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Sandy W

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Posts posted by Sandy W

  1. 4 minutes ago, Kohola3 said:

    Gotta get those product placements in there.

    Guess Meri didn't offer financial inducement to get her to work out in LLR leggings, or Janelle to get her to use Strive With Janelle fitness program.

    • Love 2
  2. 7 minutes ago, neh said:

    Meri looks awfully happy in the photo.  She rarely looks that relaxed on the show...ever.

    I noticed that too, especially the relaxed attitude.  Compare that to her demeanor in the TH, where she sits, eyes downcast, barely speaking and the constant bouncing leg. 

    I'm sure she is in her element, away from the "family" and as she has enjoyed some degree of success with LLR, she is validated there and feels she counts for something.

    • Love 10
  3. 55 minutes ago, Meghzie said:

    Aurora is taking a page from Mariah’s fashion book.

    Notice Robyn is taking not so subtle digs at Meri with Sol in a Batman t-shirt.  When all the catfish turmoil was happening, she had Sol front and center in Batman pj's, she might argue that it's his favorite cartoon character, but at the time, Sol was 2 years old.  At 2 years old, kids are easily distracted to another favorite and he wasn't out shopping for his own clothes.  I'm not a Meri fan or supporter, but that struck me as just plain mean and vindictive.

    • Love 6
  4. 25 minutes ago, DakotaJustice said:

    I think TLC purposely sets a low budget for trips because they know it makes for better TV. 

    I think Meri has only been to Hawaii once? She was there for the show filming then spent a little more time at her friend's house. Are there more? 

    I know she was visiting with her friend, Elisa Furr in Hawaii in March 2016, the episode where the Browns visited Hawaii was aired June 2016, it could have been the same trip as there is a lapse between filming and the date the program airs.

  5. 9 minutes ago, Celia Rubenstein said:

    ... so how long do you think it take one of the Sister Wives to plaster a bunch of pictures of them doing a baking party with the little kids on her Instagram?

    Over on the Duggar threads we call that an "Internet FU." It's what happens when they've been criticized for not doing something ... suddenly pictures of them doing it magically appear everywhere LOL 

    Odds are it would be Meri and Sol, the Golden Child.  If Meri is shown having a little baking party that includes Truely and Savanah, it definitely would be an "Internet FU".

    • Love 6
  6. 7 minutes ago, MonicaM said:

    Maybe it's my imagination, but it seemed to me that Robyn was distant from Kody this season.  Not like Meri, but I'm not sure she cared if she was the favorite wife or not.  I think she and Kody had a major physical attraction in the beginning, but that fades with time.  She and Kody both may be discovering they don't much like the other person now that those attraction hormones are no longer ruling their relationship. 

    Or maybe it was the editing.   

    I think Robyn is somewhat resting on her laurels, now that she has firmly entrenched herself as legal wife.  The next hurdle will be to ensconce herself in Meri's well maintained home, if they manage to hang on to the LV houses.

    She still relishes the role as the wife that has Kody's ear and Meri plays right into her hand, by seeking advice on how best to approach Kody and even Mariah.  She is probably somewhat exhausted too, considering she has 3 teens and 2 toddlers, a broke business to run and only 1 nanny.   Wah. wah, wah, poor Robyn.

    • Love 3
  7. 9 minutes ago, Kyanight said:

    This is really just a thought that flitted through my head after reading your post - have you EVER seen Robyn with Truley in front of the camera?  Or even say a word to her?  We don't see the little ones all that much on Sister Wives - compared to the Duggars for example - but I don't recall ever seeing much interaction with Robyn and ANY of the younger kids that weren't hers.

    IIRC, there was an incident on one of the driveways, where Christine asked Robyn to mind Truely when Christine needed to be somewhere.  Robyn screwed up her wizened little face and whined that she had to be somewhere (a game or dance class I think), with her OWN kids. Told me all I needed to know about how polygamy works.

    • Love 9
  8. 1 hour ago, Mindthinkr said:

    Good point. I often wonder how they do it. I realize that they get promotional trips and their series might spring to send them places but some of them just have me scratching my head wondering how they get that much dosh to go and stay in these 4-5 Star places. Then there’s the eating and drinking costs. (I know Meri isn’t a drinker...comment was made more in general). 

    It seems the budget TLC is willing to extend for trips is relevant to the ratings.  The last big family trip was Season 10, when they went to Hawaii and the accommodations there could be described as modest at best.  The "lodge" had cooking facilities and it seems the Brown's were expected to feed themselves, aside from the breakfast at the diner, without enough parking (provoking another madcap scene), there was the luau, where Kody declared that his Judaic beliefs involved abstinence from pork (provoking Logan to tell him to piss off).

    Season 11 the only trip was for Maddie/Caleb wedding and the facilities were very nice.  This season, the trip was for Mykelti/Tony wedding and I didn't notice them featuring the accommodations they were staying in, only a brief interior shot when Kody was modelling the ponytail.

    The writing is on the wall as far as TLC fronting their trips, Meri takes her frequent trips to Hawaii and Disney on her own dime, so they are not filmed.  I am still mulling over Janelle's Korean steam bath excursion and wondering if that was a facility in LV or if she actually traveled to Korea for the experience.  I would have paid to see that filmed.

    • Love 5
  9. 22 minutes ago, AZChristian said:

    I swear I saw someone at the mall yesterday in those heart leggings.  Hubby and I were wearing our matching Valentine's Day t-shirts (don't judge).  Lady in heart leggings was walking towards us, got a big grin on her face and said, "I love your shirts!"  I smiled and said, "Thanks!"  After she was out of hearing distance I muttered, "Can't say the same for those ugly leggings you're wearing.  LulaRoe?"

