into it and then other aspects just didn't help. Including that there was a sense of the issue "we're forcing this one because we've tried everything else in the bloody world" because the democratic candidate was pretty much always going to be a foregone conclusion for this election cycle. Bernie Sanders had interesting ideas but even the fact that he gained so much traction speaks to that. I can't even imagine another election cycle where someone who looked like a mad scientist with bedhead, had a personal past that set every traditional notion on its head anyway, and a speaking style best described as "Irate Grandpa Winding Down on a Rant" could have been such a contender. I do know Hillary won the popular vote by a substantial margin but she wasn't able to gain any ground in the states that are so often described as fly-over and just prize the hell out of traditional everything.
  4. I'll soon be leaving my husband for your posts, NinjaPenguins, I plan to have a hand-fasting with them. Hopefully, someday I can persuade my husband to recognize the beauty of my love for this: And he'll join us in a triad of polyamory and wordsmithing. Together we will form a co-operative farm that will exclusively grow Valerian root which we will brew as tea, and chew as a root, and hurl at the heavily armed intruders yelling the Trump battle cry, "Bigly!!!" but oh what times we will have before then. When they are all blissed out and finally calm, we'll try conversion therapy, in which we'll feed them organically grown, high-fiber vegetable, packed with antioxidants. And antipsychotics, of course.
  5. Yeah, as I've been sort of droning on about for a while here? We're in seriously geopolitical trouble, guys. Trump doesn't understand anything about the global stage. People are worried about a lot of things but this man is so dangerously ignorant that we could be fucked at a core level we've never even known possible.
  6. Except it demonstrably didn't in this campaign. The guy who won was recorded talking about women in a way that was horrifying and sickening....and that just got explained away. The winner of this election fucking mocked a disabled man on camera, during the election. Nothing, absolutely nothing Hillary could have done would have made a difference in appearances because no one cared about them, unless they were attached to the female candidate. Also, I'd rather the poor woman lost than lean into double-standards aimed solely at women. That would have been the height of hypocrisy. No one who would reject Hillary -- who was, if nothing else, at least fucking qualified -- could be persuaded too if she'd jettisoned anyone. They'd have just focused on whatever other thing that would justify their misogyny. There's no winning that game and I'm glad she didn't attempt to play it. It wouldn't have helped a fucking thing.
  7. There were a lot of errors in Hillary's campaign. Refusing to cut ties to a longtime friend over her husband's sexual misdeeds rates very low among the reasons she lost. I personally don't think it rates at all and if anything, made a lot of people think well of her. The ONLY reason it ended up mattering at all to the campaign was that Comey pulled that bullshit, "reopening the investigation" move and if he hadn't done it for that reason, he'd have invented another one, just as they did all along with keeping that scandal alive. Rape of a thirteen-year-old, no less. Yeah, Huma's stuff didn't do a damned thing. Plus, have you seen the pictures of Trump's wife wearing essentially NOTHING because they were everywhere, while she was being accused of having worked as an escort and violating her visa. Appearances only matter if you're Hillary, apparently.
  8. If I had to guess, Huma tried to resign and Hillary refused to accept it based on the reason. Poor Huma, I don't get why she stayed with him the FIRST time that scandal broke but she did, for whatever reason. I'm assuming because she had the misfortune of actually loving him which is pity, since he's clearly a deeply broken person. The thing is, if Huma had resigned and Hillary accepted it, it would have added up to the same thing: a woman sacrificing her career to the misdeeds of her husband. You can say that the gender doesn't matter, but it would have and even allowing Huma to resign and slink off would have given the appearance of that same thing. Her gender does matter. When you're the first seriously viable female presidential candidate, the very last thing Hillary could have afforded to do was make it look like she put a sister on the fucking chopping block to serve her political ambitions. She didn't lose the election because of her loyalty to Huma Abedin. That's just blame throwing for the sake of it. People were willing to believe that ridiculous email scandal had teeth long before Wiener, once again, thought that his penis needed to go digital.
