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  1. She was talking about taking supplements...
  2. Because @toodywoody brought up the Original Becky 🤣
  3. That's why I think maybe Andrew was pulling a long con. He knew she was batshit and he knocked her up almost immediately..hmm. I'm not saying he deserves to be hit, but was he really that delusional to think she would just change.
  4. She's fucking disgusting.
  5. malaluna


    Farrah posted a pic online of Sophia in a damn sports bra and mini skirt. She's sick, it's clear one day she'll try pimping her daughter out. I didn't even want to post the whole pic because it made my stomach turn.
  6. So, I found a pic of Tyler 2035, the Teen Mom money is almost gone. It looks like he got into his sisters stash....but I like to think he's found love.
  7. I feel bad for Vaeda already, she's going to grow up hearing "rainbow baby" non-stop and may feel bad about herself. I understand grieving but damn let the kid have her own identity.
  8. She resembles Leah Remini here, although Leah is in her late 40's and still looks much better.
  9. This reminds me of when she took Leah to get a massage. I mean, I'm sure some kids like flowers, but Amber surely just did the most convenient thing for own damn good mom self.
  10. I love the show but dislike Amy, so this episode bummed me out a little. I wonder if her becoming manager will stop the name tag gag.
  11. I very much doubt DirectTv would actually drop Viacom and other channels, but I get a little chuckle thinking about what this could possibly mean for Amber (and the rest of the cast) if they did drop it and MTV made cuts. What would money bags stock trading, Emmy snubbed, "in the industry" Malibu Amber do? Lol
  12. malaluna


  13. For as much as Ariel cried, I was miffed at her for not taking Motto on the reward. Poor guy can't even go home with a message after all those punishments. Ariel for the win.
  14. Scotley is such an absolute jerk, and I cannot stand his mumbling. He needs to go! I'm not one for fish, so the soggy scaley fish Gizzy made was nauseating.
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