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Posts posted by TimeToCancelTM

  1. On 3/5/2018 at 1:28 PM, MyPeopleAreNordic said:

    I just have to interject that IMO, the only voice of reason on this show when it came to Farrah's foray into porn has been April.  April, Cate's mom of boogie-town-pig-buying-trips.  April, who married Butch.  April, who has made a LOT of bad decisions. But I think April also gets real life and gets that you sometimes have to do jobs that aren't as glamorous as "adoption advocate," "clothing designer," and "reality star" when you have a kid and want to buy stuff (including in April's case, drugs and booze, but hey....).

    When they mentioned Farrah's porn film when TMOG first came back, April just smiled (in a non-judgmental way; it was more of a knowing way) and said "A girl's gotta do what a girl's gotta do."  She's probably known people who worked in the sex industry in one way or another because they did what they had to do.  I think April might even have some low-key respect for Farrah for you, know, actually working to keep up her lifestyle, even if it was in porn. I also don't think April puts on any airs despite being on reality TV.  She at least knows not to act like she's above someone because they did porn when she has a plethora of bad decisions in her past.  Too bad Cate and the other girls can't be the same way. April knows what's up

    A million fucking likes for this!!!! I know exactly what scene youre talking about and i can see that smile she made from here! And it most defitnetly wasnt judgemental. April knows whats up... im sure shes been around the blade a couple times...and to quote her again..." A girls gotta do whatta girls gotta do" 

    • Love 9
  2. On 3/5/2018 at 10:40 AM, GreatKazu said:

    I caught that the second time I watched the episode. 

    All roads lead back to Carly.

    I have felt for the longest time the loss of Carly is the root of Cate's problems although my posts have pretty much been about Cate seeking Tyler's love while putting on the drama and doing things for the show. However, it wasn't until @Lm2162 mentioned how the loss of this baby (assuming there was one as I am still not convinced) was akin to losing Carly again, did I really see how Cate has been trying to do anything and everything to fix that gaping hole over the loss of Carly. Cate has never accepted the adoption of her child. Nova is a constant reminder of that child that was given up. Nova is not fulfilling the unrealistic expectations of Cate. She will never  never measure up and will never be as good as the child Cate signed away. 

    This is just my opinion - Even if Cate was mistaken or blatantly lying about being pregnant, it is still painful to her only because she is trying to deal with her unresolved grief the only way she knows how which is to do something or bring another baby into her life thinking it will fulfill her and stop the pain she feels. Everything up until now has been a temporary fix. When one thing doesn't work, on to the next one.

    It wouldn't be surprising to me if she lied about being pregnant. The girl does have mental issues. Telling people she is pregnant would bring her much-needed attention not only from her spouse and family, but from her fans. I am thinking something similar to Munchausen Syndrome. Coming to the realization that she can't go on with her lie or seeing how Tyler is not especially happy about having another baby, she waits for her period to start, makes a mess in the bathroom and claims a miscarriage. She likely had the breakdown due to another "loss" which is in reality the reminder of her lost Carly or she needed to claim she had to go to rehab as a way to get  away from Tyler who may have begun questioning her about the pregnancy or both. Maybe Tyler began questioning when she told him about her pregnancy. I know we had questions about the timing and how soon she was able to conceive after having her IUD removed. I do think she is torn up inside over the loss of Carly and that is the root of her problems which in turn bring on the suicidal thoughts. I don't believe she has ever really been honest about the Carly situation with the medical professionals at these rehab visits.  

    I also agree with @kira28 and others who have pointed out that a part of it is that Cate just thrives on the attention the cameras and her minions give her. The famewhore attention. It is almost like a drug to her as it gives her a different kind of high. One can desire attention in more ways than one and for different reasons. 

    ^^^THIS^^ on point with your entire post KAZ!!! 

    • Love 3
  3. On 3/1/2018 at 5:20 PM, druzy said:

    That's a thought provoking question considering she is an independent contractor. Amber autographs the ducks in bed then a few day later sits on a couch and throws them to the audience. Two independent acts, taking place in different states, thereby worthy of two separate checks. Case closed!  

    Thats how a "boss bitch" does it! 

    • Love 10
  4. Just now, druzy said:

    I think it's gross.

