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Sandy W

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Posts posted by Sandy W

  1. 58 minutes ago, For Cereals said:

    I know they put a ton of work into the flowers, but they still looked tacky.  Since that’s what she wanted, those bouquets are available on a lot of the Chinese mfg trading sites.   While you’re not paying for the family labor, it does end up expensive if you consider the opportunity costs of everyone’s time in assembling them.  Time that could’ve been spent planning other things, on family “businesses,” kids reading or playing, making strange casseroles, etc. 

    I think Mykelti was hoping for family involvement in this project to validate the union of her and Tony and was disappointed when that didn't come.  7000 flower petals was overwhelming for anyone and I think only Aspyn helped out, even Tony didn't feel it was a "manly" thing to do.  Her own mother only contributed a few flowers from the cut up dress and Kody was only interested in the fact that they saved Thousands, Thousands by Mykelti taking this on.

    For a few hundred dollars, they could have asked the local supermarket to order carnations or some other cheap and cheerful flower dyed in the color theme, tied them up with silver ribbon and had a far better looking bouquet.  No one would consider those tacky fabric arrangements worth keeping for display after the event anyhow.

    • Love 4
  2. 20 minutes ago, Galloway Cave said:

    Them is fightin' words to genealogists like me! ;) You are right though, she needs to take it one step further and tie the home's history into polygamy's history. Talk about why there are multiple doors, why they were necessary, even when the state and LDS approved of polygamy. Her family lived there until thirty years ago. Were they still polygamists and how did they manage to live as plygs there. Talk about Parowan and it's history. Just a quick look at the town's website says it was the first southern town settled in Utah and they have the best cinnamon rolls in the west. OK, lost opportunity there Mer! No wonder they have cinnamon rolls for brecky. Come up with your own CR recipe, advertise the shit out of it and have frozen rolls for sale. (If this happens, I want 20%).

    Meri could turn this into a great way to supplement the income from the B&B, people may actually drive 3 blocks to enjoy such take away delights as : Christine's Mock Tapioca Pudding, Meri's Mock Ravioli, Janelle's Peanut Butter Fritos and Meri's Soda Cracker Surprise.

    • Love 8
  3. 16 minutes ago, TurtlePower said:

    I'm inclined to agree with you, but not likely the kind of people seeking out a B&B. Think of Bill Murray's character in Groundhog Day--People going to B&Bs are going to expect something above average when it comes to breakfast. And as Dakota said, reviewers usually describe the "great/amazing" food they've been served. 

    I just think it's lame for ANY B&B to offer only a continental breakfast. 



    She could toss them a bowl of Christine's famous Mock Tapioca Puddin'...it does contain Cream of Wheat.

    • Love 2
  4. 2 hours ago, DakotaJustice said:

    Did some googling. This year they chartered the entire ship. In previous years they haven't, much to the chagrin of the regular passengers. 



    The review mentioned 1800 reps. plus spouses.

      I guess Kody was induced to take a look at the Parowan house with her, if they pushed it, the trip there and back could be done in a day, but wasn't willing to be trapped on the high seas for days on end with her.  Maybe the friend she is pictured with at DW is her assistant, which would probably be the logical plus one to take along.

  5. 2 hours ago, DakotaJustice said:

    Theoretically, 50%, but of course the consultant needs to deduct taxes, expenses, etc. 

    Meri's expenses would be high as she seems to take her 'Traveling Pants Show" on the road a lot.  There would be gas, meals and hotels, as well as rent on the venue where she stages the events plus expenses and salary for a helper if she takes one along.

    • Love 4
  6. 1 hour ago, Natalie68 said:

    This is a spin off I could get behind.  Actually not with Meri, I would like to see how the other wives start a new life.  Meri just isn't compelling enough to me.  Most of the show she has been doing her own thing anyway.  I think Christine, who never has really held a job, would be interesting.  

    I could imagine Christine seeking a spin-off as a choreographer for one of the big time LV revues or maybe even a singing engagement somewhat like Celine Dion had.

    • Love 6
  7. 25 minutes ago, DakotaJustice said:

    Actually as of a few days ago, Bonnie still owns her Lehi home. Evidently she was unable to sell and took it off the market.  Public records show it's still in her name. 

    Thanks for that info....there goes that theory.  Still wonder where Meri came up with down payment and qualified for mortgage.  Do you think family Brown participated in financing this?

    • Love 2
  8. 14 minutes ago, neh said:

    I think that if the producers and the family focused on their lives with more authenticity, they would have a lot more viewers.  

    That would work only if the Brown's were willing to honestly share what was going on in their lives.  For instance:-

    Has Janelle actually lost any weight with her Strive program?

    Is SW closet actually turning a profit and do they design any of their product?

    Did Meri receive funds from sale of Bonnie's Lehi home to make purchase of B&B happen?

    I'm not holding my breath for answers from the Browns.

    • Love 5
  9. 45 minutes ago, Gothish520 said:

    I respect that opinion. I feel just like the rest of the Browns when it comes to that meeting about Bonnie living there - what are you trying to say Meri? You want us to finance that house for your mother? Yeah, no. And, according to Meri herself, she's the one who put that idea in her mom's head. She certainly seemed thrilled when Meri told her she wanted to buy it, but that doesn't mean she expected to live there.

    I wish someone would address the question of why and how Christine's mother got ousted from this deal. She was as excited as Meri when they first went to look at it together.

    Plan B.  When the family was aghast at the prospect of providing a 4 bedroom retirement home for Bonnie, she conveniently sold her Lehi home.  Annie didn't have cash to invest, so Annie out...Bonnie in.  

