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Posts posted by TimeToCancelTM

  1. 7 hours ago, Darknight said:

    Might sound rude but I'm sick of Cate and her excuses. She has all the money in the world many people like her would want. She does not do shit. She can get therapy and real rehab but she treats it like a game. I think she does nt wabt to get better because then she might have to leave Tyler. 

    I’m honestly waiting for Tyler to leave her lazy ass... he’s gotta be sick and fucking tired of carrying her weight around!! (Pun intended)

    • Love 11
  2. 1 minute ago, MyPeopleAreNordic said:

    Her upper body does look wider....but sometimes in full-body shots I notice that she looks heavier/bigger/dumpier on top even though she's really a small girl (like in her wedding dress).  

    But maybe she got wind of Chelsea being pregnant again & having 2 kids by the same bio-dad, so she had to get pregnant again so she could say two of her kids have the same bio-dad, too (and because she's the Equate Brand Chelsea Knock-off).

    I seriously love u for this! Lol

    • Love 10
  3. 6 hours ago, Darknight said:

    Omg. Why is this funny?

    Because we all know that her children were starving/crying, David yelling f*ggot to the kids, jenelle telling the photographer to help her with her kids so she can get this “perfect” shot of her “hiking”. The amount of drama that went on behind this is what makes it so funny to me. 

    • Love 14
  4. On 3/12/2018 at 7:06 PM, guilfoyleatpp said:

    Gary’s mom is Amber. Holy fucking shit. Could she give Jody a moment to mourn the loss of his assumed biological connection? Could she do something other than say “Oh well. I told you that was a possibility?”

    She’s like a villain in a cheesy novel! WTF.

    Also, holy shit Tyler’s sister looks like Butch. And if you asked me to guess what her drug of choice is, I wouldn’t have guessed adderall. 

    Meth or opiates are my guess...Mostly meth tho, look at her boyfriend. JesusGodLeah, this fucking family... 

    • Love 12
  5. I didn’t snark on cate last episode because I truly felt bad for her and wanted to give the benefit of the doubt that she really needed help, however I honestly felt so much fucking anger towards her on this weeks episode. After seeing little nova cry wanting her mom, and knowing what we all know now that she left treatment early, isn’t in any after care program, tells me that she truly doesn’t give a fuck about getting better. This bitch will continue to jump up and leave her family to go on another vacation/rehab stint to continue to avoid any responsibility. As a person who deals with anxiety myself and some mental health issues AND has a 7 year old daughter, all I want to say to her is “bitch, get your shit together!” 

    • Love 16
  6. 13 hours ago, Mkay said:

    There’s that Cash out Kail thing again.  

    And after two days of being Marshall, he’s Lincoln again.  

    Good one kwale, go on twitter and waste time posting shit instead of tending to your kid who has a fever and ear infection. 

    • Love 10
  7. 13 hours ago, lilmarysunshine said:

    He knows just by walking in and out of the room as I am watching. (Same with the Real Housewives. He will comment on the fighting with the Atlanta ladies.)

    My daughter calls them (TM, housewives etc) mommys “drama queen shows” lol she’s 7 people!!! Lol but she gets it... lol 

    • Love 10
  8. 6 minutes ago, GreatKazu said:

    These two are not full-time parents. They don't have any real jobs. They are not in school. They can just up and leave on a whim to vacation together on MTVs dime (assuming this was filmed for MTV) and help the network move in a different direction: Real Basic Teen Moms. 

    For those who watch the Real Housewives shows (I personally watch RHoBH), you see the wives holding an object in the opening credits. The RHoBH housewives are holding diamonds. The Atlanta housewives are holding peaches. The Real Basic Teen Moms are holding dildos because they like dick. 

    I wanna see briana and Kanal fight for the spot in the middle holding the biggest dildo of them all!!! And it’ll have javis face on it! 

    • Love 9
  9. This is what kwales fans look like?? chula and her cockedeyed??? I’m seriously done with these people. Who the fuck “fangirls” over a basic ass bitch like kanal? It’s sad to know that there are so many more “chulas” out there who really get excited when a nobody tm star replies to them. 

    • Love 11
  10. On 3/10/2018 at 10:51 PM, FairyDusted said:

    What does Leah see in Kail to buddy up with her? Seriously. At least it's not Amber I guess.

    I can’t figure out for the life of me what these two would have in common other than an MTV paycheck. I’m not here for this “friendship”. I’m not a fan of Leah, but like someone else mentioned above, I think there is always an underline selfish motive behind kwale for anything she ever does in her life. 

    • Love 10
  11. 2 hours ago, FairyDusted said:

    A real palette cleanser. Cole can wear Flagwear everyday for all I care. Chelsea won out. She may not have a clutter free house but she does everything else right. Her children are happy and healthy and it shines though the screen.  

    A-fucking-men!!! Even with the baby talk, she still gets a pass. 