  9. Dude, that's not just unfair, it's grounds for a wrongful termination suit. It would have been utter fucking madness. Yeah, I will never get that part, I admit. It was the very last thing Hillary needed to be associated with her and I'll never get why Huma stayed with him or why she continued to work for Hillary, but it was not grounds for her termination and given Hillary's past, it would have been hypocritical in the extreme.
  10. I've also read that piece before, Giant Misfit. They didn't care then; they wouldn't care now. His supporters have never cared that he's an appalling human being.
  11. I cannot think of anything less appropriate than firing a woman based on the actions of her husband for a political figure to do about scandals. It would have been grossly unfair for starters and pure suicide for any female politician to undertake. My god, would they have sharpened their knives and eviscerated her if she'd done something that ill-advised. I do not understand Huma's decision to stay with Anthony Wiener but I'd have been fucking appalled if Hillary Clinton had fired a loyal aid based on what that employee's husband was doing with his penis. Also, it didn't actually cost Hillary the election because Comey and his cronies would have done the exact same fucking thing with or without Anthony Wiener's love of his wiener. They'd have hinted, or boasted, or did the very thing Comey was doing when he said that investigation was being reopened, using smoke and mirrors. He knew there was nothing there when he made that fucking announcement and they'd have just made up something different because the boys club was in session when it came to Hillary's campaign.
  12. The only reason anyone is laughing is that poor fool is so dimwitted she voted to essentially kill her own husband and her only defense for something stupid? "I didn't believe what the candidate I was voting for said". I won't be contributing to her inevitable GoFundMe page for his funeral and I'm not actually laughing at the plight of people who will lose their insurance, it's just like the theater of the absurd, is all. It's laughter tinged with true hysteria. Aside from Trump voters, and the third-party voters who decided a protest vote was more important than protecting their fellow citizens from those threats, the people who actually tried rather desperately to try and make sure that woman's husband could keep his insurance and his life, do get to laugh at the "Oh holy shit, I had more respect for the life of someone you love than you did? The irony poisoning may kill me and now I must laugh." But not because it's funny. It's ludicrous and tragic. It also displays the critical thinking of a dimwitted child. Maybe she'll get lucky and die ironing in the bathtub before ill health can take her or her spouse because that's the kind of brains that woman is displaying.
  13. I love this so much, I want to take it out to lunch and listen to its stories. Surely there was a pagan drum circle with nudity, pot smoking , and someone married a goat, right?!? I'm so sorry I missed this, as I love a good opportunity to wipe my nose on the flag while mocking core American values and dancing on the ashes of the bible.
  14. I love, love, love that "My Gumbi is now real!!" clip so very much. If only we could make the world into a place that actually deserved dogs there would be great hope for us as a species. Maybe someday! Thanks for the Yu-Gi-Oh clip too, it was fun :-) TMBG is one of those mood management groups, as just about everything they ever recorded was uplifting or fun on some level. Raining again in SoCal. I always take that as a good sign of better things to come.
  15. Yes, he's dangerously detached from reality. Also, appointing someone with no diplomatic experience to be the ambassador to Israel? Da fuq? That's such an idiotic move my head starts to hurt even thinking about the Heinz 57 of idiotic decisions that would have to go into that. Is there no one in that administration who understands the role of the diplomatic corp in typically volatile regions of the world? Well folks, don't sweat your calorie intake at Christmas, I guess. Live like you were dying and all that because....yeah. What a catastrophic mess this all is. Get used to this refrain because it will soon will be the chorus to which his presidency is set. "I didn't think he meant it, I thought it was all just talk, I thought when it came to doing this ass-mean, crazy-stupid thing, someone with sense and reason would balk!" So when candidates promise things like, "we will have no new taxes" and "college will be free" and "we're going to have a single-payer system" examining the logistics of why it would be incredibly difficult to do is why a person with anything resembling sense would say, "Hmmmm. I don't think that's possible, I don't think he/she means it!" But if the reason a voter rejects the "I didn't think he would really do it" has nothing to do with logisitcs but everything to do with how unkind, uncaring, and just plain stupid that person is or just how horrifying the idea is, here's a tip, o' voters of the world: err on the side of believing that they are, in fact, a raging asshole and it isn't a good idea to vote for that person. I can't believe that we're all in this mess because grown-ass people voted for someone who they had to convince themselves, "Oh he didn't mean that terrible thing!" "Oh sure, he's talking about degrading women and parsing them out for value by their body parts but he didn't mean the part about assaulting them! Or only valuing them by how pretty he deems them to be, or not to be. Surely he isn't going to target and harass American Citizens along racial and religious lines, I know he said it, but I was just sure he didn't mean it." The only thing that can save people from being that stupid is reincarnation because they don't have the sense god gave a goat.
