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  1. I wondered the same about the neighbors and who would want to live in that, so I started searching for articles about the house and where it was located. I found the location on google map, and then found that it is currently listed for sale. BUT, y'all will be happy to know that it has been "de-barbiefied" and is now something a respectable owner and neighborhood would be happy to have. Here is the link to the Google Map location (the photos show the original look): https://www.google.com/maps/place/15330+Michael+Crest+Dr,+Santa+Clarita,+CA+91387/@34.4012175,-118.40622,17z/data=!3m1!4b1!4m6!3m5!1s0x80c28951f6c02967:0x2b8e3988b3d40266!8m2!3d34.4012131!4d-118.4036451!16s%2Fg%2F11c5jhkt07?hl=en&authuser=0&entry=ttu And here's the listing: https://www.zillow.com/homedetails/15330-Michael-Crest-Dr-Santa-Clarita-CA-91387/20214247_zpid/
  2. I'm in the Houston area, and we just finished Season 8. It was a fun season even though the overarching mystery was very predictable. I'm curious about the future for this show. I kind of expected them to hit at Nevill's departure, but they didn't. I haven't seen any spoilers for that. I guess I need to look into it.
  3. Last night I finished my rewatch of all five seasons. I have the DVDs and had watched them maybe 10 years ago, but this was my first rewatch of the whole thing since then. I really enjoyed it overall, but I was struck by a few things which I've noticed before but were more solidified after this watch: 1) The relationship between Laura and Steele just doesn't make sense. Laura in particular doesn't make sense. I don't know if it's the writing or Stephanie's acting, but her interactions and facial expressions aren't consistent from scene to scene, not to mention episode to episode. They really should have let them have a relationship - a real relationship. Some struggle with him not having a true ID might make sense, but not for so long. I really hate that episode where they go to the couples therapy camp and fight. It soured me on the show a bit when I first saw it and still irks me today. 2) Stephanie Zimbalist wasn't nearly as good at acting as Pierce Brosnan, even though she supposedly had more training and experience. Again, maybe it's the writing she struggled with, but even sometimes her lines came across as fake or stretched...and she really doesn't sell being in love with Steele, but I think Laura would have to have been to put up with him and to have invested so much time with him intimately (even without actual consummation). 3) Season 5 wouldn't have been so bad if they had made Laura acknowledge her feelings for Steele, and even without that, it's the final scene - the phone call - that should never have happened. I could have lived with the ending were it not for that stupid phone call. Laura not saying, "I love him." or "I'm married, leave me alone" was just inexcusable. But still, I do enjoy the show and I'll revisit again in another 10 years. I don't think the humor and fun will ever get old.
  4. I think Kristina was just teasing. I don't think she was serious at all. She and John are old friends and tease each other a lot on their show. She knew he had those plans. She wasn't upset. She was just laughing at him and teasing him the way old friends do. At least that's the way it came across to me. Perhaps because my friends and I have a similar teasing thing we do with each other. It's a sign of affection. Those we don't tease we don't like. I vote for John and Kristina but I love a good farmhouse and the color green with the wood touches.
  5. I actually thought the parkour thing wasn't such a bad idea until I saw the execution. In the video they showed about it, the landing places were really wide and all the same height, which was only about 2-2.5 foot off the ground from what I could tell. Brian's spikes were horrible and very dangerous. Only teens are going to enjoy that. OTOH, I liked their fire pit area the best of all of the choices. I hated the climbing wall/planter/screen with no projector area. lol I liked the Farmhouse look the best (not a surprise, I suppose) but I would have loved to see brick instead of the ugly stone everyone uses these days. In 20 years all the shows are going to be pulling that "dated" look off these houses and they all look the same, IMHO. - the 2020's = let's put ugly gray stone everywhere and paint the rest black. We're clearly all depressed, or will be when we look at these houses.
  6. I think the correct team won, mostly because of the use of color and texture in the spaces and the more universally appealing look of the spaces, but I agree that it was weird that they didn't put a dishwasher in the space. We now have three kitchen spaces and only one dishwasher? I wish they allowed the teams to go back and make final fixes or re-dos on the spaces before the final appraisals. They could easily add the dishwashers and up the value quite a bit. I totally agree that the Baumlers' missed the mark with the massage rooms. Who is giving these people massages at home? Yes, it's done from time to time, but not often. It's a waste of space to dedicate an entire room to that. I was really surprised no one did an office, no one did a MIL suite, no one did a teen suite, and no one did a theater room. These things are pretty standard here, so maybe they were trying to stay away from standard, but it seemed like they all made odd choices, imho.