    • Love 18
  12. On 3/6/2018 at 9:39 AM, Mkay said:

    Yes, please leave her IN the Wild, where she belongs.  

    With bone, that bathing suit, the coochie cutter shorts, the fupa fannypack, and her new love n hip hop friends.... fuuuck i hate this bitch

    • Love 11
  13. On 3/4/2018 at 7:12 PM, Mkay said:

    I realize the first half of this sentence is two people, but what the crap does the rest of this sentence mean?


    That's her trying her extra hardest to be "hip hop" and "wit it" like her "love n hip hop" friends... i cant with this fucking confused ass whale. Talking like that is NOT going to make chris happen, hes NOT going to happen! 

    • Love 14
  14. On 3/6/2018 at 9:10 AM, Rebecca said:

    With Kieffer, if they didn’t do the court house, it would be on the grassy knoll where Jenelle used to pick him up. Or maybe at “Sweepstakes.” Their toast would obviously be a group toke session and the wedding song would be “Because I Got High.” The processional song? “Fuck Tha Police,” of course! Jenelle could steal Barb’s credit card again to pay for another nice sushi dinner afterwards. Homemade Kieffer pipes for favors!

    You are epic!!! All this would still be classier and more put together than "the edwards" (riiine and mackenzie) wedding. 

    • Love 6
  15. On 3/6/2018 at 10:39 AM, Poohbear617 said:

    http://This is funny... https://www.therichest.com/lifestyles/20-vacations-farrah-abraham-cant-afford-but-still-brags-about-on-instagram0/?view=list&utm_source=TR-FB-A&utm_medium=Facebook-Distribution&utm_campaign=23842752682180356 It is 20 vacations farrah can't afford but still brags about on Instagram       

    Ok farrah, call me a hater. I have been pissed ever since I saw the pictures of her at Elton Johns Charity Oscar party. WTF!!! where is the justice and karma in this world.  Be a bitch to the world, be a complete idiot that can't form sentences who had to have butt implants so she would be able to find her own ass with both hands without a map.  Have the emotional Maturity of a baby howler monkey, show no appreciation to anyone about anything (EXCEPT her plastic surgeons). Achieves fame from getting knocked up as a teen and keeps it by advertising and performing anal sex live on webcasts.

    When I was teaching I stressed hard work, education, treating others with respect, kindness and humanity, try to help others and do good in the world....then this cunt goes against it all and is rewarded with fame, 12 vacations last year (see link above, I hope it works ) and going to oscar parties! Does she even know what charity is? I've never seen her do a selfless or charitable thing. In fact I have heard her put down the less fortunate. 

    I would kill to just to be able to look in the door of that party, I own all elton's albums, have donated to his and other charities (not much, but from the heart and what I could afford), and yet after a lifetime of teaching i doubt I will be able to afford to get a ticket to Elton's farewell tour and she goes to his party. OK rant over. Yes farrah I am a jealous hater. I accept life is not fair.

    My hope though is that I have only seen her picture outside the party, did anyone speak to her, was she shunned? I was hoping it was like when she got kicked out of the Housewife party, wow Housewife has higher standard than Elton!

    Ok..it's all out, thanks for being here board.

    I get your frustration, and while you may not get to go to "eltons oscar party", or take 12 vacations in a year.... at least you dont have a feral child like mowgli, or a bat shit insane mother like debzOG, a creepy ass father, and the rest of the world thinking youre nothing but a dumb bitch-useless whore who cant even put a sentence together. People like you, who teach and bring meaning to this world, who teach kindness, and respect will always shine and be blessed in many more ways! Thank you for what you do! From a parent who wants nothing but what you teach for my child! 

    • Love 8
  16. 21 hours ago, Rebecca said:

    I read that Catelynn found out she was pregnant at 3 weeks and miscarried at 6 weeks, does anyone know if that’s accurate? I’m not trying to deny anyone their feelings but her reaction, if that timeline is true, seems a little over the top to me. Most people don’t even know they’re pregnant at those times. I know I’m verging into controversial territory but I just don’t understand her saying she “misses her baby” ... I totally understand why the producer thought she meant Nova. I don’t doubt she has many true issues and I don’t want to think it but I think some posters are right, she loves the attention that falling apart gives her.

    I can’t subscribe to the idea that all suicidal people go about it without telling anyone their plans, sadly I know that’s not the case from experience. But, I did wonder about Catelynn...especially with her repeating nonchalantly about how she was “thinking about every way to kill herself” all day or whatever. Next time, instead of going off to plush rehab they should immediately take her to the local ER and 5150. I don’t think most suicidal people are fine to wait around for people to find them a cross country rehab facility to fly off to. It’s almost as if knowing she was going back to rehab made her desire to die go away.

    I feel dirty about this post but I had to let it out.

    I love your entire post!! Maybe it makes me dirtier...lol ill go pack my basket for hell now....

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