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Posts posted by TimeToCancelTM

  1. I have to say, after all my negative ass comments on all these bitches lol...chelsea and fam make me so happy, i was so annoyed with everyone else that i forgot to mention how freakin adorable watson is!!! Him and aubrey! Keep up the good work chels!' Youre not perfect, but man do u shine bright around these fucks!

    • Love 11
  2. 9 hours ago, SPLAIN said:

    Under certain circumstances, and if we were talking about a different parent, I would normally agree. But this is Jenelle. If you watch the show, you know Jenelle does not have an ounce of care for her children. None. They are possessions to her. She has also spent the last 7 years of her life in toxic relationships, drug addiction, committing crimes such as domestic violence, getting pregnant, getting engaged, going on countless vacations, going out of town for events, and moving farther and farther away from Jace. She has also given numerous excuses as to why she couldn't pick Jace up, why she couldn't have him at her home for visitation, she was too tired or whatever nonsense excuse she'd throw at Barb.  She ignored Jace for the most part.  Never did Jenelle seek time with Jace without someone pushing her to do it. Jenelle's only frustrations are the ones she makes up in her head.

    Barb mentioned  to Jenelle on several occasions how Jace had become aggressive. Jenelle gave reasons such as he needed more discipline, he needs to listen more, she even said he needed to go to military school. He was only four years old. Not once did I hear her say, "How about we take him to the doctor and get him referred to a specialist if needed?" She even said if he lived with her he would behave better. No concerns whatsoever about her child possibly having mental issues or a neurological disorder.

    I would like to point out that lovely scene when Barb visited Jenelle at her home almost two years ago. A discussion took place where Barb brought to Jenelle's attention about going out of town to help her other daughter. Jenelle threw a huge tantrum. She used profanity when screaming at Barb about all the health problems she has been going through and how she had to travel to New York. This was when Jenelle was faking her countless symptoms and illnesses. She told Barb how she is never there for her and doesn't care about her being ill. After Barb left, Kaiser went up to Jenelle to offer her comfort, but she shunned him. She does that a lot to her children. Jenelle cries and demands attention from her own mother when she is supposedly ill, but she can't bother to do the same for her own flesh and blood who was diagnosed over three years ago? God knows how many times Jace was ill in those 7 years, but Jenelle was not there for him the way she demanded her mother be there for her. 

    My observation about Jenelle, and her scenes seem to confirm my opinion, that she has never cared about or been there for Jace during his own health problems.  This skank couldn't even bother to give Jace his earache medication when he was staying at her house.  We wouldn't have known this if Barb had not mentioned it. Who is Jenelle to point a finger at Jace's parent and grandmother who has been tending to his needs and health for the past 7 years? It took Jenelle 7 years to finally go to court to try and acquire custody, and she only did it because her boyfriend pushed her to file. These two morons have no care about any of the children in their care. Jenelle can spare me with her uneducated comments about what she thinks she knows about mental health care. She doesn't even take care of her own mental health. Her way of handling it is smoking weed, even while pregnant. She didn't care about the well-being or health of her daughter who happened to be born with THC in her system.

    Jenelle's response on the reunion when Jace's ADHD was brought up:

    Jenelle's only concern was Jace's friends trying to get high with his medication. She didn't care back then that he was prescribed the medicine by a pediatrician. She was too busy fighting with Nathan and being David's sex toy to care about Jace at all.

    Jenelle mentioned a few episodes back how Jace is acting out because he wants to live with her. Yes, Jenelle. By simply moving in with you permanently, all his mental problems will go away: https://www.inquisitr.com/4428201/jenelle-evans-blames-jaces-outbursts-on-his-desire-to-reside-with-her/

    That ^^^^is surely not the person who can dictate what is in Jace's best interest whatsoever.

    A-fucking-Men to your entire post!!! Preach girl!!! 

    • Love 8
  3. 8 minutes ago, FlowerofCarnage said:

    I think deep down, Brittany resents Briana for making such shitty life choices but since the DeJesus women seem to be so dependent on each other, she feels she can't say anything. 

    I agree, and i think that brittany(and briana too, tho very little) have a moment of realization that their mother is a total fucking loon and possibly the most negative thing in their lives, however, she has them so manipulated and dependent on her that they instantly shut down and bow to whatever roxanne says. 

    Roxanne is impossible, but these two grown ass woman need to "step it tf up" and move on with their lives...seeing them all cluttered in that apt, all up in each others business is a horrible enviornment for both nova and stella. Im surprised that they have more than 1 guest at time in that tiny ass space. (Btw, nothing wrong with a small apt, or living with family at all) but their situation is toxic. 