  7. LOL You're probably right. :)
  8. WC 1. I don't know where you live. Perhaps this is a regional difference? I visited France in the 80s and it was very common there to have a room for the toilet. It didn't surprise me at all when we started looking at buying a new home that it had that feature. 2. I never watch Lottery Dream Home or HHI so I can't say about those, but a lot of the shows I watch do have that feature. Not all, but a lot. Still, it probably is regional, and definitely in the newer homes and higher-end properties. 3. The WC is a closet-like space in the main bathroom. It isn't gross to me, in fact, to me it's gross not having a door to keep the airborne contaminants confined to that room as much as possible. You use the facilities, put the lid down, flush, then open the door and immediately go wash your hands in the sink that is just outside the door. This way your toothbrush and other things in the room stay cleaner. 4. I also appreciate the extra level of privacy this extra room affords. My husband can walk into the room and not see me there (and vice-versa) win win. Our master closet is through that room. I can pee and not be visible if he is still getting dressed. 5. Victorian? The word for a bathroom or public facility (as we would say in the US) in many countries is WC which stands for Water Closet. I've come across that term in many of my travels over the years. Here in the US we use that term primarily for a room with just the toilet, but I don't find the term victorian at all. Books: I'm a reader, so I've laughed at this too. My own collection of nearly 5000 books are arranged by subject and definitely have the spine facing out. But, this is TV in the year 2023. Everyone everywhere is offended by everything these days. Plus these designers don't care about books, they care about looks and they like this look better. I don't know why. I agree with you that it's stupid.
  9. Yeah, since at least the early 90's. We bought our first house in 1990 and it had a WC. I swore I'd never have a house without one again and I haven't. Three houses later this house has two large bathrooms with WCs. All the shows do this these days. Every HGTV and Magnolia show I watch does this. A reader like me would never, but I assume it's for all the reasons people have stated - probably mostly not to "offend" anyone with a title someone finds objectionable for some reason. Now, about the show this week: I still liked the Farmhouse style, and I felt bad for Christina that she had to deal with a broken light fixture and tried the lasso thing. I don't know why she didn't go buy something new. If that had been a good fixture their room would have been perfect for me. I love the color green. I laughed when the Baumlers started talking about their hotel room house because that's exactly what we'd been saying. It's just soooooo bland and boring. I've seen more interesting hotels that had some personality. This is so generic it's ugly. The winners... okay. I didn't like the style, but I get that the balcony added value, so you win. I did like Page's fireplace by the bathtub. As a bath girl myself, I'd love that.
  10. Yes, that's it exactly! Like boring hotel lobbies! I like them both as people, but her taste is dull as dishwater, even in their own home where you'd think you'd see personality. Their kids' rooms looked like bland hotel rooms, too. It was weird. On Page's show the Aussie guy is there, but rarely has much to say from what I remember. I hope going forward they'll let him have a more active role. He definitely is a cutie.
  11. I TOTALLY agree with the bolded bit above. I'm sick of Eliza acting like a child. She really needs to start being 1) nicer to everybody, 2) stop with the chip on the shoulder and be a little bit humble and, 3) own her feelings for William. I don't know why they can't get together and work together and be nice but also funny with each other. The actor playing William has a great sense of humor and as infused his character with that, and I think it would work fine with them being in a relationship. I'd love to see that. If they keep making her act like a teenager I may have to just quit. I need them together and happy. I love him.
  12. You're right. I'm sure there will be a media room somewhere. I shouldn't talk. Our living room doesn't have a TV. We have a game room upstairs where the big TV is, and then there are smaller ones in the bedrooms. But still, I like art above the fireplace and art on the walls. I don't understand huge rock walls or large slabs of cold faux marble. It's all so cold and impersonal to me.
  13. My thoughts on the first two episodes: Episode 1 - I agreed with the choice of the Farmhouse-style kitchen. It was just the most appealing to me and I loved the second kitchen, but it would absolutely have to have a dishwasher added. I hated the Baumlers' kitchen. I like them as a couple, but rarely like their taste in anything and this was no exception. I can't remember much about either of the other two houses so they just were not impressive to me, really. Episode 2 - I also agreed with the choice of Page and her Aussie guy, BUT that's mostly because you had me at the word Library. I'm a big reader, so that was right up my alley. If it hadn't been for the library, however, I would have picked the farmhouse-style again. I loved that room overall... BUT Do none of these people watch TV? There was no place for a TV anywhere. Maybe you could cut into that brick for a TV mount and stuff, but it would be a huge pain. Which reminds me of the Baumlers' room again. They are NUTS covering up that view with an ugly FP and then putting tons of rock on the wall instead of lovely art and a place for a TV! I hated everything about their room, and I think it all definitely made the resale value less.
  14. Powder rooms in the US always have a toilet and a sink. No shower or tub. The way bathrooms are classified here is in 4 parts: 1 - sink 2 - toilet 3 - shower 4 - tub A "full bath" has all four parts. A 3/4 bath has only three parts - usually no tub A 1/2 bath has only the sink and toilet and is often called a powder room.
  15. Well, yes, but that's the point. Women often took jobs where they were the cook/nanny/housekeeper in a home for room, board, and a bit of money. That's the way it often was arranged from what I've read. I keep coming back to the same point. William's angst over her cooking doesn't make sense. A woman in her social position would never be expected to cook all her own meals, even with kids. OTOH, his upset over her putting herself in constant danger would be understandable. Especially if she was going to be the mother of his children, for instance.
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