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Posts posted by Tuxcat

  1. 5 hours ago, Notabug said:

    I think it's obvious from the photos why this hit Jill so hard.  She was very visibly pregnant and obviously very happy about it.  If she needs to keep talking about her loss, then, she's entitled.

    One of my nephews died at age 5 years ago and my sister had many people say insensitive and even rude, things to her in the aftermath.  Stuff like 'I'm sure you wish he hadn't been an only child' or 'You're young, you'll have more'.  One person, a friend of hers, actually said a few months after the accident; 'You really need to get over this 'Erik thing'.  My sister informed her that she never intended to get over her 'Erik thing' but was instead abandoning their 'friendship thing'.  If you don't know what to say, don't say anything at all.

    Agree, they said "4 months" -  that could be 16- 20 weeks. A tragic loss and she is clearly deep in grief. If she wants to post about it every day from now on she most certainly can. She's posted a carousel of funeral/loss pictures for seven days straight now. And while that seems unusual to some - it is her page and her process and most certainly her right.

    That being said other Duggars have been accused of monetizing their grief through great public display. I would never personally post on a grieving mothers page - but I think that might be the root of some of the comments. If she were not a Duggar perhaps people would leave it alone more.  Today's post seems to have the comments turned off - thankfully.

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  2. 1 hour ago, Salacious Kitty said:

    No wonder Dill left town for a month. One of his Wellington's locations was shuttered due to owing over 80 grand in back rent. He's now being sued. 

    What is it with this couple and their inability to pay rent? I hope their home isn't in arrears. 

    Is it just one location or the whole thing? Is this why he went to Vegas for three weeks?

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  3. On 4/24/2024 at 9:00 PM, LilyD said:

    Actually, Meri was first wife in every possible way and reigning as queen bee, until Robyn came along. Christine was never awarded the same love, respect or privileges. Their marriage was doomed before it had even started.

    Meri and Kody’s fall out didn’t happen until much later, when Robyn had firmly established herself as 4th 1st wife.

    I used to think so but from the small kernels of truth we get I have doubt. In the book (half fiction probably) they talk about the t rough times between Meri and Kody -  prior to the show. And at some point Meri realized she was not getting 1/3 of his time...mostly because he had tenders with Christine and Janelle.

    And of course we learned just last season, Kody melted down the ring Meri gave him with intention "to release himself from Meri."  A deliberate act against her. And the story about how he gave heaps of presents to Christine and none to Meri years and years before... 

    I think Janelle was the OG Kody whisperer prior to Robyn. His "intellectual equal" - she had his ear. And she for sure planted seeds. Christine was a "princess." Meri was a "b**ch."

    I don't think Christine was ever the favorite but she did "earn favor" by having 6 babies- which definitely is the way to get more attention. She was the "fun one" and by all accounts she wanted to be the "third wife" for a reason - "the last one."
     The last one always gets perks. 

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  4. FYI they are filming. Mykelti apparently posted on Patreon today that she put on her makeup for the first time because "I had to film on set today."

    Silly me thought this show might pause for a while... but no.

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  5. 30 minutes ago, Absolom said:

    Personally I never comment on the social media of the people I watch or read about. It would make me feel stalkerish or invasive. I may just be sensitive but especially with Janelle, I couldn't.

    I agree. But of course the tabloids and "creators" are dissecting everything to keep the flames going. And the extraordinarly, very sad thing about all of this is that the chatter actually boosts their engagement in a terrible feedback loop. Thats why I like our little private primetimer spot best!

    I have not read a lot of criticism/snark regarding Janelle. I have seen lots out there against Christine and Meri for not "grieving appropriately." I have seen most about Kody/Robyn being blamed et cetera and people on their page asking about seating. I think its fine to talk about here - somewhat privately -  but directly with them seems a bit much. It's not like the family will answer and in my opinion they should be left alone.

    Janelle seems to be saying that the family is united and together. Meri said something similar yesterday and called out people who are blaming Kody for this tragedy.

    That is the right call and I totally agree that this family should be allowed to grieve and process how they choose, when they choose...

