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Posts posted by TimeToCancelTM

  1. 2 minutes ago, GreatKazu said:

    Kail and Jo smoked weed together. I assume she did that before Jo came along. That may be how they connected. 



    She needs some good shit. Girl is uptight without a dick between her legs. Kail tweeting she is laughing is really her covering up for the fact she is an uptight twat who is pissed at someone. lol 

    Fuuuck this is so funny and true!!! Lol

    I wonder if jo still smokes? At least occasionally...and i wonder if vee smokes with him?? She seems chill, like i picture them in the garage after vivi's asleep...getting stoned and laughing at the beasts twitter rants lol 

    • Love 6
  2. 1 minute ago, CaliforniaLove said:

    Was she referring to recent years, or when she was a teenager? I'm asking because if anything I'd suggest she toke up to mellow the F out....but maybe she already is & that's why she's always laughing hysterically & going to bed?

    THIS!!! ??????

    • Love 2
  3. 2 minutes ago, GreatKazu said:

    Kail was a pot smoker. She acknowledged it. 

    Really??? Lol id never picture her getting high. I know jo did/does but she comes off so fucking pretentious and uptight... its hard to see her doing anything "relaxing" lol

    • Love 3
  4. 4 hours ago, ghoulina said:

    I thought Frank Sr. was overreacting. I've got boys, it could be WAY messier than it was. Also, we don't know what's going on with editing. That scene could have been filmed the afternoon they left for Boca. They COULD have been Delores's dishes. 


    I thought they were saying "Sobby" at first. But I think I like Soggy even better!


    You're not alone. This is MUCH more fun than OC. I'm enjoying it so far. 


    I love those simple, at-home scenes with the girls. When Papa Gorga told Milania to eat a banana, I cracked up so hard. 

    Papa gorga seems like he may be a jerk, but i honestly think thats just the way old school italian men are. My nono was the same way...he came off like a grumpy mean old man, but was the most loving, caring grandfather/father anyone could ever have. He'd always have some old italian sayings about life in general...always made us food and joked with us the same way. 

    • Love 17
  5. 34 minutes ago, GreatKazu said:

    I don't believe the film crew stays in their home at night. I believe they are sleeping nearby such as in an RV. There was some hoopla a couple of seasons ago about Farrah's producer (Heather) being allowed to sleep inside her house. She was fired because they are not supposed to sleep in the cast member's house. Not sure if that was the case, but that is what was put out there about why Heather is no longer Farrah's producer. 

    During TMOG a few seasons back, Cate had a meltdown or something. There was some drama at her home. All we heard was the audio where the dogs and the pig in the house were making loud noises along with Nova crying.  This happened in the middle of the night. The producers happened to be there to capture Cate crying upset on the couch. I figure they must have been sleeping somewhere nearby and an RV is the only thing that makes sense. 

    The crew members film anywhere from 1-2 weeks. That is why you will notice the producer and the cast members sometimes wearing the same clothes in different episodes. 

    Thank u for clarifying that...ive always wondered if they stayed with them or not...makes sense that they would be very near by.... especially with the dejesus klan....4 am meltdowns are probably a nightly ritual.

    • Love 6
  6. 2 minutes ago, Pepper Mostly said:

    Kail cares a lot what people think. So her house is like her representation of her worth to the world. "See? I am a successful human who has risen above my humble beginnings! Look at my beautifully decorated home!" (matter of opinion, I know. I find her taste a little twee but I like her color choices. Her house looks bright and cheerful--so many of the girls' houses look dark).

    It may be that Chelsea, who's been at this a long time now, just isn't into caring what people think. If her house is cluttered, well, so be it. She has a lot to do--she has a new baby, an 8 year old, a husband. She is probably the only one whose whole life doesn't revolve around TM2, but around her family and her regular life, and TM2 is just something she does. Shrug. I like Chelsea, I think she's come a long way, and if she and Cole are happy and like to be silly and are devoted to each other, more power to them. If her house is a normal family home and not spit and polished before the crew turns up, to me that just says that they can take her as they find her, clutter on the stairs and Aubree's messy room and all. I like a clean house but my son's room was a catastrophe when he was a kid. I just closed the door and went on with my life.

    Amen!!! Chelseas "reality" is what keeps me watching this trainwreck of a show...

    • Love 5
  7. 14 hours ago, GreatKazu said:

    I agree with your entire post. I specifically wanted to respond to this part of it. 

