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  1. I just watched the episode about Stacey Devine, the mother of two who was killed by her evil husband in Arkansas. Are there any updates? I read an article saying a trial was to be had last fall, but there's nothing about the outcome.
  2. Like others, I enjoyed this season but thought it was subpar compared to others Given how it unfolded, I don't see why Prax couldn't have featured. Bobbie was on Mars, Chrisjen on Earth, they could have followed Prax on Ganymede and we see the fallout from that perspective. Then all the Ilus stuff with the Rocinante. I just hope Prax is back in S5. From the new characters I only liked Murty, because the actor did a good job even though the character himself was unlikeable. And Marco, who is very easy on the eye. His plan for the belters has me intrigued, he keeps talking about others not seeing the big picture, well what is that?
  3. This is so odd. I was looking to see how Lowe got involved with Wild Bill, which is about to air in the UK. And the shows sound similar. I'm now wondering which came first.
  4. Heads up for UKers, they've been showing Smallville from S1 on 5Star, channel 30 on Freeview. You can also watch it on their catchup service my5. It's been fun seeing the show again. Rosenbaum truly was so great as Lex.
  5. I began watching this show on 5USA (UK) for Lee Tergesen. I saw him in the promos. I'm liking it so far. I love Kick, the actress plays her very well. At first I was annoyed with Bishop, he seemed too pushy and know-it-all, but I'm slowly warming to him. I just hope there is no romance with Kick. The set-up is farfetched, but I'm willing to go with it because the show has been enjoyable.
  6. Like the tv adaption of The Lost Boys, I don't have much hope for this show, but I'll probably give it chance. So much will rest on the casting and depiction of Lestat, which is no easy task. I do like the idea of the show beginning with Lestat's story in Paris.
  7. I binged watch this show last week and absolutely love it. I knew I was all in when Happy found Nick in the ambulance and sang his song. 🎵The happy horse, horse, horse. So full of fun of course, of course! 🎵 lol! I was legit like Nick, whoa, what is this!? Oswalt is perfect as Happy. And I didn't think Meloni would ever again reach the heights of Keller, but Nick Sax is the perfect character for him to let loose.
  8. I wouldn't be surprised. Think of all the shows filmed in Canada, I'm sure a good number of actors/crew were targetted.
  9. Clayne being uninsurable is the key. They can't go on with him if that's the case, which is probably what forced everyone's hand in firing him. The question then is what made him uninsurable. It adds weight to the theory he has a drug problem which escalated. It would certainly explain why he was throwing any kind of punch at a 78 year old fellow actor! The mandated therapy was probably done to try and salvage things with the insurers who threatened to pull out. Studios will put up with just about anything as long they're making money. So it had to have become a practical road block that Fox and WB couldn't overcome.
  10. A drug problem would explain a lot. The secrecy, the mandated therapy, the difficult behaviour. All while still gaining support from some of the cast/crew. He probably unloaded on someone important at WB.
  11. I guess it wasn't just pr! He must have really messed up for them to fire him. I read there's recordings of his behaviour, so something may leak.
  12. Could this be a pr stunt? I mean this drama has got people talking. I wouldn't be surprised if it's renewed and Crawford is still there.
  13. If that's true, then it's even worse than I thought. I assumed she'd come to her senses and go for a plea deal, but if she's ride or die for Keith then truly, screw her. Even now while facing serious charges, she's getting opportunities and chances to turn it around, if she wants to spit on that, then a-okay. And have people seen the last post on her twitter/instagram? It's a very worrisome video of a boy who is apparently part of this cult. The way he's speaking is not normal for a child of his age, he's clearly been indoctrinated. I've read that the trafficking charges include child victims, but it's being kept from the media. I don't know what to believe, the whole thing is crazy and in my opinion only the tip of a much bigger issue concerning abusive powerful people.
  14. Apparently Allison's parents have worked for NXIVM and defended them after being told to get Allison out. This doesn't surprise me one bit. I've been wondering where they are while their daughter's life is taken over and destroyed. Seeing as Allison is now co-conspirator #1, I guess we'll eventually learn what happened.
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