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Everything posted by SenshusWoman

  1. My DirecTV app started fucking up during the episode, so I missed bits and pieces, but I'm off work today so I'm going to watch the rerun in a little bit. So far, you all have commented pretty much everything that was already in my head. My biggest ponder at the moment is: Does Whitney hibernate in her room and eat her life away while her friends are battling drug addictions, starting a family, etc.? I know that addictions can also be secrets, but Whitney appears clueless as to these occurrences in her friends' lives. It seems like she's a comet that flies through their lives only once in a while...truly bizarre. I hope the show was only exaggerating Buddy's drug use, but either way, best wishes to him on his journey. At least he demonstrated that unhealthy, addictive behaviors and mentalities can be changed with hard work and dedication. Toxic relationships don't help the fight (lookin' at you, Whit).
  2. Hey, everyone! New member here, but I've been reading the various MBFFL threads for a while. You all are so funny and spot-on with your commentary on this dumpster fire. The only thing I can thank her for is the inspiration to take better care of my flesh vessel, and to keep my SM content to a minimum. She has me checking my behavior even more than my own parents did. It's a shame. She's beautiful, funny, comes from a well-off family, has some really cool friends and seemingly endless opportunities and resources -- and she's squandering it all to live her best life on TLC, Facebook, and Instagram. Oh, to be a fly on the wall when they aren't filming! At first I wanted to help her, but now I'm just hate-watching. Thanks for the laughs, guys, I'm looking forward to more.
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