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  1. I haven't watched the show avidly enough to know what Robyn said to badmouth her ex...but my issue with it would be that she felt it was appropriate to publicly badmouth the father of her children (a father they seem to love and enjoy being with).
  2. If I were Robyn I would not be putting my kids out there like that on Instagram or any other social media. What she said about her was very nice...and should have been written down in a nice letter or card and given to her privately. Just my opinion.
  3. OMG.....I don't know whether to laugh or vomit. Or laugh while vomiting. Probably the last!
  4. I don’t believe for a minute ANY of those women like each other! Anytime Kooty is on the outs with one of the wives, it just makes the other ones currently in his favor feel more secure of THEIR spot in his horny heart. Christine can't contain her glee at being The Chosen One right now....and the way she was trying to pseudo comfort/ reassure Meri was so phony. Robyn looks like a PTSD sufferer...she looks tired and disillusioned. Janelle always has this brooding, calculating look, like a viper biding it’s time. Meri is just such a negative downer of a person....the only time she really smiles is when she talks about Mariah and Audrey. Thank goodness this is an anonymous board....I would be embarrassed to have anyone know I’ve put this much thought into it lol!
  5. I guess I am fairly alone in my opinion on this....but to my way of thinking, the 5 adults involved in this "marriage" should share equally; thus each wife should get the same assets as the others, not depending on how many kids they popped out for King Kootie. Especially if (as I suspect)...the marriage has been basically "over" for some time....Meri (yes, a Nut Job) has been with King Nut Job for a long time, and deserves her share of the spoils, such as they are. Meri should be entitled to her 1/5, as far as I'm concerned. Kody can do what he likes with his portion...probably spending it on botox and wrestling lessons. Oy.
  6. My sis and I were talking about the show. I told her that Kody gets off on thinking he's such a "bad boy" and the law is after him for being a polygamist. Truth be known...once the show is done, probably at least 3 of the wives will head for the hills. Then he WILL be in trouble with the law...for not paying his voluminous child support!
  7. I’d pick Janelle....she knows how to fish!
  8. I wonder how much of this is all the overseers of the show's dictates. So much is obviously staged, that it also seems they would have a person/people to advise on clothing, hair, makeup. When Robyn was the New Girl On The Block....she was always the best dressed, hair was colored much lighter, nice makeup. The wives who were "on the outs" looked sloppy, not pulled together at all. Currently it fits the storyline to have Christine be the Golden Wife....and just suddenly, after all these years, just by accident on her own her hair becomes silky/shiny, her clothes are more attractive and in color palettes that flatter her.....hmmmm, what a coincidence. I think it's all part of the the "story" TLC wants to sell us.
  9. He's punishing her for daring to look at another (supposed) man. A normal, mentally healthy man would have a private conversation with his wife, they would either agree they still had common ground and love and try to work things out.....or the normal, mentally healthy man would say, "I'm sorry, I feel betrayed and can no longer trust you," and would see a lawyer to work out a settlement to remove her from "The Family." What is going on is just sick, bizarre, unhealthy for EVERYONE, and probably just trumped up for ratings. My guess is the reality of these peoples' lives is a lot different than what the tv show tells us. It's a little fact...mixed with a LOT of fiction.
  10. They said even Charles Manson got love letters in prison.
  11. Wouldn’t surprise me....a narcissistic pig like him would spend money “freshening up” his face....while he has multiple kids who need clothes, dental work, college funds, scoliosis surgery....,you get the picture. Guess those other things become the American taxpayers’ responsibility.
  12. The expressions on Robyn’s and Janelle’s faces are not a glowing testimony to a rapturous romp through life with Kooty.
  13. It really does. I think I probably will skip watching the new season and just read here....the snark is way more interesting!
  14. Probably her mom helped.
  15. My prediction...Mykelti will demand to give birth...outside...in December.
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