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Posts posted by TimeToCancelTM

  1. 53 minutes ago, druzy said:

    Always has to mention herself/apperance.... why not just put "wonderful night with the family"... "congrats to my brother"...

    side note: when your entire life has been a fucking "mess", the last thing you should worry about is your ratty ass hair...??

    • Love 18
  2. This bitch is pure comedy....she can't even fit her children in her hoarder mobile...and now were suppose to believe she's going to fit the girlses, their cheerleading shit, her lypsense kits, leftover marykay bags, coats and jackets to fall on adie's head, PLUS now a crate with puppies??? Sure...jan! Those fucking dogs aren't going anywhere.... they'll be outfront in her fenceless yard rummaging thru her trash in no time.

    • Love 9
  3. 2 hours ago, meredithalmighty said:

    It just seems odd where she's taking credit for Ryan getting treatment and makes no mention of his parents. I don't think the parents want anything to do with the Mackenzie train & they may have planted the stories about Ryan's plans to divorce her.

    Even Tracy Flick would be horrified by her. 

    You mean "Tracy Enid Flick"???....lol 

    • Love 5
  4. On 12/6/2017 at 6:11 AM, Pepper Mostly said:

    I think there's a difference between collecting memorabilia and what these fools are doing, though.They don't strike me as collectors or enthusiasts! 

    I'll bet my entire life savings that cate, tyler, or amber cant name 1 movie with marylin....not even fucking 1.... poser ass lil bitches...

    • Love 11
  5. 17 minutes ago, GreatKazu said:

    Well, it is hard to get to one's destination when one's eyes are closed while driving. 


    They filmed her first "rehab" stint after Boogietown.  As a matter of fact, the Boogietown scene happened in the same episode where she proclaimed she needed to go to rehab after a night of some drama that included the dogs barking, the pig squealing (not Cate) and Nova crying along with sounds of the animal cages being rattled about. 

    Fuuckkk i laughed so hard!!! Yes! I remember that episode....we were pretty lucky the crew was there that night too...ahhh, tv gold! Lol 

    • Love 10
  6. 2 minutes ago, WhosThatGirl said:

    Yeah. It also always makes me think for a little that’s Catelynn complained about her awful childhood but had no problems leaving Nova with her mom. And I know April is clean now but I feel like on TM original she was clean and still said awful terrible things to Cate when she was a teenager because she was in a bad mood that day and took it on her daughter.

    Lets not forget she also leaves nova with butch whos a fucking felon and had recently been released from prison....No offense to anyone who has been locked up, but common sense would be that, that person needs time to recover and adjust to being out....who tf leaves their 2 yr old with them??? THAT alone shows me how fucking clueless these two twats are.

    • Love 13
  7. On 7/10/2017 at 7:45 AM, Tatum said:

    I'll never understand how that became a thing. I'm no prude (I mean, I'm really, really not)- but the pictures my unmarried girlfriends have gotten from men they are dating are...strange to me, to say the least. I am glad I started dating my husband before online dating and smart phones were the norm. Back in my day (which was like 2006, so sad how much has changed even in a short time), if you wanted to get laid, you had to move your ass to the bar and go work for it. There was none of this flirting via snapchat or what have you.

    A million times agree with your post! It goes to show the laziness of these generations....(god, i sound like my fucking grandma lol) these fucks cant even bother to get off their phone and actually talk/meet a person in "real life". This is why they end up meeting some jackoff (who obviously has done their homework prior to meeting these dumb bitches) and end up cashing in!!! Ie.. baby suds, eggsley, and whatever tf amber will name her "certified twitter baby daddy baby"

    • Love 11
  8. On 7/6/2017 at 5:32 PM, GreatKazu said:

    MTV would offer him a rehab stint as long as they could follow his story by filming him the way they did with Amber, Leah, and Jenelle. They also paid for Cate's rehab stint. The cameras filmed all of that and followed her to the Arizona rehab place while filming her upon her release. 

    Was that before or after they filmed her going to "boogietown" with april? Just curious lol

    • Love 2
  9. 5 minutes ago, BitterApple said:

    You and me both. I just got over a nasty case of food poisoning and it's only 8 am here on the West Coast. I was gingerly trying to eat a bowl of cereal until I saw that picture. That is the roughest looking 20-something woman I have ever seen. 

    West coast here too lol and i had just dropped my kid off at school, sat down with my coffee, opened up my amazingly awesome forums...and bam!!! This hit me in the face like the ugly fucking stick that hit leah 14hrs ago...