    • Love 7
  4. 8 minutes ago, Sprockets said:

    She did, you know, because inpatient treatment for anxiety is a thing, but only if you're from Possum Holler and you also TAKE PILLSES.

    Which is definitely not what the wheelchair is for, and if it is at all funded by taxpayers using it wrongly is likely to get it taken away.  NOT A TOY, LEAH.. Also not a taxi.  

    Probably the reason why the shit broke in the first place and why it sat in her garage with her hoarding crap on it for 3 mos...

    • Love 8
  5. 1 hour ago, ClassyCourtHeels said:

    Come on guys. Janelle works from home. Since she lives in swampland away from civilization she doesn't have time to get away from her home office to buy wrapping 

    • Love 1
  6. 54 minutes ago, ClassyCourtHeels said:

    Come on guys. Janelle works from home. Since she lives in swampland away from civilization she doesn't have time to get away from her home office to buy wrapping paper. 

    PLUS, she might get swarmed by her "fans" when she leaves to go to the store...????

    • Love 18
  7. 5 hours ago, Mindthinkr said:

    What is with Peggy's pursed hot pink lips? I need sunglasses. They're a bit too bright for my taste (don't think that it matches well with her skin and hair coloring). 

    Megans too... who tf did their makeup?? All of them look like clowns...megan's looked like she tried to outline them to make them fuller and turned out looking disgusting....peggy looked old and haggered, and shannon was a disaster!!! She looked like a sweaty, smeary, dirty mess at that dinner!! 

    • Love 9
  8. 40 minutes ago, LotusFlower said:

    So Ali has to come out of the pool early and go inside and take a nap while her sisters play, and we finally see a heartbreaking scene of her feeling sad because of her disability and saying "I want to be like everybody else," and yet it's Gracie who gets special attention the next day?

    I swear i thought the same thing!! When she was high af the day before and talking to mama dawn and whatever other "relative/hangeron-er" was there, that her point of all this was to make ali feel like she can do other things as well. Then at the amusement park, she was pissed off at ali and addy for not letting her go with gracie alone?? Wtf?? Shes so damn confused from them pilses that she forgets why shes there, who's who, and her twins age...watching her life makes me feel like IM on drugs. 

    • Love 15
  9. 40 minutes ago, rafibomb said:

    God, I hope someone more talented than I am makes a gif or a meme out of Jenelle's "now those fans behind you are freaking out!" and cutting to the shot of two barely-interested-looking people standing at what appeared to be a bus stop. I laughed so hard at that, I may have peed a little. 

    Excuse me, those are Dr. Jenelle's "fans" youre speaking about! Lmao!!! the delusion continues with this nut...

    • Love 19
  10. 7 minutes ago, dabronx said:

    Wait - she thought she could get Dual Citizenship in the DR just by giving birth there? She might want to talk to Dominicans of Haitian descent on how well that worked out for them. In 2013, Dominican courts stripped something like 200,000 Haitian immigrants AND DESCENDANTS BORN AND RAISED IN THE DR - of their citizenship and threatened to deport them to Haiti - where they also had no citizenship.  They then passed a law that was supposed to help them "reclaim" citizenship but forced them to prove records of their birth and parents' births in the DR although many lived in areas were birth's weren't recorded. But yeah Kail - you go get your Dominican baby. My god she is thick.

    She also thought it would be "cool" if the baby was born in Cuba ?.... God i hate this fucking whale...

    • Love 23
  11. 1 minute ago, Scarlett45 said:

    It really is. Whenever I see or hear of women behaving this way, I think "does his penis vibrate??!!" Because that's the ONLY explanation I can come up with for such folly. 

    Maannn, so true!! ^^^

    She looks like such a pathetic bitch, who's doing THEE most for this losers attention....

    • Love 11
  12. 13 minutes ago, GreatKazu said:

    I don't think she wears underwear. It gets in the way of those quickies she has in her bedroom. 

    Bitch is so ridiculous. Her telling Javi, "Why are you opening your mail here?!" is so off the charts

    Or when she said "dont be fake" when he was trying to be civil and give her a hug.... i fucking HATE her digusting fat ass garbage pail kid face!!! Lol 

    • Love 14
  13. 4 hours ago, Kiki777 said:

    Unfortunately I feel it's gonna get worse - did anyone catch that moment from the previews for next episode: she says somehing to Margaret who then reples "that's not a very 'female empowerment' thing to say"

    Then Siggy says 'I don't want to empower you, I want to DESTROY you'

    I can pinpoint that as the moment I went to complete dislike on the woman.  That's the harshest thing I've ever heard a RHW say (when you consider that Margaret didn't really do anything that bad to Siggy), and that's saying a lot...

