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Posts posted by libgirl2

  1. 20 minutes ago, magemaud said:

    I don't think Annie (or apparently any single girl in the entire state of Oklahoma) is "Espicey" enough for Russ. Despite his protestations about Pao's flaunting her body, he appears to like having "arm candy" and sullen, dumpy Annie doesn't come up to his standards. 

    Edited to add: Thank you REDBAGWITHMAKEUP for coming up with the re-pairing the couples idea. It's a fun way to pass the time between episodes! 

    You are probably right, but so far "espicey" isn't working out quite well for him. 

  2. 26 minutes ago, Landlord said:


    Annie and Russ: agreed, almost a match made in heaven. Brideprice would be paid in full, she could live anywhere in a nice house, have a baby and go to school and not be miserable because Russ would actually care for her.



    Maybe they can get together on a live show. I agree, she would be happy and he would have a wife that would actually want to stay home and have kids. 

    • Love 2
  3. 7 minutes ago, mythoughtis said:

    I wonder when JB  will reach the point of not being able to support ( provide incomes to) his children and grandchildren? At some point one of the wives/daughters will have to work. 

    Or more of the sons? Sharing the ministry isn't going to pay the bills unless you go out there somewhere and get away, like Jeremy.  

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  4. 21 minutes ago, VegasDenise said:

     I think that we are going to get an entire season of Nicole and Azan doing everything for the wedding. They are saving it to get another season out of it. I believe they have filmed those things with Nicole they are just on ice a bit.

    I think you are right. There is so much  more to the story. 

    • Love 2
  5. 36 minutes ago, Heathen said:

    Poor elocution and grammar isn't exclusive to the Duggars by any means. I'd say it's epidemic in people who don't read. 

    I have to agree to an extent. I think in the Duggar's case its reading and not being exposed to enough of the world. And of course, I have little faith in "Duggar Academy" 

    • Love 8
  6. 1 hour ago, doyouevengohere said:

    Lularoe is ugly as sin.  It doesn't look good on anyone .  The patterns are horrid.  There are like two styles that are cute- a pencil skirt and one of the dresses (but in a solid).  I guess Nicole thought that since she's on a tv show and has tons of followers on social media that it would help her selling exposure.  the only people that are really successful in MLM schemes are those with huge followings- bloggers, etc....  I think most people follow Nicole for the freak show aspect; not to support her in her MLM schemes.

    My two best friends adore the stuff. I looked into it and it is way too expensive. The styles are okay. I love leggings but can find similar styles for a fraction of the cost. 

    13 hours ago, CoachWristletJen said:

    Nicole seems unnaturally tame on this latest visit to Morocco. It's almost worrisome.

    It got me wondering if perhaps Azan and his family had kind of an 'intervention' with her and maybe they tuned her up a little, off camera? Maybe they made it really clear that if she breathed a word of it on camera, there would be no wedding and her ass would get shipped back to Florida and he'd never speak to her again.  

    I think she'd do just about anything to get at his d*ck. She's waited so long and it's so terribly close.

    If there were an intervention, I would imagine it would have to be pretty severe to get through to her because she's pretty thick.

    But she's very subdued, dressing modestly. No more tank tops.  And when Azan told her about all of the other women, we got demure tears.

    Hell, last time she threw him around like a rag doll for a lot less.

    Seriously, should we be worried?

    I agree, she is calmer. When she told him about the women, I thought she would blow a gasket. 

    • Love 2
  7. 1 hour ago, charmed1 said:

    Ha ha ha! This comment reminds me of the movie, “Fill the Void.” A Hasidic girl is pressured by her family to marry her brother in law after her sister dies in childbirth. They didn’t want the brother in law to move the child out of the country, so that was their solution. I can see Michelle approaching Jana in her creepy baby voice, “Jana, Izzy and that other one already love you so much. It’s what Jilly Muffin would’ve wanted.”

    I have to see that sounds interesting. 

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  8. 8 hours ago, jhlipton said:

    This is the kind of Ninja Warrior camaraderie I like to see, and can't imagine Billings joining in.

    ETA: Duck was winning against Bronco, in my opinion -- better driving, more aggression and better use of the primary weapon.  But then he forgot his number one rule: stay in the middle of the Box.  He let Bronco take him to the edge, and bye bye Duck.

    I thought Duck was winning too. It was taking the flips and still going. Like you said it made the mistake of going to the edge as many bots have against Bronco..... and once your flipped out of there, you just can't get out. 

  9. 34 minutes ago, OrchidThief said:

    And they have a script..."who wants to team up to lose 20 lbs" etc. Unfriend etc

    She moved on from that... now its some body building/sculpting thing. She is much younger than her husband by nearly 20 years. Three kids, stay at home mom. She is a great mother as he children have a nutritional issue and she hangs in there, but I notice she seems to have a lot of time on her hands. While the rest of us her husband's age are dealing with elderly parents, illnesses both our own and family members (my own father is dying), she is posting bikini pictures of herself. Its kind of like, enough already. 

