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  1. Why does Ikechi keep asking people for divorce advice. He was legally married for about a minute and he never liked his wife. He's making It sound like he needs deep emotional support, and he probably does, but it's not because he's heartbroken about his failed marriage. Maybe that was just to give him something to do on camera? Also - Juancho's Ponchos? First - horrible idea. Second, the punctuation was incorrect in the logo. Also that commitment ceremony was just... weird. Emem put on a wedding dress but it looks like she didn't do anything with her hair or anything particularly interesting with her makeup. No flowers; no decoration... just not much going on there. Also I don't remember her having such poor posture; maybe I just didn't notice it before but her shoulders were all slumped over when she walked in the room and was standing with PC and Brandon.
  2. I dislike stereotypes so ... Huh. Injury maybe? Firefighter was the job I was thinking of; when she (we) met him for the first date, that's what she said he did. Did I imagine it or did he also say he has his real estate license? I do hope he has another paying gig besides Emem's huzzbin too!
  3. I didn't like his outfit but I don't think it reveals anything about his sexual orientation.
  4. That's not what he said. Allen said that he had a first date with a woman to whom he was introduced by a matchmaker. She called and said "I'm ready for a second date" the day before he was scheduled to be married. I don't think he had heard from her between the first date and the casting process. So there was some time that passed between their first date and MAFS. She's cute! Good for him. If he is happy then I'm happy for him.
  5. He is employed. I know he is probably paying child support but if he doesn't have to pay for a place to live, he can probably afford a few drinks. I don't get lazy at all. I think she actually works pretty hard. She seems to keep up her living space. She doesn't like to go out drinking as much as David does but she does like getting dressed up and going to dinner. Not all people who dislike working out are lazy. Who? Juan?
  6. For whatever reason, that is off-putting to me. I don't know why.
  7. Cross on earth, crown in heaven!
  8. Yes, absolutely. That goes without saying :)
  9. I also thought they looked a bit older and I think that could be a good thing. I think perhaps it's harder to find people a bit older who haven't been married before and/or don't have kids. I wouldn't care if the MAFS participants had been married before but I don't want to see a show where they have children, particularly minor children.
  10. Congratulations to him! The world needs more nurses!
  11. I thought everyone looked so uncomfortable in their clothes except Allen. That's part of the reason that I don't like the women wearing evening gowns; it's just hard to find one that is comfortable and looks good sitting (plus it's just a ridiculous occasion for an evening gown). I thought Juan and David also looked uncomfortable in their clothes.
  12. Madison explained the rings in part 1 when Kevin asked. They bought them together (for some reason Juan also was with them on the shopping trip). She said they were “symbols of their commitment to each other.”
  13. I think it was Emem's miscarriage. There's more! I think the central plot point is Emem's wedding with Brandon but maybe with other filler. I'll watch because I'm a glutton for punishment like that, but really - I'm done. They're done. Can't we all be done with each other? That is a very good job and she is on the young side to have it. Good for her. I'm not a fan of hers but I'm impressed.
  14. Hope you are recovering well, kristen111! The most recent comment in the spoilers thread has information about future seasons. i feel like last season was worse than this one. It’s a close contest but last season I just didn’t like anyone at all and they were all awful to each other.
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