    • Love 5
  10. 1 hour ago, citychic said:

    I've been reading these how Cate looks and dresses posts for a long time now and I have to stick up for her for a second.

    Most of us girls in rural Michigan dress like Cate. We aren't fashion forward and to be blunt we would stick out like a sore thumb in most places if we did our hair and put on tons of make-up and dressed up just to go to Meijer. Same with her hairstyle, I could go out today and get pics of twenty girls in ten minutes with the same ponytail and one piece of hair pulled forward. The majority of us here are overweight too.

    Cate and Tyler fit into Michigan and where they live. We're a little backwoods and wear a lot of hoodies with pink camo but I've really never seen them act out of character for where they live. It seems strange to me to go to a larger city and see everyone dressed up with their hair and nails done and that's where I would feel out of place.

    I can understand that, but i guess my point is....even if you are not dressed up, or have makeup on like us "LA" people, she can still find time to shower and wash that greasy ass hair. Another thing, i can completely understand with any normal Michigan person, but cate is on TV, she has had her hair and makeup done professionally before, and again, she also has the means for it. So i respectfully disagree with u, just because shes from michigan doesn't mean she needs to be such a fucking slob.....jmo

    • Love 17
  11. Im simply here for candace and kirk. Only two real mfks on here....when ol'boy said "aye homie, im from atlanta..." he had my heart! Lol same when candace said "jeremiahs home schooled, he aint use to this hood shit"....maaan i never agreed with anyone more lol...

    • Love 3
  12. 10 hours ago, toodywoody said:

    What exactly did the guy say to Nilsa? All I heard was you are pretty until you open your mouth and need to keep it shut to get your way. How was that saying something about the way that she looked and putting her down. She clearly is conceited and thinks she is all that and that is EXACTLY what the guy was saying.

    I completely agree with you, as well as  with the $1-draft-townie....nilsa is one conceited ass bitch! This hoe is use to everyone around her praising her and kissing her ass, that when one person simply doesnt like her....she loses her shit. And i strongly feel that its all superficial with her....she doesnt care if she builds any relationships with these people...she just wants them to want/praise her looks. Another thing that bothers me (other then the desperate attempt at jeremiah) is her constantly talking about her "ex husband"... it seems to me, that in her teeny, retarded, plastic filled mind..she thinks that bringing up the fact that she was married before makes her "look" like a better catch. I cant stand this bitch...jmo

    • Love 1
  13. On 12/12/2017 at 3:42 PM, GreatKazu said:

    Ty Land would be working with the likes of Lisa Potter.

    For those who don't get that reference, check out the recent posts on the Barbara Evans thread about her retirement from Walmart. 

    Sure we do. Lack of energy due to her unhealthy eating habits and no energy due to being "loopy". Binge-watching Netflix for several hours while in bed. Napping for hours (per Tyler). Doing shit all damn day. Eating those 7 pound quesadillas smothered in sour cream. Throw in the beer and soda she drinks. Smoking weed on a daily only brings about the munchies and I highly doubt she is running to the refrigerator for a cup of yogurt or cottage cheese. 

    *fucking dead!!!! Lol You always make my days with your posts! 

    Btw...i think cate chooses to be a sloppy mess, there are a lot of big beautiful woman that i personally know that dress nice (in fashionable, cute, body fitting clothing), do their hair/makeup, and absolutely do NOT go around looking like that. This bitch has a bank account with a shit load of money to at least be put together a little better...no excuse, just pure fucking laziness.

    • Love 5
  14. 21 hours ago, Brooklynista said:

    I truly threw my head back in laughter as Cate filled her two overpackaged Tierra Reign orders and proclaimed that presentation was very important to her. Girl bye.  Sitting there looking like a Tuesday night at the Bingo Hall in that Walmart caftan.

    Lmfao!!!! Maaaannnn.... i must of went thru 2, 3 pages of comments, but yours did it! Lol im dying!!! 

    • Love 4
  15. 1 minute ago, Tatum said:

    Oh Leah, please, tell me- what constitutes a longggg day in your neck of the holler?


    You couldn't take the girlses whining for food for one more second and finally took them grocery shopping at the 7-11?


    You left your ID at home and couldn't buy more cigarettes thanks to that pesky rule that everyone needs an ID, even 7-11 regulars who appear to be in their 40s?


    One of your false eyelashes fell off at the 7-11 and you had to look for it while Addie took advantage of your preoccupation to head-butt the freezer door in an effort to get an ice cream bar?


    The plate in the microwave that spins fell off kilter and your entire plate of Tostino pizza rolls was nuked unevenly?