    Briana, Nova, and Stella share a room. I am baffled myself as to why the whole house must be awaken for the middle of the night feedings. Why is it Briana cannot just walk out into the living room and feed her child? It is as if they are all purposely taking advantage of the camera to take digs at Luis and to show how hard they have it and how much they are all suffering. If anyone watches the scene again, check out when Brittany stands up to get Stella out of Briana's arms. She quickly glances over to the camera and makes a remark about how Luis should be there to do what she is doing. It was quick and what she said was a bit muffled, but that is what she said. I am so tired of her remarks and I am so tired of hearing their complaints. You know what, it is time to stop this shit and just deal with the issue at hand. It is a situation Briana created because she chose not to abort. She chose not to hand over the child to Luis. She chose not to go through with the faux adoption threat. She chose to keep the child in spite of all the many glaring red flags. 

    Good point. With all the faux and fakery we watch on this show, it is nice to see when the real stuff isn't altered or changed just because the cameras are around. If only Chelsea would remove the damn make-up so we can see the real face. 

    I remember a scene when the cameras went into Kail's bedroom when she was married to Javi. She quickly moved a pile of clothes that were placed on a chair. As much snark as she received for the pile of clothes, I felt it was a real moment. It was something I could relate to. You can walk into my house right now and see a very clean home. Walk into my bedroom and you will see four loads of laundry that need to be folded and put away and clutter. I recently went to a relative's home for a birthday party. I offered to change her baby's diaper during the party. She told me, "Please don't judge me when you go up the stairs." I saw some toys on the stair steps and then saw a pile of clothes and other items strewn around at the top.  It is the reality of having kids in a home. There is a difference between clutter like what Kail and Chelsea have in their homes versus what Leah's home and cars look like. 

    That part!!! Completely agree with your post. Im a messy person but def not dirty...lol just like u mentioned, i have a kid and my nieces and nephews are always coming over so my house/life is overwhelmed with toys and laundry...lol 

    Leah is a pack-rat, and we've all seen that dirty ass carpet that addie was eating cheeseballs off of. Couple seasons back (pilses era) she opened her fridge to get something out, and it was disgusting!!! Tons of left over shit... (that i assume is old) opened frosting cans with the lid off, and fast food soda cups.... Same with the bathrooms...chelsea and kail seem like its just, everyday mom shit...not filth. 

    • Love 5
  8. 6 minutes ago, BitterApple said:

    I think what scares me the most is how Jenelle and David go from zero to ass whoopin' whenever Kaiser is concerned. Kaiser wasn't even acting up or crying until Dave and Jenelle flipped out, started yelling and dragged him away from the camera. 

    I was also really thrown when Kaiser smacked Jace with the stick. I know kids can get rough, but that was really aggressive and seemed way beyond normal play. Since children mimic behavior, it's scary to think about what goes on in that home when the film crew isn't around.

    It's also scary to consider that Maryssa and Aubree are the same age, yet one child is aged and weary while the other doesn't have a care in the world. 

    Yes to your whole post!! I also notice the difference with watson and ensley... their development has everything to do with the enviornment their in. Ensley is absolutely beautiful!! Yet she looks so disengaged... ? not a happy baby... my heart breaks for those 3 kids.

    • Love 9
  9. 15 minutes ago, Uncle JUICE said:

    I thought you mean he hates his first name just as much as you hate HIS first name. I was like damn, cold, but I get it :). 

    Lmao!!! I thought that too...and i hate his fist name too...??

    • Love 1
  10. 1 minute ago, Rebecca said:

    I don't like watching Briana but at this point I'd rather they add Mackenzie and take away all of the rest or just kill the show. They all suck to watch, for various reasons.

    I wonder if Jenelle truly believes what she says or if she just thinks other people are dumber than herself and she's narcissistic enough to think she's fooling the majority of viewers?

    From my experience of dealing with woman who are battered or in a similar situation(not saying in ANY way jennelle is a victim) but they always seem to carry the guilt and the obligation to keep up a fake ass facade that everything is "perfect". I think they (i.e woman in that type of situation) think if they tell themselves and everyone else that everything is perfect, it'll eventually be that way. Again..jmo

    18 hours ago, Pepper Mostly said:

    Luis is not supposed to sleep. He needs to be awake 24 hours a day, because "stepping up to the plate" means never sleeping, especially at his own house. As I posted upthread, even if Luis had no need to sleep, was a fully trained baby nurse with money hanging out of his pockets, and a giant shopping bag full of diapers and wipes which magically never emptied, he would still not be enough for this crew of whining sourpusses. They'd bitch about the brand of the magical diapers and ask why Luis had to be awake all the time, taking up space in their house, breathing their air, and requiring food. 

