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S12.E19: We Need to Talk About Kathy
sara1025 replied to jewel21's topic in The Real Housewives Of Beverly Hills
Erika: "I'm getting tired of being the whipping boy with this entire group" ....I thought that was Sutton? The majority of "this group" has had Erika's back the whole time, and even after the whole earring meltdown they went right back to being friends and not doubting her on anything. Rinna: "I think Kathy's jealous of how much more successful Kyle is than her" Oh, that's rich. -
S12.E18: Rocky Mountain Bye
sara1025 replied to jewel21's topic in The Real Housewives Of Beverly Hills
Between that and the goofy smile walking into the restaurant, she looked like a moron. -
S10.E01: For the Love of Babs
sara1025 replied to PrincessPurrsALot's topic in My Big Fat Fabulous Life
Honestly same, my mom passed away recently from health problems so if the whole season is centering around her mom's declining health I'm not sure if I can watch it, even with the snark. And it is good to know she gets better! But yeah I see it as an escape from reality as well. Also I'm not sure Babs was too happy with Whitney talking about ALL her health issues, specially the UTI. Whitney said she wanted to respect her privacy by not filming due to not being able to consent to anything, so it's weird to me that she wouldn't be more vague and private about Babs' issues. -
S12.E13: Rosé Colored Glasses
sara1025 replied to jewel21's topic in The Real Housewives Of Beverly Hills
Just started watching the episode but I just have to say I love seeing Sutton's cats. I don't think I've seen other housewives with cats on the show. -
S12.E03: There's Sutton about Crystal
sara1025 replied to jewel21's topic in The Real Housewives Of Beverly Hills
What happened to the days when the RHOBH ladies would wear cute clothes? Erika's gold pattern outfit is probably one of the frumpiest, least flattering things I've ever seen. Granted I'm no high fashion expert but how does anyone look good wearing those clothes (aka "high fashion" pajamas)? As much as Teddy has annoyed me, I did think her outfit looked really nice at the launch of the store. -
If what happened to Dorit is actually true, I feel terrible for her because that is one of my worst fears. But what I don't understand is why she didn't have an alarm set? I thought all of these multi-million dollar houses in these fancy neighborhoods had multiple top of the line security systems that are set and ready at all times. I live alone in a tiny crappy apartment and I still have an alarm system set, and you better believe if I had small children and millions of dollars worth of stuff in a multi-million dollar home I would practically have security guards in addition to the top of the line alarm system at all times! It just doesn't make sense. Is Dorit really that naive to think that no one could ever want to break into her house (...if it did happen)?
Why did I have to be eating spaghetti for dinner during this episode 🤢
Vanessa has some serious anger management problems. She goes from 0 to 100 in 2 seconds. With how red her face was during the argument, I thought her heart was going to give out.
I agree with this completely. This whole "partying" thing just screams attention to me. She is constantly trying to be the center of attention, no matter what it takes. In regards to whether or not she knows she's near the end and has given up on life, I think she's in extreme denial. Whenever the family talks about how they might have to bury her soon, she usually replies with "that's NOT going to happen!", and when confronted with health issues she acts how a teenager would act after an adult catches them drinking and explains the consequences to them. Just brushes it off and thinks she's invincible, and just "so cool" all while knowing this will get attention from her family. It's like she's mentally stuck at the age of 13.
