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Sandy W

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Posts posted by Sandy W

  1. 5 minutes ago, DakotaJustice said:

    I'm not a banker or loan expert but my question would be regarding the stability of the LLR income. How much longer is the market for these clothes going to remain profitable? To me, LLR is a fad and thus transient and can't be relied upon to pay a mortgage for 10-30 years. 

    I agree, and the same would apply to their TLC income, that's only as stable as the preceding years ratings.

    • Love 6
  2. 4 minutes ago, neh said:

    There were a lot of exterior shots of Mykleti's apartment in the two episodes.  I thought that she lived above the pawn shop.  Her apartment looked like it was in an apartment complex - no commercial enterprises.


    When in the nail salon, I also got the impression that Tony's mother didn't appreciated Christine's comments about Tony.  Maybe she isn't liking Christine 2.0 so much.

    I noticed the difference in location too and wondered if Mykelti moved so Tony's comings and goings wouldn't be noticed by the pawn shop owner (friend of Kody's).


    The Brown's treat Tony's family like second class citizens and speak of him as if they are not even there.  They act like they are doing the Padron's a favor by allowing them to be on their show.

    • Love 3
  3. 12 minutes ago, neh said:

    Do you think that Tony and Meri get paid extra for being the reviled focal points of the season?  Without them what would we have to snark about...ok, Robin...add her to the list too.

    I think Tony, Meri and Robyn would 'perform' for free.  Everyone's talking about them and fame is it's own reward.  As the old Hollywood saying goes, "say what you want about me, just spell my name right".

    • Love 6
  4. 12 minutes ago, Jeanne222 said:

    Why was Truly rolling on the ground anyway.  I sometimes get the idea something might be wrong with Truly.  They don't show her much on the show.

    Mikelti is the worst of both Kody and Christine.  Sometimes I feel sorry for FT!

    I think Truely is simply starved for attention and acts out to get it.  When a child is one of 18, and not one of Robyn's spawn, you do what you have to do to be noticed.

    Savanah seems to be another forgotten child, but she seems to withdraw and defensively chooses not to compete for attention.

    • Love 12
  5. 3 minutes ago, Kyanight said:

    AND she has an existing mortgage already!  How in the world did she qualify - unless she put down TLC as a source of income?

    The bits of information I have gleaned, (thanks to investigative posters on this site), is that the purchase price was $346,500.  If Meri's mother sold her house and gave whatever she had to Meri this might have reduced the mortgage amount to a manageable amount for Meri.

     Only guessing on this aspect, as I haven't heard figures on how much the mothers house in Lehi sold for, or if she did contribute to the purchase.

    • Love 3
  6. 15 minutes ago, DeeReynolds said:

    There was so much clutter in Mykelti's apartment it was making me twitchy. And I'm not even a neat freak! I also noticed that there were wooden letters on top of her fridge that spelled out Paedon. Paedon doesn't live with her, does he?

    I caught a quick glimpse of the P.......n, I thought it stood for Padron, FT last name.  They are wearing wedding bands before ceremony, doesn't surprise that they would jump the gun on decorating too. 

    Unless, as I suspect, FT is already resident there, that would explain the undue wear on the Lazy-Boy where Mykelti sat making her fake flowers.

    • Love 18
  7. 3 minutes ago, SunnyBeBe said:

    What were M and T cutting out when Christine arrived? It looked like they were cutting paper thingies out of a book. Is that right?  Is there significance in this?  I mean, did they have a free book, so they used it instead of paying $3.99 for a ream of plain paper? 

    I wondered if they were chopping up Mykelti's unused college textbooks as she probably has no use for them anymore.  I would have been cheaper and more colorful had they used old magazines.

    • Love 20
  8. If Kody masked his disappointment at not being asked to officiate, I imagine Meri was shocked that she wasn't asked to co-ordinate the rehearsal, she was in her glory at Maddie & Caleb's.

    She raced back and forth with her clipboard, shouting commands, but she at least got the job done.

    • Love 7
  9. 42 minutes ago, laurakaye said:
    • Kody likes Janelle more than Christine
    • Christine ate nachos 25 years ago and it grossed Kody out and the repercussions are felt to this day
    • Christine has all those needy daughters so he probably hung out at Janelle's more, 'cause she had all those manly-men Brown boys
    • Both Maddie and Mykelti have minds of their own but Kody respects Janelle more than Christine and it trickles down to their daughters
    • Kody has an obvious man-crush on Caleb

    * Janelle is too zoned out to have expectations for s.e.x. with Kody.  Christine lives with eternal optimism that someday she will find her place in the roster.

    • Love 6
  10. 3 minutes ago, ghoulina said:

    Tony probably thinks of Brown gifts in terms of how much he can pawn them for; so he definitely lost out to Caleb. 

    Caleb got "Knighted" with an ornate sword, Tony got......a pinata stick.

    • Love 10
  11. 3 hours ago, ginger90 said:


    They could have made a mad dash to the supermarket and grabbed armloads of carnations, I'm sure they come in their lovely color scheme of maroon, yellow and teal, wrap them up with some silver ribbon there ya go.

    Or, in keeping with the Mexican culture theme, go to a flea market and get giant paper flowers...but being Brown's they have to complicate everything.

    • Love 13
  12. 3 minutes ago, SunnyBeBe said:

    I've asked about how old Tony is before, but, no one must know.  

