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Posts posted by TimeToCancelTM

  1. 1 hour ago, MissMel said:

    I'm wondering what "#meetings in need of..." means.

    THAT part!!! Fuckin comical!! This bitch cant even speak properly in a basement to bored housewives about lipstick...im sure the "business meetings" are rolling in...lol ???

    • Love 5
  2. 4 hours ago, MaggieG said:

    I can't remember if we saw Kai's vote. I remember him walking into the polling place with an armless Chaz and then Chaz voting, but not Kai.

    Hi Emma Roberts! Bye Emma Roberts!

    Is it wrong that I'm finding Evan very hot this season?

    Fuck no, its not wrong!!! Lol i dont know why, but the more crazier/bi/evil he gets...the more im attracted to him!!! Lol???

  3. On 9/21/2017 at 2:43 PM, Poohbear617 said:

    I was sickened at the way Janelle was playing Mommy when Jace was there.  They bought some kind water toy that Jace and Marissa were playing outside, saying how she bought this x-box  just for him cause she knew he was coming. Cuddling up on the couch with him saying "I love you Jace" but then she turns and asks if he is afraid of David cause the therapist says you were. Jace is so smart that he knows to say no. 

    Janelle and UBT knew enough to get toys for the kids and ones that can be played by the kids only so she and UBT can ignore them.  But seeing that AtV and the cycle for Jace scares me because those kids (AND KAISER) r eventually go into the woods or that Lake/Creek by the house when they are once again unsupervised.

    Any little progress that jace was making with the therapist, jenelle fuck it up and threw it out the window.... the fact that she would question him like that? And say..."well why did the therapist say that than?" This poor little guy has lost faith in ANYONE around him. Barb is good with him, but as others have mentioned sometimes she comes off like its just a tug n war over him (like he's a possesion) 

    • Love 5
  4. 2 hours ago, JocelynCavanaugh said:

    I think it was vaping. I love when people vape because it's such a quick and hassle-free way of warning me that they're d-bags. 

    At the beginning Nathan said something about how he's tired of

    Yesss a million times to your vaping comment!!! LMFAO!!! I couldnt agree with u more!! Lol 

    • Love 5
  5. 2 hours ago, Lm2162 said:

    I know. I was just making a joke. Anything to bring up the sugar packets again. LOL

    Don't forget the icing out of the can using your fingers, and the can of soup that was poured in a bowl and NOT warmed up!! Lol 

    • Love 7
  6. 32 minutes ago, ghoulina said:

    You mean when she was falling asleep trying to tie her shoe? LOL!


    I have 3 children. If I could have had home births, I would. But my state doesn't allow midwives to attend homebirths, and we felt uncomfortable going unassisted. If we had been able to have home births, my children would have been present for their sibling's births. I have many friends who have done this and the kids always remark on it as a very special experience when they're older. No one has been "traumatized". I actually think it's healthy to expose children to what birth can really be like, because I HAD no idea. And no, they don't need to witness the baby actually coming out, but seeing the pain and the labor? I don't think it's a big deal unless you know that your child wouldn't handle that well. 

    As for Nova, she seemed fine. She was off to the side on the bench. There were so many people surrounding Brianna, that I doubt she really saw anything. Some of the shit they said? Yea, crazy. But no more so than during their daily bitch sessions while sitting around the apartment eating fast food. 

    You mean when she was falling asleep trying to tie her shoe? LOL!

    LMFAO!!! I forgot about that...lol

  7. 12 hours ago, ktwo said:

    OK, so Jenelle went to St. Thomas and Chelsea went to the Gulf Coast. Both were devastated by hurricanes in the interim.

    Am I completely off base for expecting MTV to say SOMETHING about supporting hurricane relief to those areas? I was really thinking they'd have a bumper between the St. Thomas scenes and the commercial, but - nothing.

