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Posts posted by IDreamofJoaquin

  1. I feel like this forum has some real power. Remember all last year we bitched about Georgia? Then they kill her off!!  Let's talk about how we want to see Ryan Eggold naked over and over again.

    The show is back with it's same ridiculous and unrealistic storylines with a little current events social justice sprinkled in and I am here for it,

    • Love 5
  2. This was a great episode. It had me in tears a few times.  I don't know if it was because we got a break from the whiny regular cast or what but it was written very well and we got a mini House reunion!

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  3. Didn't Leroy swim pretty slow?  They just rag on people for doing the same shit that others do, but others are more "popular".  Who was it that cheated in the UK team on the challenge that they had to brak open the locks in the cynlinder. If I recall those same teammates ragged on others who actually played.  I used to really root for Leroy but now he just seems middle of the pack. He's always following along after Johnny and the past few seasons it has not made him get ahead in any way.

    Johnny is such a sore loser. Announcing ahead of time he would go to the UK team was just another move to save face and say he hated his team in preperation of him losing.  

    It's Episode 5 and Kyle hasn't banged anyone yet.

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  4. Laurel was scary and I'm glad I'm not the only one who felt this way.  I was having a hard time watching her and Johnny screw with the game.  

    Does anyone else feel a little offended when they are talking about being traitors and they will defend Team USA?  It's not a war and not the Olympics.  They make it seem dirty.

    I hate everything about Josh. I hate his face, voice, emotions and the fact that he tried to hook up with Amanda last year. Bad taste.

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  5. I thought Kathryn looked amazing.  It was maybe just not the place to weat the ensemble.  

    I think sometimes people make stupid jokes that make things awkward, we all do it - we just aren't filmed on camera. Even Shep wiping his feet on the dress was just a joke that came off badly. So I think that may be what happened with Metul and Cameran. Cameran has always been a dork.  Her husband is very plain looks wise. I think most of the time I comment on here I am saying what a nerd she actually is.

    There was so much set up this season. I want the first 2 seasons back. Ashley is sent in to spice things up, Whitney tries to create drama by sleeping with Kathryn. Why was Craig so willing to pait up with Shep after Shep had treated him like complete shit?  I think all of what Shep does is real. Yes, folks, he really is that much of an asshole. 

    • Love 10
  6. This season has gotten better when they focus more on ranch life.  That's the show I expected to see when I started it.  Still confused as to why Beth hates Jamie THAT much but at the same time every single interaction she has makes it seem like she wants to bang him. The actors have a sexual tention between them, sometimes it just shows up on screen. 

    Jamie gets told to kill himself and then not to and then gets chided for killing the reporter but next week shows John saying they will kill the Beck brothers?  Figure out what you want please.

    This week Beth's nasty mouth and hard attitude worked for her. It's usually so misplaced. 

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  7. So yet another Teen Mom who foots the bill and lets her partner treat her like shit.  Why can't these ladies learn? Mackenzie needs to drop Josh quickly and I am assuming it will happen next season because that's how this show rolls.  He is ugly and has no personality. 

    I would be absolutely livid if I went to a place like a winery to get away from my kids and a little kid was running around screaming.  Why is Cheyenne never going to McDonald's or Chuck E Cheese?  They are always having these huge parties and going to high end restaurants almost like to prove something. The rest of the girls are eating at places in run down rural strip malls so you already have one up on them, stop trying so hard. 

    Amber is just a crabby person and will never be happy. I can't even give suggestions on how to help her at this point. It's been too long and she has accomplished nothing to improve her situation.  Moving will not help her at all and I dread her doing it. All we would hear was "I moved to a sunnier location to help improve my mood and this means I don't get to see Leah as much".  

    I thought Cate and Tyler were getting a little better about the B+T boundaries until Tyler has to screech out he should be allowed to be his authentic self.  

    Maci and Taylor have 3 kids, I have no idea why Taylor feels the need to continue to procreate when it is obvious his wife is not down with it. He's done his biological duty - next!

    • Love 14
  8. Jennie and Tori were soooo boring. Is Jennie shy or did she just come across as being a snob?  Tori is thirsty for anything so I'm surprised she came off as boring too, maybe she was following Jennie's lead for some reason.  Also, what did she mean that she was a tough girl because she was from the Midwest and Glendale, AZ?  She's from the country in Illinois. Are those places notorious for crime and creating street fighting personalities? No. That made no fucking sense.  

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  9. Amber totally wants Leah to have a social media account and probably wants to use it for herself for some insane reason.  My son is the same age and none of his friends have one so how many of Leah's friends actually do?

    The Mackenize add reminds me of Bristol. They start right when some drama is occuring, like her marriage does not seem "rock solid".  