    It totally is!! Thank u for always updating us @druzy sometimes when i snark on one of these bitches i hope it comes off totally onto them and never to you for posting. 

    • Love 5
  5. On 2/27/2018 at 10:02 AM, Mkay said:

    Bone is also this friend so.....


    What in the actual fuck is this?? They really think this is "funny" or "edgy"? I seriously want to vomit...

    • Love 6
  6. On 2/25/2018 at 6:07 PM, monicageller said:

    These are the ugliest bitches ive seen in a looooong time!! No wonder theyre all friends... jesusgodleah help them! 

    • Love 10
  7. On 2/26/2018 at 11:05 AM, FairyDusted said:

    Well I've seen her try to pack a suitcase, badly.

    Omg the suitcase packing!!! I forgot about that... god im going to miss this bat shit crazy ass bitch!

    • Love 4
  8. 36 minutes ago, FairyDusted said:

    My husband can't fix shit. I am remodeling and hire out but he is insisting on painting my bathroom. You'll hear the fights from your seats. Popcorn and weed provided.

    I love u for this!! Lol my husband cant fix shit but "THINKS" he can, so all pur projects get put on hold for an extra week because this fucking idiot wanted to have a "try at it" first. I end up having to call someone else and all it did was delay shit. 

    • Love 13
  9. 1 hour ago, druzy said:

    I  think he is referring to Cate.


    I fucking hate simon....what the fuck would he know about any woman, or smoking, or being pregnant, or anything related to woman having health issues because of smoking. Yes, i agree that you should not smoke while pregnant, however no woman pregnant or not should ever take advice from this pansy ass little bitch who fucks a blow up doll. 

    • Love 12
  10. 7 hours ago, CalicoskiesNC said:

    I am going to sound heartless, but it seems to me Catelynn has some kind of issue that she needs constant sympathy, attention and pity. If she starts to live just a normal life she freaks out and needs to have a meltdown so all attention is back on her.  I was 6mo pregnant when my baby was dx with anencephaly. I had to go to the hospital for a late term abortion, which is actually induced labor at 6mo along.  You can look up details if you need them, baby would have died moments after birth or stillborn. Talk about grief.  So imo C n T need to cry about their loss, revel in their blessings and get on with their family's life.  This show is harming almost everyone involved. 

    I agree to some point. Im sorry for what you went thru, but not everyone is the same. I honestly feel really bad for cait. This isnt just about the miscarriage, or tyler, or "stress". This woman has had some serious issues happen to her in her early young life and is clearly dealing with the aftermath now. You can see it in her face when shes crying that this is deeper than anything we can imagine. I have sympathy for caitlyn because i deal with anxiety...health anxiety to be exact, and even tho i try my hardest to control it, sometimes it just happens. And while everyone around me thinks like you...(ie "get a grip" or "geeezzz calm down") i can speak for myself and say its a hell of a lot easier said then done. 

    • Love 18
  11. 9 minutes ago, GreatKazu said:

    "Rest is everything..." Bitch, you do NOTHING!  You wouldn't know a wise word if it hit you in the head. 

    Nooooo not skid row. Those poor people are suffering enough. 

    They couldn't afford the WeHo area.

    How about Lancaster?

    Better yet, they can roll their trailer home on the edge of the Salton Sea. For those not familiar with the Salton Sea, Google it. Google images as well. 

    Omg yesss!! I forgot about lancaster and the salton sea!! Lmao! Youre right, those poor skid row people have enough to deal with! 

    • Love 4
  12. 8 hours ago, guilfoyleatpp said:

    lol...we lived in the TL until recently (O'Farrell). It gentrified before our eyes.

    But yeah, put that dude on on Mason and Jones. Let him wander for a bit...fucking turnip truck mother fucker.

    I have a couple places in mind that are near my neck of the woods that they can move to. 

    1. Pomona (ghetto af - theyd be shot 2 days after moving in)

    2. Anywhere in san bernardino (white trash) theyd fit right in..

    3. Skid row (for obvious reasons lol)

    4. West hollywood (only cause my beautiful gays would irritate the shit out of david!) 

    • Love 9
  13. On 2/16/2018 at 1:05 PM, Mkay said:

    He's actually kinda good looking...(in this pic at least) i cant seem to understand why on earth he would get involved with this beast?? I need to know what this shehulk purchased for him to trap his dumbass... she went and had herself a whole baby just to try to keep his ass around. I refuse to believe that this dude found this bitch interesting in ANY way, shape or form.