    Because let me tell you, when I work a 12 hour day, and drive home to find the kids bouncing up and down waiting for my attention, the sink full of dirty dishes (the dishwasher was ran and hasn't been unloaded), crackers all over the floor, and have to eat in 5 min standing up while cleaning the kitchen as fast as I can before the kids come down to wreck it again- I know my first thought is, you know what I should do? Take a selfie right now to illustrate my exhaustion.

    I love u!! Thats all....

    • Love 6
  16. 31 minutes ago, Bridget said:

    To quote the inspiring @JuliesMommy, I want to like this a million fucking times!

    I totally agree that Cate has some anxiety/depression tendencies for all of the reasons you listed. Well said!

    Your post also made me think about this: Cate & Tyler have only dated each other and have been together since 7th fucking grade. I say this with no offense intended to anyone here who had/have a successful relationship that started at a similar age, but that is just NOT NORMAL. To be enmeshed in each other's lives 24/7 from the age of 13 is not healthy for any type of social development. It's not healthy at any age!

    We know April wasn't a fit parent at that time, and Kim worked full time, so C&T didn't have any boundaries, rules, or guidelines for "appropriate middle school relationship habits." I remember an episode where Kim said that Cate used to sleep over at their house when April went on a binge, but Cate would sneak into Tyler's bedroom even though Kim explicitly told them no hanky panky. If memory serves me right, Kim caught them and told Cate to go home.

    Why didn't Cate stay at a female friend's house during those times? She could have called Tyler if she wanted his support, but she should have been with one of her friends, not the kid she makes out with, and stayed with them, even if it was on a basement couch. I know when the teens are "IN LOVE", they want to be together as often as possible, but if I were Kim, I would have suggested that to Cate. 

    Then the whole April/Butch marriage thing.  Jesus, Mary and Joseph. That did not help things. C&T were probably together even more during that time period. Maybe having to practically raise her half-brother Nick made her realize that she's not maternal (and that's OK). Maybe even that "blatantly obvious to us" issue is one of the things that she's not even aware of. 

    They don't know anything or anyone else, nor does it appear that they have the desire or even the awareness of being able to seek out other things/people/choices in life, other than the time Tyler postponed the wedding and went to New Orleans (I think that's what happened, right? I took a break from TMOG because I just couldn't deal with the insanity).

    C&T strike me as being much more like brother-sister or joint (no pun intended) members of a support group for children of screwed up parents. Their "counselor" Kathleen did them a major disservice by "counseling" them and not referring them to a psychologist/psychiatrist. They're enabling one another and wasting their lives on the 3086346 ideas for businesses they have but don't do anything about. There are many of us who are first generation college graduates and didn't/don't have parents to specifically explain the steps to applying to schools, but that's what the people who work at the colleges/universities are for! In my opinion, there is no excuse for them to have at least earned some type of degree (even an AA). They really suck at following through with anything, almost like it's too much of a hassle to actively partake in the steps that are required to reach the end of ________________(insert crazy ass dream/idea/project that will never come to fruition here). They talk about doing things, but when it comes right down to it, that's all they do: they talk about it instead of making it happen, except if it involves buying a geometric shaped house and shipping Nova to daycare five days a week.

    As much as i would love to take credit for that amazing post...it was actually the lovely @ghoulina who posted it! Lol don't feel bad i do that all the time. I always agree with what mostly everyone posts on here so sometimes i @ the wrong person..lol ?


    **stoner psa... 

    I just realized that you meant "i want to like this a million" times as my quote...hahaha (hitting the bong 1 too many times lol) sorry love @Bridget

    • Love 6
  17. On 11/28/2017 at 11:15 PM, nikita said:

    For the smokers who want to quit, a support group really helped me. There are a lot of great online ones. I smoked for years, tried to quit for years, and have now been quit for years. Being able to commiserate with fellow quitters and get advice from long-term quitters helped more than I imagined. Sounds hokey, but give it a shot. They know what you're going through, tips and tricks, and all the secret reasons why you smoke even though you're desperate to quit. Most if not all U.S. states have a free 800-number quitline. And NRT products usually have free 800-number support, too.

    I never thought I could quit. With the right tools and support, anyone can.

    You are 100% right, those support group forums helped me immensely!!! They know exactly what youre going thru and really do help/encourage you to quit! Good luck to anyone battleing that fucking nicotine addiction...its a bitch!!

