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Posts posted by tobeannounced

  1. 3 hours ago, One Tough Cookie said:

    Was she at the bottom of her stairs?


    re Muff and Mike.Vincent Buglioisi wrote an excruciatingly long book about the woman who was charged and acquitted


    I bought the book the other day. Bugliosi co-wrote it. The first part, which I assume was written by the co-author, is really engrossing. The second part where all the legal stuff comes in, which is obviously Bugliosi, is so verbose. I've read other books by him, and he LOVES the sound of his own voice. I'm swiping through a lot of pages at this point to get to the meat. If you love detailed explanations of legal defenses, you may enjoy his part of the book.

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  2. You sound like great teachers, @Bridget and @Mrs. Hanson (who I seem to be stalking around these boards lately). The thing is, it's much easier to deal with a toddler being pissed about a cookie or a toy than it's ever going to be to try to deal with a teenager who's never been told no. Train 'em young when the consequences are much smaller and you actually have some control over them.

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  3. 20 hours ago, Mrs. Hanson said:

    Who is Max's girlfriend mom?  Lady, tell Mad Max to GET OUT OF YOUR HOUSE.  If your daughter leaves too oh well.  She'll be back, trust me.  To have some jackass on my couch, about to eat MY food then answering for my daughter???  Shut. Up.  You gotta move your car cause you are leaving.

    Ha, love this!

    • Love 4
  4. 26 minutes ago, NJKBCFan said:

    A few of them are only 10 years old. 

    And? It's a televised baking championship for kids who supposedly are the best in the US. We've seen kids with amazing skills in the past. Some of these kids may love baking, but they're not above average in any way. Maybe they shouldn't have a baking competition for kids this young based on the tears in every friggin' episode. Otherwise, give everyone a participation trophy and move on.

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  5. 8 hours ago, theatremouse said:

    I thought it was silly that Davey used whole donuts for both halves of his sandwich, and then seemed surprised when the judges were all "this is sooooo big". Like, dude, Duff's example was literally a donut. And he cut it in fucking half. How to do this is Right.There.

    Some of these kids don't seem to be the sharpest knife in the drawer.

    • Love 3
  6. 29 minutes ago, StatisticalOutlier said:

    That's a good description--hard-wired.  My parents never had "the talk" with me, either, but I'm old and that's how things were back then.  But I, too, was hard-wired on that, and other things that were never explicitly talked about; I just had a nose for trouble and avoided it.

    But that brings up the likelihood that some people are hard-wired the other way, and no amount of talking or education is going to get through to them.  Unfortunately, it means that they're the ones who will end up as teen parents, and passing on that DNA or whatever it is to another generation of hard-wired-the-other-way people.  Sure, people can get out from under it, but it takes self awareness, not to mention work, and "self awareness" and "willingness to work" don't appear to be in these particular teens' toolboxes of life.

    Except Max, of course.  He's willing to pinch pennies now in order to be a millionaire later.  (And if he has to steal those pennies he's pinching, so be it.)

    It's so interesting to me that this seems to be a multi-generational thing. Maybe they're just hard-wired to breed. God knows.

    I was wondering about Caelen saying they could get a place for 650. I'm in Houston, and housing expenses are really reasonable, but 650 would not get you a decent place here. Maybe if you were single, but certainly not a family of three.

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  7. 18 hours ago, SunnyBeBe said:

    Is anyone watching Dark Waters? I thought this one episode was pretty interesting about Jeff Skelton.  He's serving time for second degree murder of his wife's boyfriend. (He, wife and victim all worked at the same company.)  Supposedly, two days prior to the lover being murdered, Jeff threw his wife, whom he was still living with, into a lake and let her flounder around, as she couldn't swim.  He scooped her up and saved her though and took her to shore.  Then, after she went to stay with her lover, he went over to shoot lover in the foot, but, ended up shooting lover in the foot, chest, groin and eye, pointed the gun at wife, but, walked away and didn't shoot her. He soon turned himself in. Wife had admitted to the affair months earlier, said it was over and stayed with husband. But, the affair continued and a friend told Jeff that they were still having the affair...others knew...he was destroyed emotionally over this.  Was there prior mental illness?  I might have missed that part. 

    This was a rather odd case, imo.  I don't side with the murderer, but, I wonder why the wife insisted on publicly humiliating her husband, rubbing the affair in his face and lying about it being over with the lover.  She knew her husband was teetering with his stability, but, just didn't seem to care.  I'm not saying that she made him kill the guy, but, it seemed that she placed the lover in danger, when that was not needed.  Plus, get divorced, then pick it up with lover, especially, when you have a minor child in the home.  The kid was devastated.  

    Here's some pieces about it.




    This is one of my favorite new shows on ID! I think it's really well done overall and has had stories I haven't heard before. Re the specific episode you mentioned, I totally agree with everything you said. Very sad and weird case. I think when his daughter tried to commit suicide, it sent him over the edge. The blurb at the end says the wife divorced him but both daughter and ex visit him in jail. I don't know how the ex lives with herself.

    The other DW story I had never heard of and found really fascinating was the one about Mac and Muff and the unfortunately not deserted island. I'm tempted to see if any books have been written about that. I'm sure there's a lot more interesting details.

    ETA: Apparently Vincent Bugliosi wrote a book about it called And The Sea Will Tell. I remember hearing about that book a long time ago. Plus there was a TV movie. I'll have to check it out.

    • Love 4
  8. I was totally confused by the timeline of last night's Dateline on the murder of Skim X founder Christopher Northam Sr.'s murder. Apparently this happened back in 2011, so it was obviously a very old rerun, but it turned up as new on my DVR. That seems to happening a lot lately! Anyway, I had heard of this case in the past, and it was actually recently covered on another ID show, but I only had half an ear on it because I knew that the son had been arrested for the murder.