    • Love 6
  14. On 2/21/2018 at 6:28 AM, Brooklynista said:

    I wish Farrah could unscramble her brain and unleash a mega clapback on MTV for the shitstorm they're going thru now with David and Janelle.

    I can already hear the 13 made up words shes going to use...

    • Love 10
  15. On 2/15/2018 at 6:45 AM, BlancheDevoreaux said:

    Sounds good to me.  Barb is the one raising Jace, anyway.   You know, I would also love a clip-style show with Barb introducing each clip and then giving her two cents on what was just viewed. I can just imagine her talking about how Ryan is high and Farrah is a whore.

    Bring in the riveras and morraquins for me!! Im waiting on mama janet and mama morraquin's cafecito'! I wanna hear them go IIINNN on that fat beast!

    • Love 2
  16. On 2/13/2018 at 6:49 AM, BlancheDevoreaux said:

    I know that is isn't considered appropriate to talk badly of the children, but Sophia is obnoxious.  I have a daughter who is a year younger than Sophia.  There are these times when she talks in such a way that she is clearly trying to be cute and put on a show for people.  My husband and I have to tell her to stop and tell her that anytime a kid tries to act cute, he or she almost always fails and ends up just looking annoying and weird.  That is how Sophia talks.  She reminds me of my daughter trying to be cute.  She also is clearly always trying to say what she is expected to say.  I'm not fan no Deb or David, so don't get me wrong here, but Sophia is clearly just parroting what Farrah has been saying.  And, for the love of all that is holy, Farrah, you spend hours on your hair and makeup.  Can you not take some time to make Sophia look like she didn't just escape living in the jungle with the wolf boy?

    I love you for this!!! Lol i have a 7 yr old daughter and i know EXACTLY what you're talking about. My husband and i tell her the same thing, i think because we love her so much i refuse to let her be that weird/awkward child.

    • Love 4
  17. On 2/20/2018 at 9:08 AM, ya both high said:

    Hey fellow TM snarkers! Frequent lurker, infrequent poster here.. I love you guys and totally share in the love/hate fascination with this shit-show! Oh it’s so bad, it’s good. Soooo I, like you guys, watched this wedding crash and burn in total shock and awe too and felt compelled to put together an in-case-you-missed-it style total breakdown of this hoedown. Bear with me because this sucker is bound to be a book.

    Buckle up... Here are the highlights, from beginning, to glorious end.


    Friend: “You use hair spray?” Awkward Rhine w/ crazy-eyes: “……Yeah!…...I need a drink.” Clearly not the first, because friend replies, “You better take it easy on that, you have to stand up in front of everybody.” Cheers.

    In Mack-Truck’s dressing room: “I really can’t wait to hear what Ryan’s vows are.” (Awkward obligatory agreement from bridesmaids) Friend “Don’t get me wrong, I’m sure Ryan is creative.” Mack shows off her impressive level of denial: “Oh, yeah.” With a straight face. She’s getting good. In fact, if denial ain’t just a river in Egypt, it might just be the glue that holds this blessed marriage together.

    Back to Rhine’s dressing room: Rhiiiine refuses to write vows, or even brainstorm a cursory outline, electing instead to “just say it when I get up there.” When questioned, he adds the ever-romantic, “I don’t care! It’s not like it’s gotta be perfect.” Naww, it’s only supposed to be the most important day of your life, you know, the one your wife has worked tirelessly to ensure is “perfect.” But why put forth an ounce of effort, amiright? Good decisions as usual from this one.


    Maci and Taylor chug booze in unison. “Hopefully everything goes smoothly.” :)

    Ryan’s group pulls up to the church, someone in the car says “There they all are.” Ryan drunkenly jumps out of the car anyway, apparently not having gotten the memo about seeing the bride before the ceremony.  Asks his groomsmen, “Are you gonna be here when we go to the reception?” They of course answer “Yes.” Ummmm, DUH?  

    Ryan proceeds to chug the remainder of another boozy drink from his 16oz to-go cup.

    Mack-truck sadly attempts to hide behind a tree as her bridesmaids look on in bewilderment at her clueless groom crashing their pre-wedding photo shoot, lovingly screaming “LEEEAVE! GO! GO! GO AWAY!”

