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Everything posted by Rhodri

  1. So D&D are cleaning house of all the George RR Martin characters they thought were extraneous. I can sympathise but I wonder how Martin feels about this? Then there is the future of the 7 kingdoms... Unless Jaime and Cersei make more babies (unlikely), the Lannisters are coming to an end. House Tyrell is gone. Only bastards left in Dorne. I know they have more progressive views there but the Sand Snakes will eventually all turn on each other before they produce viable heirs. House Frey still has lots of heirs but they are so beaten down by Walder, I doubt they will last whatever upstart decides to come take over. If Dany wins the Iron Throne, she had better get to baby making quick as she is the last one (Jon may be Targaryan but not interested in rebuilding that house I bet). House Bolton gone (good riddance)! After Euron is justly murdered, House Greyjoy will have a lesbian for a queen and her only remaining brother is a Eunuch. She had better take one for the team or that house is done too. House Baratheon gone. Long before anyone knew it was gone but official gone now. In the end, House Stark wins just by having all those living heirs. Although I'm not sure how into having babies Bran, Sansa, and Arya are but at least they are alive and supporting their house.
  2. No, she must be queen. Ser Davos has been and will always be the best Hand... to a king that listens to him of course!
  3. I still think Dany is going down the Mad King road (burn their cities to the ground!) but if she keeps listening to Tyrion, there is hope for her. Dario will just cheer any atrocities she commits.
  4. "Family show". Yeah, Rumple's and Regina's casual murders and torture are fun family fare ruined by this (albeit badly written) kiss scene. smh
  5. Indeed! Days and days in show time of not much happening, or Snowing worrying about Snowflake not being haunted properly, or, worse, Belle whinging about Rumple being good. Then, this very important opportunity to get some of them home is given almost no thought or discussion. Are they just killing time until they can put everything they should have been working on all season into the season finale and save whatever resolution we hope for most into a cliffhanger? Never mind, I know the answer.
  6. Flynn thought that Judson was Juhudah (sp?) the original scholar who built the Library but Judson never agreed. It would make sense for Judson to take the English form of that man's name as tribute even if he is not him. I don't think he was either. Either way just come up with a great episode that incidentally explains it please!
  7. I am all for mystery but ignoring Charlene is just disrespectful; especially for fans of the movies. I hope it is because they are planning to bring her in when Jane Curtin's schedule opens up. She couldn't be a regular because she would dominate but how great to see her again! With so many characters revealed to be a famous person from the past, Judson must be way up there in the pantheon somewhere. I am hoping they are also planning to bring Bob Newhart back for a sweeps special for a big reveal. Yes, please!!
  8. "Mom...mom...mom". Just throw that kid in the middle of the herd. He can finally be useful.
  9. My enjoyment of David's time in the spotlight and all the bromance with Arthur is completely ruined knowing that Arthur was just playing him. I suspected as soon as he gave him the Siege Perilous for essentially nothing.
  10. Agreed, Liza has plenty of time to explain a lot that they will waste a bunch of time figuring out next season. How virus works, timing, take out the head. Not to mention all the good intel she must have picked up regarding the military - could she have mentioned something about the safe military base with the transport helicopters? Daryl was the only thing that kept me with WD until things picked up but there is no one here to hold on to so adios! I'll check back in a couple seasons if it makes it that far riding on it's parent's coattails.
  11. "I'm glad the end of the world is working out for someone." HA! Didn't see that end for Jon (never like him anyway) but at least he got a good line. I could see Cersei plotting her revenge the whole time but that walk was rough! As much as I wanted Cersei to get this comeuppance, I want that nun to get it just as much now. It will be fun to see what Cersei has planned for her.
  12. Rhodri