    Right?? And yet the continue to plug the "for everyrhing u need to know about PREVENTING preganacy go to..." even tho every single one of these hoes has had multiple unplanned pregnancies/kids/different baby daddys. 

    • Love 9
  8. 1 hour ago, Chaos Theory said:

    Well that was intense.  In all the right ways.  Yes this might just turn into my favorite season yet.   

    I loved seeing Kai's cult getting formed.  Watching him "seduce" each of the members and how easy it was to get them over to his side.   The most surprising thing about the episode though was that Winter knew Ivy.  Not sure though how deep it went but Ivy HAD to recognize winter when she came job hunting.  I mean you don't kidnap someone and forget your partner.  

    Still...damn show.   You took it up a level and I love it.  

    THIS!!! A million times!!!

  9. 30 minutes ago, woodscommaelle said:

    This image reminds me of Uncle Eddie and family in Vacation. 

    Omg yes!!! And i still think even eddie could pull off a better "motivation speech" than this bitch...lol

    • Love 5
  10. 5 minutes ago, HunterHunted said:

    @bagger and @JuliesMommy I agree. Both of my parents are from Nigeria. Neither of them have Peggy's issues with the English language. My eldest brother was raised in Nigeria until he was 6. His wife was raised there until 9 years old. Her family came to the states and settled in Florida. She's fluent in 3 languages. She's also a doctor. Peggy, in many ways, sounds like a person who learned English in a foreign country. I don't understand it. I understand that Armenian communities can be insular, but Peggy didn't go to school in an all Armenian school. She didn't get an English degree at an Armenian university. Teresa Giudice has problems with English too. She's also an imbecile. I'm not calling Peggy an imbecile too, buuuuuuuuuuuuut... ¯\_(ツ)_/¯

    And for whatever reason (probably cause im italian lol) Teresas horrible english doesn't seem to bother me as much as peggy. To me, tere's bad english comes more from her humorous personality... peggy lacks both!! English comprehension and personality lol

    • Love 9
  11. 4 minutes ago, bagger said:

    Still not watching...

    I see some giving Peggy a pass for not recognizing English terms/idioms/similes etc because she grew up with English as a second language, in a household where they only spoke Armenian, with mostly Armenian friends and relatives around. I'm first generation Cuban American. I grew up in Miami in the 80s, where you couldn't walk into many stores and find an English speaker to save your life, in a household where even now we only speak Spanish because our mother didn't want us to lose our native tongue, with only Cuban friends (I was in junior high school before I had my first "American" friend and yes there was only one in our whole school, we attended church where they spoke only Spanish and at the time half our school day was in Spanish. If I went home to Miami today after an hour of being there I would develop a slight accent on some words BUT I have never had any issues understanding slang or any other saying Peggy has an an issue with during her tenure on this show.

    I will go one step beyond what I wrote above and say that my mother who learned English at night when she first came to this country in her 30s understands slang even when it's not explained to her. When she first heard the term "I shit you not" she understood what it meant in the context that it was used. Not for one moment did she ever think that someone might be denying shitting her out of their ass. She later developed an affinity for the phrase and would use it at the end of all her stories.  

    So im gonna call bullshit on Peggy's ignorance. One term ok, two terms sure why not but 20? On 20 I'm going to either call bullshit or I'm going to suggest she visit a doctor.

    As a foreigner myself coming here at 7 years old and having done all my schooling here...there is NO excuse for the ignorance she plays out to have. Like others from other countries have said, basic idioms is are part of our english language.

    • Love 16
  12. 2 hours ago, SPLAIN said:

    I think they only let in one child at a time. You can't have too many kids near an animal, especially when they are above a pool of water. I think the insurance on that place wouldn't allow more than one child.

    This is not a snarky comment to the poster I quoted this from. It is to Leah and that woman who is purely using Leah for her own gain.  Going by that, if I believe I can be a doctor, I will accomplish that dream. No. There is more to accomplishing things in life than believing one can do it.

