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Everything posted by Brooks

  1. The bad blood between Darius and Alycia will be answered eventually. They're making such a big deal about it I hope they have something really awesome worked out.
  2. Nope, she's just working up an appetite for a large bowl of Fruit Loops.
  3. Grace is so wracked with guilt over killing Claire that I don't think she' let her dad quietly take credit for it. I predict Grace will also confess, making dad's confession meaningless, or maybe worse if further chaos results. So few people to choose among for the new VP. If Harris, what happens to Secretary of Defense? And does Grace get a promotion too? Still 86 days left, which feels like a third season in the making. But isn't there a point at which the asteroid can't be sufficiently driven off course that would be much sooner than 86 days?
  4. A lot of the season is left. I predict Daryus and Alycia get together. ;^)
  5. I'm surprised by the shark photo. I thought she had a lot of hair implants. This looks natural and healthy, fuller than I expected. Any chance she's doing better? Or maybe her PCOS is getting treated?
  6. This is the worst job I've ever had, says Tanz. Like you ever had a crappy summer job, says Harris.
  7. Please don't sort your sock drawer by color, you'll never find them again! What happened to drawing mustaches and beards on faces? Whoever did this is an incompetent graffiti person and deserves to be reported!
  8. About that crowd sourcing... Hundreds of qualified engineers show up to help convert the rail gun, with no suggestion some of those people are there to sabotage or apparent safeguards against sabotage??
  9. I'm concerned there are weeks and weeks left and this season has covered so little time so far that we may not know the outcome for a couple more summers, LOL.
  10. Self-medicating with food in that way is just addictive behavior. Your gut microbes control a great deal of your emotional and mental health. Feed them badly and your microbiome will turn on you.
  11. Depression and anxiety can both have roots in eating really badly. Lifestyle choices. One more reason to get her shit together but she has only ever been concerned about late stage diabetes.
  12. So she actually reported this to the police? Any way to confirm it made the police blotter?
  13. I'll bet the police didn't respond because they didn't want to be filmed by TLC. Probably the entire police force knows to stay away from that street, LOL. We're assuming this was part of next season's plot? Why was Twit allowed to broadcast it?
  14. The pink bush in the buddy photo looks like something that would be in bloom in the spring, not this late in the year. Anyone know?
  15. Apparently I can watch it for free so I'll be all set.
  16. shapeshifter, thanks for the comments. I would appreciate any other descriptions of what happened last evening.
  17. Trump is supposed to announce his Supreme Court nominee tonight at 9PM. My CBS affiliate expects to cover it. So what happens to tonight's Salvation broadcast? It's already past my bedtime.
  18. Then shame on Babs for not setting her family on a better health projectory. Sweet tea, my ass.
  19. When I hear "Elon Musk" I imagine Darius Tanz. So this whole horrifying business of the kids stuck in the cave and Elon offering his expertise, I'm still imaging Darius coming to the rescue. If the writers really are making it up as they go along, I hope they don't include this as one of the subplots. I mean they do have to fill up the rest of the summer.
  20. As the asteroid approaches could it have a pull/shift effect on the oceans such that it creates a Sharknado effect? That would be sweet!
  21. So long as he understands that the Secretary of Defense might have at least a minor role in the earth's survival and therefore arresting the Secretary too soon wouldn't be in his sister's best interest on the chance she is still alive.
  22. I believe the cost was $5 million per family. It seemed a little pricey, but then the dollar was probably going to be worthless after the asteroid hit, so probably money well spent.
  23. Both men took off their heads sets but also moved out of their seats. And I agree, under the circumstances, they would not have been interested.
  24. Thanks, shapeshifter. Isn't Re/Syst also trying to arrange for a solution to the asteroid to be found, by specifying the specialists locked up at Tanz and prohibiting out-of-country travel? I don't understand how all of that folds together.
  25. I wish recaps were available for Salvation. I'm lost as to what Re/Syst is trying to do on various fronts. Can anyone help me here?
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