    I'm fairly certain I heard 23 yo for Tony.  He couldn't be much younger, when you consider his very important position in banking. ;

    • Love 1
  13. 9 minutes ago, xwordfanatik said:

    @Meghzie, I did think of that, but since Maddie was presumably doing some of Meri's work (taking orders, shipping, etc.), I thought there must have been some enticement to lure Maddie in, in the first place.  But since we know of Meri's 'everything is about me' attitude, you are probably right.  It's just crazy that any of the kids want anything to do with Meri, the Queen of All that is Selfish.  

    Meri probably thought Maddie should be grateful to serve an unpaid internship under her guidance.

    • Love 2
  14. 54 minutes ago, VedaPierce said:

    Omg! Enough with the Disney crap!! 

    And mariah has the ugliest eyebrows after Uncle Leo. Did she draw that shit on with a sharpie?? Damn, girl!

    And she had the gall to critique Meri's, (although Meri's are ghastly to the other extreme).  Maybe that accounts for the large shades on Meri, out of sight, out of mind.

    • Love 3
  15. 9 minutes ago, seasons said:

    No new episode tonight? My cable info says "new" but s7ep16 "meri's crazy idea"?

    My cable for TLC shows 8pm "Meri's Crazy Idea" S9/Ep4, Meri has big news about what she wants to buy, although it's not what the Brown's were....

    That seems to be in line with the previews, could be your provider just mixed up the season and episodes.  Hope so, because I am eagerly looking forward to how Meri will attempt to use her powers of persuasion to convince the group to provide a home for her mother.

    • Love 4
  16. 16 minutes ago, xwordfanatik said:

    Mariah and her GF look good in the photo.  Once again, Meri's brown tooth is front and center.  Ick.

    That tooth!  It seems to have become her trademark.  She could forgo one of her Disney trips and easily have that attended to.  If that would be too much of a sacrifice, she is only a 4 hr trip to Algodones, Mexico where she could slip over the border and have it fixed for a few hundred dollars.

    • Love 5
  17. 20 minutes ago, SkippyBeef said:

    Hi all: Long time lurker, first time poster.   I have to say, I am extremely disappointed in Maddie. She used to be one of my favorite kids.  Let's face it, there's no way she's going to find a BSN, let alone become a nurse practitioner.  


    On another note, has anyone noticed how much more successful the older boys have become than the girls? Logan is working on an MBA, the two other older boys working on military careers? I truly think its a difference in the way the boys and the girls have been socialized in the family, even if its subliminal.  The girls have been socialized to get married young and start popping out babies, and I think the boys have been told to focus on being able to provide.  I also think their high school sports activities socialized them more and showed them more different lifestyles. 

    Welcome SkippyBeef, I am fairly new to this site too but pop in several times a day for the witty observations on the madcap group known as the Browns. 

    Your analysis of the differences male/female offspring is spot on IMO.  I recall Mykelti had aspirations to become a fashion designer and that seemed to fall by the wayside when Kody accompanied her to a consultation with some professional designers and pontificated that he didn't approve of Mykelti designing "immodest" garments.

    Mariah has also adjusted her career goals from Doctor, to NP, to now MSW, still a lofty goal and I hope she sees it through.

    • Love 7
  18. 29 minutes ago, Jeanne222 said:

    I likes Janelle as Mother of the Bride much more then Christine.  Janelle is calm, thoughtful and sweet.  Christine makes me tired and my ears hurt!

    Well, they are polar opposites in their demeanor, Janelle is calm to the point of being zoned out, however she did cause Maddie undue distress by expressing a desire to go fishing the morning of the wedding.

     Janelle seriously muffed up the toast to the bride and groom, but at least she didn't attempt to warble a 'love song', so there's that.

    • Love 3
  19. On 1/23/2018 at 4:52 PM, Dave James said:

    Looks like FTony jumped out of bed just threw on his sunday best.With that shit assed grin. I have to look hip & cool for my adoring fans.I'm getting married on Tv

    The least he could have done would be to stay on the color scheme theme.  The maroon shirt was on point, but I guess he couldn't find yellow or teal jeans, silver sneakers are everywhere.

    • Love 3
  20. 2 minutes ago, ginger90 said:

    Perhaps Tony is really very professional while at work.


    Well, he could be !!!

    If he requested a raise at work and was told the budget did not allow, he could suggest the bank restructure their financial plan.

    • Love 13
  21. 4 minutes ago, TurtlePower said:

    Totally agree. Why are we watching what happened over a year ago? Why can't they film and show us what happened 4 weeks ago? Or better yet, film and edit on a weekly basis?

    Me too.  They are so active on SM, everything they portray on the program is old, stale news.  By the time they get around to airing the bathtub birth, little Axel will be able to pull up a chair and enjoy the event right along with the rest of the world.

    • Love 11
  22. 1 minute ago, Kyanight said:

    Ok, stupid question of the year maybe.... and this has probably been discussed to death..... but WHY the wet bar?  The vast majority of Mormons don't even drink.  Do the browns drink alcohol?  They probably do and I've never noticed... but not enough to warrant a wet bar!????

    Meri's rationale for the wet bar was that she needed a place to display pastries when entertaining; which begs the question, when did we ever see her have the gang over to her home.  

    The only time I have seen the wet bar utilized was back in the day of the commitment ceremony (I think), she posted a photo of some leaves she had made with a cake decorating bag to adorn something.

    • Love 3
  23. 7 minutes ago, DakotaJustice said:

    I don't think Kody/wives contributed. 

    I think Meri got the down payment from her mom, who just sold her house and that's why Christine's mom isn't there now. 

    I agree, it seemed there was a long gap between the time Meri first looked at the B&B and the actual purchase.  Meri had stated on her SM something to the effect that 'significant obstacles had been overcome'.   It could be that the other family members couldn't or wouldn't come up with the cash required.

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