    THIS!! Is the type of "life coach" she needs... someone who is going to tell her the truth and reality. It's not impossible, but she's too lazy to actually put the work that a single mother of 3 would have to do to achieve any goal at this point.

    • Love 7
  13. 5 minutes ago, BitterApple said:

    Regarding Noah, I'm wondering if the aquarium only allows one child in the dolphin area at a time. Since meeting Winter was Aubree's thing and not her cousin's, that may explain why he got the short end of the stick. There may also have been scheduling constraints if other families had booked time following Chelsea. 


  14. 3 hours ago, druzy said:

    I did too. He looked so disappointed when they only allowed Aubree in the pool area.

    Right?? I didnt even know he was part of their group until the end when they added his name and "nephew" to it...i figured he was some random kid that wandered in their group and they just let him stay there. Lol 

    • Love 6
  15. 2 minutes ago, Jeanne222 said:

    I agree.  Cole and Aubree are more good friends but then Cole might just be 'that kind of guy'.   Javi and Isaac had a real bond but Javi might be that kind of guy.  Personalities play into all of this.  Some people are OPEN and some are CLOSED to different relationships.  Doesn't meat either are good or bad just the personality.

    I completely agree as well with the cole/aubree relationship. One thing that i love about Cole, is from the beginning and up until now he's never said 1 bad thing about adam. Not even a smirk, eye roll, or any negativity any time chelsea or the producers have brought him up. I genuinely think its out of respect for aubree and chelsea. He as well as everyone else knows what a piece of shit adam is, and without him even trying to be a father figure in aubrees life or bashing adam he continues to win her over. THAT alone speaks volumes of him. I also think that he doesnt want to step over barriers with aubree especially since adam IS still in her life. Chelsea needs to just continue to appreciate the little family she made and aubree will see on her own (as she has) who her real dad/sperm donor is.

    • Love 9
  16. I seriously didn't know if i should cry or hysterically laugh at leahs segnent.... fuckin sad...lol honestly, at this point in her life, she really SHOULD just continue with trying to date, getting pregnant again...And living her hillbilly ass in the holler with victorias trailer in her backyard, with her dog running around digging thru trash, with her girlses eating cheese balls off the floor...etc. she is a lost cause. All the mtv money in the world couldnt change this bumpkin around.

    • Love 9
  17. 17 minutes ago, teapot said:

    I kinda remember Barb taking Jace to daycare while Jenelle (you know, his MOTHER?) was living in her house and neither working *nor* going to school.  oh yeah, Jenelle's life has been *real* rough...

    Back when jenelle was "too tired dude" to take care of jace while barb went to work...lol

    • Love 18
  18. 6 hours ago, lezlers said:

    Barb watching the clock and saying over and over again that Jenelle would be in contempt of court if she was late rubbed me the wrong way.  It just came across as being REALLY petty.  I mean, Jenelle is a horrible person and everything, but SOMEONE has to be the bigger person for Jace, you know?  Barb just came across as almost WANTING Jenelle to be late, just so she could run to her lawyer to hold her in contempt.  She got some serious side eye from me for that one.

    Also, what was up with replaying Rhiiiiiiines driving scene?  Is there really that little for Chelsea to film that she has to talk about and replay a scene from a different show for her 5 minute segment?  It was very strange. 

    I hate Kailyn.  That is all.

    Your words a thousand times!!!! That scene with barb was really, really petty. Not only was she hoping she was late, but then she hassled jace to try to admit/say he didnt have a good time at jenelles. Even the poor kid looked at her like..."lay off lady". 

    On the chelsea thing, mtv and her are grasping at straws with the ryan storyline.

    • Love 2
  19. On 9/19/2017 at 2:13 PM, SleepyAndClumsy said:

    When did RHOC turn into a medical reality show?! Ugh, I'm so sick of hearing about (much less seeing!) boob reductions and boob expander and vaginal rejuvenations and vasectomies, as nauseum! Bring back the good old days of sons getting arrested, teen whisperers, trips to Havasu, and blind dates! 