     Ryan inserts a large wad of chewing tobacco into his lip, telling Larry “I’m gonna go get a shot real quick.” This is still BEFORE the ceremony, people.

    Check-in with the groom: “Did you make up your vows yet?” “NOPE!”  Worried groomsmen try to offer an outline ad suggestions of the things he should say, just in case this dude has literally nothing. Friend says “Just be like, I love you.” Confused Ryan answers, “I love you too.” HAHA!

    Meanwhile, the officiant seems to be looking over his lines for the first time.


    Drunken Ryan hobbles up to the altar, chewing on a huge dip, smirking awkwardly.

    Ryan continues chewing like a cow as he watches Mack walk down the aisle. I know this is their second wedding (weird) but he has absolutely no reaction to seeing her in the dress. Hope Mack didn’t get her hopes up youtube-worthy happy tears moment. This lug doesn’t have it in him.

    Orange Mack finishes her walk down the aisle, and when she arrives at the altar she does not look at Ryan, instead keeps her eyes pointed straight ahead with a really sour face and homegirl looks PISSED. So damn awkward all around.

    While the officiant is reading, she occasionally glances up at Ryan with an excited smirk… He does not return the sentiment. Continues chewing cud.

    Guests watch with semi-embarrassed expressions. It’s time for the (ahem) most meaningful part of the ceremony… the vows. Ryan: “Do you wanna go first or should I?” Mack: “I don’t know, do you want to?” Ryan: “I don’t care.” Mack: “Go.” Ryan, crazy eyes: “I gotta go first?!”

     “Alright. Mackenzie I promise to always love you, be your best friend…” (shrugs) “I promise to be faithful and always there for you.” (wiggles eyebrows up and down in a weird “hubba hubba” way.) The end. That’s all ya get, sweetheart.

    Mackenzie is handed her vows, Ryan says “Oh god, you got a long one!”

    Mack reads her sweet, copy-and-paste vows, hitting all the Hallmark notes, throwing in some shade “…to ATTEMPT to understand you” (Was that supposed to be funny? She didn’t smile and nobody laughed.)

    Ryan appears utterly expressionless and unmoved, apart from his drunkenness causing loss of control over facial muscles, eyebrows twitching a mile a minute.

    Audience looks bored and embarrassed. Officiant somehow totally botches the ending of the ceremony, maybe in silent protest?

    Mack-truck finally gets a taste of that juicy dip as Ryan takes it upon himself to make the kiss happen (at least he remembered that part.)  MY question at this point is, where is he spitting during the ceremony?! HAS he been spitting?? Is he just swallowing it?! Ewwww.

    R: “I’m sweating my ass off.” M: “You’re drunk.” R: “Mmhmm.”


    Time for photos… Ryan chimes in “It’s get-done, then drinking time, right?” Mack seems annoyed at how he’s managed to flub this wedding so far, says she doesn’t feel well, and Ryan tells her she is no fun, and that being sick is no reason to be upset, and he is trying to have a good time. Finishing their chat lovingly with “I don’t wanna hear none of that neither.”


    Ryan enters with a truly insane look in his eyes, carrying in more booze in a to-go cup. Asks Mack “Where are we going?” and mutters something about being/getting drunk. Ryan gets another drink from the bar.

    Ryan grills Mackenzie about money. He’s one to talk with his $10k a week drug habit. They take a shot of booze.

    Someone announces “It’s time for the first dance.” Ryan starts to walk away. Mack: “Come on Ryan!” Ryan: “Ohh, it’s YOU AND I dancing?!” …Jesus H Christ.

    Somehow, neither of them know what song they will be dancing to. Ryan continues to grill Mackenzie about money. At this point, she is a saint in my book for not flipping her shit.

    The lovely couple wobble back and forth while holding hands in the least loving, least romantic way possible. No eye contact. No smiles. No joy or reflection. Utterly meaningless and going through the motions, overtop a conversation about finances. Half the guests apparently have no idea the first dance is happening and continue to talk and walk around the room, while the other half are shown smirking uncomfortably, looking down awkwardly, fiddling their thumbs, etc. Mack’s dad watches with concern.

    Ryan:  “Alright, I think we’re done. You done?” Mack: “We have to finish the song! You’re hammered.” Ryan, crazy eyes: “Woooooooooo.”