    Still, I guess the larger question is - when a family chooses to highlight certain drama and exploits their division, infighting and estrangment - are we all supposed to not discuss the obvious questions stemming from that narrative in light of such a terrible tragedy?

    I don't know.

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  6. 4 hours ago, mythoughtis said:

    I’m definitely not a Kody fan - however: 

    I‘m not going to blame any family member for the suicide.  Suicide occurs even in the most supportive families. Maddie has made comments that Garrison’s biggest concerns had to do with social media and him feeling ‘less than’ in comparison to others.  

    And I think people also fail to understand the role alcohol could have played. Such a dangerous drug for a great many people and his family and friends said he had been struggling with it.  It changes you and alcohol as a variable can change so many personal and family dynamics. While Kody is no doubt an a** for saying awful things on tv, we have very little real insight into the complexity of his relationship with Garrison.


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  7. 29 minutes ago, surfgirl said:

    Her kids didn't attend the funeral/memorial?!?

    two funerals - one private and one via the national guard.

    her kids did not appear in the publicly shared photographs on the nevada national guard facebook page... that does not mean they were not there though

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  8. 25 minutes ago, RoxiP said:

    Why would Janelle want to sit next to Kody?  If I were here I would have gone off on him because I would have thought that his actions had a direct effect on his children and now they are dealing with one of the consequences.  Janelle is a much more gracious woman that I would ever be.

    Agree but lets not forget that Janelle still wanted to enjoy her birthday with her "best friend" - even after he said hateful things on air about her children and didn't call Savanah for Christmas...

    Note, I'm not faulting Janelle at all here. She is a grieving mother. I think the larger point is that none of us really know the complexities of these interpersonal relationships.

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  9. 2 hours ago, laurakaye said:

    Kody may have not had had an inkling, but I guess the question I have is, how hard and how far can you push your child and still sleep at night?  Obviously now that question takes a very dark turn.  I just cannot fathom speaking so terribly about my children on national television.  Say it in private, or to your wife, or in a text, etc.  But no matter how angry Kody was at the time, he went way too far with the things he said - knowing that he was saying them for a camera and could not take them back.  

    I would not wish Kody's pain on anyone.  He never imagined the outcome of his words, but at the same time, how could he not?  They are your children, and words matter, and he seemed to want to really hurt them with his words.

    I wonder if we will ever hear from Kody going forward on the show.


    I also question all the parents in this regard. Note - no blame regarding this tragic passing.  Just things we've said before about baiting the storylines for the purposes of "entertainment."

    This isn't a reality show where things just happen to be caught on camera. The story boards are mapped. Most recently we hear leading questions from Christine and Janelle, "so you haven't seen your dad recently..."  The family's division - and their decision to involve/exploit the adult children - was a decision made by all of them.

    Granted the vitriol and hateful rhetoric comes from Kody and I just can't even imagine his mindset. But I don't understand why Christine and Janelle would allow it to continue season after season either. Ysabel's pain and abandonoment - publicly exploited. Garrison's...Gabe's purposefully exploited. 

    There is a small piece of me that also wonders about Kody's increasing frustration with Garrison - especially if Garrison was struggling with mental health difficultues and alcohol. I wonder if Kody was trying to "old school/tough love" him to "get straight." Completely incorrect obviously but --- I think there was likely far more to their dynamic that we saw on screen. And  perhaps that part was actually shielded from public consumption.


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  10. I understand the criticism but I do feel for Robyns kids. The older ones are likely well aware of their status in the public eye. Their mother is sent literal death threats.

    If they were at the service - they very well could have stayed off camera. Perhaps the family had approval as to which photos were posted by the Nevada National Guard?  I would not blame them one bit for trying to stay private. As @General Days said, we really have no idea if they were there or not. 

    Is Robyn's mother next to Annie in the second row behind Meri? Or is that someone else? 

    Where does Janelle's sister live?

    I also do not know that the seating was planned at all. I noticed Savanah way at the end and my heart always goes to her a bit. But perhaps she wanted to be closer to Ysabel and just sat wherever. Same with the others. 


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  11. I see both sides of the coin. I don't think anyone should comment on their pages - and I don't think anyone should directly tell them how to live their lives and mourn. We should all stay in our own lane. Meri was ripped apart recently too for attempting a social media return. Awful "fans."