  16. Okay, I just want to make sure: you guys aren't actually posting pictures of adorable kittens, right? That's the Chrome add-on I installed that turns that Awful Apricot into a kitty? Because, my god, that's the best add-on ever. ETA: And it changes the pictures each time I reload the page. Oh bless the person who came up with that, they are a true gift to the world.
  17. Only if he can figure out how to charge people exorbitant amounts to gaze upon his image and no way does he want to share billing with anyone. He probably wants a new mountain with his mug and Ivanka's next to him. He'll be stabbing a bald eagle through the eye and she'll be wearing a piece of jewelry that the will be sold exclusively in the gift shop. And online. And at his hotels. All proceeds will go to the Trump Foundation....of course.
  18. Or someone has pointed out that perhaps having a performer whose main claim to fame is a song about vaginas and contains the words "I make the pussy purr with the stroke of my hand" might not be a great idea given Trump's boasting of sexual assault.
  19. Name one. Guess it depends on what their end goal was. If validating and helping to install an Orange-Tinted Tyrant with the self-control of a toddler three hours overdue for a nap, thereby endangering literally every person in the world was the goal? Man, did they ever nail that one.
  20. Yeah, he's a disgusting human being. I hope he never knows peace or happiness again, then twists eternally on the devil's fork. What a jackass. Tool of the former KGB darling Putin. I hope he has daily bouts of food poisoning.
  21. If you're going to be descended from one of the Salem witches, Rebecca Nurse is the most likely one. She was old when they killed her (72) and part of what was odd about her is that while many, many people were prolific breeders back then, her children were apparently very hardy and survived....went on to breed prolifically and in many cases produced increasingly neurotic, wordy New Englanders. One of whom was an ancestor of mine. So it's only impressive in that apparently they didn't get the "Puritans were anti-sex" memo. I once worked with a girl (because we were both young at the time) who was also descended from Rebecca Nurse. She was six feet tall, blond and Nordic. We gave each other quite the "WTF?" look when we were talking about it one day. The only time that whole thing comes in handy is when someone decides to tell me I'm not a real American because can I ever shut that shit down, like whoa.
  22. I'm far more likely to bring up my Scottish mom, as I am the daughter of an immigrant, or her dad, who was a coal miner in Scotland, but here's the thing: on the other side, I'm really quite blue-blooded, registered with the DAR (I didn't do it, it was done for me at birth by my godmother ) and can trace my damned lineage back to the freaking ship after the Mayflower. One of my ancestors is Rebecca Nurse, which isn't a big claim to fame, as the lady had ten children but for a frame of reference, she was one of the people hanged as a witch in Salem. My dad was a veteran. Please, come at me with the "not a real American" bro.
  23. Right? Hillary's email server was responsible for the Good Times Virus!! And all the lost socks of the world!! And the need for sunscreen!! And the loss of jobs in Middle America. And trans fats being bad for us!! And dog fighting rings and...and...and...and.....and .... This is not difficult math. It truly isn't. The Russian leaked what it was advantageous to them to leak, not simply what they had. They are not some overseas freedom of information act. The Russians wanted the Republicans to control both houses and install a Republican president. Comey's announcing that the investigation was being reopened when ALL it had to do with was Anthony Wiener's overactive dick wandering into "hello, that person is underage" and poor Huma's tragic inability to cut her losses at the time it first happened, makes it clear....but here's the gig: Hillary's fucking emails were boring as hell. People peed themselves at Vlad's command and still don't understand that Vladimir Putin sang "Dance, monkey, dance" to them and they started grinding the organ.
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