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Everything posted by ebk57

  1. Just came in from Spain...
  2. I love this song!!! Okay, maybe not the actual song, but the bit is great!!
  3. Louis CK was brilliant.
  4. I just did that! And was afraid I'd miss something. Timing is everything...
  5. I'd love to. Just opened a bottle of Zin and I'm by myself... (not that that will stop me from finishing it...tomorrow...)
  6. Okay, think of it this way...at least it was a good song. She could have sung one of her songs. I'm doing the best I can here.
  7. It's the needles thing...
  8. Candace Bergen! And...some guy...
  9. So, commercial break was long enough to grab another bottle of wine...and I come back to two of my least favorite athletes. Good thing I have more wine.
  10. Yeah, but it was pretty much worth it. Pretty much.
  11. What's Up With That!! Followed by King Tut! This makes me happy
  12. I'm going for soup. And laundry. And lots more wine.
  13. Thank you Garrett Morris for making it good!
  14. Father Guido!!! I swear the guide we had on our tour of the Vatican talked just like him and I laughed through the whole tour...
  15. Yes! to the women of Update!!!
  16. Okay, it was a long way to go, but at least we get to Betty White
  17. I'd love Taylor Swift to be in space.
  18. I enjoy The Californians...mostly...but this sketch is going on waaaay too long. Oh wait - this is SNL...
  19. I know it wasn't technically, well listenable, but I still loved it. I just love that song.
  20. This may be my very favorite Sir Paul song ever.
  21. Okay, I've gone with laundry...and wine. Dinner will have to wait. I can't add anything more substantive about the NY piece, except that it was stunning.
  22. OMG, they went to the Bill Cosby joke. Bless them!
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