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Posts posted by TimeToCancelTM

  1. Where do i even begin with this shit??

     Everytime Roxanne is on MY screen I say "ay dios mio....no puedo, i cant..."

    Disgusting is not enough to describe all 3 of them. From roxannes behavior, to brianas sillicone ass, to brittney not wearing pants! Wtf is wrong with these bitches? Still continuing to play out these dramatic scenarios in front of nova, no wonder the poor kid cries on her first day... the emotional damage that they're doing to her is beyond fucked up! Devoin AND luis are deadbeats and shitty ass men, and like others have mentioned they have my full sympathy because of these bitches. I could go on and on about this trainwreck family, luckily for them we have jenelle...

    That wedding was the saddest, fakest, shit ive ever seen. Marissa's face said it all!! 

    David's mom...weird af.... although, she may be the brains behind this fake shit show wedding and pushed david to marry this dumb bitch and take every last dime she has!! 

    Chelsea's 2nd wedding was beautiful, planned, organized and supported by REAL friends and family! Im not gonna lie, i teared up not only hearing aubreys speech (which was so beautiful and sweet ❤)...but when she walked out in her dress, and when they took their bridesmaid pics, and seeing they joy in all of their faces!

    I honestly think they should of closed the show with chelseas family, none of the other bitches have anything positive going on to make it a "happy ending" kind of thing.

    Leah's such a fucking hick...

    Jo and Vee, also beautiful family. Vee shows out and doesnt even try! Shes so pretty, and a normal wife, mother, friend..etc. hulk doesnt deserve ANY of these people in her life. Javi needs to grow a pair, know that its a blessing he didnt end up with this beast! 

    Lastly, fuck Donna! 

    • Love 22
  2. 1 minute ago, GreatKazu said:

    This particular case is on our news everyday due to it being a So. California case. Very graphic and disturbing.

    Jace may not have the perfect surroundings a lot of the times, but his life fares better when he is not around Jenelle and UBT. Barb's life would be better as well if she didn't have to communicate with Jenelle.  

    Yes!!! Im from so cal too and it hit so hard and close to home... punishing the piece of shit mother is not enough!! 


    Barb has had a real tough road raising her grandkids at such an older age, but its the best thing that could of happened to those kids. I dont know anything about jennelles sister, but i do know for sure that jace is in the best care he could be in...away from jenelle and not in foster care.

    • Love 16
  3. 46 minutes ago, GreatKazu said:

    There are also the cases where children in the foster system are missing because CPS doesn't do any follow-ups or visits. http://www.sun-sentinel.com/sfl-amissing11aug11-story.html

    One of the most infamous cases of these missing children was Rilya Wilson of Miami who has never been located: http://miami.cbslocal.com/2012/12/05/testimony-to-resume-in-case-of-rilya-wilsons-death/

    Same with gabriel hernandez. CPS made several visits to this family's home because the mothers boyfriend (an ex con) was beating her son....nothing was done and they found the kid dead mos later... so sad how our system is fucked up.

    • Love 7
  4. 3 minutes ago, Mkay said:

    I MAYBE have one picture taken of myself (reluctantly) every 3 yrs.  Leah, Kail, Jenelle, always always post three or more pics of themselves a day.  


    And who has someone follow them around and set up these pics?? Like..ok, hold your gold beatsbydre headphones, look away, make sure the LV is facing forward...look natural...like if chris gave a shit about u and is walking over to you holding baby suds.

    • Love 10
  5. 8 hours ago, GreatKazu said:
    On 11/1/2017 at 10:21 PM, GreatKazu said:


    In the season finale, Jenelle walks down the aisle dead sod with her possession, Jace; Chelsea celebrates her wedding for a second time in a different dress; Leah tries to get Gracie up earlier to help Addie get ready for preschool; Kailyn contacts RadarOnline to inform them she is giving birth to a child who shall remain nameless because she doesn't know who the father is. 


    LMFAO!!! You always come thru with these!!!@GreatKazu

    Thanks boo, i needed this today! ???

    • Love 10
  6. 17 minutes ago, littleB1rdy said:

    I know it's his job and he has a family he needs to provide for but I can't exactly call Dustin a saint when he's helped that cunt get away with so much because she has money she never earned.

    He's her "saul goodman" ... 

    • Love 6
  7. 1 hour ago, MyPeopleAreNordic said:

    My husband sleeps on demand, too, and it's infuriating! Ugh! It must be a husband thing! 


    Keiffer is a major loser by all normal standards....but even with his heroin habit and issues, I think he still may be *too good* for Jenelle......

    Keiffer looks like a prince (a homeless, perpetually green-hoodied, dope head prince, but still...) compared to David and Nathan. 

    I'm dying!!! LMFAOOOO!!!!

    • Love 6
  8. Briana is a lazy, unmotivated hoe... this is why shes cramped up in her moms tiny ass apt, If this bitch had any sense at all she'd know that what she is, is 100% worst than farrah. At least farrah uses her pussy to make money and provide for sophia without popping out more kids by guys she meets at clubs.

