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Posts posted by IDreamofJoaquin

  1. 50 minutes ago, Butless said:

    And/or he may have just grabbed at this as a way off a show that he no longer wanted to be on.  That Georgia heat really aged these actor, fast.

    I mean that's pretty much the consistent topic on Talking Dead. They all comment on the heat.   We visited the set in December.  I mean just film then, it was mild. 

    • Love 2
  2. The thing with the home Maci and Taylor bought it that it does come with 7 acres but it seems like it might be part of a subdivision and they probably have an HOA.  With their backgrounds riding dirt bikes I'm surprised they aren't finding a place with land for making a track and doubt their HOA would be cool with that.  What is the purpose of wanting 7 acres?  A hops field?  The painting was so tacky.  WOAH.

    I don't understand the sex revel party. There was like 10 people there, sparsely hanging out and no one was even around Catelynn when she was doing the reveal. Was it a fake setup?  Or they just don't have anyone who is interested.  She was TOTALLY trying to be jokey with Tyler about it being a girl and he wasn't making that connection with her. He didn't smile one this episode and I am not sure what the custody arrangement is but why would Cate be living with Nova and not Tyler who is her primary care taker? I'm disappointed we had such a time jump and we could not witness her initial reaction when Tyler told her he wanted a trial separation.   What a messy situation to bring a child into. That reminds me I need to pop on over to the Kailyn boards.  

    • Love 12
  3. At least Spencer is still not on the show!


    I honestly think Andrew Lincoln left after Chandler Riggs got the boot.  

    If the Whispers have a territorial issue that's just lame.   They've lived there long enough now. It's their territory.  If anything the Whispers' are the ones who aren't where they belong.  Plus what a played out plot line. 

    • Love 2
  4. We had to sacrifice Jesus to save Eugene?  Really?   I don't know where they think they can keep taking the show.  We've lost too many main characters in so little time. I don't think Danai Gurira will be on very much longer either.   I want to keep watching....I wish I knew when they would just wrap it up. 

    • Love 9
  5. On 11/21/2018 at 12:28 PM, Spencer Hastings said:

    These people are all trash.  Paulie was dying to take the million for himself.  I think Cara would have screwed Marie because she would have thought she “earned” it more. Marie would’ve split it to buy Cara’s friendship.  I think Joss and Sylvia are the only ones where both partners would’ve split the money. 

    I agree.


    None of these jerks deserve ANY money and I hate to see any of them win it.  When this series started off we had good guys to root for. There haven't been any in years.  I feel like Evelyn was one of the last people with any integrity. Maybe Sarah a little bit.  I laughed and laughed that Hunter didn't get any.  I don't even care if Ashley is a stinker. 

    • Love 1
  6. This episode was not as bad as they usually are.  3 out of 5 of the segments showed some sort of self reflection whether it be just for the cameras or not.  

    Amber actually moved around and her talk with Andrew was deeper than Amber usually goes.  She has seemed a little bit calmer and more stable with him.  I think I've complimented her a few times this season.  I don't know how this baby is going to turn out in the future but he is cute.

    Jenn and Larry acknowledging that it is difficult to share with Maci and it's not their place.  I'm sure they would love to full on raise Bentley - not that they should.  I appreciated Maci and Taylor describing parenting as a rewarding hell because it is.  I still feel like I have to deal with a lot more than Maci because she sends them off to daycare.

    Cheyenne's segments still boring and her voice bothers me but at least she was not giving in to the pressure of some dude who wanted it to be all about him. He's going on and on about how he would put her first.  Okay, so do that by putting your ego aside and letting the baby have a relationship with her dad instead of acting like a Jealous Jeannie.


    Bristol hahahahahahhahaha it's YOU, girl!  Each episode shows her in a more horrible light than the last.  She should not have come on the show.  Really if Levi is so difficult how has he been able to marry and have a stable family of his own?

    Cate OMG I fucking hate you.  You can go to counseling IN MICHIGAN. You do not need to go on another retreat.  I'm begging you, please pay attention to your child. 

    21 hours ago, Dance4Life said:

    She is from Alaska. Levi and her family still in Alaska.  She is the one that moved away to chase dick and eventually settled in Texas because benefits for VETERANS are great.  She is thinking about her dick and not her son Tripp. Then she has the nerves to complain about Levi not paying for plane tickets! 


    • Love 12
  7. 20 hours ago, Jaclyn88 said:

    I enjoy this show.. the only thing that annoys me is that the characters do the most cliche things and I always know what's gonna happen by the end of the episode. The beginning of every episode always starts off with a character not wanting to talk about something serious in their lives and they deflect and joke around about something else. But you know by the end of the episode, they're going to end up opening up and having a 5 minute monologue about what is bothering them to their significant other or whoever is in the room.

