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Posts posted by libgirl2

  1. 1 minute ago, bigskygirl said:

    She cannot figure out a basic recipe involving math, so I will say math and cooking is out of her league.

    Well, yes, I figured on that but they can't come up with anything? She has nice handwriting? Didn't she play a musical instrument? 

  2. 18 minutes ago, bigskygirl said:

    What talent does she have? I will get back to you on this.

    Not exactly sure but there has to be something she does well enough --- cook? Or maybe she is a whiz at math? 

    10 minutes ago, Natalie68 said:

    From an old ep I think one of her fav foods was tacos.  I figure her fav authors are either she and her sisters OR JimBoob and Meechelle.  I would guess Dollywood or Branson, MO for vacation locale.  Musical groups?  Does she know of any?

    They could have come up with some kind of anecdote about her and tacos or whatever! 

    Sometimes I think all the imagination in this entire family is crushed out of them as the get older. 

    • Love 3
  3. 13 minutes ago, bigskygirl said:

    So honored to be your parents and to watch you blossom into a wise woman, wife and mother. Get out the shovel ladies and gentlemen, the manure is getting mighty deep. And notice in the one picture Deredick has hand on wisely wifey with a semi-creepy look on his face. I just came up with a new nickname for Jill-Wisely Wifey  or WW for short. Enough to make you gag, but still...


    They can mention God, but why not say something about her that is really about her. I guess like everyone says, they haven't a clue. 

    Could they not say how important of a person she is to them? Or mention her midwifery? A talent she might have? Anything? 

    • Love 5
  4. 3 hours ago, Marigold said:

    Jeremy is making Money Moves! 

    He loves the fame and has big goals.  I forget why his soccer career crapped out but The Holy Goalie has a new plan! 

    I might not be a fan but at least he isn't content to live off of JB at TTH doing odd jobs for a living. He does love fame and Jinger helps. 

    • Love 17
  5. 15 hours ago, Sew Sumi said:

    I want to say Arwen was going for chemo at the end of February. It's been a long since since her last incisive, snarky post. 

    I hope she is doing well. 

    3 hours ago, EVS said:

    My son and I listened at the same time. I distinctly heard Laurel and he distinctly heard Yanny. We listened several times with the same results. Interestingly, he has always had hypersensitive hearing. He can hear dog whistles and has always been sensitive to high frequency sounds.

    I read an article that said that people who hear at a higher frequency will hear Yanny while those who hear at a lower frequency or are older (like me) are more likely to hear Laurel. My son and I definitely fit that pattern. 

    Yesterday I heard it on a talk radio station and it sounded like a woman with a high pitched voice quickly saying yammy or yanny. Some hosts thought it was yanny, others laurel. Today, same station played it and it sounded like a man slower and lower pitched voice clearly saying laurel. 

    I think this is all a joke on us. 

    • Love 2
  6. 11 minutes ago, awaken said:

    This is exactly the impression I got.  A financial break was probably given for the fame and noteriety Jeremy would bring, esp with his ultracool composed instagram posts about theology books basically advertising the program!   

    I remember on one of the old shows, they showed the family having Bible time after 9pm with all the kids!  It seemed really late to me to be up and trying to get kids to pay attention.  I was imagining the kids were probably too tired to care at that point and really needed to get to bed.  

    Yes, I was thinking he'd be doing distance learning and now has the perfect excuse to visit LA often, whenever he's required to be on site for the program.  Win-win for Jeremy.  We shall see if Jinger tags along, or if she's able to stay on her own at home with a baby (gasp!!!).  (And will the airfare be generously donated by someone?)

    I remember that too. I'm asleep by 9pm! 

    • Love 2
  7. On 5/9/2018 at 6:52 PM, ginger90 said:

    I admit to being a bit picky about how my groceries are bagged. I always bagged my own. Then someone without this trait decided to put in the carousel type bagging apparatus. At one of the grocery stores I go to, the cashier puts the items directly into the bags in front of them and puts the bags in the cart. I prefer Aldi’s way, all do it yourself.

    Ever since I have started going to Aldi, I am a stickler for bagging. If I go somewhere that bags, I make sure to group the items as mentioned. Still things can get interesting. I once brought my two big reusable bags... the kid bagging put just a few items in each an then used all plastic. I've also bought something from the deli such as salsa and it ends up just getting tossed in. When I get home the salsa has leaked out inside the bag on on the groceries. Now I always double check the salsa. 

    1 hour ago, MzTori77 said:

    I only watched a few minutes of this, but right at the beginning, the family was filming an segment with everyone sitting on the sofa or standing around it. JB was holding the youngest (girl, but I don't even know who is was) on his lap. During one of the takes, one of the boys jumps up and says, "Soandso pooped on you!" Practically everyone, JB and many of the kids, jumped up and are running around to handle the situation. However......one person never moved an inch. Yes, Michelle sat posted on the sofa the entire time, as her husband and children tried to wipe the poop off of JB's pants. Poor Jana probably saw her future flash before her eyes. 

    And that is probably why she is so picky. The kids are getting older, she is probably hoping she is done with it all! 

    • Love 2
  8. On 5/13/2018 at 9:57 AM, BitterApple said:

    I like Heart Attack Casseroles every once in a while, but like you, I can't imagine eating them every night. The Duggar kids are lucky they're dividing those things by so many people otherwise they'd have every obesity-related illness known to man.