    There are strippers that are nobodies (as in not famous) that would laugh at brianas bank account!!! GTFOH with "that is disgusting".... disgusting are youre thirsty ass tweets, your fake injected ass, you meeting a random at a club and getting knocked up, you making BOTH your daughters share a room with u, you eating..your family...i could go on and on about how "disgusting" this bitch is.

    • Love 13
  9. 7 hours ago, GreatKazu said:

    I don't think it was ever mentioned Devoin's family has money.

    As Mama Dawn says, "That don't make no sense."

    I never heard of that either, but it really doesnt change anything because riiiine's family has money and he's still a deadbeat.

    • Love 6
  10. 5 hours ago, alexa said:

    That whole sod thing is just plain weird.  I know everyone has said it, but maybe it can't be said enough.... why would you be laying sod the day before your wedding, and on the same day you expect tents and a dance floor?  People are busy on the day before their wedding tending to the wedding details...not yard work.  They are such weirdos.  I do love how relaxed and normal Chelsea was in comparison.  She is just getting her dress, not revamping her yard.  lol

    I also loved how involved she was with aubree trying on the dress...poor little marrissa stood there looking miserable as ever with this cunt just sitting there, took 1 pic and didnt compliment her, assure her that she looks beautiful...nothing. i can understand chelseas relationship with HER own daughter will be different then jennelles STEP daughter relationship, but she chose marrissa to be IN the wedding...shes such a disconnected, dilusional, useless, selfish, insufferable, trainwreck bitch. 

    • Love 18
  11. 6 hours ago, MissMel said:

    Kail just wanted to "win" Chris.  She probably hates his main chick and thought she would be the side piece that he would move into the main squeeze spot.  Especially because she's white and blonde and pregnant.  Nobody must have ever told her that that rarely happens.  The guy is not going to leave a long term chick that knows he plays around on the side, too.  Kail's big ego burned her and now all she has left to show for it is bubble lips, a diaper ass, and a nameless baby with no daddy.

    I "unliked" this...just to like it again!!! 

    • Love 12
  12. 4 hours ago, Tatum said:

    You're nicer than me. I think Leah's days (even with full, professional makeup) of passing for a college aged girl are long gone. She looks to me like the run of the mill 30 something trophy wife of a Midwestern real estate broker who drops the kids off at school or daycare then goes to the gym and would call Gwyneth Paltrow her idol.

    And has a cocktail of vicodin, percocet, and fentanyl during her day. 

    • Love 6
  13. 5 hours ago, lasandi said:

    The girlies never got the definition for motivated.  Alie said, "we don't even know what motivated means."  Leah said, "yes you do, I told you what motivated means".  Gracie said, "I haven't learned about it yet."  Leah said, "I'm feeling nervous, happy". Gracie said, "why you feeling nervous?"  I say, "what happened to the definition of motivated Leah.?"  

    What she meant was... "i was up all night (only reason she was up in time to get them to school on time) doing pillses and now im loopy af trynna figure out what the deffnition' of motivated means" 

    I also noticed, the shit in her car is still there cause the girlses had to climb out her driver door to get out ?

    • Love 8
  14. 2 hours ago, CaliforniaLove said:

    Oh. My. God. The sight of squat ass cum dumpster Jenelle chasing David around in his little toy while he yells "I'm workin'!" *vrooom* *vrooom* *spin* *turn* "I'M WORKIN'!!!", was one of the most hilarious things I've seen on this show. 

    "Raise your hands if you've ever felt personally victimized by Jenelle Evans." *entire crew raises hands*

    Fuuuck Im in real tears!!! ???

    • LOL 1
    • Love 6
  15. 1 hour ago, Mkay said:

    People are saying she deleted all

    her tweets.  They say that the nasty tweets are yrs old. No matter when, it’s still disgusting. ?

    Even if it was years ago, she was still a mother... i doubt it was longer than 8 years ago which is how old nova is. Again, like mentioned above, nothing wrong with a healthy sex life...but this is dirty whore life... and the fact that she has 2 daughters who can easily look this up one day...is beyond degradeable.


    **side note too.. imo

    Even if youre a single 20 something year old woman, putting this shit online only says 1 thing about u. And briana fits EVERY single part of that!! A dirty skank that NO man will ever wife up or take serious. 

    • Love 6
  16. 12 minutes ago, GreatKazu said:

    She has no problem posting *igga and retweeting any posts where the N word is used. 

    Kail keeping it real - being an abuser, a racist, and a hoe. That is the extent of her keeping it real. 

    I hate her for so many reasons but THIS is one of my main reasons... she thinks because she has biracial children and 2 black friends...she can throw that word around like nothing. I'm italian, grew up with a lot of african american friends(some of my bestfriends actually), and have NEVER used or have reffered to them in such a derogatory way. The reason this pig bitch is so ugly, is because she's hideous inside and out, her poor beautiful children will grow up just as confused as her dumbass is...never knowing any type of culture, just garbage like her.


    *actually, isaac and lincoln may have a chance thanks to jo and the morraquins being in their lives...poor baby suds stands alone with this beast...?

    • Love 11
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