    S05.E15: Try

    His instincts are pretty good - his mom sure can't protect him. Carol can protect him from psycho adults and zombies. I know that Sasha is just losing it but she's losing it in a way that is pretty serviceable in the ZA. I don't think that it's a waste of bullets to clear out the hoards. Although it was more efficient to head stake them through the chain link fence in the prison, they don't have that option here. One zombie can not only kill people but also make more zombies. Best to kill as many as possible whenever possible. Maybe it's doubling as therapy? In any case let her do what she is good at until she feels like talking about it. I never liked Glenn before but he seemed like the only voice of reason this episode. Maybe he always was and I just didn't notice? Still liking the Aaron/Darryl dynamic. I hope they point out that there something going on outside the wall soon so people can unite about it. My hope is that this is when the group proves to everyone their value.
  13. Do Charmings have a bad gene that keeps them from remembering what horrendous things bad guys can do? Looking at you Regina! Although I'm not sure they know about Rumple's intention to jettison Henry from the swing into the rocks but they know about 1000 other things so why put anything past him? The only real facepalm of the night - well, besides the Sea King being cowed by a lowly pirate - was when David says "we better get out of here before they get back" and then Hook and Emma sticking around so Hook can whinge about how he might not get a happy ending because he was a villain when they just saw a villain get a happy ending not a minute before. I can think of a 100 better ways to fill up air time if that was all they were doing.
  14. I agree with all the criticisms and wishes about going back to the core characters and life in non-magical Storybrooke. And again, I'm hoping that the last season is just that. Some glimpses of this that came up and bothered me were these. When the Electric Plant went down: Who had been magically imbued with that knowledge and had that job for 28 years during the curse? It wasn't the responsibility of the town drunk and the restaurant owner. We have magic back so I was assuming that all those mundane things were now set up magically but that brings up what are all those people doing now - out drinking? Wouldn't having a fairy wave her wand be a better idea than have the unskilled interim mayor risk her and her baby's life? If not some magical person, find those who had that job during the curse. It's a big town but it wouldn't be difficult to find out who they were. The old villains that were shopkeepers and street sweepers during the curse have been awfully quiet considering how pissed off they should be. Again, out drinking? This wave of alcoholism should be a concern! What exactly are the Fairies doing and why are they still dressed as nuns? Not that anyone has ever cared about them considering how everyone reacted or rather didn't react at all when Blue was butchered and then was resurrected. I have wondered since season 1 why Regina hasn't called upon her old loyal guard and why she didn't keep them as her lackeys during the curse. Some of them must have been loyal out of real feeling rather than fear and if she wasn't sure, that would have been apparent right after the curse when she had no magic. I find Rumple more interesting without magic because he is still an evil genius, just has to put more effort and fun into his schemes which I suppose is too much work for the writers. So many stories of fairytale characters being paired up with random strangers during the curse that have to reclaim their happy endings or just their families while being torn about their curse families. What about those married off to villains and woke up to that! When they were growing the beans and the Charmings were debating going back to the EF, I was shouting, "Hey that's not for you to decide for everybody! You live in a democracy now!". I would have loved to see those debates and hear the reasons pro and con and finally letting those who want to go, go. Then see how it affects the workings of the town. Or going back to the EF and incorporating the good things about the future there and seeing if democracy can work there. I know how prosaic that sounds but that's what I find interesting. I really want to see Storybrooke TV and have a roving reporter interviewing citizens on the all the issues of transition and maybe an Oprah or Springer-like show to deal with those issues. When they first started going off to the new Villain du jour, I was annoyed when the characters that purposely made us love during season 1 fell to the wayside. I keep watching in hopes of getting back to them.
  15. Camera One, I would pay real money to see that show! I confess that I cheer when I see that OUAT has dropped in the ratings because when they know it is the last season and they don't have to stretch anything out or cater to new storylines and characters, I am hoping that they wrap up everyone's story in a satisfying way. But I fear that the last episode will be Regina declaring she is finally happy and everyone cheering because her happiness is all that really matters.
  16. Forgot about all that. Another major past plot point and horrific deed completely glossed over. You would think Mal would bring this up with Regina (but we all LUUVVV her so never mind). But on the other hand, if Regina really wanted to wreck subtle havoc on the queens, this would be a good time to bring up Rumpel's involvement.
  17. Oh yeah. I'm kind of ok with him getting tortured. Considering what lame tests they gave Regina to prove that she's 'bad', I can't imagine the torture will be that awful.
  18. I think someone pointed this out to the writers and they realized they had to give the queens a BAD reason to want happy endings ie. heroes get bad endings to give the heroes a reason why they must be stopped (instead of just a reason to showcase Regina being a hero). They are so wrapped in their own personal fanfiction now (Hook touching Belle's breast!) that they just throw out anything as a sort of excuse to get to their next vignette: Rumpel is doing too well so we need to throw him a curve... we'll say Belle is now with... um who is single... who do we not have anything to do... WILL... they have zero chemistry... whatever, it works in our fanfiction. I think the show is surviving on the director, actors, and production staff doing really excellent work with the crap writing they are being given and we are all still waiting for the promise of the season 1 to flower. I'm still sadly waiting for Grumpy's happy ending with Astrid and just hoping for a glimpse of Red.
  19. Did they blow the whole season's CGI in this one episode? I actually don’t mind the age difference between Gold and Belle but why does Belle have to dress and act like a 14 year old – creepy!
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