    • Love 3
  10. 1 hour ago, Pepper Mostly said:

    Family Chantel are AA, and very, very light skinned. Color prejudice in the AA community is real. (my husband, who is AA, went to a HBCU and his mother and aunts were all in AA sororities. Apparently one of the "Divine Nine" sororities used a paper bag test--if your skin was darker than a brown paper bag, you did not get in. I damn near dropped my teeth when I heard this!)

    If you’re black, get back.

    If you’re brown, stick around

    If you’re light, you’re alright


    Pedro's mother is a racist shitbag, her "pure Dominican" crap is shameful and that attitude is pervasive in the DR and is causing unbelievable anguish there. I have a young friend who is Dominican, she told me her mother told her she should straighten her hair so people won't think she's Haitian. That shit is real and its horrible.

    But Family Chantel are bigoted too. They clearly consider themselves superior to their dark skinned, Spanish speaking son in law. They are all awful.

    Many years ago, when my mom was visiting Santo Domingo, she was talking to a black Dominican who was very dark. She told the woman that she was from the northern part of the island. The woman said, the blacks are so much lighter up there. My mom isn't black but it struck me that this woman, who is dark seemed prejudice against herself. Its kind of hard to explain how people view themselves and others in other countries. 

    • Love 4
  11. 3 minutes ago, Ohiopirate02 said:

    I have always assumed that the reason many Catholic weddings are in the morning or early afternoon but the reception is hours later was to accommodate this.  The couple could have an hour or two to get to know each other in the biblical sense, and then join the reception.  I have attended more than one wedding at 11am with the reception at 5pm.  Pictures do not take that long even with a large wedding party.

    My first wedding (Catholic) was at 11 with the reception at 5. We barely made the reception and my mom was NOT happy. We took pictures and then a bunch of us stopped at one of my old haunts and did shots. 

    • Love 6
  12. 6 minutes ago, GeeGolly said:

    While I don't think any of the Duggar marriages were arranged, I think the problem with the quick meet-to-marriage, is these kids don't even know themselves, never mind another person in six short months.

    They've never been exposed to anything that might give them a clue to their own identity. Josiah, like his siblings have been raised to be 'a certain Christian'. Even when the parents say a kid has an interest, the interests usually remain superficial and all are within, across the board, Fundy approval-land. 

    Fundy woman: midwifery, photography, teaching, sewing, music, etc.

    Fundy men: landscaping, cars, mechanics, real estate, flying, etc.

    All Fundies: a heart for the Lord, God fearing, serving others, chaste, simple, self-sacrificing, modest, etc.

    Like I said, I don't think the problem is that Josiah doesn't know Lauren, the problem is Josiah doesn't know himself.

    I think you put it the right way. Quick marriages can be successful, but when they marry so young, I don't think they know enough about themselves. No JD and Abby I have a feeling having a more advanced age and having been out in the real world doing something (at least Abby), I think they know more about themselves and have a better chance at being happy. 

    • Love 9
  13. On 7/7/2018 at 9:54 AM, jenh526 said:

    I think the caramel custard is the same thing as what we call flan here in the southwest US. Quite a common menu item in the restaurants around here. Never made one myself but am tempted to try now.

    My mom used to make a killer flan! 

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  14. On 7/6/2018 at 5:46 PM, Mothra said:

    Thanks for pointing this out.  But isn't it true that the overall cost of living is much lower in the DR?  According to https://teleport.org/cities/santo-domingo/salaries/ the average annual salary for an attorney in Santo Domingo is a little over $8500, about a tenth of what a lawyer would make in a comparable city in the US.  Three hundred dollars a month would bring that up to over $12,000, which I think would make a big difference.  It's my understanding--and I confess I am pretty ignorant--in poorer countries like the DR, it is common for a few families to control the big money-making companies and be quite wealthy, while the average citizen is much poorer than his/her US counterpart.  I don't doubt that there are extremely wealthy people in poor countries, but in the DR the average common laborer (like a warehouse worker) earns only $86-172/month.  https://www.vagabondjourney.com/average-wage-in-dominican-republic/

    Things are really expensive out there but if you have American dollars you can do quite well. The common laborer however, doesn't. 

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  15. On 7/5/2018 at 2:48 PM, Mothra said:

    I should have put quotation marks around "rich."    My point is that "rich" in the Dominican Republic is nothing near "rich" in the US.

    There are some very wealthy people in the DR. My cousin's husband's family own many farms/factories that produce many products such as Presidente beer.. They sent their son to med school, their daughter studied in Spain. My other cousin and his wife sent their daughter to study in Boston, she had a "cute" apartment that was nicer than my house. 

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