    At the same time (and I would never say it to them), knowing the gravity of this terrible tragedy - and seeing them post about things like menopause and how plexus helps menopause (gag), and silly little trivial day to day things... I don't know. The general flow is off now.

    I think for me it just highlights some of the problems with social media in general - especially when it is your "job." It's just really hard to mesh real life with social media life. And surely there are other coping tools that might be more therapeutic? I feel sad if they feel like they always have to keep up appearances. Literally sold themselves for public consumption.

    But if that helps them.. so be it. 

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  12. 2 hours ago, ginger90 said:

    Michelle and Logan now have Garrison’s cat Catthew, the first cat he adopted.

    I heard that Aspyn and Mitch took Mr. Buttons, the one rescued most recently.

    Not sure where the middle kitty is.

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  13. 11 hours ago, cereality said:

    Looks like Janelle is at the beach as Maddie posted a pic. I'm guessing Janelle left with Maddie after the funeral - probably just needing to get out of her house, Flagstaff etc. I hope Gabe is ok though and not left alone feeling like - ok well mom left, nor is Savannah sitting alone in Janelle's house. Though they're a tight family so I wouldn't be shocked if Gabe and Savannah also came to NC or if Gabe went to Logan/Hunter in Vegas or went with Christine and Savannah may likely be with Christine if not with her mom.

    Janelle needing to be with those grand babies - I completely get it. And yes I have no doubt that father Logan, Michelle and the rest will take good care with Gabe and Savannah (if they are not in NC).

    I've been wondering about the pivot some more. How do you jump back to "public life?"  Mykelti/Tony are "going live" March 13th pm on her Patreon so she will be back at it. But what about the others?

     I saw on the group plexus page, Maddie posted about plexus and "vitality" and I thought eeesh poor word choice - but then realized those are probably scheduled posts or being done by their plexus people right now.

    But how do they go on with this show - or even with all their MLM posts.... Its going to be such a fine line to walk. And no judgement - I just have no idea.

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  14. 29 minutes ago, LotusFlower said:

    it’s likely the family isn’t talking yet, so they resort to social media posts.

    Mykelti is talking on Patreon. But she said the details surrounding Garrison's passing will be kept private. The family is planning several things in the next month "to honor him" ... which I assume (note: I'm guessing) means the interview/content will be shared (exploited?) via social media or TLC in a few weeks.

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  15. I'm trying to walk the fine line between speculation and respect regarding that police report. Full disclaimer - I blame NO ONE in this tragedy. By definition it is just a tragic event all the way around.

    Two parts still confuse me: 1) Janelle says Garrison stopped texting at 8:39 on March 4. But Gabe does not go to "check in on him" until the following morning on March 5th. This leads me to believe that they didn't think this was at a crisis level.  2) The one ominous text that people keep quoting was sent as random text to "people that they work with." People automically think that means TLC production/film related folk. But by definition it could also mean anyone on the "cast." . 

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  16. 15 hours ago, LotusFlower said:

    I don’t think anyone’s called it accidental.  Janelle became concerned after hearing about troubling texts Garrison sent to the show’s producers, and sent Gabe to go and check on him. 

    Yes that is what the narrative of the police report seems to imply. We of course don't know anything for sure though. The timing is a littlle odd? According to the report Janelle last texted Garrison around 8:45 pm on March 4th. And Garrison stopped responding. But, Gabe does not go to the house to check until the following morning the 5th. So concern was definitely there. But it must have not seemed like an immediate crisis situation. 

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  17. i know everyone processess grief differently. And I know social media helps a lot of people. Posting pictures and commenting can be very healing. I personally can't imagine posting a few short days after such a raw tragedy  - but that is just me. I wonder if this is her talent agent company posting? I hope not. I hope its something that is actually helping her. 

    Also so glad they have that last family photo too - its beautiul - and heartbreaking at the same time.

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  18. 4 hours ago, ChristmasJones said:

    I say this not to put direct blame on them, but rather to shift the focus from TLC to where it belongs.