    Exactly!!! I wanna see the drama, the shit talking, lavish homes/vacations...etc not this bullshit week after week!

    • Love 7
  20. Kai bitch slapping the shit out of meadow for bringing up #rhony had me in fucking tears!!! by far best part of the entire series!! ??


    On 9/20/2017 at 2:12 PM, Chaos Theory said:

    On a purely superficial level (and because I am rewatching Murder House because Netflix is probably losing the series next month) Evan Peters has grown up nicely.  Despite the ugly bun he is a handsome man and I don't usually go in that direction but his smile might make me put him in my exception pile.

    I couldn't agree more!! Even when he's in full on psycho mode he steals my heart! ??


    On 9/20/2017 at 10:30 AM, RedMal said:

    I like how this season isn't as heavy handed as the previous ones. It has some levity and just the right amount of actual comedy.

    I was glad to see Laura Allen, she's such a powerful actress as seen in The 4400 and Dirt, just to name a few. But I also was sad, since it was obvious she would be there just to get killed in the opening.

    So the therapist is obviously in on, as probably is the cop too it. But I've started to doubt that Ivy isn't.

    How long was the guinea pig in the microwave? Did the clowns wait till Ivy and Ally walked in, then turned the microwave on and ran away?

    My biggest problem with this episode was, that at some point it was getting repetitive and lazy. "Oh, we're here and look what's happening there. Oh now we're looking at that, but how about this thing happening right here? Oh and what's that?"

    I agree with u about the guinea pig thing... the timing wasnt realistic at all lol. And the episode was kinda all over the place, but still enjoy that (like someone mentioned above) that its not a supernatural thing like prior seasons...its mostly just weird fucked up people terrorising other people. 


    On 9/20/2017 at 0:38 PM, Princess Sparkle said:

    I laughed for a ridiculously long time at "I'm worried Sonja Morgan has a drinking problem." It's not often two of my guilty pleasures meet up, but when they do, it's perfection (see also: Sarah Paulson meeting Dorinda on WWHL)

    Fucking epic! And best/fave part of the series!! 

    PLUS that bitch slap that came afterward!! Hahaha

    • Love 1
  21. 1 hour ago, BitterApple said:

    It's especially lame considering Adam tested positive in April and Chelsea and Gretchen Wiener, oops, I mean, Cole, didn't start clutching their pearls about it until June. 


    Love the gretchen weiner part!! ?

    • Love 7
  22. How random was the scene where they made chelsea bring up Ryan from TMog??? I get that shes boring now, and doesnt have much of a storyline...but that was ridiculous imo. Ryan driving under the influence has nothing to do with adam...yes, adam is a piece of shit, and yes, hes a terrible dad...but that whole made up scene by the producers was lame...just something for chelsea to talk about, and to continue having somewhat of a storyline. 

    • Love 10
  23. 5 minutes ago, lezlers said:

    I'll admit we don't take our kids on vacation with us.  More trouble than it's worth at the moment (they're 5 and 2.)  BUT...our kidless vacations are never more than 48 hours.  I couldn't imagine leaving them for 2 weeks even if I DID have family willing to take them that long.  That's too much.  Unfortunately it's not remotely surprising, coming from Jenelle.

    Didnt she go to st thomas with nathan too? Shows her selfishness that she would revisit a place without her kids AGAIN!! Lol

    • Love 3
  24. On 9/13/2017 at 4:03 PM, Mr. Minor said:

    I just watched this shit show again, my wife had not seen it. It took a baby shower to bring out the true scumbag in Briana. 

    Speaking of scumbags, the scene when Karl took the boys to class, she has absolutely no self awareness or consideration for anyone. Karl is the most hideous human on TV, and yes I have seen Danielle from 90 Day Fiancé.

    Even worst the danielle "prostituution whoooaah" staub? #rhnj lol 

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