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Everything posted by frenchtoast

  1. I'm grateful for the FRIENDS I've made. #kindness
  2. At least Crosshair did manage to shoot the pilot. I think that was Crosshair? "You're as bad as Hunter." "I'm worse." Hahaha, I love it. I thought it was Howzer that got blowed up but apparently it wasn't. I guess it was who was restoring comms, can't remember who they tasked with that. Guess I'll have to rewatch. Too bad so sad. Now we know why Wolffe gets kicked out of the Empire. It was a clone squad, so it worked that he could do that. I was expecting Crosshair to get the operative's helmet off and have it be Tech. Guess that's going to happen in a few episodes. The show better not end on that revelation. I'll be mightily unhappy.
  3. Senator Chuchi! Senator Singh! But seriously Greer, be ready, wth? The temple from Teth, all busted from the war. It makes sense that Rex would use locations he remembers. Wish the sentries were better but I guess the operative is good. They're waiting for an assault team, not a lone operative. It's good to see Howzer. He's not trusting but he's not being rash either. I really don't like seeing Clones getting hurt and those operatives are definitely superior. WOLFFE!! Oh! And! What Hemlock was talking about Crosshair not being viable he meant the operative program. I guess not many clones survive it.
  4. I believe there was a mention of relaying the coordinates to the Emperor's shuttle at a certain relay point or something. So it may not be widely known. Even so, they have the sector, so maybe they'll be able to dig up some old maps or something. I'm glad that we got a little bit of time with the group adjusting to Crosshair. It broke my heart a little when they mentioned Tech. I like Crosshair being a bit fond of Batcher. And his relationship with Omega has been lovely to watch grow. And Ioved Wrecker giving a great big bear hug to Hunter and Crosshair. The next thing Crosshiar is going to have to talk about is the tremor and how it will affect the team going forward. I'm glad that being the last season these episodes are moving at a good clip. This side quest didn't feel pointless--they're trying everything they can to figure out what is going on. And other character stuff is also happening. These episodes feel more cohesive and parts of a larger whole. Some of the episodes last season didn't seem to gel as well these have so far. With that being said, I want to see Cody so badly. I know there's a lot to fit into the last season but I really want to see Cody again.
  5. I opened new threads when new episodes dropped for Bad Batch and it went fine. In the past, when I was a mod, there were some forums where I needed to be in there creating and time locking threads and other forums where posters could do it. It really depended on the show. In this instance, a bland Jinger and Jeremy topic wouldn't seem amiss. Someone created the Josh and Anna thread and that stayed up, so I don't see why not. They should be able to merge the topics so that the old posts could show up. I don't know if the new community managers and moderators know some of the "housekeeping" stuff that can be done. I mean, they could have just renamed the topics and given a brief note about it. It would be easy and way more respectful and kind to the actual posters. I can only assume they don't know how to do that. I don't know.
  6. As a former mod (and one that had no input about the changes, I left years ago) the main overall theme/rule/guideline was posters should speak to and about each other with respect/kindness etc. Posters could be as vulgar, cruel, hyperbolic and repetitive about the TV people. (That's where the boards on boards comes from--don't talk about the forum, posters or mods, talk about the show and the show people). Did it get repetitive and hyperbolic and repetitive? Yes. Yes it did. It was my responsibility to read the posts to make sure posters weren't calling each other Karens or unbalanced. Criticizing posters (and calling them unbalanced is criticizing) would be a problem. I probably would have let it go to see if other posters would ignore or barely interact. But talking about how people post is not talking about the show/characters. And then it just becomes a great big accusatory/defensive circle. I was here as a mod for 4 years. I knew the posters well enough to gauge how they would probably react. That was ... well not my job because I was a volunteer. A volunteer who spend hours on my vacation when the Josh molestation scandal broke make a safe and caring place for posters. And that critiquing of other posters seems to be what these new guidelines are pointing to given what has been highlighted and encouraged. I find it hugely problematic. I would have NEVER suggested badges because it's bound to cause resentment and bad feelings. I sure as hell would NEVER EVER highlight a post as a mod to say what a good poster that person is being. I was there to be as neutral and fair as I could be. And being human, I'm sure I failed at that sometimes. But I tried. I tried to make a spot where people could post. The biggest issue with this forum and it's one I couldn't fix was it is hard for people that are fans of the Duggars and their cohort to come and post here. It was not welcoming to them because the posts are overwhelmingly against the Duggars etc. And if someone did post positively about them I could see where they would feel ganged up on. However, I did on occasion remind folks that people are allowed to like and post about the Duggars in the forum. But that was because all posters are to treat each other with respect. If you don't like it you can ignore it. Apparently calling your fellow poster unbalanced and Karens is what is expected here now. And I find that deeply troubling and an anathema to what I practiced as a mod. I would have never even said that in a private message to posters. All that being said, if this gets me banned etc so be it. I hope not because I still want to talk about Bad Batch with the other two posters on there. But it is what it is. I find Discord to be easier than Reddit. Not quite as nice as a forum but I prefer the quoting system to Reddits.