    • Love 6
  10. 30 minutes ago, Pachengala said:

    Who is the girl to Meri’s right? The little one is, I assume, Ariella. Is the other girl one of the ‘Y’s or one of Robyn’s?

    I have to assume one of Robyn's spawn, Savanah and Truely never seem to capture bonus mom Meri's attention.

    • Love 3
  11. 24 minutes ago, laurakaye said:

    That whole conversation was so stupid.  Maddie is pregnant and we can't possibly make her walk all the way down the hall to the bathroom, so let's knock out a few load-bearing walls, disrupt all of our other kids and build her a new bathroom.  And this from Kody - who took an entire day, as well as several hair-fluffing trips around the cul-de-sac searching for the proper tools - to hang a television on Janelle's wall several seasons ago.  Agree 100% with @TVFAN...Maddie having to waddle 10 feet down the hallway to tinkle is not a big dill.  My guess is that Kody was looking for a project to occupy his time so he'd have an excuse to avoid Meri.

    I agree, it seems to me that the segments such as bathroom needs, table shuffling for family meals etc. are 'fillers' to pad out the show to round out an episode.  I don't watch for this mundane stuff, I am more interested in the dynamics of this lifestyle, how and why it works...or doesn't.  Even though they weren't totally honest about the catfish situation, it held my interest and I will be very interested in how Meri maneuvers her way through the B&B situation.  

    TLC is the learning channel right?  If I wanted to know day to day activities of another family, I would invite a neighbor in for coffee.

    • Love 3
  12. 11 minutes ago, laurakaye said:

    I hope that if nothing else, we will get closure on this question before TLC gives Kody and the Kodettes the permanent boot.

    ...and the brown tooth.  Surely she has heard the feedback on that.

    • Love 3
  13. 10 minutes ago, Juliegirlj said:

    Awkward cringeworthy moment when Meri was practically begging Kody to go see the B & B. She claims to want his support but really just wants him to help finance her ill conceived plan. 

    Do Meri and Kody have any interest in mending their relationship? Sure doesn’t seem like it. Meri should sell her Vegas house to the rest of them and let the married spawn live there. Turn the B & B into an old bitty house for Meri, her mom and her sisters. 

    Meri must have realized herself how preposterous her proposal to have the rest of family participate, but she forged ahead anyhow.  The nervous giggles and shifting eyes said everything.

    Selling her interest in LV house would make sense but I don't think that will happen until TLC cuts the golden cord.  Without the exposure the program gives her, the LLR fan/customer base would dwindle.  Two of Meri's sisters seem to have young kids, I wonder how she would react to toddlers pulling on the fussy crocheted doilies and generally messing with her vision.

    • Love 8
  14. 34 minutes ago, Kyanight said:

    The song was written in 1910 and a four man quartet made it a huge hit.  I personally do not believe it was EVER meant to be sung in that high of a range that Christine insists upon.

    The damn song has become an ear worm for me since Christine started rehearsals

    It seems to me that song was originally sung in a lilting, rhythmic cadence.  The fact that Christine is belting it out like an operatic aria tells me that she is more interested in her performance than conveying a sentiment to T&M.

    • Love 13
  15. 11 minutes ago, Emma C said:

    No caffeine? No alcohol? That's IT, I will never be a Mormon!

    Well what if you could be a Brown style Mormon and pick and choose what tenets you want to follow...a little traditional Mormonism, a little AUB and as Kody did, throw in a little Judaism as well.

    • Love 7
  16. 3 minutes ago, DakotaJustice said:

    Janelle drinks coffee all the time!! 

    It must be de-caf, otherwise she would be just a little more perky.  I think it's the caffeine in coffee and soft drinks that is taboo to the strict Mormon followers.

    • Love 4
  17. 17 minutes ago, neh said:

    I really puzzled over Kody's use of the word, trite.  It dawned on me that he really meant to say trivial.  He thought that the Frisbee theme was trivializing the sacred institution of marriage.  I think that it was sour grapes.  Kody was never going to be gracious about having someone else officiate the wedding.

    I imagine Meri found another reason to feel ignored when she wasn't asked to be wedding coordinator.  She must have been seething that she wasn't handed a clipboard and asked to restore order out of the chaos that was the rehearsal.  She was overbearing and bossy at Maddie & Caleb's wedding, but she did get the job done.

    • Love 1
  18. 14 minutes ago, trimthatfat said:

    I hope they do a better job of maintaining their home in the future because it just looked like a place where junk goes to die. And I gagged at Mykelti's dirty feet propped up on the recliner. I think their floors needs a nice, deep clean.

    Janelle's were just as bad the week before, we caught a glimpse of hers when she was sitting on the couch.  Either their floors are filthy, they don't bathe very often or they are outside walking in mud.

    • Love 5
  19. 1 hour ago, SL16 said:

    Why do these people have to celebrate every little thing and even non-events? The over the top decorations for each holiday, the dumb "Vegas" celebration in the back yard with costumes, the dumb commitment ceremony which was all show and no substance, and that stupid stupid stupid mission statement. Why do families need a mission statement anyway? Isn't your mission as a family simply to be a family and to love and support one another? It's really not much more complicated than that.

    Storylines........without these magical milestone events, we would have looong episodes of Meri intently texting while ignoring the rest of the world, Robyn nursing baby Ari while being Commander in Chief of family, Christine letting off steam by running around house in a frenzy, Janelle dozing on chair and Kody...just being Kody.

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