    I feel the same way.  I liked the episode as well but feel like the themes are getting repetitive.  Rebecca and Jack go on a trip early on in their relationship at the same time as Kevin and Zoe.....Rebecca says something about not dancing enough and Jack swoops in and dances with her.......Jack gives a few speeches to try and draw something out in someone. The spider speech was the stupidest one they have ever had.  

    I don't understand why Zoe's dad would have her as a friend on Instagram.  Or is hers public?  Can she block him?  

    Rebecca's costume design was incredible this episode.

    • Love 3
  8. Teresa looks so gross and she's always so fake.  I hate that he has to make us seem interested in some of the Housewives.  She clearly has no intentions of trying to get Joe to stay in the country nor will she ever, ever leave to be with him.  She's very bitter he got them caught with the fraud they both participated in.  She prioritizes herself over everything else and considers herself the "work" she claimed she puts first.  


    So when SJP was on I thought it was very funny and telling when a caller asked SJP what the most romantic thing Matthew has ever done for her and Andy quips "he's the King of Romance" and SJP only gives a comical answer.  Matthew clearly does nothing romantic.  I've always gotten the feels that they were just an older, comfortable married couple who live their lives separately but are still in a relationship, Which is fine. It happens.  

    • Love 5
  9. On 11/13/2018 at 7:37 PM, Lantern7 said:

    "We got good news and bad news. The good news: Johnny is leaving the series. The bad news: he's starring in a series of Challenge-based movies."



    Just here to be excited that Johnny lost again.

    • Love 1
  10. I wonder if Larry ever gets laid?  I can't imagine being attracted to someone that let's someone like Amber or Farrah talk to him like that.  If he was to be like "Can you shut up? I am the producer and I pay you" and then just walks away that would be a panty dropper for me.  Amber was so insanely jealous and wondering what she did wrong to have producers think she can't carry "the franchise she helped get started".   Probably never leaving your couch and making up lies and excuses as to why you are so maladjusted.  Even Maci thought she was a little over the top.  We only got a few minutes of her bitching. I bet she was just doing it endlessly. 

    Bristol is such a jerk telling the baby to say Mama when she said Daddy.  This show is doing nothing to highlight her lifestyle, just two people fighting and lying in front of cameras to try and persuade a small viewership who laughs at them anyways.  

    • Love 13
  11. 16 hours ago, Zahdii said:

    We have a moderator on the Duggar threads called Doodlebug who is an obstetrician, and it'd be nice if she would chime in here, but I don't think she watches The Walking Dead.

    doodlebug helps out a LOT to break down the silliness of New Amsterdam and I super appreciate her. 



    I didn't like the writing on this episode.  Like everything needed to be spelled out for us and with last week on Talking Dead Gimple saying "we are going to explore what else is out there" and then setting Eugene and Rosita up to also wonder that same thing.  *Barf*  If I had found a community and I knew pretty much everyone I had loved had been wiped out I feel like I'd just be satisfied living and trying to grow that community. Not wondering how things are going in Green Bay, Wisconsin or wherever.

    How many times have people from Hilltop or Kingdom made that same trek and this is the first time they have run into the Saviours in 6 years?  That was a throw back to prison (don't get the flu) Carol!

    Judith is a cute little girl and a good actress but why the hell were these grown adults listening to her direction?  Rick Jr. needs to be a lot older. They already thinned out my goodwill of children aging when Carl when from 6 to 18 in 8 seasons.  And Kelly was supposed to have been in high school??  AHHHHH!!!   I'm very bitter Carl is gone and we are left with Henry and Judith as the leaders.  Oh, and maybe Hershel.  He's probably in his 20's with this shows timeline. 

    Carol's hair is maddening. Please. Just have her cut it again. I would be a little annoyed if I was Melissa McBride and they wanted to horribly age my character. I bet Maggie and Enid look exactly the same, along with fresh faced Rosita.   

    I assumed Rosita wanted Eugene down so they could take off with the horses.

    I give a pat on the back to casting for finding deaf and hard of hearing actors to fill those roles.

    • Love 1
  12. Half way through Season 7 and it's the worst by far.  Everyone is so famous but their fame makes no sense of why they would all be stuck in Tree Hill doing this.  I doubt Nathan is such a huge basketball star that anyone cares about his paternity woes and endorsement deals.  And the little kids reading the gossip magazine at school?  Please.  Why they felt the need to talk about Nathan's sex life to Jamie is strange to me.  And for fuck's sake they are supposed to still be 22-23 and have all of this?  And absolutely everyone is married at this age. I hate every scene that has Jamie leading it - which is quite a bit of them!!  Just very obnoxious.  Quinn is beautiful and young looking while she has an ex-husband who looks about 40. 

    Season 6 was off to me.  There were at least 2 episodes where Lucas and Peyton were just in their house talking and it seemed like they were secluded from filming with the rest of the cast. Like the episode where they divided the house up.  What was this even for?  I totally skipped the episode where they did the 20's flashback.  