    Someone walks past in a TRULY bizarre bright blue and white striped suit with flamingoes and palm trees. Brief WTF moment.

    Mack’s embarrassed about his vows, tries to cover for it by making jokes with her bridesmaids, who proceed to not only agree that the vows were shit but then tear apart the awkward dance as well. They should probably be lying to help to make Mack feel like her big day is gorgeous and perfect in every way, but they don’t….. and they’re not wrong.

    Ryan takes another shot of booze.


    Ryan: “Is it real?” yes. “Y’all got a real one? Well how much was it?” My eyes are rolling out of my head.

    Maci and Jen talk drunkenly and show the first display of genuine emotion in the entire event.

    Back to the cake. Ryan: “Now what do we do?” Mackenzie: “You feed me.” I’m starting to think this dude should have googled “what is a wedding” before showing up. Ryan makes Mack pinky swear not to shove cake in his mouth because “I got a dip in.”  Oh yum. They didn’t have tobacco flavor when they went cake tasting, so this worked out.

    Larry says some sweet words, Ryan finally has feelings (though presumably more for his relationship with his father than his wedding.) Tells Mack he is “tired as hell.”

    Ryan chugs another drink. Some dribbles down his chin.

    Larry’s speech was the only heartfelt moment of the wedding. It was the ONLY time the guests were tuned in to what was happening and actually seemed to be interested, and touched by what was going on. It’s clear that the room was filled with his friends – or "family" friends – but none with any sort of real relationship with Ryan. I didn’t see anyone give the bride and groom hugs. No one talked with them or danced with them. They all know this is Larry’s shit-show son and some middle-aged orange wifey figure with the patience of a saint (with promise of a paycheck.)

    Final on-camera drink count: NINE. Plus whatever he drank off-camera, plus whatever he’d had before his groomsmen told him to slow down in the dressing room.

    SO INCREDIBLY CRINGEY, GUYS. I couldn’t help myself. That shit was bad down to the very last detail. Maci dodged the world’s drunkest, craziest, least-charming bullet. A brilliant what-not-to-do tutorial for any future groom.  

    And they lived happily ever after. <3

    I love you! Thats all.... ;)

    • Love 4
  18. 1 hour ago, CofCinci said:

    She is too busy working on her plans for her sober-living house. Oh, the house flipping company too. Then, there’s her new MH awareness organization. She’s a boss bitch!

    All while putting away for "leahs college fund" Boss bitch and a "damn good mom"! 

    • Love 13
  19. 1 hour ago, CofCinci said:

    Ryan and Maci have a “tradition”. GTFO. 

    Roxanne has something to say...

    "Ayy dios mio....i caaaaaannnnt eeeeven witthhhh thisssss guyyyy!!!" No...no puedo!! (Dramastically shaking head and smoking a newport) 

    • LOL 1
    • Love 8
  20. 2 minutes ago, JocelynCavanaugh said:

    What’s with the new and unimproved spelling of “boujie”? I have to assume these morons have no idea what bourgeoisie means and would scoff at any educated person who tried to explain it...

    They'd call u a "hatter" lol (spelled like that and all)

    • Love 9
  21. 38 minutes ago, Emmierose said:

    Ha! Anyone else notice that Roxy mumbled “No puedo” under her breath when Devon showed up at the end of Nova’s first day of kindergarten?   Hahahahaha!  She’s a drama queen in two languages.  “Noooooooooo puuuueeeeddddooo” and “I caaaaaaannnnnnnn’t”.  

    I had forgotten that lovely scene in the restaurant with the fight and Brianna running her tongue all around the inside of her mouth and lips and sucking food out of her teeth all while telling Devon off.  She’s so gross on so many levels. 

    She also said "ayy dios mio.." (omg) lol. "I" myself caaaaaaaaant with this lady! Lol


    Briana is a disgusting whore in more ways then one. But her mouth and eating habits make me sick to my fucking stomach. Its no wonder such gross, vulgar, bullshit comes out of that hole.

    • Love 6
  22. 2 hours ago, ghoulina said:

    No new eposide tonight? 

    I was wondering the same thing? i think it may be the "unseen jenelle/david balloon stabbin meltdown" lol *fingers crossed!!! 

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