    • Love 3
  18. 12 hours ago, Isthisok said:

    1. Farrah... I almost can’t dislike you. Sure, you seem unstable and narcissistic, but your rubber buttholes are providing a stable lifestyle for Mowgli that will continue long after the series ends. An end that will probably be brought about by a fatal car crash caused by —


    2. Maci... girl. I don’t know how much Z-listers get paid to hawk Proactiv, but it’s gotta be more than you’re making selling those stupid shirts that mean nothing. They’re like American Apparel sweatshop rags with either A) a stupid pleather pocket or B) a stupid fucking logo of your stupid fucking company name. They look like the laziest free promotional merchandise to ever be shot out of a shirt cannon.  You need to work on your skin, turn your goddamn Bluetooth on ($100 says she doesn’t use it in the car because Snapchat doesn’t function with Bluetooth enabled, and St Maci ain’t giving up no Snapchat vids), and think about your future. Speaking of futures —


    3. Cate and her platonic roommate Tyler... you bought a horse? That you’re paying to board somewhere so you can visit it and play with it’s hair? Even though you were able to do that for way less money? And you have no barn? You don’t even have a fence? But you bought a goat to keep the horse company at your fenceless barnless house? For two aspiring filmmakers/social workers/fashion designers/peer counselors/charity founders, they sure are window-licking dumb. YOU. CAN. NOT. AFFORD. YOUR. LIFESTYLE. This show will not survive Jenelle or Amber’s current relationship. Unless Cate can get herself a reserved episode of My 600lb Life, this gravy train is about to disappear faster than a line of coke around Butch. I think they make me the angriest, because they’re professional martyrs/victims. It’s sad to be the most shiftless person in this wayward group of misfit cumdumpsters, but Cate takes the cake. She takes it and she eats it. 


    4. Then there’s Amber. Bipolar/Borderline-but-healing-it-with-a-bandaid-baby Amber. I guess this baby daddy is an upgrade from Matt, because while he may be a stalker, at least he’s not a stalker with child support garnishments all over the country. It’s a low bar. But honestly, if Amber showed up with a guy like Cole, I’d immediately assume he was deranged too. Normal and/or upstanding citizens don’t date Ambers or Jenelles. They are beyond the Captain Save-a-Ho complex. These girls can’t be saved by anything short of psychiatric medication, and Amber has no interest in her own self-preservation. And fuck Dr Drew’s wife for accompanying her to the psychic podcast. WTF was that. If I asked my mamaw to predict the future of someone on a show called Teen Mom, I think she’d rattle off something about a toxic relationship that was heading for marriage and another baby, too. 


    5. Secondary Bullshit Characters Thirsty for a Check... I’m giving a hard sideeye to Ryan using 10k a week. Of what? Even opiates on the street don’t cost that. If he was doing 10k of painkillers a week, he’d never leave his recliner, but Mac didn’t know? Everybody on this forum has known for years something was wrong with his goddamn eyeballs, hell we thought he was concussed and brain damaged from a car wreck or a cat-killing spree gone awry. We had theories but you were seeing him everyday and thought it was peachy? Not the brightest bulb in the tanning bed

    Maaannnn.... EPIC!!! Your entire post!!! Fucking epic...????

    • Love 8
  19. 17 minutes ago, Uncle JUICE said:

    I'm just pointing out that the reason can't be because of something some partner told her in the moment, I think the porn thing is the mostlikely answer. And I think now I've talked enough about Kailyn's anus now :). 

    I dont think this basic bitch watches porn...to be honest, i think shes such a fat lazy ho..that she probably just bends over, pulls her dirty ass panties to the side and fucks whoever will give it to her.... porn stars put more work into it...i cant see this lazy bitch doing anything besides tweeting, and talking shit about all her babydaddies...

    • Love 1
  20. 1 hour ago, LunaMia said:

    Oh Hamber, those in pet shit filled houses shouldn't talk shit. Mac is a middle aged famewhore, but you have your own famewhore to worry about. Also, those psychics didn't predict how fucked up their plastic surgery would turn out!? That blonde one was a fright! Yeesh.

    Cate's hair is always pulled back so tight that she is going bald. Also, her tit-tanics are in desperate need of a lift, they're sinking. 

    Maci is still a hypocritical bitch, texting while driving with one leg on the seat! Also, can't she get a new friend to fake talk to? Her boring, resting bitch faced friend is annoying to look at.

    New season, same annoying bitches.

    Her friend annoys the shit out of me. With her pretentious "look, im such a close friend that i come over and sit on your couch with my shoes off and use one of your childs blanket to cover myself and show how 'confortable' i am at your house" all while she sits there with that blank, bored out of her mind and tired of talking about rhiiine for the past 8 yrs look on her face! Ugggh *major fucking eye roll!! 

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