    I agree...even vicky who's disgusting...or kelly who's super vile has never said something so evil lol 

    • Love 7
  14. 1 hour ago, Mkay said:

    He just better not open his mail or get a drink in her house.  Ha

    Or sit on her couch!! She'll be so pissed, that she'll log on to twitter and will be "LHAO going to bed ???" 

    • Love 6
  15. 33 minutes ago, BlancheDevoreaux said:

    Have you ever thought of how you would rank the Teen Mom OG adn Teen Mom 2 girls if you had to put them in order by who has their stuff together the best?  I think it's clear that Chelsea would likely be first.  Maybe Maci would be second?  I don't know.  Might be easier to work from the bottom.  I'd definitely say Jenelle is probably worst off with Amber being just slightly above her.  For the most part, though, there are major parts of almost all of the girls' lives that are just train wrecks.  

    Absolutely!! I think for me from top to bottom (best to worst) would be like this.

    1. Chelsea

    2. Maci

    3. Kail

    4. Farrah

    5. Catelynn

    6. Leah

    7. Brianna

    8. Amber

    9. Jenelle 

    *although jenelle and amber are in SUCH a close tie...lol

    • Love 2
  16. 1 hour ago, MyPeopleAreNordic said:


    Seriously, if the major "controversy" surrounding Chelsea is whether or not her house is a little bit cluttered/cleaned depending on our different tastes in housekeeping, Chelsea is still beating the other TM2 girls by several miles..... 

    AND the OG ones too...

    • Love 2
  17. 10 hours ago, Calm81 said:

    I can't believe I'm going to say this but I actually enjoyed this episode.

    I saw a new side to Farrah and Simon and I'm starting to wonder if their fighting was for show and if Farrah acts like a super b'yatch for the cameras.

    Farrah was rude to that Alex dude but I guess many people don't like giving hugs to random people and Farrah is just one of those types to not be fake and suck it up buttercup - she directly says "I don't do hugs" versus someone that does it hesitantly or complains behinds the huggers back. Lol.

    I have got to throw in a complaint somewhere so I will start with the outfit she was wearing to look at the property. It was ugly!! Not a flattering outfit at all. I just don't like stretchy pants on anyone unless they wear a long shirt with it.

    I honestly think Simon and Farrah go well together and do see them eventually getting married regardless of how they deny the hope of their future together.

    Farrah is socially awkward. The way she talks to people is weird. Like how she talked to that young kid during the last scene at the families home. The weird over-the-top laugh with the huuuuge grin is creepy lol. Other than that, she was tolerable in this "being Farrah/Simon?" It was more a show about the both of them whereas others doing these "being..." specials get sole attention without sharing the spotlight. 

    It was refreshing to watch a "Being..." special where people were actually doing real work. No couch sitting aside from when Simon was talking about his radio shack days.

    I can't stand Farrah, but when she's not with her family she's actually decent towards other people and has great work ethic. I think maybe therapy is helping her. Let's hope this side of her continues onto the next season.

    I would really like to see Farrah turn into the fan favorite if she continues to be nice to people and stay professional. She still has her bitchy moments but I like her better than Amber, Kailyn, Catelynn and Jenelle so I'm going to hope she's off on the right start. 

    Please, please MTV, tell us she was just being cruel for the cameras and because her mom is annoying and this is her true personality - tell her to keep showing us this side. 

    I can't believe I said so many nice things about her. I'm pinching myself and it hurts. I'm not dreaming. ???

    I haven't seen this special yet, but i do agree that we've at least seen farrah have way more motivation and drive then all the people you mentioned above... 

    • Love 6
  18. 5 hours ago, GreatKazu said:

    I don't think Cole is the type of person to see it as Chelsea not pulling her weight. I would hate if my spouse viewed it as such if I didn't have time to clean our home or if I chose to not clean up on any particular day. I have so many other things I tend to in my life and I have a life away from my home. Even the days, like today, where I had nothing to do, but here I am on the computer while a pile of clothes is screaming my name from my bedroom and my bathroom needs my attention. My husband is home today and he cleaned our bedroom and picked up around the house without letting out a peep about things that need to be done around here. It is because he knows I will clean the house eventually and it will be spotless. 

    The crew film 1-2 weeks per season. All we are seeing is a home that happens to be cluttered for a short amount of time. We certainly don't know how it is the rest of the 300+ days of the year. 

    I LOVE all your posts GREATKAZU!!! You're so spot on with everything im thinking lol i literetly will go on some old ass posts about cate n tyler or farrahs dumbass and your posts/comments make my day ?

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