    I wish I had paid more attention to the son's creepy ex-wife. Averill. She could not be any more of a sociopath. Good Lord, she was really struggling to control her inappropriate facial expressions, and she is a horrible liar. Her mom and Keith actually knew the truth though - as long as the money was flowing, Averill was along for the ride. Whether hubby killed his dad or not didn't matter. I really wonder if she put him up to it. And I wonder if she ended up marrying the new boyfriend they showed at the end. He should have run far and fast! Hopefully she has no life insurance on him.

    • Love 9
  9. I have to admit I started the book but haven't finished it yet. I would find it very interesting if someone went through and kind of connected the dots of what Michelle was able to piece together and what turned out to be correct assumptions knowing what we know now.

    • Love 2
  10. 12 hours ago, Amarsir said:


    Marcus is adamant that she was honest, and I don't think she was clever enough to have been embezzling. It is certainly possible that anyone could have scooped up any amount. But mostly her problem was the attitude that she could do whatever she wanted and it didn't matter. She could have rented something or paid fees or thrown cash at expenses and just not noted it.

    I thought the review commentary was pretty good. A little more business, a little behind-the-scenes, and some self-analysis. It's not amazing new content, but it's easy for them to make and better than just showing a rerun without the comments.

    I would not be surprised if there's some sort of addiction issue. It takes a special kind of selfishness to screw your mom over and tell her to STFU about it. A lot of addicts are that special type of selfish.

    • Love 7
  11. 2 hours ago, KHenry14 said:

    You'd think that some of these people, like the Dogworks guy, Popcorn lady and the two Marshmallow women would be smart enough to realize that they might come off looking bad on national TV. Yet they went headfirst into this and paid a huge price for acting like fools and bullies.

    I really hope they do a behind the scenes on that one!

    • Love 2
  12. 3 hours ago, hurrrz said:

    Well, if your business is struggling and gets on the show and you're not a complete idiot I think this could be a good deal. Lemonis only goes in if he sees potential to make a lot of money, if you are still part of the business, you'll also make a lot of money. I can see why you'd want to partner with him, if you want to scale up massively. That being said - I am sure he's not easy to work with.

    Unfortunately a lot of these business owners don't know they're complete idiots until they get on the show and everything goes south and their reputations are in tatters. IDK, I guess some of them deserve it, but they're already struggling and now their business is worse off than before.

  13. 3 hours ago, bethster2000 said:

    How on earth did Stinky (my name for Lexus, who always looks...unclean) have time for The Pole AND The Hole as a new mom?  She's got a lesbian lover on the side while Meth Face is in jail?   Didn't she have diapers to change?  Bottles to heat up?  More on her mind than playing two obsessive lovers off of one another while she trowels 32 pounds of makeup on her face?

    I was just coming here to ask how the hell Lexus has time, inclination, energy for one dude much less sneaking around with a lover when she has an infant! I guess that's the difference between having a baby in your 30s and having a baby when you're 15. And I suspect that mom is doing much of the heavy lifting with the baby. This kid is going to get knocked up again because her life hasn't really changed much since having a child, so what's another one. Her mom is the one bearing the financial, emotional, physical toll. And Shayden is right about one thing - mom needs to pull her head out of her ass and make sure Lexus is on some form of contraception that doesn't require her to remember to take it.

    • Love 9
  14. On 8/14/2018 at 12:41 PM, dewelar said:

    That's possible. I haven't really looked at the ages of the bakers. I understand meltdowns will happen here and there (even with adults!), but two per episode is well into "uncomfortable to watch" territory. Either way, this lies squarely at the feet of the producers.

    And I'm just mean because I think it's downright annoying and feels very manipulative to me on the kids' part. One kid just scrunched up his face like he was crying. I mean, what better way to get some extra help and attention. I know, I'm going to hell.

    • Love 7
  15. 2 hours ago, Irlandesa said:

    That's an expensive choice, though. 6K is still 6K even if it's cheap for a wedding. 

    Right, but we've seen others in the new format who seemed to speed up their wedding to make it on the show. So if they were planning on getting married eventually anyway, I can see a friend getting talked into it.

    • Love 1
  16. I really think Taiya, or whatever the hell the spelling is, got married on this show so she could ensure Chelsea would win. I mean, no wedding planning until the last minute? borrowed dress? crazy low scores? I really doubt she would have wanted some "fancy" honeymoon in Mexico.  And I would really be surprised if they're all still friends at this point.

    • Love 3
  17. 25 minutes ago, Mrs. Hanson said:

    Yes because the winner in this four way had a dry wedding, a dirt floor and of course, carrying the chairs.  (I need to let that go.)  Rachel really should have been the winner.  Plus I am biased that Chelsea, the winner had the whole IT IS MY DAY whining down pat.

    And no friggin' air conditioning! I was absolutely convinced she would come in last place. Yeah, really don't like this new format.

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  18. 14 minutes ago, IvySpice said:

    This is how I explain my obsession with 16 & Pregnant and its progeny: this is Shakespearean tragedy. This is Macbeth. The tragic flaw must bring the hero down. Once Macbeth has visited the witches to satisfy his ambition, once Lear has dismissed Cordelia, once Othello entertains the thought of Desdemona cheating, every following domino must fall, and there is immense satisfaction in watching it all burn down as it must. The inevitable remains compelling story after story, when we know that they will die in the end. It's the Greeks, it's Noh, it's in every theatrical tradition.

    That is just a damn fine post, IvySpice, and I suddenly feel much better about watching this show.

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