    Jayde is so cute.  Maci and Taylor keep Bentley interested in activities and involved with healthy things that will help Bentley determine what he wants to do during high school, college. Lazy Ryan wouldn't understand that.  He was being filmed behind the fence. HA!

    • Love 7

    Amber is not on birth control with Andrew but was with Matt.

    Then how did she get pregnant and have a miscarriage?

    (I know it can fail but this is Amber.......you know what I am implying)

    I wonder what happened to Ryan in jail if he is jumpy to Mack touching him. Did he get beat up too or molested?  He will never have any direction in life.  Just pump out babies for Jen and Larry.

    • Love 4
  11. On 6/28/2019 at 2:36 PM, Natalie68 said:

    They were the thing in the 70s when I grew up.  But we didn't eat them with aioli (fancy mayo) we used melted butter which is FABULOUS!

    I had totally forgotten about artichoke dip.  My mom used to make it, made me think of her. We used butter and garlic salt in mayo.  I'll have to make it again sometime and see if my kids like it.

    • Love 1
  12. Camille is so tacky.   You never bring up finances in front of anyone else.  She did that to humiliate Dorit.  On the other hand I want to know more about the finances and why they rent and what billion dollar company did he build up?

    Also, Camille acts so high and mighty and this season has shown what she has done to get her money. She had to use a strap on and stick her fingers up mens assholes to keep them happy. She is just an older version of Lala Kent. 

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  13. My husband is Indian and I have a cupboard just for all the additional spices and legumes that we don't use in our American dishes. Yeah, you can get butter chicken anywhere just like you can get any other kind of food anywhere but you can also make food at home?? 

    This season is so boring.  I miss the old seasons where they went to their parties and did all their traditional Southern activities. That's half the reason we watched. 

    I had to pause this show a few times and my 10-year-old kept laughing at the title.

    • LOL 1
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  14. I'm totally suspicious of this new man of Kat's being okay with being on TV after he has already had a scandal on his hands. He's obviously looking for fame.  Hey guess what buddy, the show is the worst it has ever been. Thanks for your appearance!

    • LOL 1
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  15. On 6/24/2019 at 8:48 PM, Brooklynista said:

    Amber fluffed Matt's pillow...ok? She's making such a huge sacrifice.  A regular Dr. Quinn Medicine Woman.


    I was chuckling to myself with Cate's comment to not overextend herself.  Doing what?  Going on fucking Twitter?  Tyler's skin is so bad.

    Then there's Amber struggling with taking care of her baby at a different time than usual for like a day.  I totally thought they were setting us up for her making an excuse not to see Leah. 

    Cheyenne needs to see the bright red flag of a man being able to pick up and move just like that AHEM DAVID AND OTHER MATT.  I still don't get R Kyle Lynn's name. 

    • Love 6
  16. I have nothing new to add.  Kyle is such an attention hog and how long did Amelia have anorexia?  Like 6 months?  Before she started using it as some platform?  Rinna has taught her daughters to be attached to something or some brand to get attention, they can't just be themselves. 

    The dinner with them pestering Erika was exhausting.  It was the first time I wanted Teddi to just shut up. I get why they are so annoyed with her pestering all the time. It must happen a lot more than they film. 

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  17. LOL @ Shep's Austen impression which was perfect.

    Sometimes I'll find a fun art project and then make a ton of them for friends/family (like wreaths or some sort of christmas ornament).  But I'm having so much fun and get way into it. So I don't understand the pillow thing with Craig. He's not into it. So why pretend to do it?

    That was the worst, tackiest and most boring party I have ever seen and no one even sewed anything.

    • LOL 1
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  18. 3 hours ago, Rebecca said:

    I’m such a dumbass but it was perfect timing of her being there, him with his ringing phone and Kristina not yet on his screen. 🤣 It was actually an ad for the VMAs, btw. 

    This is so hilarious.  When I smoke and watch the show I find the people much more enjoyable. Well, it depends on what I use.  If it's something with a head high then I can't pay attention. But a more relaxed thc makes me think "wow they are really trying".  LOL!!!

    Baby James is very cute, I will say that.

    20 hours ago, MaggieG said:

    How the hell does Butch keep finding women?!

    And April gets all these people to marry her too.

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  19. I have to hand it to Amber. For someone who wants to compalin about how she is portrayed she actually knows what we are saying. Last year when she was laughing about laying in a sloth and then this episode "me sitting on a couch".  Those moments do make me laugh. 

    Nova is not all about mom because she just loves Catelynn, she is terrified she will leave again. Thanks for trying to mask your trauma bonding, Catelynn. 

    Glad Bristol is gone too. 

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