    FML!!! Im dying at your post!!! On Jesus this is TRUE!!! ??????

    • Love 4
  11. 5 minutes ago, Calm81 said:

    @JuliesMommy I've been wondering about the late night scenes, too. Like, do they sleep over when filming (they were at Farrah's late, late at night when she went into labor.) or are they told to call up the camera crew and reenact part of what was missed?

    Eitherway, I'm sooooo over Brianna and her mother. It's not even snark worthy, as I just want them dumb women off my screen and to not get rich for being lazy and stupid.

    When I see poor Nova lose sleep because Brianna has to make sure the entire coven is awake while she burps the baby is very insensitive.

    Nova needs her OWN sleeping space with a newborn in the house. They could've bitched about Louis in the kitchen so Nova could sleep. It was sad when they zoomed in on Nova and she's got the "trying to keep my eyes open" look on her face. Or the look on her face that new parents of a newborn have. 

    When Brianna said "I should be sleeping right now" I hollered at the screen "No!!! Your daughter, NOVA should be asleep right now as your ass is the mother of a newborn baby and is responsible for being up late to tend to Stella while your growing, innocent in this mess, child gets her proper amount of sleep to grow healthy!!!"

    You can't expect Louis to feel comfortable sleeping on the couch with women calling him a loser constantly. I think he would rather bond and care for Stella in the comfort of his own home. I'd be damned if I'm going to sit and care for my new baby while someone constantly yells and degrades me. Even if Louis is a loser, the dude showed up to make an attempt and they squashed all of jos attempts of being involved.

    MTV, you're NOT adding ANYTHING to this show by adding Brianna. We don't like her and it's not because she wasn't there from the beginning, viewers just don't want to watch her!!!! We don't like Jenelle either but we watch her to keep an eye out on her kids wellbeing.

    I don't like Jenelle's producer Kristen. She is one of those people that acts sweet and innocent but is a shit stirrer.

    She was playing dumb with her "oh, I could've sworn you guys were fighting" crap!! Poor Maryssa had a look on her face that read "Kristen, you bitch!! They finally calmed down from that fight at 4:30am and now your dumbass has to bring attention back to it and I'll have to hear it all over again when your dumbass leaves after filming!!!!". 

    Normally I wouldn't think an 8 year old girl (I think she's 8?) would think or talk like that but after the shit Maryssa has seen I wouldn't be shocked if she did. Poor girl has witnessed life of a 40 year old woman in an 8 year olds body. ?


    I felt bad for Ali. It's almost like she's becoming angry and bitter due to her limitations. When she was sitting there on her wheel chair bitching about everything from being sweaty, bored and wanting to leave I felt sadness for her and I wanted to hug her.

    She's at the age where shes understanding her condition much more and it's effecting her mood (just guessing). She needs extensive therapy with a reputable therapist to answer any question Ali has about muscular dystrophy and to express her honest feelings.

    I can't expect Corey or Leah to be perfect but Ali would have been less irritated and impatient during the fishing trip had she had a nice outdoor canary tent over her while she played with her iPad, colored, or played with play dough - SOMETHING!!! Those canopy tents don't cost too much and are easy to setup and take down. I'd HATE to sit and watch people fishing let lone be stuck on a chair with the sun beating down on me. That sweet little girl. 

    Maaaan, THIS!!!^^^^ everything you said! I wish i could like this a thousand times. From brianna's stupid ass to poor little Ali... 

    • Love 3
  12. 8 minutes ago, ghoulina said:

    When I was in jr high I hated my name so much and wanted to start going by my middle name. I tried writing it on my papers at school, but it never really stuck. Now I'm kind of glad, because I like my name. I don't have a general issue with kids choosing to go by a middle name. But A. I think Lincoln is still a bit young for that and B. I always have to wonder if this was really KAIL'S doing....as is everything. 

    That beast will do ANYTHING for attention....i wouldn't be surprised if that's something she heard is "lit" to do on "worldstar" 

    • Love 2
  13. I posted this in the brianna thread, but this bitch is so boring...no one goes on there lol. So here we go...