    If you really want to clog your arteries, maybe try Anna's Chicken-etti for your next go around.


    I looked that up and ugh! I would never cook that or even eat that! 

    • Love 1
  9. 18 hours ago, jcbrown said:

    Yep. And then I automatically think of the book we passed around in the middle school lunchroom that would fall open to the sex scenes. That was "Forever," though, not "Wifey." Definitely not Duggar-approved--the book, the public school, or the friends.

    I remember that going around in 8th grade (Catholic school at that!)! Hot stuff. I re-read it several years later and at that point it seemed tame. 

    • Love 1
  10. 13 hours ago, BitterApple said:

    Joy, GET A HAIRCUT!!!!! I love her dress and she could look so good if she didn't have that scraggly mane covering her entire face.

    As far as Austin, damn. Your wife carried a huge baby, spent a miserable 20+ hours in labor ending in a c-section and all you can say is you admire her love for Christ? I'm hoping he just isn't a natural at social media and said something more personal behind the scenes.

    Same thing I thought.  

    • Love 4
  11. 23 minutes ago, NutmegsDad said:

    To those who have never watched "Batman: The Animated Series", go, now, and find episodes during the run which feature the Joker.

    THAT is Mark Hamill.

    He's had a tremendous run doing voicework, and he is arguably the BEST JOKER EVER, including the live-action versions.

    He did voice work for one of the characters in the audio for World War Z. He was fantastic! I would have never guessed it was him. 

    • Love 1
  12. 12 minutes ago, CherryAmes said:

    Someone upthread linked to an article that explained that they did have a 30 second scene taped where Sheldon is on the phone with Meemaw but it had to be cut because the show was running long (and god forbid they give up a commercial or two).  The explanation given for her not attending was that she is in her 90s - and that does make sense to me.  I'm just glad they didn't have her killed off there is no way in the world Sheldon wouldn't have reacted to that if it had happened!

    The show should have been an hour. I wanted more time "attending" this wedding and it looks like some good scenes were cut out. They managed to make "Mom" an hour, why not this? I get they wanted the Young Sheldon follow up but something else could have been done. 

    • Love 13
  13. 2 hours ago, madfortv said:

    This episode was really good. I could have done without the crying part.  Loved Mayim the entire episode especially while they were saying their vows. She deserves an Emmy for that scene.  I also liked Kaley's scenes. 

    She looked so lovely and even the dress worked out for her. 

    • Love 5
  14. 5 hours ago, gardendiva said:

    Once again, even though some of them have lost over 200 lbs (I couldn’t really keep up with who lost how much; I kept drifting in and out of sleep) they really don’t look very different. I think it is because I was hoping to see their attitudes change, or they would look more lively or engaged with the world, but even after losing that much weight they still seem to spend a lot of time draped over the furniture like discarded clothes. Rotunda (dammit I can’t think of her real name now, LOL) really does have some nice clothes, though. I thought her hair and her outfit looked really put together at the doctor visit when she had that long red striped cardigan and those patent leather flats on.

    I was thinking the same thing, she has some really neat outfits and always looks put together. 

    One thing that annoyed me (and has on other shows), why do these people lay on their backs when they sit in a chair? At least try to look like your sitting! Maybe its the belly, but it looks like its laziness. 

    • Love 8
  15. On 5/6/2018 at 9:59 PM, BitterApple said:

    I'd say Joe and Kendra. I think Jeremy and Jinger have chemistry, but I don't like that 80% of the infatuation comes from Jinger's side. With JoKen I think it's more equally balanced. 

    I agree about Joe and Kendra. They seem quite evenly matched and really love each other. The smiles reach their eyes. 

    I also think Jeremy and Jinger have good chemistry. Yes, Jinger does seem more gaga over him, but attribute that to her age and being sheltered for so long. She seems to have mellowed a bit. 

    • Love 13
  16. 8 hours ago, helenA said:

    Also an Easter Egg that I picked up was the call to Nonnatus House by Mr.Chen which Sister Julienne answered and subsequently attended to. That family; if they are talking about the same Chen family , was seen in season 6. Neither the birth nor the former guest stars appeared in this episode, they just got a shout out.

    Similarly, the mention of Reggie's mom Ivy and the visits to her graveside also caused me great sadness. Again recalling past episodes, Ivy collapsed from a heart attack at church last season and Barbara was the one who immediately went to her aid. Unfortunately there was nothing that Barbara could have done for Ivy as the attack came on too suddenly. Barbara felt for a pulse, found none, and pronounced Ivy dead with a grim look on her face. Now these two are reunited under the ground and buried in the same place, it's heartbreaking.

    The Chens! I remember them! It was also nice of them to bring up Ivy. I remember her storyline too. OH gosh, I'm going to start to cry again! 

    • Love 1
  17. On 3/18/2018 at 5:46 AM, purist said:

    Me too. That actor is David Calder, and he is one of those British actors who has been around forever and is always, always good. Same with David Bamber, who played his partner (Olive's dad). It was a treat seeing the two of them in such wonderful roles.


    ETA: Of course, David Bamber played the odious Mr Collins in the BBC's 1995 Pride and Prejudice series. So good!

    That's where I know him from! 

    Very touching storyline, especially the dementia part. My mom has that and it broke my heart. 

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