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Everything posted by Splithair

  1. Totally makes sense to me in that context. We didn't do the K1 but rather got hitched at the courthouse while soon to be spouse was visiting on a B1. Neither of us wanted any kind of ceremony, so we just had close family with us and went out to celebrate afterwards. Everyone's reasons are different, so I'll tone down my judginess a bit.
  2. I think a lot of people who are speaking in their non-native language tend to use "fill-in" words (like, um, eh, etc.) because they're simultaneously translating the next word or phrase in their mind before they say it. The fill-ins buy some time for that process. My go-to when trying to speak another language is "uhhhh".
  3. How does one plan such a thing in advance?
  4. Two potentially unpopular opinions: 1. Annie looked fantastic on girl's night (as did Nikki). 2. I detest the whole get married now to make it legal but have the big fancy wedding later. Always been a pet peeve. On top of that, Elizabeth isn't just doing the courthouse thing: she's having it at a venue with dress and all. I just can't. However, Elizabeth and Andrei seem like the only couple that aren't using the K1 as some sort of experiment to see if they really want to get married, and the only ones that seem compatible, so whatever.
  5. David Spain is beyond weird. I totally get that he wouldn't want to talk about it on camera, but he had a little meltdown. He could have said "Hey, you know I don't want to discuss this on camera, let's talk in private." But he didn't. I also found it weird that she felt like he didn't want her to talk even to her mom about it. Something is really really off with him.
  6. I like Aunt Azan a lot. I thought it was interesting that she also married outside of her culture, it gives her good perspective on the situation. I'm sure she probably said a lot more than what they showed from that scene. It seems like Azan is very close with her and I like that.
  7. A lot of people do have misconceptions about the US, but it's pretty clear that David and Annie's relationship in Thailand was financed 100% by Chris and Nikki. I'm not that surprised she feels let down.
  8. You really can't beat Pink Lady. Perfect marriage of red and green apples.
  9. Can I just say, I am ecstatic that this is one pet peeve/aversion/condition that I don't have?! Although, the seed has now been planted in my easily agitated psyche...
  10. Yep, and I think both Evelyn and Brother kind of said the same thing. Better job or schooling opportunities are legitimate reasons to contemplate moving away. But just a few buddies down in VA with a somewhat more tolerable winter climate? Sorry, that wouldn't convince me either. Boston seems like a reasonable compromise, but somehow it has never entered the conversation.
  11. You should consider writing for travel magazines. Seriously.
  12. "And she's not gonna have a curfew. I'LL bring her home when I want to." - Sister Libby
  13. Maybe he only talks to her for like .00000002 seconds at a time?
  14. Not sure it would ever occur to me to take two people that didn't care for each other to a gun shop/shooting range to help break the ice.
  15. I didn't really get that, I must have overlooked it.
  16. Totally agree. It also seems like they had reached a compromise on her going to a few clubs. Previously he was only okay with supper.
  17. I have always been a night person (not stay up all night til the sun comes up, but til 3 or 4). I was like this even as a kid during summer vacation. I worked 2nd shift for 6+ years, which was the ideal schedule for me. Then I got a better job on days and figured I'd gradually conform to a "normal" schedule. Nope! I work 40+ hours during the week, then stay up late and sleep until 2p on weekends. I get teased about it constantly, but I can't help it and I need a lot of sleep for whatever reason. I hate mornings and am at my prime in the evenings. I also don't have a kid, so maybe that would force me to change, but I doubt it. Seems biological.
  18. I really would love to see footage of the trip she took to Spain. There are just some things that don't line up with the story we've been fed: 1.Evelyn comes across as so sheltered, yet she traveled across the world (presumably alone) to meet a guy she met on the internet. 2.Parents Evelyn were cool with the trip, despite her age, immaturity, sheltered-ness, their religious beliefs, etc. 3.Where did she stay on this trip? Did Pastor David or Family David have a spare room for her to stay in? Was there a chaperone of some sort? 4.Totally stereotypical and dumb American question - I realize Spain is a big country, but there was a lot of talk during the Before the 90 Days season about Antonio and Spanish men, their flirtiness, and charm..I get none of that from David. Zero. Antonio didn't speak English as well and could be an ass at times, but he was not nearly as blunt. David's bluntness aligns more with Andrei. Actually, this one isn't a question, but rather an observation.
  19. Fun fact: It's currently 45F in Granada and 41F in Claremont.
  20. Yes, I agree completely! Evelyn is obnoxious and self-centered - but she's 18! And seems very sheltered. That does not make her a monster, it makes her an immature woman and again she's 18. I definitely question David's motives, but also her parents. They seem like nice people that care about their kids, why would they think this is a good idea? I get that it used to be common to marry that young, but Evelyn is obviously still quite immature. Something is off about David. He's a nice-looking guy, seems educated, etc., yet she's his first 'real' relationship?
  21. Yea, I wasn't sure if he was saying she can choose to live with her dad if she doesn't like Luis, as in "oh well, what can I do?" or if it was like "cool, problem solved."
  22. I'm not sold on Andreiii yet, although I don't think he is the monster he was being portrayed as early in the season. He gets a point for having savings and a plan for future employment that doesn't include modeling or the music industry, unlike many of the others (including the American fiances).
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