    Heres what i dont get, (maybe someone can explain). Does the film crew stay with them while they film? How is it that mtv was at briannas moms tiny ass apt at 4:30 am after luis left? And if they werent there (which im assuming they stay in a hotel nearby maybe?) Did these bitches get up, wake nova up, call the producers over, set up the scenario, have their coven meetin, just to film about "luis fucking up" again?? 


    Im so sick of these bitches... poor little nova and stella. 

    • Love 14
  14. Heres what i dont get, (maybe someone can explain). Does the film crew stay with them while they film? How is it that mtv was at briannas moms tiny ass apt at 4:30 am after luis left? And if they werent there (which im assuming they stay in a hotel nearby maybe?) Did these bitches get up, wake nova up, call the producers over, set up the scenario, have their coven meetin, just to film about "luis fucking up" again?? 


    Im so sick of these bitches... poor little nova and stella. 

    • Love 3
  15. I wonder where and what keiffer is up to these days?? OHMYGOD Duuuude, those were the good ole days, life was so easy when making pipes, getting stoned on barbs front porch, breaking in and staying at a "friends" beach house, fighting tori, and going to kesha concerts were my only concerns. 


    • Love 14
  16. 3 minutes ago, CaliforniaLove said:

    But she's not too lazy to write herself a Mother's Day (weekend/week/month/eternity) card & pass it off as if Maryssa did it! 

    I loved how when she was fighting with Barb she said something along the lines of "I've been fine all day! They've been filming me being happy all day!!"...note we saw nothing of said prior happiness make it to air.

    The delusion that this woman lives in is frightening... 

    • Love 14
  17. 1 hour ago, alexa said:

    This scene was a little odd given that they normally have Ali out playing tball/softball (not agreeing with this as a good thing--just saying).  All of the sudden she has to just sit in her chair and and can't move around at all?  Not making light of her condition, just saying it was a little strange that she seemed stuck in her wheelchair all of the sudden, and couldn't participate at all.

    I completely agree!! Almost as if to show everyone "see, see how sad she is in that chair!! This is why we dont push it on her to use it" type of thing... jmo

    • Love 4
  18. 7 minutes ago, Straycat80 said:

    I agree with the posts about Grandma Doris and/or Nathan stepping in to get Kaiser away from Jenelle and UBT but what's the story with Maryssa's mother? Where is she in this? Why is she allowing her daughter to live/spend time in this toxic, abusive situation? 

    Ive asked myself the same thing!! Where is this woman?? And why does someone like david have custody of her?

    • Love 4
  19. 25 minutes ago, TeenMomAngerMgmt said:

    See, I took the opposite view. We rarely see them cater to Gracie at all (which is why she acts out, IMO). 

    You could be right, i judge the shit out of these hicks...but the truth is, its gotta be difficult for all of them to adjust and learn how to deal with alys needs. I do feel for gracie too, dont get me wrong.

    • Love 5
  20. 2 minutes ago, GreatKazu said:

    Yes, and one of them asked Leah to take them to the gas station to pick up some food because they were hungry. 

    @Booger666 Agree. I like how Cory handled the situation with Gracie by asking her what she was feeling. I felt a twinge of hope when the episode ended with Leah and Gracie talking openly about what bothered her. I really like how Leah spoke with her. She didn't talk AT her. It was such a gentle manner, a solution was offered, and Gracie agreed. It helped to lower my blood pressure after watching Jenelle's scenes.  I am happy for these two for being able to work things out without all the drama that used to consume the situation. Leah was to blame for that happening. 

    I totally forgot that part!! Proves even more of yours and everyone else's point about the shit they eat.

    • Love 2
  21. 2 minutes ago, BitterApple said:

    I think Leah, like many in her demographic, is completely clueless about nutrition. She probably figures the twins' diet is fine because neither girl is overweight. 

    Even at the gas station you can buy protein bars, string cheese, bananas, packages of nuts, yogurts etc., so even if 7-11 was the only option in the vicinity, they don't have to eat crap. It's just what they're used to, so real food doesn't appeal to them.

    Exactly! And i remember a couple of seasons ago, she was taking the girlses to school late af and one of them mentioned being starvin' and leah said something like "yall juss gone have to have brehfasst at school" and gracie?(cant remember which one) was crying and said miranda always makes them breakfast...hopefully their getting "some" sort of home cookin' yall..lol

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