    Millie is pretty but is the only cast member who seems to look 30.

    I'm just going to take a wild guess and say that Brooke eventually has a baby and names it Davis.  

    • Love 3
  13. @druzy  insanely genius for thinking Kristina should have replaced Farrah.

    My son is the same age as these kids and I am okay with not walking him into school each day.  You know why?  Because I spend time with him.  I did not put him in daycare so I could spend time at home all day alone sleeping.  Tyler has a TTM mug but, Maci, I noticed has a tattoo of it on her arm??  Larry and Jen continue to try and put a spin on Ryan's addiction by saying Ryan is in rehab to get ahead of it and take care of himself like he's so fucking great.   I mean.....he could have done that by staying in the last place longer than 21 days........I won't knock anyone for trying to get legitimate help for a serious drug addiction except for when it comes to the self absorbed assholes of the Teen Mom franchise because none of them ever seem to have any growth!! Mack praising him for getting healthy and missing the baby's birth. That's not a drop in the pan, that's the biggest moment of the child's life. You know how that could have been avoided? If she didn't try and get pregnant by an active user.  You can see where Ryan was coddled and babied by Larry and Jen by the way they have been trying to get Bentley into private school. 

    Amber didn't go to the doctor after having a miscarriage?   Maybe it was so early on but did she even call the doctor?  No, because she is lying and I will join the party by bringing my vape pen and enough gummis for all to share!!!  Kristina had a real health scare and and truly made me sad with her story unlike the rest of the girls who had pretend stories. I did find it strange that she told Gary she knew he wanted a son - if that was the case why were her tubes tied?  Why was this conversation of miscarriage happening in front of Leah? Does Amber get depressed having to walk up the stairs to her bed each night?

    Tyler again with his fashion.  And he's still juggling Terra Reign alone along with everything else.  It is totally none of Cate and Tyler's business how Carly is doing. You aren't going to help her so buzz off.  Tyler at least seemed to be able to reflect on how he behaved poorly in the past.  I am surprised Dawn has held this job for so long because those types of jobs seem to have high turnover. 

    How is Cheyenne a stay at home mom and does not have a spousal support of a second income?  Does she depend on Teen Mom checks or does Cory give her enough money?  At least the rest of the girls have had years to make up fake companies and write stoopey books but Cheyenne doesn't have much to fall back on. Cory is so stupid and is not making enough on The Challenge to support them moving forward, they live in a really expensive are and I don't see how she is going to be able to sustain this lifestyle for very long.  

    Not much to say about Bristol except she has two outfits; her Mama Bear shirt and overalls.

    • Love 13
  14. I'll be on my island of one looking forward to seeing where this goes.   Having the Walkers evolving and seeing the Whispers and the rest of what is going on in the world piques my interest.  Yet at the same time I can't stand Fear the Walking Dead and can barely get into the 3rd season.  So I'll be disappointed if they fuck this up.

    I still think it's a shame that they had to off Carl and now Judith will be the new generation?   The Shane scenes were everything. 

    • Love 8
  15. I only pop in here when a guest is really bad and I'm in the same boat with everyone else with the Winger/Peet episode.  Debra was so awful and boring and we were focusing on movies she was in (or not in) almost 40 years ago.   The blathering on about bad men in Hollywood, she sounded looney the way she was phrasing it.  I don't get WTF Amanda was doing either.  She didn't have to sit there and kiss Debra's ass and act nuts along with her.  I thought she was drunk when the show started.

    Like it's fucking hard to do an E.T. voice. 

    • Love 8
  16. On 10/30/2018 at 7:33 PM, CleoCaesar said:

    This is the episode that made me think "Huh, I'm probably not going to be watching in season 4." Just pure tedium.

    I'm with you and totally bummed to be in this space.  The first 2 seasons were great and emotional.  Now every time that music starts and one of the characters starts some sort of speech I want to drink my own urine just to have something to distract me from listening to the corny, self-centered, unrealistic spiel that is about to be presented.  Now it's just getting to be too much. 

    • Love 4
  17. The commentary this episode was especially entertaining. You are all so full of wit this week, I am laughing out loud. 

    The dinner scene with Cate/Tyler/Kim was everything.  That little chump who leaves her daughter nearly every week.

    • Love 8
  18. On 10/24/2018 at 6:46 AM, esco1822 said:

    It's about the pasta. 

    It's not about the pasta!!  Were you doing a Vanderpump Rules joke?  Because it's very fitting!!!


    6 hours ago, mojoween said:

    I am shocked - shocked, I tell you - that Cory brought leftover pasta home from the restaurant.  That seems like a sensible thing to do.



    Cory is so dumb.  I don't ever want to hear about getting money for his daughter again when he does dumb things like that.  

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