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Starry Eyes

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Everything posted by Starry Eyes

  1. Hey Ketzel, I too watch the Maney Roy and LauRen show daily, and saw when Roy announced he was gay yesterday. I had put in a comment asking him if Whitney knew, and he said that he thought she did know he was gay. He's either being naive or didn't know Whitney because like you said she thought she had Roy "in the bag" I sincerely think that Whitney broke it off with Lennie to be with Roy.
  2. EXCELLENT recap ClareWalks. Thank you for taking the time to write it out for us folks who don't have cable anymore. Instead of people saying she's going to end up on My 600 pound life, which, I'm sure she eventually will, I think she will probably be on the Cat-Fished show with Meri Brown. She has definitely been cat-fished. I wish she would hit rock bottom. It will take some sort of real emergency, not a scripted one, for her to really scare her. Bless her heart, I hope it happens sooner than later. Maybe she can beg the world for redemption and forgiveness on how stupid and pornographic her behavior has been, since none of her Boo's are telling her anything about her actions. Is Heather now Heather Boo? lol TalBoo? No wonder why Hunter stays out of Greensboro and out of her sister's show. He doesn't want to cut his sister's broccoli anymore
  3. either way. is sick...but again we are talking about twitney, and she IS VERY sick
  4. She repeats this a lot that she's lost 100 pounds in the past with Will. But she said she's also gained it all back and more.
  5. Script??? What script??? I thought this was a REALITY show, yeah right, and wow, you are comparing a lesbian kiss to a dentist visit? She said she liked it on national tv.
  6. that's exactly how I felt about 2 weeks ago when I found these extremely funny, and informative people!! They are ALL the best.. :)
  7. That's exactly what a narcissistic does. exactly. me, me, me, and doesn't care about anyone else's feelings whatsoever. If it's not about them, they make it about them. I'm so done with this show.
  8. It started out that way in the beginning, but she has turned into an entirely new person
  9. I feel so sorry for many women out there, just like Whitney who only wants to find love. A lot of women have fallen prey to inmates, and have given these prisioners thousands of dollars just to hear them say they love them. All women want, or single women, or single fat women want is to have someone love them. And, they will go lengths and do stupid things just to find this love. Whitney is that kind of person. She desperately wants a man (or woman at this point) to love her. But, she's going about it all wrong. I feel her pain with this, but I'd rather be single for the rest of my life than to be stupid enough to be cat fished. God bless her.
  10. she has a smell fetish, she smells everything, Roy, placenta, cats, etc...Lennie was the only one who refused to let her smell him
  11. that would mean she had to 'work' and she can't do the 9-5 or she refuses too
  12. Me too. I was rooting for Buddy, but he has fallen in the manipulative web Whitney has become with all her 'so-called' friends
  13. I would never kiss my father on the lips for any reason, and she does that every time. Perhaps its a Southern thing.
  14. VERY WELL SAID!!!!!!!!!! And, I never thought about Glenn and Babs retirement money. That's probably why Whitney still has her dad's half naked poster on her ceiling. Creepy.
  15. I second that motion!!! But....but, didn't she give up pasta? All those who believe this, stand on your head. lol sorry, couldn't resist.
  16. This guy is spot on regarding everything Whitney. Listen to the entire video. I love this guy!!!
  17. Like any of Whitney's so called fake friends, Whit is a great manipulator, and anyone that gets into her path is a gonner, that includes Donna. I'm surprised that Donna and Heather still remain fit and trim. Wonder what happened with Buddy.
  18. I n ow know that 'reality shows' are NOT reality shows. A bitter disappointment. Buddy went MIA and Lennie went MIA, and Todd went MIA on her, so all she's got left are her gal pals and Tal is now kissing her big fat butt. How pathetic of a life she must have. Not that we know anything about her life, since it's not a reality after all. I even thought at one point that she was wearing a fake fat belt, and she's actually skinny, but TLC wanted her to play the part. LOL I saw that and the nit's pounced on her so hatefully. I do not consider this forum to be hateful on her. I consider us to like to be entertained by her and a lot of the times, are just worried about her health. But you can't say that to any nit-whits, as they will pounce on you with furry. Sad that Whitney has such a negative group following her. Yes she looks quite a bit bigger, and there's her infamous flip-flops...
  19. I feel extremely sorry for not only Whitney, but her nit-whit's as well. It seems she only attracts big women. Go look on her FB page, and most of her followers are morbidly obese women. So in order to be one of her nit-whits you have to be morbidly obese That is so extremely sad to me. I heard Whitney used to be the prom queen of her high school? Hummm...
  20. that is just sick. that is a cry for mental evaluation, or something really bad happened to her in her life. Did't she say that her dad woke her up and put her to bed even when she was an adult? And why did she use her dad's toothbrush to throw up with? And, she's always kissing her dad (and mom) but I would not dream of kissing my dad for any reason. There is something seriously wrong with this entire family...
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