    3 hours ago, LotusFlower said:

    Yes, TLC exploited this family, but the Browns signed up for it, and came back year after year


    2 hours ago, Soapy Goddess said:

    Agree...and we shouldn't blame TLC for the tragedy either.

    If these comments are in reference to my post I would suggest re-reading because I clearly stated the Brown "adults" AND TLC exploited... and I also did NOT claim that either party were responsible for this tragic death. In fact I said that I had no idea if it contributed...  still troublesome though right?

    The point was not to lay blame. The point was to ask why reality families on TLC do so poorly in general. What is it about TLC and the reality genre which causes so many reality families to fall apart?

     @Dobian made a great point... "it's up to people to stop watching the show.  Just because TLC keeps producing it doesn't mean you have to watch it."  

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  19. None of us can really know the multiple variables that resulted in this tragedy.

    And I suspect some family members will cope by turning to the public sooner rather than later (Mykelti told her patreon people that she would update as soon as she could) while others will need to stop completely (Gwen following the path of her older siblings by stepping away perhaps). I don't judge their coping mechanisms. I don't even judge a desire to keep their show - as a source of income et cetera.

    But from a more global perspective I think we really do need to examine the reality genre and TLC's part in such things. The decision to purposefully and continually exploit family drama, estrangement, and division is on all the Brown "adults" and TLC. I don't know if that contributed to this tragedy -- but I do know that we've seen this before. TLC's formula - unique cute family stories --> need more drama to stay on the air --> train wrecks = high ratings --> tremoundous family suffering....

    I do believe the children were exploited as recently as last season. I don't know if it was a contribiting variable. But it troubles me nevertheless. Wishing healing for all those involved.

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  20. 4 hours ago, Elizzikra said:

    I think they would have had to... even with Kody's taste for big, tacky rings, I don't think his original ring from Meri would have had enough gold to make like six other rings for the girls.

    Well if we are to believe the catfish - they said it back in 2015. Kody melted down his wedding band from Meri to give jewelry to Robyns girls. And that is potentially what Janelle was referring to. 

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  21. 54 minutes ago, Ms.Lulu said:

    In the video Janelle says that it wasn't just Kody that gave up a ring. 'They' melted down their rings to make rings for the girls.

    She does say "we did it for the girls" but I am not entirely sure they all melted down rings. I think it was just Kody's wedding band - a gift from Meri to Kody and apparently a symbol of her "power" LOL. Janelle likely thought it was a great idea to melt it down haha.

    47 minutes ago, Orcinus orca said:

    And she bulldozes everything in her way.  She talks over Janelle all of the time.

    Christine seems to do this schtick now... "oh I shouldn't say that... oh but I will... was that mean? was that bad?" It's very grating.

    I honestly don't care that Christine shared it --- but I can understand Meri being upset. Even though the catfish also exploited "her story" years before -  it was and still is a very sensitive subject (enough that even the catfish said it was something that really bothered meri). Christine knew she was launching one up there. 


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  22. So Kody melted the ring that Meri gave to him on their wedding day. Christine says on the Tell All that it was because he didn't want her to have control or power over him. This was in the early years - when Robyn was just entering the family (well before Meri's legal divorce).

    Janelle says WE did it for the girls implying they used the ring metal to give trinkets to the girls. Robyn's girls?

    So everyone knew (and were likely happy) to melt down Meri's ring - without telling her. And now Janelle is the one really protecting Kody here - almost implying that Meri is selfish for being upset because "it was for the girls."

    This family is not done playing the polygamy games are they?

    I think Christine brought it up to intentionally hurt. She keeps doing that schtick "I shouldn't say that...but oh well I am." I think Janelle is playing deflection as she usually does. I think Meri is correctly upset - but one can see why she's not well emotionally regulated at all. And Kody just sits back and laughs for being an a** - the last 30 years in a nutshell

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  23. 1 minute ago, MamaGee said:

    The only real thing I learned: holy crap, Meri's ears are huge!!!! Sorry, I couldn't not mention it. 

    Agree, It's such an unfortunate camera angle for her. I noticed it last year too. She got a better makeup artist and looks okay but the ear angle is still really bad.



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