  7. True. Star Wars is really more fantasy than science fiction. So as much as I can handwave for sci-fi, I really have to hand wave for Star Wars.
  8. I mean, Crosshair survived a much closer blast from a bigger ship without a helmet, so I'm going with yes, Stormtrooper (TK trooper?) survived. I laughed quite loudly at his scream. And I laughed when No Neck Officer got grabbed by whatever tentacled creature was in that crate. Too bad Crosshair missed him though.
  9. I don't think so. I think we were supposed to notice him so that when they are looking for Batcher, it's not exactly a random character. I'm glad that the reuniting with Hunter and Wrecker happened this episode. I really didn't think it would. I like that Crosshair hasn't lost his coldness or edge--he's always been severe and unyielding. But he's lost enough to be able to try something different and soften just a little with Omega. But he will still wreak havoc whenever he's loosed. As much as I hope we get to see the first cautious moments with the brothers reunited, I really want to see Wrecker hanging out with Batcher.
  10. They don't necessarily have to meet up at Pabu. She knows the com channels--she gave the info to Hera. She said to Crosshair that they could contact Wrecker and Hunter from the crashed shuttle. Crosshair was able to send a message to the Marauder from Tantiss as well. There is a way to make contact to arrange a meet up. I just think it's going to be drawn out and won't happen next episode. Yeah, I don't see any happy ending possible. Even if Hunter and Wrecker are able to find a place the Empire won't touch them, there are still thousands if not millions of Clones that won't be as lucky.
  11. I have a bad feeling we're not going to get the reunion with Hunter and Wrecker in the next episode. I wonder if it'll be the episode with Cad Bane, Fennec Shand and Asajj Ventress. Interestingly, Boba is a bounty hunter right now. AND he's worked with Ventress. It would be interesting if in this galaxy wide search for Omega he crosses paths were her. It wouldn't be that far fetched and they've already gotten Daniel Logan to voice young clones. Still, I want to see in the next episode Hunter and Wrecker meet up with Omega and Crosshair. I was surprised they escaped in the third episode, but if they hold back this reunion I'm going to be....disappointed.
  12. Well, not so much hatch a daring plan as much as it was figure it out as they go. I mean, she was obviously trying to get the hounds used to her so that if she was able to get out they wouldn't immediately turn on them, so there's that. I'm irked that she's potentially force sensitive, but that hint has been dropped since the beginning. That little smile when Crosshair asked Omega if she knew plan 72 and she replied that Tech made her memorize them all. "Of course he did." And that is totally Tech as a brainwashed/programmed assassin what have you. The legs looked different from the uniform the other assassin had and I would assume it has to do with his body being so broken from the fall. Not happy about it, even though I want him to be alive, I don't want him mindlessly chasing Omega and Crosshair. It's just so cruel.
  13. And now we get to see Hunter and Wrecker. Was a little bummed that Echo wasn't there, but it was good to hear him referenced. And look at Wrecker being the levelheaded one and not wanting to rush in without reinforcements. He's got such a big heart of course he feels that loss. Interesting that the clones abandoned the cadets. And that they killed all those cadets. I did a rewatch the days before and they were moving the cadets off Kamino. Guess they just gave up and killed them in a different place. I do hope they make it clear that the Batch and various clones are different than the majority or that most are just feeling trapped so follow orders because that's all they can do. Are the vast majority of Clones just blindly obeying orders or are most of them like the Clone that was trying to escape and was killed by the assassin. They followed the orders but they're unhappy and trapped. I knew they would save the group. At least the adventure of the week pushed the story of the search and what is happening/happened to the Clones forward. Interesting to see Durand. that was a deep pull from a pretty mediocre episode.
  14. Weirdly as much as I wanted to see everyone--Echo, Rex, Hunter, Echo etc--I'm glad we started with Omega. Show the passage of time. Show how resourceful she is. Give us a better picture of her, Crosshair, Nala Se, Emerie and how Omega interacts with them. And Hemlock too. And I like that she's adjusting how she reacts with Crosshair. Looking at Crosshair's history, yeah you kind of do belong in prison. However, I get the sense that he picked fights with the regs because he needed reassurance that Hunter et al would always defend. He needed the reassurance that he could trust them. And then when they didn't go along with him it sealed his feeling that he didn't belong with anyone. So Omega is showing up every day is a way of trying to gain his trust. And he, being Crosshair and distrustful and hurt, is pushing her away. And Nala Se seems so defeated. I wonder that it's never brought up that she keeps destroying the blood sample, but I liked the recurrence of blood being drawn, blood being destroyed.