    She was fishing, had you reciprocated the compliment, no doubt you would have had a LLR business card thrust upon you.

    • Love 4
  10. 6 minutes ago, Bunkerdown said:

    Okay so she at least looks happy. I always thought Christine was the pretty one but at least Meri is trying out some styles I guess. 

    I will agree that that she is trying out some new styles, her hair is 100% improvement and she does seem to have a genuine smile in the photos taken when she is away from the rest of the family.  With the exception of the movie night with Sol and Kody and when she is out on LLR biz., she appears downright miserable.

    • Love 8
  11. 41 minutes ago, laurakaye said:

    Can someone explain why at one point Kody was dressed in his suit (the part where he was asking opinions about his stupid hair) but then later, everything was held up because he had to go back to the condo to get his shirt?  He was already dressed.  I don't get it.

    I had the feeling he tried the shirt and tie on for feedback on how he would look with the ponytail.  He then went to the venue to set up the trellis and decor.  I'm surprised he didn't take the time after decorating to dash back to the hotel or wherever they were staying and shower and get dressed there.  He sweats the small stuff so much, he must have been pretty ripe after attending to details and then slaps on a clean dress shirt. 

    • Love 2
  12. 9 minutes ago, Roslyn said:

    Yea...if you go back to the times that Mykelti had the TH camera all to herself this is the "I'm important and so very mature" voice that she puts on.  Way back when...when she was going to be a fashion designer and talking about pretty thread and fabric to make dresses (made very little sense...) she was using this weird slow put on voice.  I was watching the episode on the computer and my daughter was behind me in the kitchen.  She finally couldn't take it anymore and ran into the room to find out what the hell I was watching.  She told me that if she had to listen to someone talk like that she would probably end up smacking them to shut them up.

    Christine does the same thing with a different voice.  Her "this is very important" voice with weird word accents is enough to drive you nuts.  I have always thought that Mykelti is JUST like Christine.  In a similar way that Mariah is just like Meri.

    I know just what you are talking about.  Christine's sentence structures drive me bananas, all of her dramatic pauses and shift of inflections are screaming "pay attention to what I am saying".  Comes with the territory I guess, when competing with 3 other 'wives' to be heard.

    • Love 8
  13. 9 minutes ago, ehall1052 said:

    I thought all the girls in the wedding party looked lovely. The guys? Not so much. Mylkelti looked very pretty and I thought Christine looked beautiful.  All girls looked so much better than any of the wedding parties of the “D” family.

    I loved the older girls dresses but the little girls skirts were a drab grey color, (that's how they came across in photos), they could have found tulle in a sparkly, metallic silver in keeping with their theme and every little girl loves some sparkle.

    • Love 7
  14. 20 minutes ago, Kohola3 said:

    But when did they film the TH?  Could it have been recently when they realized the debacle would need narration?

    Pretty sure the TH are filmed after episode, note FT greasy, floppy hair in wedding photos, in TH he appears to have had a perm.

    • Love 7
  15. 8 minutes ago, neh said:

    I have always felt kind of sad for Mykelti.  Christine said that Mykelti always felt different and outside the family.  I could see it through the years.  Mykelti never seemed at completely at ease with her Isiblings.  She looked different.  She seemed to have different interests and needs, which the Browns never seemed to understand.  Mykelti worked very hard to set herself apart, such as her dress with the wonky hat, which she wore to the recommitment ceremony.  I hope she finds what she needs with Tony but I hold out little hope of that.

    I agree that Mykelti has been viewed as different and outside, but just wait until Truley hits her teens.  She already acts out to get attention and I'm sure she is very aware that bonus mom Meri treats Sol to movie nights, craft and baking sessions, while she looks wistfully on.  My heart breaks for her.

    • Love 8
  16. 42 minutes ago, Kyanight said:

    I noticed that about Robyn, too.  When she was Kody's obsession it was nothing but Robyn, Robyn, Robyn!  And Meri said something like 10 words in the entire 2 hours.      I thought it was really bizarre that they would do that to a book - you can buy an entire ream of printer paper for very little at Office Max / Office Depot / Staples - whatever you have in your area of the country.  But then I considered the source.  (eyeroll).

    They were probably punching out hearts from Mykelti's unused and now unnecessary college textbooks.

    • Love 21
  17. 2 hours ago, trimthatfat said:

    So the guests require hats, jackets, and blankets, and that still wasn't enough to convince Mykelti to take the wedding indoors. Ugh!

    Where are the 400 guests, Tony?

    It looked more like 200 guests to me...and yet, they ran out of tacos...does that mean the guests, including small children averaged 20 tacos per person.

    • Love 5
  18. 3 minutes ago, TurtlePower said:

    It's never, ever going to go away--now matter how deep Meri tries to bury it, forget about it or pretend it didn't happen. 

    Most people are forgiving by nature, who among us hasn't made mistakes in one form or another.  If she had only admitted her involvement and eager participation, the viewers may have had an understanding of her and what motivated her actions.  Instead she blamed anyone but herself and tried to represent herself as a hero for "protecting the family" from some implied threat.

    • Love 14
  19. 4 minutes ago, VedaPierce said:

    She's just SUCH an ass....keep fighting with people on twitter, Meri, you old fool. Ugh. Can't STAND her horridness. 

    Ironic isn't it that she didn't give consideration to her mother, daughter or family and the possible repercussions they may feel when cavorting with a banana or posting bathtub photos to a person she had never met.

    • Love 13
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