S03.E10: Moving On Up And Partying On Down
sara1025 replied to PrincessPurrsALot's topic in 1,000-LB Sisters
Tammy is the LAST person to criticize what anyone is wearing after wearing her tacky pink stripper top. Talk about boobs about to pop out, Amanda's robe covered hers just fine so not sure why she made that comment. And when Tammy said they never let her talk, she's the one talking/yelling the whole time! I thought Amy handled her tantrum at her house well, instead of getting pissed she just calmly let Tammy go off while hardly saying anything. Of course Tammy would probably say Amy was cutting her off the whole time not letting her speak. And no "thank you" when she handed her the bag of food. I love how shocked Tammy was when Amy said no one else fought with each other, she was the one doing all the fighting. I kind of hate that Amanda apologized for standing up for herself, and like an angry toddler Tammy didn't even acknowledge her. Her "friends" apparently are perfectly fine with contributing to and speeding up her death. Those party scenes were so cringey, Tammy trying to act all cool and young. Like, you're on oxygen and need both a wheelchair and a walker, drinking and vaping is not going to make you look cool, it just makes you look stupid. And the pizza was "slapping"? Lol what?? She says Amy is her best friend, yet when she's calling while they're partying Tammy says she "doesn't want to talk to that bitch". -
When Tammy said "It's all about you guys"...I know I shouldn't be shocked at this point, but really?? You expect your family to drop everything after driving 12 hours only to drive 12 hours back, just for YOU! I was sad to see all the medical equipment she had in the hotel room, I'm sure having to lug all of that made traveling that much for exhausting for everyone. (But Tammy thinks they should just be so grateful for her presence being the "queen" that she is...) When the family was saying how they wished she was there at the amusement park, I was thinking why? So she can complain, fight with everyone the whole time and ruin everything? Because that's what happens every time she's around them. And of course she was mad about the electric wheelchair, the second other's aren't breaking their backs (literally) to help her, she gets offended. I would think someone who is wheelchair bound would appreciate the independence and not having to rely on someone else to push them, but not Tammy. I'm glad Amanda is finally standing up to Tammy, I just wish the rest of the family would back her up. I don't get why the rest of the family is afraid of confronting her, the worst she can do at this point is yell and grunt. Random, but the way she says shut up "SHUH-UP!" reminds me of how the kids would say it when I was in elementary school. I agree with those saying they need to stop coddling her, she treats them like dirt and they just accept it and keep helping (enabling) her. I understand them not wanting to leave her on the side of the road but as long as they keep making things easy for her, she's going to keep taking advantage of them. She needs to be forced to do start doing things for herself one way or another. Funny how Tammy usually refers to Amy and lazy and stupid, but the second she says she bought a house and is moving, suddenly Amy is Tammy's "best friend". I can already see the guilt trip coming. ETA: OMG, the toilet comment...in front of the server, no less.
So much to say about this episode, but for now I'll just say this.. Why the complete nakedness, specifically during the PT session? She wore clothes during other parts of the episode so she was definitely capable of wearing clothes but yet chose not to during the session. Not even covering up just a little bit, nope she had to show it ALL. I can't tell if it's because she truly is lazy and has no shame, or if she actually wanted them to see her fully naked. And of course poor Dr. Paradise, he's being reasonable and here she is throwing a tantrum flashing him. I would need eye bleach after that.
I feel like her eyes definitely seem more droopy in the interviews, reminds me of someone who's drunk and about to pass out
I wonder why Tammy even bothers making the 3 hour trip to these doctor appointments when it's obvious she knows beforehand that she didn't meet the goal. Going into the appointment in this episode, the look on her face showed she knew she wasn't going to lose much if any weight. Does she think someday he's just going to approve her without her having lost weight first?
I can't stand how disrespectful Tammy is to people who have done nothing wrong to her. The therapist was politely asking basic questions and Tammy just stared her down with so much anger and hatred in her eyes as if she killed a small child or something. If I were that therapist I would've just ended the session after the first 5 minutes and told her to find someone else to waste her time with. Why even bother going to therapy if all you're going to do is just sit there being condescending, cranky and just reply with "I don't know". Her reason for going was so she could get approved for the weight loss surgery but did she think she could just go to a therapy session, sit there and not say anything, then magically have the surgery right after? She looked like a spoiled toddler who was put in time out. ETA: How does Amy not know what an inch is, then proceeds to ask if it's like a foot?? I don't mind Amy but sometimes I wonder how she got this far in life without knowing even the basics.