  15. With the new trailer out, there's at least something to speculate about. I saw a theory that Tech is one of those dark trooper--like the clone that killed himself while being questioned by Rex in the Coruscant arc from last season. We see and hear one in the trailer but it sure doesn't sound like Tech. But if he is one of those, for lack of a better term, dark clone troopers, it could essentially be like Bucky/Winter Soldier. Which...I kind of hope not. There's already a whole bunch of stuff that has to be addressed this season: rescuing Omega, rescuing Crosshair, what that hell Hemlock is doing on Tantis, and what happens with the clones. And that final one we know is going to be, nothing good! Seeing Bane and Shand in the trailer makes me hope one of them is going after Cid. I mean, honestly, if we never hear or see her again, I'm fine with that. There's so much other stuff that I want to see handled, Cid can just drop off entirely. But, if there's a side plot where she's in trouble with Bane. I'm not going to feel bad about it.
  16. That is indeed Ventress. With hair, no less! When I watched it the first time I recognized the voice immediately but couldn't place the name/face. I may have yelped out loud HOLY SHIT THAT'S VENTRESS! What the hell is she doing there. I'm not mad, just surprised. Not sorry to see Cad Bane or Fennec Shand either. There's a brief flash of Wolff in the trailer too. When the clone was saying "They're coming for you". As much as I'd like to see Wolff, I really want to see Cody again. Please, can we see Cody again. There's a bit of a controversy about Ventress's appearance because of the book Dark Disciple which is considered canon and Never read the book so don't care but the showrunners have said it does not break the canon of Dark Disciple. So who knows. Taking my speculation to the correct topic.
  17. I'm in the Metroplex, a bit north of Dallas. We're one of the many families that came because of all the corporations moving to the area. We'd move back in a heartbeat if we could. We're one of those folks that bought before the housing market went crazy and before interest rates went up so it wouldn't be happening unless something amazing like winning the lotto happened.
  18. I'm like a bad penny. 😉 I read here often but I don't post much because honestly I have so little to say and when I do others have already said it. I tried reading forums of the few shows that I watch and some forums I just don't like (the Marvel shows) and some are basically dead (Star Wars Bad Batch). And even then, I don't say much because I don't have a lot to say. And I feel weird butting in. I have not become a Texan and I miss New England so much. So much. Especially this time of year. I was telling my radiation team that I liked the rainy chilly weather we had two weeks ago and one of them remembered and commented how her family (in another state) has an orchard and you don't really see apple cider here. And it's true, you really don't. And I don't even really like cider but it made me homesick in the moment. Hope everyone's Thanksgiving is full of good memories. I have so much to be thankful for this year.
  19. Liking the doctor is so important. All of my care team is amazing. I will have my last radiation on tomorrow. I don't know how it will affect you because it's located in a different place but the radiation oncologist will explain that. I will say that it was super fast for me. As in I was on the bench for 5 minutes and out. And the side effects were so mild I didn't really notice them. But truly, being comfortable with your care team--and you'll get to know the techs and nurses too--makes the experience so much better. And it helps especially during recovery. I have a very dear friend who also has a brain tumor and she elected for surgery. She will be having surgery again in two years but she doesn't want to do radiation. She's doing great and you would never know that she has an issue. It's amazing what modern medicine and the human body are capable of. All the best on this journey!
  20. Aww, that sucks. Greyhounds--specifically racing greyhounds--are muzzled when they are let out together in groups and when they race. So it's normal for them and they don't typically notice it all that much. Instead of cones of shame owners will use the muzzle to prevent licking. I will say Friday didn't particularly like the muzzle and would rub his head against my hip to get it off. Never really worked and he gave up in a minute or two when he would see other people to say hi to. He loved people. Yeah, we lost both our greyhounds this year. They were both only 10. In March, right around when I was diagnosed with breast cancer, we lost Raz to bone cancer. It had shattered his shoulder and we had to put him down. (My husband was away with our daughter looking at colleges so it was just me and my son. Which suuuuucked. And three days later I got the biopsy results that it was cancer). About a month following chemo and right before we left for a much deserved vacation, we lost Friday due to the anesthesia. It's been a pretty shitty year, all things considered.
  21. Greyhound owners frequently muzzle their dogs. When meeting in a big group, they are muzzled because their skin is so thin that play nips can break the skin. Speaking from experience, I would find blood in the house and have no idea how they got it. Just scraping against the door jamb. All of this to say that for me, muzzles were tools, not punishments. If a hound ate their stool, many would put stool guards into the muzzle and problem solved. Basket muzzles are not tight at all and allow them to pant and even drink (with the stool guard that's not possible). It would probably work to keep a dog from eating whatever is on the ground. Because you don't know what's in that food--could be rat poison too. Or infected animal waste. In the "Buy Together" in that link, that lavender one is the one we had for our greyhound. He died recently (under anesthesia for a dental cleaning so it was very shocking) and it brought a tear to my eye. I miss him so much.
  22. When I was pregnant with my second I developed carpal tunnel. Apparently, it can happen with the changes the body goes through in pregnancy. A friend of mine developed it when she was pregnant, too. The brace did work for me quite well. After delivery, it cleared up. But I kept the brace and if I started feeling a little achy, I would wear the brace and it would feel better. Like @Jeeves I couldn't wear it all day, either. But I'm glad something as easy as wearing a brace was available because it helped a lot.
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